- Yes.
- i have both in a big way at the moment. the pain does ease off but im so tired all the time :(
- The last few Weeks have been horrible. Fatigue has been bad but then thevpain is worst the more fatigued I get..
- Yip.
- I can cope with the pain but not the tiredness! Unable to function when the fatigue sets in.
- OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!! Pain I can deal with, tiredness I cannot!!! X
- Both about the same. depends on what I do the day before and the weather
- yes! I cant stand it. Im exhausted all the time. And if i have one day to go to the park or play with my grandchildren i'm down for the count the following day. I went craft shopping one morning last week and i swear for the rest of that week i was totally wiped out. I sooo wish for a magic energy pill. Lol
- Fatigue, exhaustion tiredness are for me worse than the pain.
- Me too !! Can deal with the pain on most occasions but the fatigue can be relentless !!!!
- YES!!!!!!!!!!, I've had chronic pain in my legs from the hip/thigh area since sunday, it's kept me up til early hrs and i'm so tired, it's a vicious circle :-(
- PURE HELL guys I knw n I agree xxx
- Definitely
- About 50/50 for me. I've been having sciatica pain for about a week now. Can't see the doctor until next week.
- I can usually deal with pain, unless very severe but the fatigue is unbearable. If anyone has any tips on how to deal with this, please share. pacing (Drs favorite!) is not enough.
- I can deal with the pain if I have to but I can't keep going due to the exhaustion I was always very active before this always on the go but now there are days I can barely force myself out of bed.
- Depends on the day but the total tiredness is so depressing as bed is the only answer. Miserable life. Makes me wonder what the point of life is. So much pain which is SO unseen. No one knows how shitty FB is to live with unless they r a sufferer too. Sorry but it's been a bad few days/weeks/months :0/
- Definitely yes.
- I found what I ate affected how tired I would feel. Since cutting out wheat I certainly don't feel as tired don't have that overwhelming tiredness as much as I used to, and not sleeping so much in the day now either. Also, I take Vitamin C and also omega fish oils.
- I can deal with pain... I have a hard time with the fatigue :(
- im the same could sleep standing up some days im lucky if im awake 5 hours i get a overwelming exaustin feeling and if im somewhere with bright light ie shops my vision goes and i feel i could just pass out and feel totaly ill
Friday, 28 September 2012
Question from a member: Do other members of your page find fatigue more of a problem than pain with fibro?