
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Eye problems

Question from a member: I had my eyes tested because my vision keeps going funny but nothing was found. Do any of your members get floaty things in front of their eyes please? If so can they suggest anything that may help?

  • Mine is more of a blurring and it seems to be present more often than not now.
  • I get blurred vision alot. the floaty things more so if i look at bright lights. Have you heard of scotopic sensitivity (Irlens syndrome) ? I get blotches in my vision when I look at some things, especially light walls in bright lit rooms etc. You may need to consider tinted lenses. http://www.irlenclinic.com.au/page.php?id=11
  • Many of us with Fibro have light sensitivity, so it may just be another symptom Im afraid to say :(
  •  During the evenings mine gets particularly blurry or when I'm in a flare. I also see strange pulsating stars at time but have seen an opthalmic consultant and apart from now needing reading glasses as well as distance he can't find anything else wrong with my eyes, so we are just putting it down to the fibro'

  • My eyes go blurry, I get floaties, and they ache. Sometimes eye drops help, but not alot. I sometimes wonder if a nerve is being pinched? Or if its just another weird thing I just have to get used to...
  •  I have floaters and weird wavy lines in my vision. I have to go get my Eritrea checked.
  • Lmao eyes not Eritrea
  • My eyes always hurt feel tired do hav blurry vision sometimes and sensitive to light xx
  • Gotta love auto correct
  • yep its all down to th dreaded 'F' word or cfs, oh the joys x
  • I too suffer with this n very dry eyes also I find eye wash relieves it for a while xxx
  •  same as the above Im afraid, optician says eyes are ok apart from age deterioration and its just something I have to get used to. I do where sunglasses a lot and I also buy sunglasses with a reading lens in them from ebay xx
  • depends...you can have loose fibers in your eyes that look like threads, but, the eye doctor should be able to see those. Now, if you are having a migraine and you get the flashy, half-moon sparkles that start at the center of your eye and last about 20 minutes because it gets bigger and bigger...that is a sign that a migraine is coming. When I get those, I go take my relpax because I have pain after those floaties pass...also, people with fibro are light sensitive...and yes, blurred vision happens with me. Hope this helped.
  • Did you tell the doctor about the floaties? They are normal. I have them all the time. I've had them for many, many years. I had them well before being diagnosed with fibromyalgia or even shown signs or symptoms of it.
  • I forget what they're called. And you can even google them and see what that says about them
  • My dr said you need to rest your eyes when they appear. He treats many fibro patients and said this seems to be the concensus, close your eyes for no less than 5 minutes, more if possible.
  • I constantly have problems with my eyes and nothing is ever found. I have floaters, blurred vision due to dry eyes?, sometimes wearing my glasses helps and other days wearing my glasses makes my vision worse. Can't seem to find any rhyme or reason why some days my vision seems okay and other days I have problems focusing and reading, etc. When I do have problems I just rest in a dark room, close my eyes and rest. This seems to help. I have been diagnosed with fibro. back in 1998 and probably had it before then but was not diagnosed. I have other health problems to deal with but with fibro, it is so unpredictable and this is what makes it so difficult to deal with. Good luck and take care.
  • yes i get the looking through a koliediscope u know wot i mean i get all swhirling lights around objects and t.v. i also had a count 50 for glacoma but thats like my mum and dad and the family is myopic and my mum and 2 sisters have fibro lots to thank my family for lol
  • p.s. anyone liveing in south london ?
  • yes my vision has gotten worse since having fibro
  •  Its a symptom of the fibro. Its a build up of something behind ur eye. I can't rememer what my dr called it. Haven't found any way to stop them. Mine kinda look like little glow worms. My eyes r getting worse and i have to wear glasses.
  • I concur with Cindy and would like to add that the drugs for F.M.S. also increase these symptoms.
  •  Yes
  • I get blurred vision and aching eyes.
  •  I get all the above .....but also see double ...my eyes feel like they've got stuck looking at my nose ...but they've not actually moved ...it's quite scarry ...anyone else have this problem??...