*I have been exposed to a variety of chemicals and carbon monoxide but never in high levels I don't think.
*Yes. I worked in a greenhouse with geraniums for over 5 yrs. They sprayed all kinds of pesticides and chemicals there.
*Pollution is no longer just about belching smokestacks and ugly sewer pipes—now, it’s personal. The most dangerous pollution, it turns out, comes from commonplace items in our homes and workplaces. To prove this point, for one week authors Rick S
*Art School/Photo/Pesticides. Rebuilding old house, way too much. I now am canary
*I have to touch money all day. That's about the worst of it. *shudder* Money is disgusting.
*Yes I have been exposed to carbon monoxide. In an office building I worked in.
*I used to work with sulphuric acid, 100% H2O2, fluoric acid, ethylene glycol (anti-freeze), and a host of others.
*I work with chemicals like bleach and sometime ammonia for my job.I hate cleaning with bleach because the smell is stuck with you.I was exposed to freon from a leaky fridge for months before it was replaced.I use a variety of cleaning agents while working and find even with gloves my skin pays for it.
*"I have been made desperately ill by chemicals- fumes from cigarettes, new clothes, perfume, furniture, carpets, anything made from MDF- households products- the list is endless. There was a time I had to wear a mask to help protect me. Anything new we get has either got to be washed- or out into storage to "gas out" before I can use it.
I've been like this since I was a small child, but didn't discover what it was until 1989- by which time I was so full of toxins I thought I was going to die.
That on top of M.E/Fibromyalgia/Endometriosis and Hypothyroidism! I have to be so careful with medications as well.
I was able to go and live by the coast and after 2 years the awful headaches and nausea started to ease. Moved after seven years and though it's not as bad I still have to be very careful".
*I was being exposed to very harmful chemicals at work when I 1st noticed how bad my hurt,and 6 months later I was diagnosed with Fibro.
*Just in the printing business - inks, toners, etc.
*I spent many years working in an office with cranky photocopiers, in the days when they had spirit to work and then black powder. The fumes were horrendous and I would stand and copy for hours on end. Does this count?
*One of the worst triggers for a flare up is queuing in traffic, when my husband get too close to the car in front!
*Slightly off topic but I find being a passenger in a car over stimulating/stressful, so I wear dark glasses to reduce the optical input (I sound like a robot there. I'm not, honest!)
*Yes, I worked in a school lab with no ventilation.
*Lived surrounded by orchards till 17 and a half. They used helicopters to spray. Can still remember the taste from the air after.Have always said it has something to do with the high percentage of cancer we have in the Fens.
*Worked in a leather design company and worked around sprayed leather everyday.I have problems with new cloths, carpets, sprays, perfume, car fumes and lots of other things. Can't go down the part in supermarket with cleaning stuff without getting headaches.
*I lived abroad as a child and everywhere was sprayed heavily with DDt to kill mosquitoes to prevent malaria. I also lived in the Fens which is highly sprayed and as a teenager worked in a talc factory packing Brut - yuk.
I worked for 20 years in offices, all those copiers and PC's. The photocopier used to make me feel ill. Newsprint gives me a headache.
I cant stand any chemicals now, my house and garden are chemical free and I only wear cotton and wool. I just think we are poisoning ourselves and the planet.
*I am just the same, especially driving as a passenger in city or if driver drives fast or takes risks. I'm a nervous wreck. I wear sunglasses when going out most of time because of sensitivity to sunlight.
*formeldehyde exposure at 16, was sick for 6 months, it came from glue used to put down carpet over 30 years ago.
Plus I work in a salon so am exposed to highlighter, and perms all day long. Lost my voice once to a woman wearing the most gawd awful perfume that announced her approach, before she even arrived, it gagged me so bad it paralyzed my vocal cords for over a week, no pain from it but it sure was annoying.
co workers called me squeaky. Customers were always asking what happened and were surprised that perfume could do that. Yes it can. Plus the stuff that was sprayed 40 years ago to kill bugs in neighbourhoods.
My dad was exposed to bleach and ammonium mixing,(never ever mix these too, a deadly gas forms) by accident. Luckily a neighbour found him in time and revived him, but his lungs are permanently scarred which causes a chocking cough sometimes, this accident happened on a farm 35 years ago. Its crazy the stuff we are exposed to on a daily basis.