
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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These are designed to help show people what it's like to live with Fibromyalgia. The questions (and replies generated) became so well received that we have started a dedicated blog to archive them.

If you are newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you may find this blog very helpful. By reading our archives, we hope you'll also feel less isolated and alone.

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Monday, 1 October 2012


Question from a member: "do any of your members suffer really bad nausea please?"

  • Absolutely. Shows up out of nowhere and feels like you have the flu. I haven't actually vomited from it but have been close enough that I was sweating and cold and in the washroom cause I sure felt like I was going to. But most times I get a sudden wave of nausea but it passes in a few minutes.
  • Yes.....often...kinda makes me nuts!!
  • Yes and sometimes vomiting also.
  • At times I do

  • Yes, every single morning i wake up feeling so sick, as the day goes on it eases but then starts up again in afternoon. It seems to link in with my most tired times of the day xx
  • Mornings are the worst.
  • Frequently, not managed to find a good way to combat it yet! Particularly bad when I am stressed.

  • ooohhh yes most days....my doc gave me anti nausia table that are brill x
  •  I do as well
  • Yes I do everyday I am feeling sick right now as I have been a bit emotional today so the fatigue is really bad
  •  I get it on and off, like a flare symptom. Often if I havent eaten or if pain is bad. Other times it just seems to be a symptom with no reason. Ive been really bad today. Nauseous, dizzy and headache. I take stemitil usually but thats not helping much today.

  • sometimes

  • I live with a bottle of Pepto bismula with me most of the time because of it
  • Yes, very badly at times and even vomit, was told this is cfs/me. Who knows?

  • I feel sick pretty much all the time, I do take a lot of medication so I'm never sure what causes it, its horrible though!
  •  i get it only on a morning, when i was working and up early it was the worst it didnt settle down till lunch time
  • Yes. I did so many pregnancy tests thinking it just be that then I spoke to a friend with Fibro & she said she gets it too. Yet another symptom to add to the already huge list :-(
  • Fibro. Makes you feel like you have the flu, body aches and neausia. My Dr gave me DEXALANT . But I'm in America, not sure if the meds are the same. Plus I eat salty crackers, chips. That seems to help me.
  • Wendy - I have pretty much the exact same thing. I'll be suddenly hit with nausea, and will sit on the bathroom floor feeling shivery and as though I'll throw up then it passes. It really doesn't help that I am emetophobic either!
  • Yes, more so at night time and when I first wake up!

  • Yes, along with those delightful bouts of Fibroflu. I find sipping ginger beer helps a bit.

  • I get regular waves of nausea most days. I usually need 2 sit down+wait 4 it 2 subside, whereas with other symptoms I prefer 2 do something 2 take my mind off it. With the nausea I just have 2 stop cos its so debilitating. Sipping tonic water helps me xx
  •  I take meclezine(Bonine, Dramamine)
  •  i had it today and it kept me outta church
  • Yes always nauseous take tablets 3-4 times a day to counter it and don't get me started on the heartburn lol