
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Sunday, 9 May 2010

The symptom you find easiet to cope with is?

*Are you having a laugh, Its all so hard to get your head round and I hate it.

*There isn't any easy symptoms! They are all bad!

*Actually I find the pain easier to cope with than exhaustion, IBS, migraines, FOG and more FOG but, easiest, there isn't one.

*The pain as I know how I can take things to help it or use relaxation or treatments. The constant tiredness and lack of sleep is what I struggle with the most.

*Absolutely! NOT ONE "easy" symptom!

*I find the exhaustion the 'easiest' if there is such a thing that's easy about FM. at least I can plop onto the bed for an hour or so to recover. of course, that's hopeless on those days when there just isn't time to rest.

*The IBS is the most straight forward to cope with at the moment its not pleasant or exactly easy to live with. Not sure there is an easy symptom is there?
I guess if there were we wouldn't mention them as they wouldn't be as debilitating as the ones that really bother us.

*Probably memory because it makes me laugh and others laugh.I can look for my phone while it's in my hand.

*I get regular nose bleeds as one of my symptoms - that is extremely frustrating but I think that is the easier one to cope with!

*The fatigue

*Brain fog - I have always been a scatter brain but now have an excuse for it!

*Brain fog because it means I can still laugh at the daft things it makes me do!

*I laugh at the bring fog most of the time, but I hate it when I ask my mum something and she said we already talked about it or she told me and I have no memory of it at all and that's scary.

*Would have to agree with above.

*They are all yuk. But the easiest is the brain fog.

*The fatigue is the worst it just comes over me I usually get really cold then have to sleep. The funniest is as above says n you others I can laugh at myself easily. I have been for years.

*My husband.

*I agree the brain fog is easiest to cope with, although sometimes people say hurtful things when I stop dead in a middle of a sentence or use the wrong word.

*The Raynauds is the easiest to cope with as long as I can heat back up, but not fun having your fingers and toes turn black if you can't. but I do agree none are really easy to cope with, especially when they come on all together.

*Since I work full time (I have no choice) I would have to say the pain. The fatigue disables me and the fog/memory issues makes my job really difficult and EMBARRASSING!

*The brain fog went to put my sea belt on when I was already wearing it, does anyone get really painful feet.

*My feet are killing me now, don't know what to do about it.

*I get terrible pains in my feet also.

*Does it feel like the little bones going down your feet are going to break? i get that, I thought it was just me being weird.

*Have you ever tried to dial out or answer the tv remote? I do that a lot.

*Is painful feet a symptom then? I feel like my feet have broken sometimes but they obviously haven't, as I can still move them. I never thought to link it to fibro. And pins and needles is my easiest one. It's not nice but it doesn't affect your day too much.

*I get that 'broken feet' feeling too. My easiest symptom is the numbness as I'm not aware of it until I touch a numb area!

*Mine is also the numbness

*For me, its probably the "muddling up my words and speaking" when I get things wrong my family or friends just laugh and take the mick out of me so I don't feel completely stupid.

*Oh and can I just ask, does anyone suffer with needles n pins in both their feet? because for the last few days I'm getting them continuously, whilst driving sitting chilling, any time?

*Nothing is easy, but I would agree on the while pain, because you can do something about it.

*It would have to be the pain as I've had pain for most of my life and know how to cope with it.

*Sitting on my seat in my walk in shower, just sit and feel the water massaging my back.

*IBS is the easiest for me to deal with as long as I eat correctly. No sugar and the only OK carbs are in veggies and occasional fruits.

*The over eating I do to try and ease my symptoms and get a little pleasure out of something at least! food will do it!

*I cannot think of anything that is easiest to deal with. If my pain meds or anything took away my pain I guess that would then be the easiest.

*If I have to chose one; I'd say the brain fog since I'm dyslexic and I'm used to it anyway! Plus it gives my friends (and myself) a laugh. I'd much rather it all went away though!

*Painful muscle spasms in my hand, they don't last as long as other areas.

*That is a tough one, none of the symptoms are easy to cope with. I guess feeling good when I hve had enough rest is the thing I cope with the easiest, thought I don't think that is a symptom, sorry, they are all hard to deal with.

*Probably the fog is the easiest, along with having ridged nails and splitting cuticles.

*I agree with everyone that says None, they're all bad! But I guess if I had to pick one I'd say the "Fibro fog" although it extremely annoying the "precious moments" when I do something wrong or totally mess something up, you just sort of gotta sit back and laugh! Maybe it fibro's comic relief?

*You can find my sugar in the fridge,shave 1leg in shower & forget the other, and I call everyone by the wrong name and sex.

*The pain is easiest. I can just take a pill and grind my teeth and do my best not to be grumpy. But the forgetfulness and the fibrofog are the ones that affect my children and my husband.
So those are the ones that are the hardest to deal with. If I didn't have children, then the pain would be the hardest to deal with. Pain doesn't affect my kids.

*Never knew there was so many or us, all the pain , but I don't know which one of my problems is causing the worse pain, Is it the Ankylosing Spondylitis or the Hernaited discs or the Osteroatrosis or the osterporosis? At the moment its the toothache!

*There isn't any, they're all lousy - the exhaustion, the pain, the getting muddled up/forgetting things, the sweats, tension headaches/migraines.

*I can't say anyone of the symptoms is 'easy'. I suppose the shooting stabbing pain s as I don't get them very often, except in my boobs!

*Being tired I think is probably the easiest for me. I can lay down when I'm tired. The rest of my symptoms, aches, and pains are more of an impairment so they are more difficult to "cope" with. Hope everyone is have a great pain free day today!

*WOW too bad we cant start a support group online where we can all chat together(chat room) I would have to say the Fatigue is my biggest Pain in my a**
otherwise they all are I also have rayauds and it sucks living in Michigan,It doesn't help fibro at all!

*There's really no symptom that's easy to cope with. They all suck, and they all make life a living hell.

*Watching a movie in bed

*None of it is easy, except the comfort I get from chocolate! but then that makes me fat so no nothing is easy.

*I would say the fibro-fog, its usually funny, for instance, the other day i ordered take out from this one pizza place, and went to another pizza place to pick it up ha, I blamed it on my husband, saying oh well he must of told me the wrong place.


*The aches and pains. I can deal with the soreness. I've been doing it a really long time. I cannot deal with the fatigue or brain fog!

*Totally agree nothing is easy. the fibro fog is embarrassing and frustrating for me and that's not easy. I guess being tired and be able to lay down and actually sleep is the easiest. Wishing everyone and comfortable day.

*Brain fog. I have to laugh at myself.

*Constant peeing. Sometimes the fibro fog - I keep a memory diary to try and help with that and it can be funny when I muddle the words, its not so easy or funny when I miss something important though.

*None of it, I am totally drained by the FM.

*Wow good question from reading above can now relate why feet feel broken often small joints,its the fibro. Now back to question easiest part to cope with for me got be the pain for now as pain killers work well along with amtirlpine.

*Too be honest none

*Definitely brain fog and constantly losing things.

*Nice to know I'm not the only one foggy. It has been a bit worse lately. It can be frustrating to me. My sons finish my statements for me. I laugh at the blonde jokes, but still it would be nice to think clearly.

*Skin flushes. Often I don't know its happening, its the other stuff that goes with it like dizziness, drifting off or feeling drunk.

*Brain fog is the easiest. I found the ice trays in the oven & the iron in the freezer!! I enjoy travel & just getting out of my apt, some times I forget where I am & where I am going, that is when I just have to stop, stretch, check my day runner to see where I am supposed to be.


*I guess the energy surges.

*None of the symptoms are good, but if I had to pick it would be brain fog. That is more of an embarrassment then anything.