
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Friday, 28 September 2012

I think I may have Fibromyalgia

Question from a member: After reading your posters I really think I have fibro but I can't get my gp to listen. Can your members offer any advice about how I go about getting diagnosed with a useless gp please?

  • Change drs or ask for a referral to a rheumatologist.
  •  I have recently been diagnosed by a Pain Consultant. I have chronic problems with my back/hips/legs and have had for 22 years although it really started with my back, I have been on maximum doses of meds for this. I have suspected Fibromyalgia for a long time as I have so many other symptoms, when I told my Doctor what the Consultant had said she said Fibromyalgia is just a WORD!!!
  • A rheumatologist will carry out tests to rule out other possible illnesses, and then will make a diagnosis. Remember your GP is only a General Practicioner and will generalise your symptoms. Which is why you must be refered to a specialist!!!
  • You really need to change your doctor! I'm fortunate enough to have a doctor who listens to me but I have to make sure when I ring the practice for an appointment to ask specifically for an appointment with him. Some of the others are totally unsympathetic. Good luck. XX
  • see if you can see a young gp,the gp I've had for years says cf and m.e are all in the mind,but one day by chance I saw a doc doing her gp training and by the end of the appointment she had worked out painkillers and course of amitriptaline and got me refered to the rhumey, if it had been down to my other gp id have been going down the depression /psychologist route which I most certainly was not depressed. also get a list of symptoms abd tick off the ones you have,get as much info as possible and go in armed. If you can't see a young doc demand your gp refers you to a rhuematolagist (spelt that wrong but you know what I mean. Good luck xXx
  • Same as Leesa, but ask to be referred to rheumatologist. Unfortunately, after diagnosis, you are back in the care of your GP. Xx
  • My partner was undiagnosed for 15 years, many doctors later he paid for a private consultation with a rheumatologist and was diagnosed in about 5 minutes. My advice for a useless GP would be get a different GP!
  • I had to see a private professor in Harley Street unfortunately my GP wouldn't listen but once you have a diagnoses from a professional they have to listen, my GP now I've changed is great xxx
  • You could direct your gp to the nhs website as it is on there as a recognised condition. Maybe look it up yourself and print it off to give to them. It can take years to diagnose as everything else needs to be ruled out first. Good luck.
  • Agree with all above, if your gp doesn't want to work you then find a new one. If your insurance does not require that you need to have a referral, call your insurance company & ask for names of Rheumatologist. If you are near a teaching hospital, try to get appt with Dr from that hospital. From now on, get a notebook & write down what goes on each day even if you are feeling ok. Go to hospital or facilities & get copies of entire chart (er visits, xrays, inpatient stays, lab work) for past year. With xrays, get copy of films. This will help the new Dr to see what's been going on & what, if anything has or hasn't, has been done. Good luck & don't give up. It gets very aggravating but stay with it! You can msg me at anytime! Good luck
  • My GP put me straight on antidepressants. When they made me worse I refused to take them, cried in my appointment and demanded she refer me to a rheumatologist. Her exact words were "Ok, but don't go with any hope." The rheumatologist was incredible. Best doctor I have ever seen. Really helpful, gave me a proper diagnosis and referred me on to a specialist. Just demand it. It's your body. Good luck xx
  • I got diagnosed privately after waiting for years on the NHS. Seen the same doctor at a later date in his NHS role and was told fibro didn't exists and that I had chronic pain!:)
  • Get the phonebook out and start calling neurologists and/or rheumatologists and ask if they specialize in fibro. Keep calling and asking until you find one.
  •  they don't like to diagnose fibro immediately. It took me 1 year of complaining to get diagnosed. then my Gp went through the trigger points and found out that yes I did have it!
  • You need to find a Dr that understand fibro. You will need someone good And willing to listen. I love my dr. she didn't know to much about it but did everything she could to learn what little info she could find. Good luck.
  • I had suffered for many yrs of pain n fatigue. Thought I had ME but my doc just said I was depressed even tho I said that yes I was depressed but it was because of how I felt. Anyway I moved and had to change doctors and had to go for a check up. In that day I was virtually paralysed with pain throughout my body. She thought I had arthritis n sent me to see a rheumatologist who, after tests etc confirmed I had fybro. I'd never heard of it but when I googled it later that day i could have ticked YES to every symptom. 'Great' I thought there is a name for my problems .......... trouble is there is no cure as yet :0/
  • PS my doctor is amazing. She seems to really understand and does everything she can to help. The only downside is that she is about to retire!!! Gutted.
  • Took me 3 yrsof fighting with docs to get a referal and a diagnosis - Keep pushing DONT let them refuse you, you have a right to request a referral and if the GP your seeing says no, go see another one !!