
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Friday, 28 September 2012

Gaining weight

Question from a member: Since getting ill with Fibro I have gained weight. Before coming ill I could shift excess weight fairly easily. Is it common to lose weight/gain excess weight with Fibro please?

  • Yes unfortunately it's some of the medication we are given that does it, I almost doubled in weight but I have since lost 3st and feel better about myself ( I was far too skinny to start with) xxx

  • Yes. Weight seems to fluctuate. I have had it for 31 years.
  • are you on any meds for fibro? if you are then yes weight gain is definitly common. i gained when i was put on lyrica and savella. i am not on either now but i cant get rid of the weight either.

  • yes, i have put on alot of weight, especially since being on pregabalin. \can't seem to lose any tho xx

  •  i have also gained sooo much weight....some from meds but most from being inactive because of the fatigue and pain....

  • same here x

  •  I gained 30 pds from medication, lost it on weight watchers they uped my dose and I gained it back. I wentr to the lower dose to try to lose the weight but I was misserable without the right amount od medication. So, unfortunately the weight will stay on till I can figure out a way to get rid of it. I just joined a gym, lets hope I can muster up the enery to get there.

  • I have gained about 4 stone since I first got fibro, but I have managed 2 loose 2 stone in the last few months. But I stopped taking my meds daily and only take them as required as they were making me out of it.

  • It is common to gain weight; our meds have side effects of weight gain, plus you can't be as active as you were; so that will cause weight gain too.
    I have heard of people losing weight with fibro; & that could come from you not feeling like eating; but please make sure you get a balanced diet every day even if it means utilizing a product like Ensure or Boost.
    Personally, the only time I've had significant weight loss in 32 years of living with Fibro was when I was having a reaction to a medication.
  •  Ive always fought with my weight, but pregabalin certainly didnt do me any favours. Stopped taking it for many reasons, weigh gain being one of them. I can lose 2 stone then I stop gain it and then fight to lose it again. Fibro pain and fatigue means exercise is almost impossible so theres only so much weight u can lose with diet alone :(

  •  I've gained a couple of stone - everytime I try to increase activity levels to lose it then I have a huge flare up and then can't do a thing and gain more weight. I try to eat as healthy as possible and try not to stress about the weight too much. I move as much as the pain/fatigue allows without overdoing things. At the moment my weight is fairly static and I think that is the best that I can hope for.

  •  I've gained 4 stone. Had fibro for 25 yrs but gained the weight since loosing my job cos of fibro 6 yrs ago. Have just started a new anti depressant and side effects say at least 10% have a 2 stone weight gain. Argh
  •  I refused pharmaceuticals because of the side effects, including weight gain. Real food makes an improvement with pain management.

  • Denise what meds say that?
    I have gained weight but cant say for sure if its meds or insctivity to be honest.

  • My weight has been up & down (mostly up!) since having fibro. I am less active as well as meds side effects. It is very hard to shift it.

  • I have gained 50 lbs since being started on a new medicine. Was taken off of it and keep gaining. I haven't been able to lose at all.

  • I agree . I am at weight watchers at the moment and follow the regime as I have done before, but it is decidedly harder this time !!!!
  • I've not taken any medication for fibro,and have got bigger and bigger, if I lose any, which is difficult, it then comes back double.
    I was put on anti depressants for helping to sleep, which reduced my appetite, So for 4 weeks I've been eating way less, don't think I even hit 1500 calories a day, I walk my dog each day, yet I've put over a stone on!!??? Explain that??

  • That's exactly my point Linda, they do effect the metabolism so that's why I'm saying you need to adjust the food intake.

  • I totally disagree with you Paulo ~ yes healthy individuals your theory applies to very well. Evidence shows that FMS causes metabolic problems in the basic cell called mitochrondia......the result of this our bodies synthesis of ATP which is involved in energy production does not work correctly..... therefore heallthy people take in calories, use them up in this sythesis chain so healthy individual muscles & mitrochrondia do the synthesis cycle again providing more energy to use. In Fibromyalgia patients when the energy is used up thats it the body cannot do that sequence again hence our fatigue

    Exercise + Healthy diet = Healthy weight

    Inability to exercise + Healthy diet = weight gain

    You need energy to exercise to lose weight and FMS patients need every bit of energy just to function. Weight gain because of this illness is quite obvious. We cannot restrict our diet as this makes the metabolic disturbance worse and hence more fatigue into a cycle.

  • There is recent research that explains this metabolic problem and the inability of our basic cells to function. If we have no energy due to lack of synthesis of ATP then how can we burn off any calorie intake???

    Please take the time to read the research about FMS before applying the your rationale which works for healthy people onto sufferers of FMS

    There IS evidence that ILLNESS and some DRUG THERAPIES can have side effects of weight gain in people suffering with FMS


  •  There is nothing in that page that I haven't already agreed with !!!
    I will say again, if illness or medication causes a drop in metabolic rate then less calorific intake (food) is required by the body. Therefore weight gain can be avoided by simply eating less. If you eat the same but your body does less work then you will gain weight !!!
  • Yes your last sentence is CORRECT ....BUT we cannot do more exercise or take less food intake either. You are very frustrating we cannot lower our intake otherwise we would have no energy and cease to function. In fact it is recommended to increase our calorie intake when severely affected to have drinks like fortisips (fortified with vitamins) Our illness means we cannot exercise, we cannot therefore burn calories and therefore weight gain. We cannot reduce our calorie intake because our bodies do not synthesise enough energy as it is. AGAIN your theory only applies to healthy people as if they take lower calories ie.DIET their bodies still produce energy to burn and they can burn off more than they take in ....hence lose weight. We CANNOT burn off more energy as only have precious little energy for the day as it is (we DO NOT have endless stores like healthy people) We DO NOT produce more to burn off...... we can only use what we have .....and we certainly cannot reduce our intake.....
    You are too BLACK and WHITE and life's not like that and nor is a Chronic Illness like FIBRO !!

  • Ok Paul you pay the monthly money for me to go to hydrotherapy at a gym the only place I can exercise and lets see if I can shift this weight.

  • Stress and stress alone will make you gain weight... Couple that with meds, fatigue, pain, etc.... Yep. I took a med which made me gain 14 lbs in 2 weeks. I quit taking it, am almost off of all prescription meds, but can't get the weight off even with reduced caloric intake and an increase in activity.

  • Carolyn, no he doesnt, cos hes just said so in answer to another question. People who dont suffer with fibro or other similar condition, and have never taken the meds they use to treat it shouldnt comment in the way he is. A distinct lack of understanding as to how OUR bodies work just means that he is upsetting and annoying people. What he says in general is correct. Lower calorific intake should in theory reduce weight but when you CANT exercise then a lower intake makes very little difference. I can lose and gain the same dam 2 stone over and over again because I cant mobilise enough to loose more. This foundation and its forums were set up to HELP people NOT for smart arses to makes us feel worse than our health conditions already do !!!

  • How did he get part of this group? I'm pretty narked........he obviously has no idea about the condition. I would be happy to remove him from my list but don't know how!
  •  My weight gain was from my cancerous Thyroid AND eating terribly. I'm a Weight Watchers follower, but only eat Real Foods (nothing processed & no breads or white flour starches or white pastas & rice) once I recommitted to really trying to feel better and eating those real foods the weight is coming off. Over 20lbs in 8 weeks with lite to no exersize

  •  I understand where Paulo is coming from. When I "adjusted" my food intake to real foods only my weight started to drop. I did this diet change because I cannot take pharmaceutical meds. Cutting back on gluten, sugar and fatty food, completely cutting out all processed & fast foods has done wonders for me. I'm currently in day 4 of an extreme flare up, but am managing decently enough through it. Today is better than yesterday and so on. There are many sites that discuss how certain foods aggravate and sooth Fibro. They are very much worth looking up.

  • How dare someone who has no idea what/how this condition affects individuals comment on a question,some one who is ill and suffering, and probably feels disgusting about herself and is crying out for help and positive suggestions to deal with this!! She/he doesn't need a basic formula you idiotic moron!! Has writing this and causing upset made you feel good??
    They just want to know how it affects other people and how other fibro suffers deal so they don't feel alone! Well done Paulo for probably making them feel far worse than when they asked the question.
    Go find another group to do your trolling!! I hope your guts rot out!!!
  • Shannon, what do you live off, sounds like you've cut out every food stuff!!

  • You'd be surprised! I eat very well, no deprivation at all. I am a self proclaimed foodie with friends and family hoping for a cookbook! Lol! Cutting bread scared me the most because I was addicted to it and loved it! But it was bad for me. Now when I eat something that requires bread I substitute with something else. Romain lettuce for a burger bun, whole grain wrap for a pizza crust ( I eat delicious pizza every Friday!) there are plenty of real food option out there. It takes a little extra effort and can seem overwhelming at first but it's truly worth it. Check out 100 days of real food to see what I mean. I have no association with the site just love the plan and adopt it to my life now. Please look into what GMO'S are and how they affect our bodies as well. It makes a huge difference to Fibro management.

  • I am 4ft 10" & went from a size 8-10 weighing under 7 stone to a size 16 & 10 & 1/2 stone am down to a size 14 now, regardless of what i eat i can't lose the weight
  • Ooh, you should write a book!!!

  • I have FMS and my Lupus is currently in remission-I beleive it is possible to lose weight-but sticking to a long term, often frustrating road makes it hard. I went up to nearly 21 stone when my body was in a major flare-it has taken since 2008 to finally hit the 14/13 stone-I have found that Amitriptyline at night has helped-I have severe hype-rmobility-but once I knew I wasn't hurting myself-I bought some compression pants-I have good days and bad-but you can do it-Shannon, I totally agree with you and am a big (sorry for the pun) WW fan-We just can't beat ourselves up when it does get tough