
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

On our FaceBook Fans Page we ask our members daily questions.

These are designed to help show people what it's like to live with Fibromyalgia. The questions (and replies generated) became so well received that we have started a dedicated blog to archive them.

If you are newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you may find this blog very helpful. By reading our archives, we hope you'll also feel less isolated and alone.

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Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Question from a member: please could you ask members if stress makes them exhausted ? If i am stressed beyond a mild level my whole self wants to shut down!"

  • Hard to tell for me to be honest, I am always ready for bed so ?(i Also have sleep apnea) I guess the answer would be yes as stress makes most people tired?
  • any stress be it emotional or physical (ex. head cold) will wear my body down to the point where all I can do is lay in my bed.
  • Yes it will ,and increase your symptoms your body will shut down so you can cope. Natures way.
  • Yep, stress and loads, and loads of pain makes me extreamly tierd.....
  • Yes very much so!!!!!
  • Yes - definitely!
  • Very much so!
  •  Yes . !!!
  • Oh yes
  • Yes defo.
  • My mom has sleepy spells when she over does or is stressed out. She gets really tired and has to go to sleep very soon. She may sleep a couple hours or all day/night long. You can wake her up but most of the time she is incoherent.
  • Stress is fibro's worst enemy! Nothing makes me hurt more or brings on more overall pain than stress.

    • When I get stressed I definately get really exhausted and dont sleep properly (even worse than normal)
    •  Stress complicates everything!
    • I meant to add that when I am stressed my fibro fog gets worse. Very frustrating.
    • without a doubt :(
    • Yes...stress wipes me out...knocks me for six....I try to avoid as much stress as possible....don't read newspapers or watch the news anymore either
    • Stress plays a big part in it. If u get stressed its better to remove yourself from ot so you don't get so sick.
    • yes stress is horrible for fibro you have to learn to seperate the things you can't handle from the things we can but as we all know its very hard to do