
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 19 June 2010

What's your own personal theory about what causes FM/CFS/ME?

*I must have been a very bad person in other life to be made to suffer the way I am in this one.

*Whether it be accident, illness or my case a difficult pregnancy.

*That really isn't how it works. Bad things happen to all people.

*me too !!

*Working theory on both my FM and ME is that they have been caused by Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

*My theory is when the dr don't know what's causing all your symptoms its fibro.

*I've just had my adrenal's checked by saliva tests and they are showing signs of fatigue. This seems to be the first thing that has made sense to me as a cause, as I think this started in me after a very challenging trip to Nepal whilst ill with several illnesses. It was obviously just too much for my body.

*In my case I think traumatic child hood as was physically abused plus other life problems and stress

*I agree some type of trauma or illness...I was extremely anaemic with the birth of my last daughter. This is when I was diagnosed. I have read it could be brought on by trauma or illness. Whatever, the cause, I pray my daughters don't have to experience this (which there have been signs). It's not all in your head as they first thought 23 yrs.
I was lucky to have a doc that diagnosed this 23 yrs ago, only thing is. I have had a few docs since then, and I especially remember one. I told him I had fibro, so everything that was wrong with me even sore throat was because of fibro.
He stood in the door one day and said, you have fibro, it's never gonna get any better, only worse and you have to deal with it. I looked at him and said, and you think I am paying for that advice. OMG sometimes it was like DUH. tell me something that I don't already know!

*I recently saw a Dr. very knowledgeable about this. It was at a Fibromyalgia & Fatigue clinic, several of them in the US. It may very well be in the adrenal's or anywhere in the body where the mitochondria of the cells don't allow the proper nutrients in. It can be genetic or caused by emotional or physical trauma.

*Faulty cellular apotheosis due to damaged cytochrome C or damage to the ion exchange cycle in mitochondrial respiration causing cells to Glycolise and become inefficient releasing ATP into the body to cause ALL KNOWN SYMPTOMS of Fibromyalgia.

*There could be a few ways I got F/M. I had mono and viral meningitis when I was in high school. I also had a hysterectomy and 2 c-sections. Then I got a divorce and found out after 3 years that he molested my daughter. he abused both of the children and me through out the marriage. I think stress and add on a low immune system came together to cause my F/M. At least that's what the Dr's have told me.

*Wish I knew. I have still to be officially diagnosed but my gp agrees with me, that it seems very much like fibro that I'm suffering. Back at rheumatologist in early June, however he was more interested in the fact that I have haemochromotosis even though I'm female.

*I used to say In a past life I was a man that used and abused women and this life is my punishment, but I guess I finally paid my dues cause life is grand.

Adrenal's makes sense to me, since the main triggers (physical and/or emotional trauma) would very much involve adrenal overload.

*I don't know - mine started to appear shortly after I had my first ever bout of hayfever.

*Stress, stress and more stress caused by things that have happened in your lives.

*I'm pretty sure my fibro started after I had a small accident falling off of a motorcycle. It was shortly after the accident that I started feeling these horrible symptoms of fibro.

*I've had my symptoms for at least 15 years, and it's hard to pinpoint an actual start and one cause, but I've had several traumas/illnesses that could have led to it. I had likely Rheumatic Fever as a baby, then several bouts with "mock mono" as pre/early teen. I'm also hypermobile and have had several serious injuries, all which could have contributed.
If I were to pick just one, I'd say the "mock mono" as that was closest to the time it started, and it's believed to be a cause.

*My doc says it's caused by Hashimoto's and Sjorgren's Syndrome. I think it has something to do with emotional trauma. I fought so hard to help my son, he has a form of autism, to be able to be in mainstream school that I basically couldn't breathe until I knew he would be all right.
When he reached all his goals and was thriving, then I fell apart physically. I feel like I was holding my breath for 5 years. Now he is doing wonderfully and is above average academically, and socializes beautifully with his peers, I am so thankful. Thank the Lord! I wouldn't change anything, because my son may not be where he is today.

*I feel the same way. I must have been a helion! Lol, honestly I think its a virus of some kind, although I was extremely abused as a child too so. I'm not positive.

*Adrenal's would be one thing. I have a tumour in the left adrenal medulla that was discovered in 2006. Adrenal's have so much to do with the nervous system. I've also experienced major traumas of all types my entire life, physical, emotional, mental and 9 major surgeries.

*Aliens. The end.

*A sense of humour is a must, if this was an ultra bad day I would have written many many more words, love to all

*I've done so much research into this & I've put together my own "theory" as it could loosely be called. I've had a lot of stress & trauma, both physical & emotional from my teens onwards so this fits. I can't remember the technical terms, but I have read plenty of research that supports this.

Basically the body gets stuck in the "fight or flight" state. Stress hormones are released too freely & the body doesn't flush away the stress hormones the way it should and over time this "poisons" your whole system.

This means the body is constantly trying to tense up (ready to run or fight) & this draws blood away from the organs meaning they have to work harder, the hormones keep firing & don't get fully replenished OR flushed out so we live in a permanent state of "whole body anxiety" almost!
No wonder we feel tired, ill & achy so much of the time!

*One doc I saw said that eventually they will come to the conclusion that it is all auto-immune.

*I think it's something to do with the spine and trapped fluid.

*I know of too many people who were victims of abuse who's immune systems just went haywire that now have CFIDS or FM.

*Stress, Physical Trauma, Mine came on hard after a motorcycle accident, then had to have my thyroid removed due to a sudden case of Graves disease, then a hysterectomy due to endometriosis, all within about 18 months. But before that I suffered A LOT of physical abuse and stress from a very abusive relationship. Done a number on me, then came the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia in 1990.

*Stress, physical & emotional trauma. I was abused physically as a child, emotionally and physically in my early 20s. Went on to work in a very stressful environment. I was a go getter, handled everything in my job and at home until the day fibro hit me.

*After my second child I had many problems including an infection with a temp of 105 and had to stay in the hospital for 12 days. I think this is when it started. I haven't felt the same since then and that was 14 years ago.

*It is autoimmune, like Lupus.

*Started by me coxsackievirus.

*I think it's part genetics. I inherited mine, but triggered by other factors, mine was food poisoning and then later on a virus, traumatic childbirth didn't help either!
The virus had the most impact, that was when my energy finally deserted me! Glad it had no effect on my sense of humour though!

*I feel blessed someone shared with me, feel now it is up to me to share it with others. What others do with it is up to them. I love you Fibro duck. You help us all share, learn & heal with given this place to chat. Thanks!

*I think it has to due with trauma. I was in a car accident that I ended up hitting my head. I think it made all brain connections go crazy & now I only receive "Pain" signals, and stress on top of the pain only makes it worse!

*My theory is autoimmune also. Several of my family had autoimmune diseases. I was diagnosed with Lupus for 12 years then the tests started coming back negative. I, too, had rheumatic fever, mono, pneumonia, stress upon stress, and been assaulted.
I have had insomnia all my life and I feel it is a major contributor. The onset occurred by my reckoning, after the birth of my first child when my thyroid started losing function. This is the end of my whine, thanks I feel better now. 8=)

*Stress/trauma both physical and emotional to the point where body says "no I've had enough" and gives in to FMS/CFS/ME type illnesses.

*I don't really know what my theory is and I probably spend too much time researching FMS to see what it could have caused it.

My first symptoms started when I was 11 just after starting secondary school. At the time I did consider much else other than the pain and for 4 years that was all I complained about to the doctor cause I assumed everything else was because of the pain. Thinking back now around that time I had the worst flu I've ever had (I used to survive badly with flu until I started getting flu jabs) and I started my periods, as well as starting secondary school and throughout childhood there were family stresses.

So I agree in the idea that it could start from a viral infection, as well as stress triggering it. I spend my life feeling wound up and on edge, never knowing what my body will throw at me. I currently live with my boyfriend and find I am constantly biting at him if I wake up in pain, even though it's not his fault at all. If I have energy and don't feel too much pain I can be so happy and giggling, and feel like a child again. But whenever I feel my energy levels going or my pain increasing, or other things such as an IBS flare-up, I find it completely changes my mood and its one of the most difficult parts to deal with sometimes.

I'm currently at university, and though I struggle with both the course and social side, I thoroughly love it. I want to be a teacher when I'm older, and hopefully I'll be able to manage my dream.
To everyone else suffering out there, Stay positive.

*Severe stress

*It is interesting to me how many different theories there are. I associated mine with the horrible labour of my first son followed by food poisoning and possibly the depo shot.
Since then, I have come to believe that a lot of the 'poison' that we call food is a major contributing factor. My symptoms have completely changed with a healthy diet involving lots of fruits and veggies and water. If I have dairy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, grease, or pretty much any processed food I immediately notice symptoms flaring up.

*A common thread I see through these posts and in life is abuse.

*I think maybe the birth of my daughter @ 24 weeks and the trauma after though was told by doc after the birth of my son that my white blood cells were way too high and if I felt ill to see gp only remembered that when it was too late . It has already taken hold big time ,just didnt know it then!

*My theory, An overload of a chemical called "Substance P" that is found in the area of the brain responsible for perceiving pain. The overload causes your brain and central nervous system to not communicate properly, thus causing you to have pain for seemingly no reason at all. I think the overload of the chemical is caused as a response to prolonged periods of high stress and/or depression (due to trauma, illness, etc.)

WIKI link



*Stress! Probably caused by very messy divorce
Now very happy with my wonderful partner and he has to take care of me because of somone elses actions : NOT FAIR!
But am happy now, that's all that counts

*I think it's your thyroid!

*autoimmune gene or deficiency that's inherited, common in RA families


*I go with the American research that it is neurological like M.S, something the medical profession here fail to acknowledge, surprise surprise!

*An extreme emotional trauma! I do know that is when mine started up.
An accident with head trauma. I think both "scrambled"

*many bad life situations such as rape, abuse, and molestation, ie. stress. And repeated physical abuse like repetitive sports or weight lifting. CFS, a virus. ME, a virus.

*Mine started after I had RSI in my wrist.

*Could likely be combination of things. past head injuries, car accident, improper dental amalgam removal, exposure to toxic chemicals- natural gas poisoning, severe stress, and adrenal's giving out. Its like collapse poof you are down. Oh yes, forgot losing best friend to suicide and stressful past career. I am surprised I lasted as long as I did before full blown illness. With knowledge I have now. Mitochondrial damage of some sort too.

*I had a bad case of mono as a teen and then Epstein Barr/Chronic Fatigue in my early 20s. Had a few years of being okay then a car accident.