
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 15 May 2010

Question from a member: For those that have had children, How did pregnancy affect your Fibro

*I felt bit better but I did get Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and I tell you that was a killer never felt pain like it. worth it though.

*I have had 5 children, and have found that every pregnancy/labour made my fibro that little bit worse, I have had to stop having children now, I have reached my limit. Saying that if I knew it would make it worse, I would have still had them, I wouldn't be without any of them. They have given me a reason to never give up.

*I went into remission through pregnancy but afterwards I noticed more symptoms mainly strange ones and my memory and concentration was awful. I felt drunk for about 2 months after giving birth and felt like I was slurring.

*Id love children but I cant risk not being able to take my meds for 9 months it'd be a killer:( me an my partner discussed that my health is more important but scares me though not being able to give him what most men want(a son) breaks my heart.

*I'm not sure if I want to have children, mostly I don't want them to end up being a carer for me, however might change if I meet the right man and I know we could afford to help around, I can't even change my nephews nappies, and * is learning to play quietly when he visits, so cute.

*I didn't know till I was 3 months gone I found the pregnancy easy till 6 months then I was bed ridden as I had SPD so I couldn't walk any were but if you want a child have one don't keep living in fear of what If's.

*my 2nd pregnancy ended in Fibro 3rd baby I lost at birth, 4th baby was born at 24 weeks gestation and has autism cerebal palsey etc .

*I already had my four kids long before fibro so can't say. But my daughter in law just had my first grand child and she went into remission during her pregnancy too :) Had no need for meds except a very light anti depressant (not really due to fibro anyway).
Ok, at times her back hurt quite a bit but she managed by resting up (last months when baby was heavier). Aside from that she seems to have emerged practically fibro free from this pregnancy.

*during both pregnancies apart from morning sickness for 8 months and sciatica the 2nd time I had no symptoms of any kind. My asthma and allergies also vanished from about 9 weeks pregnant. Both times I felt better than I ever had for a good 6 months. It was heaven.

*I have had 11 pregnancies + apart from sickness, migraine, backache+ every other pregnancy symptom, compared to normal I felt great. If I wasn't 43 id probably have more so i'd have a few months of less pain.

*A lot of women speak of remission during pregnancy. Almost worth it just for that :)
I'm going to have a child though. Not just because I want one but because the separation of my hips should release some pressure on my rather deformed coccyx so I can sit down again for long periods.

*4 pregnancies, 2 live births. No change in the fibro though I did develop SPD which meant more pain, also had hyperemesis and one premmie so the fibro was the least of my worried.

*I was told lass week I couldn't have children and at 20 years old that's a shock. But I always had an idea I wouldn't be able to cope with children. Also with HMS I was told I wouldn't be able to carry a pregnancy full term. Its all doom and gloom.

*My FM started immediately after my last child was born (c section) along with PND and premature Menopause 14 years ago ... all three came at once. I didn't know what had hit me!

*I really would like to have a child but my husband and I worry about the pain during pregnancy and the chances of passing on this horrible Fibro. to a child. Does anyone know what the chances are of having a child with fibro if you have it?

*It is genetically passed through females. I was told once it was 25%

*I got fibro way after my children!

*Dont worry, I was 16 I was told I couldn't have kids I have a wonderful 2 yr old now like I said before if you want one have one don't worry bout the what if's. As the child will make you more happier than you ever imagined and now I'm nearly 23. I've been told if I have another they said they couldn't say for sure ill pull through but never mind asking for 2 miracles is pushing it.

*This is a good question as it is something I have wondered. I also have gyno probs which could be related to fibro so make not sure if I do or not want kids, I'm in my early 30s.

*Throughout pregnancy I had round painful swellings on the bottoms of my feet. Felt like I was walking on marbles. The nurse anesthetist couldn't get my epidural placed right, so for the last 2 hours of labor I had no anesthetic at all.
The anesthesiologist came in the next day expecting to find me paralyzed from the botched epidural attempt. Has anyone else had problems getting an epidural?

*I had 3 children before being diagnosed. Last year (post diagnosis) we tried for a 4th baby but nothing happened and after a year we decided to stop as my health had gone downhill to the point that I couldn't manage a baby now.
It has affected me gynaelogically as I ended up with no period for months and then really heavy painful ones. I have the Mirena fitted now which has helped with the bleeding but if it were to come out they would be horrendous again.
I never had any Gynae probs before Fibro so definitly one of the symptoms.

*I was exhausted and my ligaments loosened a lot, causing joints to fall out of place on occasion, but worth every bit of it! My boys are the best people I know and gave me motivation to keep fighting, wouldn't be who I am with out them!

*And they were a great excuse to go puddle jumping, fort building and silly quests! Not that I need an excuse now, but they were the ones that got me started.

*Fibromyalgia pain wasn't bad. But the spd made up for it 100 fold!

*Had 2 children on 1st was ill from start to end but don't think it was fibro. Was ok on 2nd but after that one was when I noticed things getting worse . But it was after my hysterectomy things got lot worse.

*I wasn't diagnosed until after my kids were born, but my 2nd pregnancy was a nightmare. Only found out recently that I had SPD, left me with long term problems. Not sure what's Fibro and what's not these days though!

*Didn't find out about fibro until the birth of my last daughter, almost 23 years ago.

*The symptoms went away completely for the first pregnancy, I felt fantastic, this time I'm due with twins and the body pain is bad and my chronic fatigue has kicked up heavy but really it's been a great pregnancy I still take my percacets and my chlonipin and really other then my boyfriend dumping me ( not the babies father) it's been a good pregnancy, I still want more.

*I have two children aged 16 & 14 and I was only diagnosed with fibro 2 years ago but think the fibro has been with me for years and years. But my both pregnancies were fairly healthy it was after my first I had a nervous breakdown & a stay in a psychiatric hosp for 8 weeks and also had depression after my second saying all that there is nothing to confirm that these were symptoms of fibro.

*Pregnancy was complete relief for my FM! It was absolutely wonderful. I did have the terrible pain in my pubic bone, but I had an injury there from a bike accident when I was a child, so I think my pain was mainly from that.
I did well with the FM during nursing my baby, all the way til he weaned himself at 15 mos. I had a couple of flares during those 15 mos but nothing terribly bad.
My doc said, "Well, we know the cure for you! Have another baby!" I just looked at him like he was a Martian. Hah! Two babies and we are done. My boys are my world.

*I never felt better! No pain, no symptoms! I just had pregnancy related issues and I kept pulling my round ligament OUCH!

*I want kids am worried bout no pain meds for 9 months and what might happen but I don't care always wanted kids and this is 1 thing I am not going to let my fibro or M.E change.

*Didn't have Fibro back then. Or at least I didn't know about Fibro then.

*it started carpal tunnel, which I never had before and the pelvic floor pain into the nerve down my left leg

*I have suffered for the last 14yrs, and have had 2 children in that time. When preggies with 13yr old, I couldn't keep much down. My favourite meal has always been mashed potato, hard boiled egg and beans all mashed up together (without eggshell.)
I had that one night thinking I would be ok and I started shaking, light headedness and then needed to run to loo to be sick. The only thing we thought at the time was my ibs was reacting to milk. So I had to try the 3 items separately and I was fine, no bad reaction. The food intolerance carried on through the whole 9mths. It wasn't anything we could pinpoint and it didn't happen in my last pregnancy either.
All the doctor said was to keep a food diary, I did and showed it him and he was as confused as I was.

*I've never had children and am past child-bearing age now, though I knew deep down that it would be too much for my body. Not just the pregnancy and childbirth but the lack of sleep and energy needed.

*I never seemed to have any extra issues during pregnancy. But then, my pregnancies were hell before FMS too.

*Don't think it did, would have been my second, and the drugs you get, kinda was ok, was a forceps they pulled her out, and I mean pulled. felt like a cow, and a vet pulling out a calf, glad I had drugs, would not have liked to feel that cut!

*I didn't have Fibro till after I had my girls but had problem pregnancies and Chronic Fatigue.

*On the whole it got slightly better, did not go away completely. im due in three weeks and hope I feel ok afterwards. Hoping fibro pain means birth wont be a shock!

*I'm very interested in all this. I've managed to wean off Nortriptyline (which was NOT fun) in order to start "trying" again, so now I'm left with paracetamol! Does anyone know of any drugs which are suitable during conception/pregnancy? And is SPD more likely if you have Fibro as my lower back and pelvis are already madly painful as it is! If so, any tips? (ok, I'm jumping the gun, not even pregnant yet, but here's hoping!)