
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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These are designed to help show people what it's like to live with Fibromyalgia. The questions (and replies generated) became so well received that we have started a dedicated blog to archive them.

If you are newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you may find this blog very helpful. By reading our archives, we hope you'll also feel less isolated and alone.

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Saturday, 19 June 2010

What's your own personal theory about what causes FM/CFS/ME?

*I must have been a very bad person in other life to be made to suffer the way I am in this one.

*Whether it be accident, illness or my case a difficult pregnancy.

*That really isn't how it works. Bad things happen to all people.

*me too !!

*Working theory on both my FM and ME is that they have been caused by Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

*My theory is when the dr don't know what's causing all your symptoms its fibro.

*I've just had my adrenal's checked by saliva tests and they are showing signs of fatigue. This seems to be the first thing that has made sense to me as a cause, as I think this started in me after a very challenging trip to Nepal whilst ill with several illnesses. It was obviously just too much for my body.

*In my case I think traumatic child hood as was physically abused plus other life problems and stress

*I agree some type of trauma or illness...I was extremely anaemic with the birth of my last daughter. This is when I was diagnosed. I have read it could be brought on by trauma or illness. Whatever, the cause, I pray my daughters don't have to experience this (which there have been signs). It's not all in your head as they first thought 23 yrs.
I was lucky to have a doc that diagnosed this 23 yrs ago, only thing is. I have had a few docs since then, and I especially remember one. I told him I had fibro, so everything that was wrong with me even sore throat was because of fibro.
He stood in the door one day and said, you have fibro, it's never gonna get any better, only worse and you have to deal with it. I looked at him and said, and you think I am paying for that advice. OMG sometimes it was like DUH. tell me something that I don't already know!

*I recently saw a Dr. very knowledgeable about this. It was at a Fibromyalgia & Fatigue clinic, several of them in the US. It may very well be in the adrenal's or anywhere in the body where the mitochondria of the cells don't allow the proper nutrients in. It can be genetic or caused by emotional or physical trauma.

*Faulty cellular apotheosis due to damaged cytochrome C or damage to the ion exchange cycle in mitochondrial respiration causing cells to Glycolise and become inefficient releasing ATP into the body to cause ALL KNOWN SYMPTOMS of Fibromyalgia.

*There could be a few ways I got F/M. I had mono and viral meningitis when I was in high school. I also had a hysterectomy and 2 c-sections. Then I got a divorce and found out after 3 years that he molested my daughter. he abused both of the children and me through out the marriage. I think stress and add on a low immune system came together to cause my F/M. At least that's what the Dr's have told me.

*Wish I knew. I have still to be officially diagnosed but my gp agrees with me, that it seems very much like fibro that I'm suffering. Back at rheumatologist in early June, however he was more interested in the fact that I have haemochromotosis even though I'm female.

*I used to say In a past life I was a man that used and abused women and this life is my punishment, but I guess I finally paid my dues cause life is grand.

Adrenal's makes sense to me, since the main triggers (physical and/or emotional trauma) would very much involve adrenal overload.

*I don't know - mine started to appear shortly after I had my first ever bout of hayfever.

*Stress, stress and more stress caused by things that have happened in your lives.

*I'm pretty sure my fibro started after I had a small accident falling off of a motorcycle. It was shortly after the accident that I started feeling these horrible symptoms of fibro.

*I've had my symptoms for at least 15 years, and it's hard to pinpoint an actual start and one cause, but I've had several traumas/illnesses that could have led to it. I had likely Rheumatic Fever as a baby, then several bouts with "mock mono" as pre/early teen. I'm also hypermobile and have had several serious injuries, all which could have contributed.
If I were to pick just one, I'd say the "mock mono" as that was closest to the time it started, and it's believed to be a cause.

*My doc says it's caused by Hashimoto's and Sjorgren's Syndrome. I think it has something to do with emotional trauma. I fought so hard to help my son, he has a form of autism, to be able to be in mainstream school that I basically couldn't breathe until I knew he would be all right.
When he reached all his goals and was thriving, then I fell apart physically. I feel like I was holding my breath for 5 years. Now he is doing wonderfully and is above average academically, and socializes beautifully with his peers, I am so thankful. Thank the Lord! I wouldn't change anything, because my son may not be where he is today.

*I feel the same way. I must have been a helion! Lol, honestly I think its a virus of some kind, although I was extremely abused as a child too so. I'm not positive.

*Adrenal's would be one thing. I have a tumour in the left adrenal medulla that was discovered in 2006. Adrenal's have so much to do with the nervous system. I've also experienced major traumas of all types my entire life, physical, emotional, mental and 9 major surgeries.

*Aliens. The end.

*A sense of humour is a must, if this was an ultra bad day I would have written many many more words, love to all

*I've done so much research into this & I've put together my own "theory" as it could loosely be called. I've had a lot of stress & trauma, both physical & emotional from my teens onwards so this fits. I can't remember the technical terms, but I have read plenty of research that supports this.

Basically the body gets stuck in the "fight or flight" state. Stress hormones are released too freely & the body doesn't flush away the stress hormones the way it should and over time this "poisons" your whole system.

This means the body is constantly trying to tense up (ready to run or fight) & this draws blood away from the organs meaning they have to work harder, the hormones keep firing & don't get fully replenished OR flushed out so we live in a permanent state of "whole body anxiety" almost!
No wonder we feel tired, ill & achy so much of the time!

*One doc I saw said that eventually they will come to the conclusion that it is all auto-immune.

*I think it's something to do with the spine and trapped fluid.

*I know of too many people who were victims of abuse who's immune systems just went haywire that now have CFIDS or FM.

*Stress, Physical Trauma, Mine came on hard after a motorcycle accident, then had to have my thyroid removed due to a sudden case of Graves disease, then a hysterectomy due to endometriosis, all within about 18 months. But before that I suffered A LOT of physical abuse and stress from a very abusive relationship. Done a number on me, then came the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia in 1990.

*Stress, physical & emotional trauma. I was abused physically as a child, emotionally and physically in my early 20s. Went on to work in a very stressful environment. I was a go getter, handled everything in my job and at home until the day fibro hit me.

*After my second child I had many problems including an infection with a temp of 105 and had to stay in the hospital for 12 days. I think this is when it started. I haven't felt the same since then and that was 14 years ago.

*It is autoimmune, like Lupus.

*Started by me coxsackievirus.

*I think it's part genetics. I inherited mine, but triggered by other factors, mine was food poisoning and then later on a virus, traumatic childbirth didn't help either!
The virus had the most impact, that was when my energy finally deserted me! Glad it had no effect on my sense of humour though!

*I feel blessed someone shared with me, feel now it is up to me to share it with others. What others do with it is up to them. I love you Fibro duck. You help us all share, learn & heal with given this place to chat. Thanks!

*I think it has to due with trauma. I was in a car accident that I ended up hitting my head. I think it made all brain connections go crazy & now I only receive "Pain" signals, and stress on top of the pain only makes it worse!

*My theory is autoimmune also. Several of my family had autoimmune diseases. I was diagnosed with Lupus for 12 years then the tests started coming back negative. I, too, had rheumatic fever, mono, pneumonia, stress upon stress, and been assaulted.
I have had insomnia all my life and I feel it is a major contributor. The onset occurred by my reckoning, after the birth of my first child when my thyroid started losing function. This is the end of my whine, thanks I feel better now. 8=)

*Stress/trauma both physical and emotional to the point where body says "no I've had enough" and gives in to FMS/CFS/ME type illnesses.

*I don't really know what my theory is and I probably spend too much time researching FMS to see what it could have caused it.

My first symptoms started when I was 11 just after starting secondary school. At the time I did consider much else other than the pain and for 4 years that was all I complained about to the doctor cause I assumed everything else was because of the pain. Thinking back now around that time I had the worst flu I've ever had (I used to survive badly with flu until I started getting flu jabs) and I started my periods, as well as starting secondary school and throughout childhood there were family stresses.

So I agree in the idea that it could start from a viral infection, as well as stress triggering it. I spend my life feeling wound up and on edge, never knowing what my body will throw at me. I currently live with my boyfriend and find I am constantly biting at him if I wake up in pain, even though it's not his fault at all. If I have energy and don't feel too much pain I can be so happy and giggling, and feel like a child again. But whenever I feel my energy levels going or my pain increasing, or other things such as an IBS flare-up, I find it completely changes my mood and its one of the most difficult parts to deal with sometimes.

I'm currently at university, and though I struggle with both the course and social side, I thoroughly love it. I want to be a teacher when I'm older, and hopefully I'll be able to manage my dream.
To everyone else suffering out there, Stay positive.

*Severe stress

*It is interesting to me how many different theories there are. I associated mine with the horrible labour of my first son followed by food poisoning and possibly the depo shot.
Since then, I have come to believe that a lot of the 'poison' that we call food is a major contributing factor. My symptoms have completely changed with a healthy diet involving lots of fruits and veggies and water. If I have dairy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, grease, or pretty much any processed food I immediately notice symptoms flaring up.

*A common thread I see through these posts and in life is abuse.

*I think maybe the birth of my daughter @ 24 weeks and the trauma after though was told by doc after the birth of my son that my white blood cells were way too high and if I felt ill to see gp only remembered that when it was too late . It has already taken hold big time ,just didnt know it then!

*My theory, An overload of a chemical called "Substance P" that is found in the area of the brain responsible for perceiving pain. The overload causes your brain and central nervous system to not communicate properly, thus causing you to have pain for seemingly no reason at all. I think the overload of the chemical is caused as a response to prolonged periods of high stress and/or depression (due to trauma, illness, etc.)

WIKI link



*Stress! Probably caused by very messy divorce
Now very happy with my wonderful partner and he has to take care of me because of somone elses actions : NOT FAIR!
But am happy now, that's all that counts

*I think it's your thyroid!

*autoimmune gene or deficiency that's inherited, common in RA families


*I go with the American research that it is neurological like M.S, something the medical profession here fail to acknowledge, surprise surprise!

*An extreme emotional trauma! I do know that is when mine started up.
An accident with head trauma. I think both "scrambled"

*many bad life situations such as rape, abuse, and molestation, ie. stress. And repeated physical abuse like repetitive sports or weight lifting. CFS, a virus. ME, a virus.

*Mine started after I had RSI in my wrist.

*Could likely be combination of things. past head injuries, car accident, improper dental amalgam removal, exposure to toxic chemicals- natural gas poisoning, severe stress, and adrenal's giving out. Its like collapse poof you are down. Oh yes, forgot losing best friend to suicide and stressful past career. I am surprised I lasted as long as I did before full blown illness. With knowledge I have now. Mitochondrial damage of some sort too.

*I had a bad case of mono as a teen and then Epstein Barr/Chronic Fatigue in my early 20s. Had a few years of being okay then a car accident.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Question from a member: Has anyone tried Topirimate and how did they find it?

*Never heard of it, what is it?

*no idea of what it is, never heard of it!

*what is it ?

*I just found this via google, I'd never heard of it either

*It's Topamax and yes I have tried it been on and off of it for several years I recently got off it cause it was making my migraines worse instead of helping plus it made me forget more stuff and I already have fibro fog

*If it is topamax, talk about brain fog! its a killer on the memory cells. I quit taking it after 3 months, did not like feeling like a zombie.

*Toprimate/Topamax is an anti-convulsant. I tried it for migraines and it worked. It can cause some unpleasant side-effects.

*I love it! I was put on it for migraines and it initially helped them, but hasn't been helping them lately. For me, it helps with so many other problems. It may be making my fog worse, but I'm not sure. I don't really have any of the negative side effects people complain about, and most of them can be managed with vitamins/supplements.

*I have had clients on that stuff, cruel, cruel, steer clear if you can. That is the reason I will not take many things, I looked after people on them and saw the day to day side effects that were seen as behavioural.

*for me, it's helped a TON with the pain!

* Many people on my group have had it for migraine. As above said it does have some VERY unpleasant S/E

*One lady I know was diagnosed Bi poplar, it was the Topomax.

*I've been on it for years for migraines - helps tremendously with nausea/vomiting, in fact, I have none really with migraines now - however, I still have migraines, just not as severe. It is *horrible* for your brain. I've gone back to half dose at times and it seems my memory does better, but then the headaches are worse over the long run.
But right now the loss of memory is so disturbing that I'm considering going off and finding another way of dealing with the migraines, since I still get them anyway.

*is it topramax or topirimate?

*no, since I knew I had fibro for years and now my doctor agrees, she wants to wean me off Effexor ad try Cymbalta. I am in a lot of stress right now and she wants me to wait to wear off Effexor

*Topomax IS Topiramate. Topomax is the brand name, topiramate is the drug name.
I don't know that I've been on topiramate for my fibro, but I have taken it for my migraines, and it worked well, other than the obnoxious tingling (neuropathy) in my fingers and feet.

*My tingling is usually better with it, it gets worse (like all the s/e for me) when the dose is increased, then goes away within a week. I've read if you're put on it and the wrong section of your brain is the problem your more likely to have s/e.

*When my doc put me on it, he told me it would help with my pain. That's what actually led me to look into fibro. It's one of the few pain conditions it's actually thought to help!

*We discuss migraine with FMS on our group. There are people there who have their own Topomax stories to tell.
Read here

*I have been on Topamax for a while for icepick headaches. I had initial numbness in feet, knees and face which lasted up to a year, but it was worth it for the relief I was getting. However the icepicks have been breaking through again so I've had the dose increased and the numbness/tingling is back with a vengeance. Can't comment on brain fog as I've had that for years anyway.

*I have bene on Topamax since 2000-0001 for migraines which it has helped. But once I was diagnosed with FMS, I was told this was also known to help with the pain for fibro. It helps me to not take pain meds.

*I take Guaifenisen to hlep with my Fibroch pains. Makes life more bearable.

*I have been on it for years - it has kept the migraines from breaking through as often. I used to get migraines pretty much weekly and now it is more like one every six weeks or so that I get one so bad I miss work - I think that is worth taking it twice a day.

*I was on it and it helped with the pain but it affected my thoughts and made my memory even worse! Some doctors call it dopomax,instead of the real name topomax!

*It was my question. my doc has suggested it for fibro (and she says it will also help with weight loss). I am scared to start something that might have bad side effects.

*My sister was put on it to help with weight gain caused by Seroxat and she had a TERRIBLE time on it. Not only did it not help weight gain or migraines particularly it made her really anxious. Well, anything that's supposed to reduce weight is going to have some sort of amphetamine-type effects.
Steer clear if you suffer with anxiety. The psychiatrist who prescribed her denied that it could cause such a problem

*I am on topiramate for my fibromyalgia constant migraines it knocks them down a notch, about 20% I have been on it about a year and a half with no side effects that I know of.
I have constant migraine with sickness, sensitivity to light, sound and smell. The migraine doesn't go away its been there constantly for almost three years.

*No sorry.

*No sorry I use Pregablin which I believe is along the same lines. Boy do I know it if I accidentally miss one tablet!

*I take topiromate for Intracranial Hypotention. I haven't noticed any side effects to it but it does not help with any fibro pain. Fibro fog does seem to vary more though as it can last longer now. Maybe that is a side effect.

*does help with pain, esp neuropathic pain in hands and feet.
I take extra when get trigeminal neuralgia flare and it makes a big difference. Some problem "losing words" but don't know if due to med or fibro fog.
It does help with headaches, FMS headaches or other, not migraine.

Supposing you had the energy etc, what new (never tried it before) hobby would you choose to take up?



*Scuba diving or golf. Or at the very least be able to listen to my 7 yr old talk about bakugan for more than 2 mins without my head exploding.


*I would love to rock climb!

*Photography or hot air ballooning.

*Think id do a bit of bungee,then followed by a jump out of a plane, with a parachute obviously, and end the day with a few lessons in snow boarding! I'm tired now just thinking about it!

*I already spend all my free time doing photography! It keeps me sane & is my passion!

*Skiing or Snow Boarding anything that has to do with snow!

*Ice Skating!

*Rock Climbing.


*Mountain Climbing. I feel like I already do it every day, but to ACTUALLY do it would be awesome. It may spend my energy the same, but at least that mountain would have a view. Then again, there are a lot of hobbies that I would take up with that kind of energy!

*kite surfing

*Kayaking for sure!

*Not quite NEVER tried it before, but not done it for so long now, since I was a teenager. I would love to go horse riding once again, the feeling of freedom was so great, I'd love to do it again, but know there's no hope.

*I'd love to abseil down the forth rail bridge

*learn an instrument again, photography, cycling.

*wing walking

*Not new - I'd return to silver smithing - the kind where you make bowls and pitchers and larger objects using hammers and heat.

*I've managed to start sewing.

*I'd love to play the guitar, but it hurt my fingers and wrists, 2 guitars down and sitting in a corner.

*I would start Karate so I could join in with something that my boys enjoy and spend some quality time with them and in turn getting fit.

*Roller blading, I miss it!

*Hot air ballooning and scuba diving.

*Belly dancing!


*say someone waved a magic wand and all my problems went away I'd take up horse riding, sky dving, car racing heck anything high adrenaline! Now where's that magic wand

*horse riding - my daughter and my sister go and I'm so jealous.

*I used to rock climb, but now I cannot. I'd love to get back into it.


*If I was all better I would just like to go back to work so I wouldn't be broke. being on SSDI sucks!

*I would love to go camping again.

*It looks great, I was a bit of an adrenalin junkie.



*Skydiving! And it may be crossed off my list, I have a bucket list and am trying to fulfil those dreams!

*Oh yes going back to work and civilization I forgot that! I think we all sound like adrenaline addicts! I guess cos hardly ever got any energy it would be fantastic to have some and get some life back.

*Ice Skating

*I wish I could draw again but find it difficult to hold a pencil for long as for new one I wish I could start jogging.

*Dog grooming. Got the pet micro chipping done and am now qualified so would love to add the dog grooming to it.

*Desperately miss my horse riding, but something new would be skiing.

*I have a question for people. Is high blood pressure all a part of this lovely Fibro? Email me or something please!

*Sewing/Quilting!! Been wanting to do it for so long. Then maybe just horseback riding!

*Rock Climbing

*Dirt biking,quad biking,canoeing as all my family go canoeing and I have to watch.



*glass blowing. looks like so much fun.

*cleaning my house and running. I am on the way there now with God's help.

*swimming, more walking or yoga. You don't appreciate things like this until it is taken away from you!

*salsa dancing

*Diving for treasure in wrecks.

*Tai chi - I've always fancied that! Oh, and ballroom dancing has always appealed too.

*Sculpting. Been reading a lot about it lately and want to take classes on it.

*skydiving. But I used to be a runner so I would say running if I could..

*the sport of sex. I miss it a lot.

*like the comment above here. I think I would take up rowing, ziplining, flameco guitar, dog sledding. And much more, travelling again. ( used to be my hobby)

*Belly dancing. My sister does it and loves it.

*salsa dancing

Question from a member: For those that have had children, How did pregnancy affect your Fibro

*I felt bit better but I did get Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and I tell you that was a killer never felt pain like it. worth it though.

*I have had 5 children, and have found that every pregnancy/labour made my fibro that little bit worse, I have had to stop having children now, I have reached my limit. Saying that if I knew it would make it worse, I would have still had them, I wouldn't be without any of them. They have given me a reason to never give up.

*I went into remission through pregnancy but afterwards I noticed more symptoms mainly strange ones and my memory and concentration was awful. I felt drunk for about 2 months after giving birth and felt like I was slurring.

*Id love children but I cant risk not being able to take my meds for 9 months it'd be a killer:( me an my partner discussed that my health is more important but scares me though not being able to give him what most men want(a son) breaks my heart.

*I'm not sure if I want to have children, mostly I don't want them to end up being a carer for me, however might change if I meet the right man and I know we could afford to help around, I can't even change my nephews nappies, and * is learning to play quietly when he visits, so cute.

*I didn't know till I was 3 months gone I found the pregnancy easy till 6 months then I was bed ridden as I had SPD so I couldn't walk any were but if you want a child have one don't keep living in fear of what If's.

*my 2nd pregnancy ended in Fibro 3rd baby I lost at birth, 4th baby was born at 24 weeks gestation and has autism cerebal palsey etc .

*I already had my four kids long before fibro so can't say. But my daughter in law just had my first grand child and she went into remission during her pregnancy too :) Had no need for meds except a very light anti depressant (not really due to fibro anyway).
Ok, at times her back hurt quite a bit but she managed by resting up (last months when baby was heavier). Aside from that she seems to have emerged practically fibro free from this pregnancy.

*during both pregnancies apart from morning sickness for 8 months and sciatica the 2nd time I had no symptoms of any kind. My asthma and allergies also vanished from about 9 weeks pregnant. Both times I felt better than I ever had for a good 6 months. It was heaven.

*I have had 11 pregnancies + apart from sickness, migraine, backache+ every other pregnancy symptom, compared to normal I felt great. If I wasn't 43 id probably have more so i'd have a few months of less pain.

*A lot of women speak of remission during pregnancy. Almost worth it just for that :)
I'm going to have a child though. Not just because I want one but because the separation of my hips should release some pressure on my rather deformed coccyx so I can sit down again for long periods.

*4 pregnancies, 2 live births. No change in the fibro though I did develop SPD which meant more pain, also had hyperemesis and one premmie so the fibro was the least of my worried.

*I was told lass week I couldn't have children and at 20 years old that's a shock. But I always had an idea I wouldn't be able to cope with children. Also with HMS I was told I wouldn't be able to carry a pregnancy full term. Its all doom and gloom.

*My FM started immediately after my last child was born (c section) along with PND and premature Menopause 14 years ago ... all three came at once. I didn't know what had hit me!

*I really would like to have a child but my husband and I worry about the pain during pregnancy and the chances of passing on this horrible Fibro. to a child. Does anyone know what the chances are of having a child with fibro if you have it?

*It is genetically passed through females. I was told once it was 25%

*I got fibro way after my children!

*Dont worry, I was 16 I was told I couldn't have kids I have a wonderful 2 yr old now like I said before if you want one have one don't worry bout the what if's. As the child will make you more happier than you ever imagined and now I'm nearly 23. I've been told if I have another they said they couldn't say for sure ill pull through but never mind asking for 2 miracles is pushing it.

*This is a good question as it is something I have wondered. I also have gyno probs which could be related to fibro so make not sure if I do or not want kids, I'm in my early 30s.

*Throughout pregnancy I had round painful swellings on the bottoms of my feet. Felt like I was walking on marbles. The nurse anesthetist couldn't get my epidural placed right, so for the last 2 hours of labor I had no anesthetic at all.
The anesthesiologist came in the next day expecting to find me paralyzed from the botched epidural attempt. Has anyone else had problems getting an epidural?

*I had 3 children before being diagnosed. Last year (post diagnosis) we tried for a 4th baby but nothing happened and after a year we decided to stop as my health had gone downhill to the point that I couldn't manage a baby now.
It has affected me gynaelogically as I ended up with no period for months and then really heavy painful ones. I have the Mirena fitted now which has helped with the bleeding but if it were to come out they would be horrendous again.
I never had any Gynae probs before Fibro so definitly one of the symptoms.

*I was exhausted and my ligaments loosened a lot, causing joints to fall out of place on occasion, but worth every bit of it! My boys are the best people I know and gave me motivation to keep fighting, wouldn't be who I am with out them!

*And they were a great excuse to go puddle jumping, fort building and silly quests! Not that I need an excuse now, but they were the ones that got me started.

*Fibromyalgia pain wasn't bad. But the spd made up for it 100 fold!

*Had 2 children on 1st was ill from start to end but don't think it was fibro. Was ok on 2nd but after that one was when I noticed things getting worse . But it was after my hysterectomy things got lot worse.

*I wasn't diagnosed until after my kids were born, but my 2nd pregnancy was a nightmare. Only found out recently that I had SPD, left me with long term problems. Not sure what's Fibro and what's not these days though!

*Didn't find out about fibro until the birth of my last daughter, almost 23 years ago.

*The symptoms went away completely for the first pregnancy, I felt fantastic, this time I'm due with twins and the body pain is bad and my chronic fatigue has kicked up heavy but really it's been a great pregnancy I still take my percacets and my chlonipin and really other then my boyfriend dumping me ( not the babies father) it's been a good pregnancy, I still want more.

*I have two children aged 16 & 14 and I was only diagnosed with fibro 2 years ago but think the fibro has been with me for years and years. But my both pregnancies were fairly healthy it was after my first I had a nervous breakdown & a stay in a psychiatric hosp for 8 weeks and also had depression after my second saying all that there is nothing to confirm that these were symptoms of fibro.

*Pregnancy was complete relief for my FM! It was absolutely wonderful. I did have the terrible pain in my pubic bone, but I had an injury there from a bike accident when I was a child, so I think my pain was mainly from that.
I did well with the FM during nursing my baby, all the way til he weaned himself at 15 mos. I had a couple of flares during those 15 mos but nothing terribly bad.
My doc said, "Well, we know the cure for you! Have another baby!" I just looked at him like he was a Martian. Hah! Two babies and we are done. My boys are my world.

*I never felt better! No pain, no symptoms! I just had pregnancy related issues and I kept pulling my round ligament OUCH!

*I want kids am worried bout no pain meds for 9 months and what might happen but I don't care always wanted kids and this is 1 thing I am not going to let my fibro or M.E change.

*Didn't have Fibro back then. Or at least I didn't know about Fibro then.

*it started carpal tunnel, which I never had before and the pelvic floor pain into the nerve down my left leg

*I have suffered for the last 14yrs, and have had 2 children in that time. When preggies with 13yr old, I couldn't keep much down. My favourite meal has always been mashed potato, hard boiled egg and beans all mashed up together (without eggshell.)
I had that one night thinking I would be ok and I started shaking, light headedness and then needed to run to loo to be sick. The only thing we thought at the time was my ibs was reacting to milk. So I had to try the 3 items separately and I was fine, no bad reaction. The food intolerance carried on through the whole 9mths. It wasn't anything we could pinpoint and it didn't happen in my last pregnancy either.
All the doctor said was to keep a food diary, I did and showed it him and he was as confused as I was.

*I've never had children and am past child-bearing age now, though I knew deep down that it would be too much for my body. Not just the pregnancy and childbirth but the lack of sleep and energy needed.

*I never seemed to have any extra issues during pregnancy. But then, my pregnancies were hell before FMS too.

*Don't think it did, would have been my second, and the drugs you get, kinda was ok, was a forceps they pulled her out, and I mean pulled. felt like a cow, and a vet pulling out a calf, glad I had drugs, would not have liked to feel that cut!

*I didn't have Fibro till after I had my girls but had problem pregnancies and Chronic Fatigue.

*On the whole it got slightly better, did not go away completely. im due in three weeks and hope I feel ok afterwards. Hoping fibro pain means birth wont be a shock!

*I'm very interested in all this. I've managed to wean off Nortriptyline (which was NOT fun) in order to start "trying" again, so now I'm left with paracetamol! Does anyone know of any drugs which are suitable during conception/pregnancy? And is SPD more likely if you have Fibro as my lower back and pelvis are already madly painful as it is! If so, any tips? (ok, I'm jumping the gun, not even pregnant yet, but here's hoping!)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

In total, how many tablets do you take on any given day?


*Close to 30

*At least 6 a day. It goes up if I take anything for the pain.

*18 and a big brandy for toothache today!


*8 minimum.


*It's 25+ lost count round then ran out of fingers.

*Including vitamins too many to count. Meds only 14.

*Was up to 23 but have given up!

*14 minimum.

*Depends on how much pain I'm in. 2 that I have to take every day regardless (thankfully they're small as I have trouble swallowing) and up to 12 if I'm in a lot of pain!

*used to be loads but now 1 a day, which I've just remembered I have forgot to take today, once a week it 4 then twice its 3

*I used to take between five to six a day but I had to cut down as I found that I was immune to them.

*I was up 2 30, but i dont see the point, now im down 2 12 just 500grams paracetamol and 400 grams ibuprofen every 4hrs.

*22 on a good day


*30 tablets, which includes all meds, pain killers, vitamins etc.

*Wow! Is this all for the pain of fibromyalgia or are some of the pills for CFIDS as well? I only take synthroid. I'm afraid to take lots of meds because I have reacted badly in the past.

*On a good day 13, otherwise I have to take co-codamol on top.

*Way too many, I am scared to count them. I am trying HARD to get off a lot of them. I have had GREAT success by going to a wonderful Chiropractor and he is making adjustments to my neck and back.
Check out the internet regarding the "atlas" in your neck, the upper most movable bone in your neck, it protects your brain stem but it also has over 7 Trillion nerves running through it! My pain level is so much lower since I have been going to him.

*24 but does go up during hay fever season, hate taking them, but if I stopped I know I'd be a puddle of water on the floor.

*Would love to know what kind of "tablets" people are taking, seems I've tried everything out there, but I'm always wondering if some new combination might just be the ticket.

*you have to be careful of the herbs or natural stuff though. I have been told that they can react with certain meds.


*30 if I add all the supplements and such to help alleviate the joint pain. I also use a chiropractor, massage therapist and reflexologist to help. And it has. I can often go 2 to 3 months before having to get my break-through meds refilled.
I cannot take the monavie or noni juice or any of those things because of my kidney disease.


*oh my - about 16 and insulin.


*14 tablets a day that's not including the liquid medication.

*Used to take 10, but got off them and do it all herbal now feel great!


*4 on a good day, mainly supplements. On a flare day can be 10+. Used to be much more but I am finding most meds make me worse so prefer to go down the supplement route.

*on good days about 15, I think I should rattle when I walk!


*Usually between 9 and 11.

*Am I the only one that pain meds don't help my pain? I take zero a day because nothing helps the pain but rest. I do take an occasional Atavan when my sleep issues are interfering with my functioning.

*15 a day plus painkillers, vit pills, inhalers and a glass of CherryActive.
02 May at 19:22 · · Flag.Debbie Deboo about 16 not including supplements. Painkillers (two types), ropinirole, thyroxine, antihistamine, melatonin.

*I take 22 a day!

*About 14 god that is scary.

*Not too many, but do have a patch for pain relief.

*15 plus or minus a few, additional pain meds, if necessary.

*Between 12 and 19 and a constant patch, occasional hay fever tablet's and inhalers. think that's it.

*I take 16 a day. 9 in the morning and 7 at night.


*wow I feel very blessed right now, lots of you must rattle everyday as you have to take so many meds. I take between 11 and 15 pending on how much pain I am in.

*I have yet to find a pill that helps with the pain!! I am trying to learn to pace myself, if I overdo one day(a good day) then I pay for it by having to have bed rest for a couple of days later. Fibro sucks, it has taken away so much from me.
But on the bright side, I have met so many people that also have it that I have made life long friends!

*Around 20 depending on how bad I am- that includes Thyroxine and supplements. Was on a lot more but cut down.

*14 most days can be more if really bad day.

*Your situation sounds more like mine than the others I read here. Pain meds do not help my fibro pain. And yes Fibro sucks.


*Minimum of 2 on a good day and 18 on a day 1 as allergic to most of them.

*20, if I remember to take them all :S Funnily enough, I never forget the painkillers though!

*23 a day plus morphine patches

*Now about 34

*Oops forgot my vitamins so the total is about 40

*Supplements, plenty. Other, zero!

*Thirty one - Twelve of them supplements.

*Zero. Five years now all natural! Except for the occasional ibuprofen when I really need something!

*About 20 but have bu-trans patch too, also Bipolar.

*44 and feel like every one bruises my throat. And seems like more get added every time I go to doctors.

*About 10 depends on symptoms.

*On average 21, at the minute for all my problems.

*24-30, depending how much pain I am in on any given day, but I also have osteoarthritis as well as fibro, and panic attacks so the 24 cover everything.


*42 including probiotics, vitamins, allergy medicines, without counting migraines and osteoporosis! I wouldn't give up any--they make a difference.

*1 amitriptyline at night. Sometimes 3 diclofenac sometimes 8 paracetamol.

*When I had insurance and could afford my medication: 30mg Cymbalta 2x, 12.5mg ambien, muscle relaxants (cant remember name) 3 to 4x, multi-vitamin, calcium, vitamin D. So, up to 10. not counting the pain killers.

*I can take up to 22

*I forgot the allergy pill & the prn inhaler. And the extra antihistamine

*For fibro? 0 - 1 lortab if the pain is bad. But it gives me migraines so I seldom take those. 0-2 aleve when I dont feel like taking a lortab.

*14 a day now but my highest was 23 a day.

*About 15 including pregabalin,diclofenac and my pain patch ooh and my migraine ones when needed! plus all the antibiotics I'm on lately! and vitamins! I should also rattle.

* currently only take 4, but am looking for an herbal alternative! Any ideas? I have FM and SLE

*I also stopped using meds as it didn't help at all. I just rest whenever I can and take it easy. I just try coping with the pain.


*Between 10 and 16, god isn't that awful!

*16 at least.

*Can't do the maths!


*5, plus 3 inhalers and a nasal spray.

*19 on most days, if I am having a really bad day I have been known to take another 3


*It's interesting reading all the different drugs people have tried. My Doctor hasn't tried even half of them on me yet, so maybe I should have more hope and take a list to my Doc! I've not even heard of pain patches before. Thank you for sharing.

*between 10 & 15 plus inhaler


*About 30.

*only 5 prescription meds daily, but then there's the over the counter stuff to counteract the effects of those meds. then there's the pain killers. I'm too scared to add them up.

*only 8 1/2 and lots of horse tablet sized supplements. I do have Ankylosing Spondylitis too though. Not on any painkillers as such! I found that moving to a part of the world with almost no humidity made me TONS better. Good job because now I have to pay for my meds I can only just about afford them here.

*2 unless headache or severe body aches

*Oh yes forgot my vitamins so 5

*5 meds but some are prn. the rest are supplements. What does it matter really.

*Way too many. A lot are vitamins and natural stuff.

*2 on a good day, 16 on a bad. I try to use heated wheat bags instead of painkillers when I can- find it helps for back and leg pain.

*14-18 depending on how much pain I am in and if I have a migraine. I do have some other health issues though.



The symptom you find easiet to cope with is?

*Are you having a laugh, Its all so hard to get your head round and I hate it.

*There isn't any easy symptoms! They are all bad!

*Actually I find the pain easier to cope with than exhaustion, IBS, migraines, FOG and more FOG but, easiest, there isn't one.

*The pain as I know how I can take things to help it or use relaxation or treatments. The constant tiredness and lack of sleep is what I struggle with the most.

*Absolutely! NOT ONE "easy" symptom!

*I find the exhaustion the 'easiest' if there is such a thing that's easy about FM. at least I can plop onto the bed for an hour or so to recover. of course, that's hopeless on those days when there just isn't time to rest.

*The IBS is the most straight forward to cope with at the moment its not pleasant or exactly easy to live with. Not sure there is an easy symptom is there?
I guess if there were we wouldn't mention them as they wouldn't be as debilitating as the ones that really bother us.

*Probably memory because it makes me laugh and others laugh.I can look for my phone while it's in my hand.

*I get regular nose bleeds as one of my symptoms - that is extremely frustrating but I think that is the easier one to cope with!

*The fatigue

*Brain fog - I have always been a scatter brain but now have an excuse for it!

*Brain fog because it means I can still laugh at the daft things it makes me do!

*I laugh at the bring fog most of the time, but I hate it when I ask my mum something and she said we already talked about it or she told me and I have no memory of it at all and that's scary.

*Would have to agree with above.

*They are all yuk. But the easiest is the brain fog.

*The fatigue is the worst it just comes over me I usually get really cold then have to sleep. The funniest is as above says n you others I can laugh at myself easily. I have been for years.

*My husband.

*I agree the brain fog is easiest to cope with, although sometimes people say hurtful things when I stop dead in a middle of a sentence or use the wrong word.

*The Raynauds is the easiest to cope with as long as I can heat back up, but not fun having your fingers and toes turn black if you can't. but I do agree none are really easy to cope with, especially when they come on all together.

*Since I work full time (I have no choice) I would have to say the pain. The fatigue disables me and the fog/memory issues makes my job really difficult and EMBARRASSING!

*The brain fog went to put my sea belt on when I was already wearing it, does anyone get really painful feet.

*My feet are killing me now, don't know what to do about it.

*I get terrible pains in my feet also.

*Does it feel like the little bones going down your feet are going to break? i get that, I thought it was just me being weird.

*Have you ever tried to dial out or answer the tv remote? I do that a lot.

*Is painful feet a symptom then? I feel like my feet have broken sometimes but they obviously haven't, as I can still move them. I never thought to link it to fibro. And pins and needles is my easiest one. It's not nice but it doesn't affect your day too much.

*I get that 'broken feet' feeling too. My easiest symptom is the numbness as I'm not aware of it until I touch a numb area!

*Mine is also the numbness

*For me, its probably the "muddling up my words and speaking" when I get things wrong my family or friends just laugh and take the mick out of me so I don't feel completely stupid.

*Oh and can I just ask, does anyone suffer with needles n pins in both their feet? because for the last few days I'm getting them continuously, whilst driving sitting chilling, any time?

*Nothing is easy, but I would agree on the while pain, because you can do something about it.

*It would have to be the pain as I've had pain for most of my life and know how to cope with it.

*Sitting on my seat in my walk in shower, just sit and feel the water massaging my back.

*IBS is the easiest for me to deal with as long as I eat correctly. No sugar and the only OK carbs are in veggies and occasional fruits.

*The over eating I do to try and ease my symptoms and get a little pleasure out of something at least! food will do it!

*I cannot think of anything that is easiest to deal with. If my pain meds or anything took away my pain I guess that would then be the easiest.

*If I have to chose one; I'd say the brain fog since I'm dyslexic and I'm used to it anyway! Plus it gives my friends (and myself) a laugh. I'd much rather it all went away though!

*Painful muscle spasms in my hand, they don't last as long as other areas.

*That is a tough one, none of the symptoms are easy to cope with. I guess feeling good when I hve had enough rest is the thing I cope with the easiest, thought I don't think that is a symptom, sorry, they are all hard to deal with.

*Probably the fog is the easiest, along with having ridged nails and splitting cuticles.

*I agree with everyone that says None, they're all bad! But I guess if I had to pick one I'd say the "Fibro fog" although it extremely annoying the "precious moments" when I do something wrong or totally mess something up, you just sort of gotta sit back and laugh! Maybe it fibro's comic relief?

*You can find my sugar in the fridge,shave 1leg in shower & forget the other, and I call everyone by the wrong name and sex.

*The pain is easiest. I can just take a pill and grind my teeth and do my best not to be grumpy. But the forgetfulness and the fibrofog are the ones that affect my children and my husband.
So those are the ones that are the hardest to deal with. If I didn't have children, then the pain would be the hardest to deal with. Pain doesn't affect my kids.

*Never knew there was so many or us, all the pain , but I don't know which one of my problems is causing the worse pain, Is it the Ankylosing Spondylitis or the Hernaited discs or the Osteroatrosis or the osterporosis? At the moment its the toothache!

*There isn't any, they're all lousy - the exhaustion, the pain, the getting muddled up/forgetting things, the sweats, tension headaches/migraines.

*I can't say anyone of the symptoms is 'easy'. I suppose the shooting stabbing pain s as I don't get them very often, except in my boobs!

*Being tired I think is probably the easiest for me. I can lay down when I'm tired. The rest of my symptoms, aches, and pains are more of an impairment so they are more difficult to "cope" with. Hope everyone is have a great pain free day today!

*WOW too bad we cant start a support group online where we can all chat together(chat room) I would have to say the Fatigue is my biggest Pain in my a**
otherwise they all are I also have rayauds and it sucks living in Michigan,It doesn't help fibro at all!

*There's really no symptom that's easy to cope with. They all suck, and they all make life a living hell.

*Watching a movie in bed

*None of it is easy, except the comfort I get from chocolate! but then that makes me fat so no nothing is easy.

*I would say the fibro-fog, its usually funny, for instance, the other day i ordered take out from this one pizza place, and went to another pizza place to pick it up ha, I blamed it on my husband, saying oh well he must of told me the wrong place.


*The aches and pains. I can deal with the soreness. I've been doing it a really long time. I cannot deal with the fatigue or brain fog!

*Totally agree nothing is easy. the fibro fog is embarrassing and frustrating for me and that's not easy. I guess being tired and be able to lay down and actually sleep is the easiest. Wishing everyone and comfortable day.

*Brain fog. I have to laugh at myself.

*Constant peeing. Sometimes the fibro fog - I keep a memory diary to try and help with that and it can be funny when I muddle the words, its not so easy or funny when I miss something important though.

*None of it, I am totally drained by the FM.

*Wow good question from reading above can now relate why feet feel broken often small joints,its the fibro. Now back to question easiest part to cope with for me got be the pain for now as pain killers work well along with amtirlpine.

*Too be honest none

*Definitely brain fog and constantly losing things.

*Nice to know I'm not the only one foggy. It has been a bit worse lately. It can be frustrating to me. My sons finish my statements for me. I laugh at the blonde jokes, but still it would be nice to think clearly.

*Skin flushes. Often I don't know its happening, its the other stuff that goes with it like dizziness, drifting off or feeling drunk.

*Brain fog is the easiest. I found the ice trays in the oven & the iron in the freezer!! I enjoy travel & just getting out of my apt, some times I forget where I am & where I am going, that is when I just have to stop, stretch, check my day runner to see where I am supposed to be.


*I guess the energy surges.

*None of the symptoms are good, but if I had to pick it would be brain fog. That is more of an embarrassment then anything.

How much do you think a positive mental attitude helps when living with FM/CFS/ME/MS?

*Its what gets my 12 year old daughter and myself through the day. Positive thinking leads to a positive attitude and less stress so better equipped to cope with the illness.

*It helps a lot! Many of my tutors praise me for getting on with my work even though I have this condition! However it is not easy to stay positive! I have my mum and boyfriend who keep me on track!

*Its the way to go.

*Very much so. I find if I am having a bad day emotionally I feel much worse physically and vice versa. Today is quite a good day and I am feeling positive about everything today so am not feeling too bad.

*If we could see a comic to make us laugh ever day it would take our mind of every thing.

*Well I always think - OK, if I don't pull my knickers up, no one else will Sam - so get on with it! But I'm also lucky in that I have a really fantastic supportive & helpful family for when I hit the bad days.

*A lot, I find if I feel down n negative it is harder to get going and the pain seems worse, changing subject did anyone watch bones last night. The woman who was murder suspect had Fibro and that was her excuse for killing the guy who lied to her. My hubby said don't you do that to me so I said don't ever lie then!

*Positivity is so very important. When I'm down I feel in pain, more tired, my IBS gets worse. But if I try to remain positive, mostly through my boyfriend trying to distract me from the pain and doing silly things, then the pain isn't on my mind so much.

*A lot

*I think it helps with everything.

*I work on my folks farm & if it wasn't for a positive attitude I would never get anything accomplished. so when you are dragging a positive outlook is all you got!

*I think that having a positive mental attitude is very helpful to cope with the FMS/CFS/ME/MS/HMS too. I'm finding that it makes you get on with life since so many things we used to be able to do we sometimes can't do them any more, especially when like myself you've gone from being able to walk one minute, and then the next minute you can no long walk at all.
Then have to admit defeat and ask for help that you need to be able to get on with the new life you have been dealt with.

*It is the only way I can make it through the day. I solidly believe in "Fake It Til You Make It."

*I think it helps tremendously! I know I have always tried to keep a positive attitude. I have FM, it doesn't have me! my attitude keeps me going everyday.
I tell myself no matter how bad it is there is someone out there that is worse off than me!

*I walk but with great pain yet when I applied for DLA it was rejected even when appealed against it.

*It helps tons, but it's not always easy to be positive. The positive days are by far the better days.

*I know a positive attitude helps! On the days that I can't seem to get myself out of the dumps the pain is worse.
If you have IBS symtoms, I have found something that helps tremendously. My symptoms were so bad I couldn't eat anything. I saw a commercial on TV for something and it works!
Digestive Advantage for IBS. I have to take two a day but I can eat basically anything now! When you can get at least one problem under control then it is a lot easier to stay positive, Best wishes to everyone!

*It helps millions. I am one of the most positive people I know and they always say they should be more like me. We cant let anything beat us!

*Yes most definitely especially when there seems no way out of the pain. Down days are hard, but there is always a good day to come.

*A positive attitude is something I have control of much unlike my fibro! I enjoy sharing it with others especially when physically I can't offer much. I know full well that my attitude is directly related with my symptoms.
I also believe that positive attitude is all encompassing. Everything about my life is better when I am positive despite it all.

*I find it hard to be positive some days,I don't sit n feel sorry for myself but have spent many a day in tears, I find having fibro frustrating,my daughter has autism she is my reason to carry on, sometimes the depression just takes over.

*I think a positive attitude is the key sometimes. Especially, if you are going thru other trials in your life along with the Fibro and other health issues.
It makes me push myself more. It's hard but, it is better than giving in. Positive attitudes can be catching just like a smile can.

*I think a positive attitude helps a great deal because when you are down the pain seems worse. My flare ups are not a severe as they use to be since I changed my attitude.

*There are many things I've learned from this disease. One is that stress is not caused by physical facts, but by our attitude toward, interpretation of, and response to them. Another is that Cognitive Therapy helps me deal with EVERYTHING in my life, but especially with MCS/FM/CFS.
How I think of something determines how I feel about it, and that determines how I feel - physically, mentally, and emotionally! And finally, happiness is an inside job: pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

*It's everything in learning to live with a chronic illness. I have seen it in my own life and the lives of others who seem to struggle more.

*I think staying positive has a great effect, I stay positive about my Fibro most of the time (have to say most as it does get me down now and again) sending you all soft hugs.

*In my opinion, absolutely! Admit, not a great deal of the cards, but hey, there are people out there that are worse!
My sister for one, she has MS and I am sure she would gladly change places with me. I only have the pain and fatigue, she is permanently disabled and struggles to do the absolute necessary.
The pain and fatigue no longer bother her, it's being helpless that gets her down! I visit her and always come always thinking I am very lucky!

*Positivity is essential, but not always attainable. The knowledge that FMS/ME/CFS are increasingly in the public awareness helps me hold on to a positive attitude-the more awareness, the harder it is for the "powers-that-be" to ignore and denigrate us.

*I think it helps a lot. Today I am in some pain and getting worse by the hour, however I am in such a positive mood that it is hardly affecting me.

*It is VERY hard to be positive when you are in pain 24/7. If it would let up at least once in a while that would help but it NEVER let's up even for a minute it only gets WORSE with the weather.

*It helps a great deal, when I feel happier the pain is easier to deal with and visa versa though.

*I had clinical depression for years and am trying very hard not to go back there. I think it would just make things so very much worse so I definitely agree that a positive attitude makes a big difference, it's just kinda hard to find it when am in a flare up :S I think I need to practice!

*I think that if I didn't have one, I wouldn't be here!

*It is essential. You have to be positive in life.

*I would say it's essential. I keep myself busy and occupied (professionally and at home) every day. If my mind is busy, it's not stressing about this silly condition. That doesn't diminish the pain and the physical limitations but finding ways round them to lead as normal a life as possible provides the challenges of each day.

*It is vital!
I use it in every way - not just in actions & conversation (i.e. by not banging on about every symptom to anyone who listens!) but also in my thoughts.
I try not to say or think things like, 'I'm in agony 24 hours a day" or 'I'm just so tired of this pain' as that only focusses on the negative. I focus on what I can do, not what I can't.
For example, I got downstairs for the first time in days today - that's a huge deal for me & I pay attention to that, rather than focussing on my pain.
We are what we think & if we think about the pain & fatigue, that is what we become - we also become not very good company, & company is what we need to keep our mind off things.

*It's absolutely vital! Concentrate on what you can do and not what you can't, even if it means completely turning your life around. It works for me.

*It's the only thing that gets you through the day.

*I don't know. I'll get back to you if I ever have one.

*It the only thing that gets me to work sometimes. Need to change my attitude I know. Get so depressed when things cant do any more but I will get there.

*It's most important of all. Emotional stress is the worst trigger for me, so when I'm happy, my body is much happier.

*Horrible attack of fibro today, but I know things could always be worse. A positive attitude is extremely important. Listening to my body is so important. I didn't listen yesterday. Now I hear it loud and clear.

*A lot! And praying for Gods will, not mine. It all makes a HUGE difference!

*It helps with fibro and life in general.

*It helps a lot, that's how I've managed to cope for the last 10 years - plus the fact that I care for an octogenarian father.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Gentle exercise

The medical profession suggest some form of gentle exercise, is beneficial those managing FM/ME/CFS, what kind of gentle exercise how you found beneficial?

*walking to the fridge and back,
but seriously, if I can manage it, a gentle walk is about it.

*I can't do any, it exhausts me then I have to sleep for hours

*Palates helps a lot.

*You know what? I'm constantly doing gentle exercise and I haven't found any beneficial!

*Aquatic therapy is very helpful and relaxing!

*I'm with Above - walk to the fridge! Sometimes I sit on my yoga ball- gentle stretching seems to work out well.

*Walking and a light gym regime given by the physio

*None, well I'm feeling better I can do a little bit of walking which brightens my day but that's all it does. It does nothing to help with the illness itself.

*I have several outdoor only dogs (Siberian Huskies) watering and feeding them is my exercise. I rest all morning then take care of them followed by rest the rest of the day and night. I can no longer brush them or play with them but I'm still able to show them love by sitting down at eat dog and petting and hugging them.

*I used to play rugby & football years ago, now I'm exhausted just living day to day! Clearing up after kids and a husband is enough. Yoga& aqua aerobics is good, but haven't done it in ages! Motivation is nil with FM.

*I swim but its not help with the pain or fatigue. I do it just to try and help but my body defiantly doesn't think its helping was going to try tai chi anyone tried it? but not sure if I cant handle swimming

*Still working! Plus housework when I can. More than enough exercise for me.

*Only thing I've every found that works is hydrotherapy. As every other thing else just wears me out, so making me worse.

*Most days, like TODAY, I can barely walk never mind even think of exercise!

*I try light walking, but after 10 minutes, I am in horrific pain. I'm sure exercise would be beneficial if we could just manage to do it!

Hydrotherapy is great, nly wish I could use it. I wind up getting Charlie horses in both the upper and lower legs.
Any other suggestions other than hydrotherapy?

*Do the people who suggest the "gentle" exercise have FM ? If they did they would understand that there is NO such thing as gentle exercise in our world!

*I used to go to the gym about 4 times a week at least before the Fibro and ME hit and now I can barely move most days, if I do any repetitive movements no matter how small they make me ache more and wear me out and if I can do them today I will suffer for the next few days.

*I always hated it when another doctor would suggest exercise to me. I can't do it, what do you not understand about that?
I would spend one hour exercising and not be able to get out of bed for a week. But that was then, this is now.
I love doing yoga when I feel up to it, mainly for the stretching which feels so good! I have two young children also, and keeping up with them is more than enough exercise for me.

*No Pain no Gain. I have a friend 16 years ahead of me with FM, back then It was not found out that you HAVE to work the body. She cant walk and hold her arms up, her limbs are done because she sat still as back then the doctors told her to.

*I definitely feel better overall for regular moderate exercise. My overall pain levels are far worse if I'm consistently inactive. I don't always feel good immediately after exercising, in fact it can leave me floored and feeling utterly dreadful.
BUT I have experimented and I am definitely worse overall without exercise. I do a careful mix of yoga, Wii Fit, walking and badminton.

*Yes hydrotherapy is Great ! even better if you can work out in it! I sleep in a warm water bed, and live hard till I climb (on my hand & knees almost) Into a hot shower or the hot tub.
We control are body's are body don't(or should not) control us!

*Yoga helps. I have a wonderful teacher who understands Fibro, peace and love.

*I have never felt better as when I was doing light Yogo and aqua therapy.
I was happy all the time I got serious sleep I was so relaxed, and aqua therapy is amazing!
I never felt "worked over." And I wasn't stiff in the water so I could move! But then Degenerative joint disorder set in, that was slowly the end of exercise, and walking and sitting up straight and well, living.

*I started at a gym this week, just did 20 mins moderately fast pace on treadmill then 4 mins on cross trainer then went onto the toning tables I think they are the best for us with fm/me/cfs as its very gentle but you can speed it up if you feel up to it.

*We have a house so up and down stairs during a good day is exhausting enough.

*Walking is ok for me on good days, don't try to carry anything though (ie. groceries). Anything that is non repetitive is fine. But only on good days. Don't go by what others can do, even others with FM. Clearly some are more able than others. Never let anyone make you feel guilty for what you are unable to do. We are all different.

*A hobble round the field with the dog n my girlie. Don't need any more as she has autism and runs rings around me!

*I've found my Wii Fit is great, I do the gentle step exercises, hula hoop & yoga when I feel well enough.


*I have to use a cane to walk now and that is even wearing on my arms and shoulders. I have had to move my bedroom to the first floor, couldn't handle the steps any more and have fallen down them a time or 2.
Suggestion: pick up a small tool apron too wear, it helps with carrying items from one place to another.

*I just finished a research proposal for school and actual studies have found that aerobic exercise in warm water is beneficial to painful joints and muscles. It also helps improve mental cognition.
My problem with it is time and expense but I have found a class where the water is always warm and I do only what I feel like I can do. It is wonderful.

*I'm part of a hospital fitness programe (stretching and using exercise equipment) and find that it defiantly helps with fibro - if I get a flare up it doesn't seem to last as long. also just bought the new easytone trainers and they gently help muscles in legs without me really noticing it.
I agree that sometimes it's painful to exercise but I just try to do a little bit less than I normally would.
Running around after my daughter also keeps me active. exercise also helps me feel more positive that I'm not going to let Fibro stop me living my life, just have to go about things in a different way to people without it.

*I try to do palates or yoga twice a week- my instructor "gets" Fibro so she's quite careful making sure I don't overdo. the other days I try to walk for about 20 minutes. I also walk around a lot at work but that's it.
Any repetitive exercises kill me after a couple of days. Once I retire I hope to find an inexpensive place for warm water exercise.

*I have 3 dogs which I have to force myself to walk each day. Every walk I do with them is very painful, but I make myself keep going as I had to give up my running 3 years ago cause of Fibro, and I am determined it wont make me give up my walking!
It is agonising when I get back, I have to lie down.

*The ones suggesting this do they have fibro!

*I just don't have the energy for exercise, just going up and down the stairs is enough! Thank God I now have a downstairs loo. I long to live in a flat!

*There's nothing gentle about exercise!

*Tai Chi


*My rheumatology department do a specific hydrotherapy group for relaxation in the water which keeps joints moving etc in 26 degree water *bliss*
I am still in the arthritis programme at the minute but will be put into the Fibro group after so will let you know how it goes.
The hydrotherapy pool at the hospital here can be used on some evenings for people to continue their "exercises" (mine are ankle circling, side steps across the pool, bending knees then walking back across the pool)independently.
Might be worth an ask at your hospital.

*Heated pool usually considered too hot to swim in.

*Tai Chi! After an MRI, Dr wanted to do surgery on my left shoulder, said I had torn rotator cuff. I had way too much anxiety for that, so began Tai Chi.
No surgery, shoulder worked fine, that was about 4 years ago.
Gives my back and muscles a great stretch, deep breathing and centres me so less stress. B/P came down also.

*On better days I make myself take a short, slow walk on the beach with the dog, it keeps me moving, can't do it often but always feel better mentally if nothing else.
Stretching helps too, it's important to move what you can when you can, to try and slow the deterioration.

*Yoga, specifically Rodney Yee's dvds. Yoga for beginners is great - even on really bad days it's easy enough to do.

*Hydrotherapy is the only exercise that's helped me. Walking causes muscles in my legs to spasm and stop working properly but gentle stretching also seems to help.
However, hydro has to be done in a warm pool for me or I get the cramping problems. They've just closed the only hydro pool within miles so that exercise isn't happening either right now.
However, I'm still working and busy in my day so I'm hoping that helps (if only a fraction of formal exercise).

*I am lucky enough to be able to go to a hydrotherapy pool once a week, (although getting there is a bit of an issue as it's in the next town and I don't drive), and gentle stretches in the warm water really do seem to help, especially as I can do as much or as little as I feel up to doing.
I'm looking into other physio though as I need to lose weight.

*Have done Palates class for a number of years. Great for strengthening muscles and straightening the body out. Also have a jacuzzi and swim weekly.

*Water therapy.

*Great question!
A water aerobics program was suggested, but when I feel so awful, the last thing I want to do is get into a bathing suit in front of a bunch of strangers! Not only that but being alone I had to think about driving some place and getting there on time several times a week - that was out of the question for me.
Still a big challenge.
BUT - I have found that moving around in WARM water is not only very relaxing but soothes the soul as well.
I was fortunate to find a home early last fall with a pool. It's a mixed blessing because it's expensive, but for the few weeks I could use it I found I went from just floating around to actually trying to swim a "lap" or 2.
Hopefully it will offset the *devastating* effects of the summer heat here in Phoenix!
Of course, gentle stretching is also a big help to me!

*Natural Solutions & Supplements to Restore Balance

*I have come to the conclusion that there is no gentle exercise that helps (who are these medics trying to kid!) I would love some of these experts to have fibro for half a day, see how they cope, what they manage to achieve and whether they find excercise beneficial!
Sorry for the rant! anyway I make myself go out for walks. these don't help at all and quite often I hobble back, but I would go crazy if I let this illness get the better of me, rant over!

*Yoga does miracles, walking too!

*Wow. I feel like everyone else here, taking care of pets, housework, water exercise, walking - just getting there is the biggest step.

*Have never tried yoga so after reading this think I'll give it a go, as there is no hydrotherapy pool locally thanks for that everyone

*Walking is not gentle exercise. Its higher impact than doing yoga or water exercises, so of course you're going to be in a lot of pain after.
Doing very gentle exercises and stretches WILL improve your flexibility and make you feel better (maybe not immediately Sedentary is NOT a healthy lifestyle, no matter what health problems you have to move!

*Walking the treadmill while watching TV and/or surfing the internet. My netbook fits just right on the treadmill. I have put in for some occupation therapy to get a little strength training.

*I used to be able to do more exercise when I was pain meds but now I can only do a very small amount. I keep moving and walk most days for with my dog but do become very exhausted by the pain.

*Games on the Wii Fit, stimulate the brain and make you laugh.

*You just have to find a self management plan that works best for you. And if nothing works; don't feel bad about it.
I have found through trial & error that yoga and any light stretching helps to bring the pain down a few notches sometimes.
Stretching bands are good because they're like weights & keep you toned but they don't place strain on the muscles.

*Just seen a physio a couple of days ago, she gave me some exercises for my shoulders and arms. So I'm pending on this question, need to try something, because I'm becoming more stiff each day.
Just contacted a lady who runs a local group for Fibro last night, and their next meeting in two weeks, there is a fibro physio attending, I think it's healthcare professionals like this which we should all be seeing. So far I've had little or no help or understanding from my GP.


*If fatigue allows, hanging in the pool on a noodle lets me move all parts of me without much effort. But, I can easily wreck myself due to the ease of buoyancy. Move now, pay later?

*It depends entirely on how bad my "fatigue factor" is. If I'm achy, but able to stay out of bed, I do whatever I feel up to. That might only mean going up and down stairs a few times in a day, or it could mean breaking ground for a new flowerbed, or rearranging the BIG rocks around my fish ponds.
Moving makes me sore initially, but unless overexertion triggers a crash, I end up feeling stronger, ergo, better. During a crash, even lifting myself out of bed becomes too much to endure.
The sheer variability of my FMS/ME/CFS is maddening, and makes it hard to say how much I can, or should, do.

*So far - None.

*Sad to read how everyone of us suffers so doggone bad. We all try our best, knowing we should 'move', hurting or fatigued too badly to do so, sorry if we don't, yet can't.
We all do what we can, when we can, and I think my husband said it best when asked some years ago "if I could still do anything". He replied, 'oh sure, she can still do lots of things, just not for long, or for a long time afterwards'!

*Sorry but I haven't found anything that helps, any attempt I make at being active sets me back even further.
I use crutches to walk any time I leave the house and if I do too much on them then my arms are useless for the next few days.
I am in agony climbing the stairs at home, when I was first diagnosed I swam and walked my dogs, I cant even do that any more. My husband made the same response.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Complete the sentence: today I could really do with...

*A vacation.


*A nice cold glass of cider and some picnic food in the sun. Sadly, I can't drink and have to go to uni to sit in a room with no windows

*More eye liner

*Legs that worked and a back that didn't feel like it was mugged by a truck full of ferrets.

*A neck massage and some pain relief for my headache.

*Relief from this viral infection.

*A complete lobotomy

*a good sleep, cause I have not been

*Plenty of strength and not getting tired so quickly.

*Some energy

*A break

*some new legs and back, arms oh hold on I'll submit my body parts shopping list later

*Energy and sleep big time

*A new brain!

*Without IBS!

*A huge cuddle!

*a pain-free body

*A good nights sleep!

*Industrial strength numbing tooth/gum gel

*Stop my pains - even if it's just for today.

*A body transplant!

*A massage.

*for this migraine to go away

*A new, functional, pain free body, oh and a brain that works too please!

*A pain free body so I can get things done before I have to leave town.

*somebody to help me.

*Big hug

*Much needed sleep! But I need to do so many things!

*a miracle, or at least someone to write 3 2,000 word essays and a 1,500 word German essay, any offers?

*Someone to fix dinner and give me a break!

*I've had all of these this week alone, migraine, neuralg, backache genalized body aches and pains. I give up!

*A stop button! having a good day, but fear I over doing it!

*A day off work so I can rest.

*I actually believe I might have MS. the doctors don't want to examine me to rule it out?

*A jackpot winning lottery ticket

*The NHS paying for my treatment!

*Some energy

*Being able to walk!

*A new body


*A good, firm massage. Good balance, legs that work and the energy to use them, and to get a job!

*a hug

*A job. I miss having a full time job. There's got to be one out there I can handle.

*NO anxiety!

*A lot more sleep.

*A swim then a massage. Cant manage 1st, cant afford the 2nd

*a good massage to my back and shoulders

*my boyfriend not painting cause the smell is getting to me, making me feel just a little yuckier than I did before.

*persist until you find a doctor who will listen to you. We know our bodies best.

*Some energy!

*a massage and a dip in the jacuzzi

*A Sherpa to follow me around constantly!

*A shotgun.

*a hot tub and massage!

*a day that I wasn't frustrated by the pain.

*Some energy, tired free & lounging on a beach in the Maldives with Martine McCutcheon.

*I've wanted a new body for years, but today I'd settle for being pain free in my neck and shoulders so I could turn my head without pain


*A big hug and a long sleep

*A day of nothing but REST!

*a hug, massage, a good night's sleep, a maid and cook, an animal assistant

*a new body! I'll keep the mind, I'm used to it.

*a magic pill.

*time away from everyone who doesn't understand


*Rest and peace

*These electrical pains in my back and spine and all to go away and get some rest and be able to sleep through the night so I can get my housework caught up and be a better mum and wife to my kids and husband.

*a swim in a hydro-therapy pool

*without the smell from the oil slick in the Gulf. They say it is not effecting peoples health but I was outside about 30 seconds and now have slept for over 18 hours, vomiting and all my joints hurt so bad I can barely move.

*lunch with a friend.

*no nasty weather. Well, no back and forth weather

*a hug from someone other than my kids!

*To get massages, To go on a much needed spa vacation, Physical therapy to get me back to where I can really exercise, a camera so I can take my pictures one of my passions , a dog, visit all my friends or go on a all girls fibro cruise or trip and I pay for it all.

*woohoo I am all up for a cruise lets go! and if anyone wants to add me I am all up for new fibro friends come on and just hit me up.

*some sunshine ~ it's gloomy and rainy in San Diego. C'mon sun ~ you can do it!

*Oh and some Love in my life, a shoulder to lean on and a hug and a kiss. A great man he has to be out there somewhere . I pray

*a new body please, but if that's to much to ask for, then just stop the pains in my neck

*less pain . I'm having a very painful day!

*giving DLA decisions makers a good slap!

*Very true, I've tried 3 times 2 get DLA, but no, my body is giving up I cant take any more, my body telling me to give up work but don't know how I would cope with the bill's so I stay there.

*An electric blanket, muscle relaxants and long nap

*A new body. Really over exercised yesterday. Rode bike in rain and froze to death. Rode way too long and am paying for it today. BUT going to walk today. Exercise is my drug of choice.

*not having Fibro effects today would be the best

*I feel like giving up on it too Sarah, my job has already gone. I'm tired and hurt too much, but the report that came back this time to say "NO" was a little more than shocking, so I'm fighting them all the way if it kills me! So I need strength, energy and lots more pain meds

*I wish I could add my photos of my new born duckie, just flew in last week. UGH!

*bathtub! My fibro isn't even so bad today, I just really want to take a long, hot bath.

*Sleep! peace and quiet

*A massage

*sitting outside on my patio, under the canopy in my cushy outdoor furniture, with the wind blowing through my hair and my sunglasses on sipping my drink, enjoying my puppy dogs - but kids will be home in 15 min!

*A cure for Fibro!

*another coffee

*some energy

*Live in housekeeper/personal assistant!

*I could do with, less focus on what we need, want and don't have! More focus on what IS working in our lives!
Today, I am GRATEFUL for the USE OF my mind, arms, legs, eyes, hands and feet -- no matter how tired and painful they may be!

*popping by to make me smile

*a new body

*getting drink.

*a fairy Godmother to grant me three wishes!


*A nap

*help fed up with this, its taking me life away , does anyone know if group therapy works

*A pain-free day! Also lots of sleep:

*Some support and understanding from people who are supposed to love me!

*Hurting less and not so tired

*less traffic

*I wish the friends that don't understand would leave me alone, I am so sick and tired of the doubters out there! I had to give up my nursing career, how or why anyone would think I would give up my career I worked so hard for! I would also love a good nights sleep, can anyone give me some feed back on the sleep number bed?

*more sleep and rest and less pain.

*a massage

*new legs.

*Some REM sleep.

*I love my sleep number bed, in fact we have two of them.

*I could really do with an attitude adjustment! Maybe then I could learn to look at the positive things in my life instead of all the pain! I am truly blessed.

*a back, foot and hand massage.

*Waking up tomorrow and finding out that Fibromyalgia no longer exists for any of us.

*A massage after a hot tub!

*Today I could really do with swimming in the sea.

*some decent painkillers

Medics Aware Gallery

Don't forget to take duck to your next medical appointment - we want a photo of your doctor/nurse/consultant holding Fibroduck, we'll put them in our new medics aware gallery, which I'm working on right now, lets honour those medics who are FM/ME/CFS aware.

*What is ME? I know what FM/CFS is, but not sure what ME is.

*ME is just like chronic fatigue syndrome except "Where the one essential characteristic of M.E. is acquired CNS [central nervous system] dysfunction, that of CFS is primarily chronic fatigue."

*Same as CFS virtually. It's just was us Brit's call it.

*but more severe.

*I need to find a doc in Aberdeen who believes in Fibro!

*I'd like to launch the new Medics aware gallery as part of our awareness day events on May 12th. At present we have seven medics aware :)

*I'll have to send my mum a duck for her next rheumy appointment (we share the same doctor.

*Thanks for the info. I have a loved one with CFS.

*Gave my fibro duck card to my OT

*My GP asked what the fibroduck keyring was.

*I don't do Doctors no more, more mess ups with them then with out them. Not just me I had a buddy have his leg taking off, for NO reason. I'm sure the money was good, then gave him a by pass. that he did need! Can't sue in Canada.

*HI all, Where do you get the ducks from?

*What a cool idea!

*The section is built and ready to go next month, I just have to publish the page on the day. More photos would be great, not just any old Medic though, they must be FM aware/friendly to go on this gallery :)

*Cool idea, IF my Dr knew much about FM/CFS. I was handed off to this one by the Dr that left 2 yrs ago, not once has he sat down & talked with me. Just writes my scripts, which I appreciate, but come on. To find a Dr, I would have to pay for visit with each one, I don't want all my meds messed with, I just want some one that actually knows how to pronounce fibromyalgia!

*But I think the time has come where my money has to be spent on specialist doctors, I'm sick of being messed around :(

*Can't wait to press the 'publish' button come awareness day!
It's all ready to go with 7 medics up there at present although we welcome more please! They must be FM/CFS/ME/MS aware-friendly

*Does Eastern and Central Oregon, USA count??? My two guys are the best in the States! They deserve recognition.

*Yup they can be from anywhere cos it's a worldwide project.

*Ok will do. Hope I have the time!

Your worst symptom is?

*Despair. That the pain is never going away.

*nerve pain!

*Pain and foggy brain.

*Fatigue, doesn't help when trying to do a degree! Oh and lack of concentration, pain isn't good either. Everything?

*Extreme fatigue, fog and vertigo.


*Hating everything & everyone around you when fatigued. The pain that no one can see. Looking like a dumb arse when have forgotten the simplest of things!

*Extreme fatigue and the terrible aches and pains.

*Nerve pain, exhaustion.

*Cramps in legs after walking and at bed time.

*Fatigue for me too but also having to write stuff down all the time because I keep forgetting!

*Feeling in so much pain and feeling useless


*PAIN pain n more pain

*All of the above and cramps in the legs during the day and night


*Fatique and restless leg

*Back and leg pain this morning

*Memory blank,fog,and the fatigue. Worst thing of all though is people not understanding what I go through, that's really hard to cope with.

*Exhaustion give me some energy!

*and they tell you that exercise is the best cure, it just goes to show the lack of research they have done.

*fatigue yes, migraine/headaches and anxiety associated symptoms

*Leg pain and INCREDIBLE weakness and floppy feeling in the legs. Then anxiety about whether it could be something else. Something even worse than FM. Oh, and gut stuff and fatigue, but they are there most of the time.

*Do I have to pick one? #1 FATIGUE #2 Back & Leg pain in AM


*All over body pain

*Really mine would be the different pains everywhere all over my body not knowing when one part is going to hurt worse than the next and Fatigue plus I am pretty sure my Migraines are caused by the Fibro if not making it worse.

*All the pain, I have it mainly in the shoulder/upper back and my hips/legs, although one leg is injured from my car accident and has a couple of pinched nerves, one in my hip socket and the other they said is sciatica for the last ten years. Which I think is crazy.

*I'll have to agree with all over body pain day in day out!

*The pain in my hands!

*I get really bad migraines too - but I have a problem with my heart & they reckon its connected?? I take rizatriptine - which seem to work well.


*Not got one single one, one day it might be pain, the next fibro fog, and another it might be fatigue. never knowing what each day is going to bring is the worst part of fibro

*mine get to where at times they make me blind in one eye the eye that it is closely
centered on and I have never tried Rizatiptine I used to take Topamax but it was messing with my memory and didn't really seem to work that much cause I was still having bad migraines so I got off of it.


*Debilitating fatigue that greatly limits life.

*People not understanding.

*Although I don't have Fibro, the pain of watching the person you love suffer, and never being able to truly understand their fatigue, pain and the willingness to just keeping facing everyday.

*Exhaustion, I can fight through the pain, and laugh at the fog, but the exhaustion is overwhelming and very misunderstood! I hate being referred to as lazy!

*Exhaustion and pain.


*Spasmed muscles. I feel like made of rock today

*Toss up - Fatigue & Pain

*Fatigue n the pain when in flare. Oh and the word mix up n fibro fog

*Fatigue and non-cardiac chest pains!


*Hands down, the pain.

*Neck, shoulders and upper arms ALL THE TIME, plus fatigue and lack of restful sleep

*Pain fatigue and brain fog,have lots of accidents when brain fog is bad

*Pain and muscle spasms

*Leg pains!

*Everything everyone has said and the worst, people, including doctors not understanding and telling me to exercise, all types of exercise hurt and need energy, what part of hurt all over and exhausted do they not understand?

*flu-like feeling, Pain and paralysis.

*Constant back and pelvic pain.

*The fog, fatigue, body ache, and the exhaustion.

*Pain for sure

*Insomnia and constant pain everywhere

*Pain, fatigue, not remembering, not being able to retain information as in short term memory, never feeling relaxed, not getting a restful sleep regardless of how many hrs you sleep.
Not remembering parts of my daughter's childhood is the worst, not being able to have done the things with my girls and now my grandson that I want to do with them.
People knowing that I hurt but, yet still I do everything and knowing that my daughters probably have this in early stages.

*The loss of self in extreme pain

*All of the above but the VERY worst thing for me is the brain fog, some days I feel kinda bright and capable and then my cognitive abilities, being able to string a coherent sentence together and understand what people are saying to me is robbed away again and makes me feel so useless! Best wishes to everyone.

*Just to have a positive thought for one day, about life and my future!

*Poor quality of life.

*The pain in my butt! Seriously, I have had pain more in my left butt for so long. I have pain everywhere but if that'd go away things would be so much better.

*Pain - fatigue - my whole body is so heavy. Also my body feels so on edge (Can't explain that one any better)

*At the moment, the fatigue. It doesn't help that when I go to bed at night, I ALWAYS have an epic panic attack as I'm dropping off grr.

*Pain in my hands, all the time

*I can handle the pain (although it is bad,) it's the fatigue and the memory issues that affect my functioning in my daily living.

*Post-exertional relapse. The pain is not so bad (generally) that I can't work past it, but the sick, exhausted relapses make me want to sleep, and never wake up.

*Fatigue and almost all over muscle pain!

*Neck pain , exhaustion, headache, back pain

*You sound like my Dr were does it hurt or affect you the most.
My answer is right in this room when at the Drs. hurt every where today have really bad arthritis in hands and still typing stupidly have brain fog am cold and shaking my hips feel like someone is dislocating them and you ask what's the worst thing about fibro. People asking silly questions.

*Severn exhaustion


*All over body pain and exhaustion.

*That depends of the day, Every day is a different pain in a different part of the body.

*Pain and no one understanding what I go through just to make it through each agonizing, exhausting, confusing day!

*Without a doubt FATIGUE! When I am really in a major fatigue flare up I am in a wheelchair if I want to do anything at all.

*Mine vary depending on how I am. At the moment my neck is giving me headaches but other days the sheer exhaustion can be overwhelming.

*In my early days of FM, I would have said the pain, especially in the top half of my body, however, debilitating fatigue has in the last few months been the worst and it is this now that greatly limits my whole life.

*Fatigue for definite.

*The pain that never goes away, the fatigue & exhaustion, the lack of energy and lack of sleep and the list could go on and on and on.
For the one's who do not understand, they need to walk in our shoes for a day and then they would change their minds. Hopefully one day we will have an answer and a cure. God bless you all!

*Lack of sleep. I miss being able to sleep through the night and not wake up so exhausted the next day.

*I've dealt with this a while, although it's getting worse, but the left butt pain is atrocious! I've done everything! It's starting to stop me in my tracks to where I can't breathe, going all the way down my leg from my tailbone.
But the worst is my butt, try telling your average person that your butt hurts all of the time!

*Shoulder and neck pain.

*Depression/fatigue. It's a joint win


*Pain, pain, pain, in every muscle.


*The tiredness.

*Developing migraine's! Like there isn't enough with all the other pain!

*Dealing with the constant pain, but the worst is when people judge, think your a hypochondriac! People need to think before they judge or walk a mile in my shoes!

*fatigue and pain.

*Pain! Also have anxiety and depression from the pain.

*The pain is really bad.

*Fatigue, and muscle pain, all day, every day, plus the fibro fog when it hits bad

*Fatigue, pain and fog! I am disabled, but I do continue to work from home, (because I have to) How hard is it to be at the computer at a certain time of the day? I can't even remember that! I am in a constant fog or "not here" feeling.

*Fatigue and soft tissue pain from fibro, joint and hard tissue pain from Sjogrens Syndrome.

*Today? the nausea, came home from work again this time because I spent more time in the bathroom than my desk. 5 trips in 2 hours. I HATE fibro. I just want to be normal again. whatever normal is, soft gentle hugs to you all.

*The leg pain and muscle spasms

*Lack of memory, fatigue and pain every where.

*Constant pain and fatigue

*The tight muscles in the neck and shoulders that never seem to go away, also the insomnia. God be with everyone today and always

*Does anyone have plantar faciitis? Nothing relieves mine, I've been told that fibro makes it easier to get and harder to get rid of. Pain in feet when walking makes my fatigue worse and aggravates lower body pain.

*I also have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (now caled regional pain syndrome) from breaking my wrist and also a fractured clavicle that did not heal well, doc wants to do surgery.

*Muscle pain and the spasms are the worse. The waking up all over pain is the number one worse though.

*Pain! and exhaustion from trying to carry out a normal life while in pain.

*The fatigue and sleep deprivation!

*For me its all of it, was diagnosed nearly two years ago but believe its been with me a long time,how do you get your head around something that has so many different affects on your body it seems so unreal, like something that's been made up for effect. Can deal with pain but fibrofog is driving me nuts!

*It depends on the weather,how little sleep I've been able to get, and how much I've been stressed,annoyed or upset by those who really should know better.

*The fatigue is worse. If I'm not tired I am able to move more and forget about the pain. When I'm tired I hurt all over.

*Fibrofog is very frustrating and I could list many others but I prefer to focus on the positive and talk about the good things, I liked Robin's comments up above.
They make total sense and since I have changed my attitude- it is easier to accept that I have a chronic ever changing illness.
I watched the full moon rise tonight in Fl and it was absolutely beautiful. I do many things outdoors as I have MCS so fresh air and I like each other- A walk on the beach restores my soul!

*I am learning to deal with the pain BUT the constant fatigue and fibro fog are my worst. I use to be the person that could keep up with everything now I have post its everywhere and sometimes can't think of the word I am trying to tell my 4 year old! I just want energy to do things with him too!

*Pain, exhaustion, memory loss, insomnia, restless legs, sensitivity to light (eyes) anyone else notice that they burn in the sun quicker and I mean quick, I sat in my garden for 5 minutes and burnt my chest

*The ache all the time

*I can't decide between pain and tiredness.

*You guys made good points about being positive & eating healthy & I agree that we have to stay positive no matter what.
But let's not forget that this page is specifically for bringing awareness to fibromyalgia. The daily questions are designed to help people who don't have it understand the symptoms of fibromyalgia and what we go through physically & emotionally on a daily basis by hearing first hand from people who have it.
People need to know that we may all look pretty on the outside but fibro doesn't feel pretty on the inside. But a facebook page to discuss what we are thankful for despite the fibro would be nice also. Soft hugs to all.

*It just depends on the day & hour. But all of the symptoms can be extremely bad. But I think my intolerance to the cold (even AC) is overall the worst because once I get too cold even for a few minutes it sets off a whole avalanche of symptoms and I literally cannot function. Oh well, I still refuse to give up.

*It's a draw between those two

*you have lovingly and effectively put me in my place and given me a new perspective. I love FibroDuckie but I was feeling dragged down. Now I understand the value of these questions. FD is now featured on my FMS?CFS page as a favorite!
I hope it's doing the trick!