*Despair. That the pain is never going away.
*nerve pain!
*Pain and foggy brain.
*Fatigue, doesn't help when trying to do a degree! Oh and lack of concentration, pain isn't good either. Everything?
*Extreme fatigue, fog and vertigo.
*Hating everything & everyone around you when fatigued. The pain that no one can see. Looking like a dumb arse when have forgotten the simplest of things!
*Extreme fatigue and the terrible aches and pains.
*Nerve pain, exhaustion.
*Cramps in legs after walking and at bed time.
*Fatigue for me too but also having to write stuff down all the time because I keep forgetting!
*Feeling in so much pain and feeling useless
*PAIN pain n more pain
*All of the above and cramps in the legs during the day and night
*Fatique and restless leg
*Back and leg pain this morning
*Memory blank,fog,and the fatigue. Worst thing of all though is people not understanding what I go through, that's really hard to cope with.
*Exhaustion give me some energy!
*and they tell you that exercise is the best cure, it just goes to show the lack of research they have done.
*fatigue yes, migraine/headaches and anxiety associated symptoms
*Leg pain and INCREDIBLE weakness and floppy feeling in the legs. Then anxiety about whether it could be something else. Something even worse than FM. Oh, and gut stuff and fatigue, but they are there most of the time.
*Do I have to pick one? #1 FATIGUE #2 Back & Leg pain in AM
*All over body pain
*Really mine would be the different pains everywhere all over my body not knowing when one part is going to hurt worse than the next and Fatigue plus I am pretty sure my Migraines are caused by the Fibro if not making it worse.
*All the pain, I have it mainly in the shoulder/upper back and my hips/legs, although one leg is injured from my car accident and has a couple of pinched nerves, one in my hip socket and the other they said is sciatica for the last ten years. Which I think is crazy.
*I'll have to agree with all over body pain day in day out!
*The pain in my hands!
*I get really bad migraines too - but I have a problem with my heart & they reckon its connected?? I take rizatriptine - which seem to work well.
*Not got one single one, one day it might be pain, the next fibro fog, and another it might be fatigue. never knowing what each day is going to bring is the worst part of fibro
*mine get to where at times they make me blind in one eye the eye that it is closely
centered on and I have never tried Rizatiptine I used to take Topamax but it was messing with my memory and didn't really seem to work that much cause I was still having bad migraines so I got off of it.
*Debilitating fatigue that greatly limits life.
*People not understanding.
*Although I don't have Fibro, the pain of watching the person you love suffer, and never being able to truly understand their fatigue, pain and the willingness to just keeping facing everyday.
*Exhaustion, I can fight through the pain, and laugh at the fog, but the exhaustion is overwhelming and very misunderstood! I hate being referred to as lazy!
*Exhaustion and pain.
*Spasmed muscles. I feel like made of rock today
*Toss up - Fatigue & Pain
*Fatigue n the pain when in flare. Oh and the word mix up n fibro fog
*Fatigue and non-cardiac chest pains!
*Hands down, the pain.
*Neck, shoulders and upper arms ALL THE TIME, plus fatigue and lack of restful sleep
*Pain fatigue and brain fog,have lots of accidents when brain fog is bad
*Pain and muscle spasms
*Leg pains!
*Everything everyone has said and the worst, people, including doctors not understanding and telling me to exercise, all types of exercise hurt and need energy, what part of hurt all over and exhausted do they not understand?
*flu-like feeling, Pain and paralysis.
*Constant back and pelvic pain.
*The fog, fatigue, body ache, and the exhaustion.
*Pain for sure
*Insomnia and constant pain everywhere
*Pain, fatigue, not remembering, not being able to retain information as in short term memory, never feeling relaxed, not getting a restful sleep regardless of how many hrs you sleep.
Not remembering parts of my daughter's childhood is the worst, not being able to have done the things with my girls and now my grandson that I want to do with them.
People knowing that I hurt but, yet still I do everything and knowing that my daughters probably have this in early stages.
*The loss of self in extreme pain
*All of the above but the VERY worst thing for me is the brain fog, some days I feel kinda bright and capable and then my cognitive abilities, being able to string a coherent sentence together and understand what people are saying to me is robbed away again and makes me feel so useless! Best wishes to everyone.
*Just to have a positive thought for one day, about life and my future!
*Poor quality of life.
*The pain in my butt! Seriously, I have had pain more in my left butt for so long. I have pain everywhere but if that'd go away things would be so much better.
*Pain - fatigue - my whole body is so heavy. Also my body feels so on edge (Can't explain that one any better)
*At the moment, the fatigue. It doesn't help that when I go to bed at night, I ALWAYS have an epic panic attack as I'm dropping off grr.
*Pain in my hands, all the time
*I can handle the pain (although it is bad,) it's the fatigue and the memory issues that affect my functioning in my daily living.
*Post-exertional relapse. The pain is not so bad (generally) that I can't work past it, but the sick, exhausted relapses make me want to sleep, and never wake up.
*Fatigue and almost all over muscle pain!
*Neck pain , exhaustion, headache, back pain
*You sound like my Dr were does it hurt or affect you the most.
My answer is right in this room when at the Drs. hurt every where today have really bad arthritis in hands and still typing stupidly have brain fog am cold and shaking my hips feel like someone is dislocating them and you ask what's the worst thing about fibro. People asking silly questions.
*Severn exhaustion
*All over body pain and exhaustion.
*That depends of the day, Every day is a different pain in a different part of the body.
*Pain and no one understanding what I go through just to make it through each agonizing, exhausting, confusing day!
*Without a doubt FATIGUE! When I am really in a major fatigue flare up I am in a wheelchair if I want to do anything at all.
*Mine vary depending on how I am. At the moment my neck is giving me headaches but other days the sheer exhaustion can be overwhelming.
*In my early days of FM, I would have said the pain, especially in the top half of my body, however, debilitating fatigue has in the last few months been the worst and it is this now that greatly limits my whole life.
*Fatigue for definite.
*The pain that never goes away, the fatigue & exhaustion, the lack of energy and lack of sleep and the list could go on and on and on.
For the one's who do not understand, they need to walk in our shoes for a day and then they would change their minds. Hopefully one day we will have an answer and a cure. God bless you all!
*Lack of sleep. I miss being able to sleep through the night and not wake up so exhausted the next day.
*I've dealt with this a while, although it's getting worse, but the left butt pain is atrocious! I've done everything! It's starting to stop me in my tracks to where I can't breathe, going all the way down my leg from my tailbone.
But the worst is my butt, try telling your average person that your butt hurts all of the time!
*Shoulder and neck pain.
*Depression/fatigue. It's a joint win
*Pain, pain, pain, in every muscle.
*The tiredness.
*Developing migraine's! Like there isn't enough with all the other pain!
*Dealing with the constant pain, but the worst is when people judge, think your a hypochondriac! People need to think before they judge or walk a mile in my shoes!
*fatigue and pain.
*Pain! Also have anxiety and depression from the pain.
*The pain is really bad.
*Fatigue, and muscle pain, all day, every day, plus the fibro fog when it hits bad
*Fatigue, pain and fog! I am disabled, but I do continue to work from home, (because I have to) How hard is it to be at the computer at a certain time of the day? I can't even remember that! I am in a constant fog or "not here" feeling.
*Fatigue and soft tissue pain from fibro, joint and hard tissue pain from Sjogrens Syndrome.
*Today? the nausea, came home from work again this time because I spent more time in the bathroom than my desk. 5 trips in 2 hours. I HATE fibro. I just want to be normal again. whatever normal is, soft gentle hugs to you all.
*The leg pain and muscle spasms
*Lack of memory, fatigue and pain every where.
*Constant pain and fatigue
*The tight muscles in the neck and shoulders that never seem to go away, also the insomnia. God be with everyone today and always
*Does anyone have plantar faciitis? Nothing relieves mine, I've been told that fibro makes it easier to get and harder to get rid of. Pain in feet when walking makes my fatigue worse and aggravates lower body pain.
*I also have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (now caled regional pain syndrome) from breaking my wrist and also a fractured clavicle that did not heal well, doc wants to do surgery.
*Muscle pain and the spasms are the worse. The waking up all over pain is the number one worse though.
*Pain! and exhaustion from trying to carry out a normal life while in pain.
*The fatigue and sleep deprivation!
*For me its all of it, was diagnosed nearly two years ago but believe its been with me a long time,how do you get your head around something that has so many different affects on your body it seems so unreal, like something that's been made up for effect. Can deal with pain but fibrofog is driving me nuts!
*It depends on the weather,how little sleep I've been able to get, and how much I've been stressed,annoyed or upset by those who really should know better.
*The fatigue is worse. If I'm not tired I am able to move more and forget about the pain. When I'm tired I hurt all over.
*Fibrofog is very frustrating and I could list many others but I prefer to focus on the positive and talk about the good things, I liked Robin's comments up above.
They make total sense and since I have changed my attitude- it is easier to accept that I have a chronic ever changing illness.
I watched the full moon rise tonight in Fl and it was absolutely beautiful. I do many things outdoors as I have MCS so fresh air and I like each other- A walk on the beach restores my soul!
*I am learning to deal with the pain BUT the constant fatigue and fibro fog are my worst. I use to be the person that could keep up with everything now I have post its everywhere and sometimes can't think of the word I am trying to tell my 4 year old! I just want energy to do things with him too!
*Pain, exhaustion, memory loss, insomnia, restless legs, sensitivity to light (eyes) anyone else notice that they burn in the sun quicker and I mean quick, I sat in my garden for 5 minutes and burnt my chest
*The ache all the time
*I can't decide between pain and tiredness.
*You guys made good points about being positive & eating healthy & I agree that we have to stay positive no matter what.
But let's not forget that this page is specifically for bringing awareness to fibromyalgia. The daily questions are designed to help people who don't have it understand the symptoms of fibromyalgia and what we go through physically & emotionally on a daily basis by hearing first hand from people who have it.
People need to know that we may all look pretty on the outside but fibro doesn't feel pretty on the inside. But a facebook page to discuss what we are thankful for despite the fibro would be nice also. Soft hugs to all.
*It just depends on the day & hour. But all of the symptoms can be extremely bad. But I think my intolerance to the cold (even AC) is overall the worst because once I get too cold even for a few minutes it sets off a whole avalanche of symptoms and I literally cannot function. Oh well, I still refuse to give up.
*It's a draw between those two
*you have lovingly and effectively put me in my place and given me a new perspective. I love FibroDuckie but I was feeling dragged down. Now I understand the value of these questions. FD is now featured on my FMS?CFS page as a favorite!
I hope it's doing the trick!