No doubt whatsoever that a child with FM is better than no child at all.
There will no doubt be a cure when they reach my age anyway.
*No I wouldn't continue it's such a dreadful problem an even as an adult I find carrying on so damn hard.
*Would be something that would have to decide at the time. I don't think you could possibly no until your in the situation!
*knowing personally how terrible this illness is I wouldn't ever bring a child into this world to suffer this life.
*Yes I would no doubt about it and hopefully there will be better treatment or a cure at some point, maybe even for us.
I wouldn't continue either, I'd hate to think I could pass this on. seeing how much health I have lost over recent years, they'd be no joy raising a child to know it may end up just like me.
*It's called Eugenics, be careful!
*Everyone's fibro is different. I could never kill my baby. Who knows how that child will feel. It may not be so bad.
*Yes, without a doubt, hopefully there will be good treatment, etc by then, plus there is no way of knowing how severely a child would be affected! Without wanting to start an argument about "abortion" etc,
I wouldn't consider it unless a child's life was to be absolutely awful, etc; after all you never know what could happen to a child- a simple fall in a playground could leave your child severely brain damaged, etc.
*Don't forget that medical science will be able to send nanobots into the body to switch off the pain signals in the future.
They can already send nanobots into the bloodstream to target cancer cells, FM is not so different.
And I agree fully on the Eugenics point.
Love is not hindered by disability and the benefit works both for the parent and the child.
*Truthfully I don't know. My fibro has also been complicated by Trigeminal Neuralgia and I have sometimes also wondered if I can stand the pain much longer.
Auto immune diseases morph into more issues and I don't think anyone understands what it is to live with nothing but pain, so bad death looks good.
*I'm not sure, I wouldn't wish this on anyone least of all my own child, and it would be selfish to want a baby and not think of what they will go through, but there could be help for this by the time the child developed it. It's not a choice I would want to face
*I would still go a head, we never know what medical interventions are around the corner, life is life and it's important.
*I would avoid this issue in the first place. As a human being, I have become useless thanks to fibro. I can't imagine trying to be a parent to any kind of child--healthy or not. It's enough of a victory I can get out of bed to use the toilet.
*No. It's a horrid illness for someone to live with.
*I know without a doubt that I would do anything to ensure my childs life. my Dr. because I had suggested I abort my child, least to say my son is 23 and does have FM.
I almost lost him while pregnant. I had ovarian cancer I would have gladly died to save him.
I loved him the moment he was conceived and love him even more now. He is married to his childhood sweetheart. Ask him if he would rather I murdered him.
*I would have the child, just the same as if my child had Downs Syndrome. It is not my place to decide, all life is precious. Who better to have a child with FM than a parent who has it.
*Yes of course still go through with it. Fibro not nice but it not life threatening and affects different poeple in different ways. Without a doubt would carry on.
*Even though my fibro sucks I would still carry on with the pregnancy because
1. you never know what sort of cure they cud cum up with and 2. there are worse and debilitating conditions a person can have.
*yes I would, I have 6 beautiful daughters and Fibromyalgia and severe trigenemal neuralgia and tmj amongst other things.
I do however think I am more than just an illness and fight daily to stay strong. if i knew my child would have it, then I would help her grow up to be strong and appreciate what we CAN do rather than what we CANT.
I am 90% certain 1 of my girls is developing it but she knows its "liveable" as she sees me "living" and if my mother had been given this choice and decided I wasn't to be born then this world would be without not only me but my little grandkids.
*Yes but I would go on with a pregnancy regardless,, unless the foetus had no brain or something like that.
*I am the child of an FM sufferer and I have been diagnosed recently with FM but my mother was in her 30's when her symptoms started and she was diagnosed officially in the UK in 2002/3. I am now in my 40's with 4 lovely children and a grandchild and until recently have had a wonderful life etc, that's how you look at that situation the child would have a life before the illness takes hold hopefully like me, but I know why you ask the question as the pain is so intense most days makes you wonder.
*I can`t even hold a 8lb infant. Living in pain constantly. Living in poverty does not help. Be grateful if you have a partner or family well off enough to help.
*I am very disturbed by this question. FMS is no fun, but I had 38 wonderful years and during that time I barely had a sniffle.
There are so many more illnesses that affect a child from birth for the rest of their lives, and even then, I would not terminate a pregnancy. I believe in pro-choice. But are the people here forgetting that they most of them had some good years before this illness set in. I hate the condition I have, but I love the blessings that I have been given.
And in some ways, I am a better person because of my FMS. In my battle to live with the condition, I gave up some things that weren't all that important anyway. And I gained everything by doing that.
*Yes I would
*I agree fully. I have fms and my teen daughter does also. my heart breaks when she flares or when the emotiional stress gets too much.
FM is a very painful, stressful and emotional disease to deal with. but as with all human life everyone has something that affects them either physically or emotionally. and we can choose to let it control us or we control it.
Life is not about weather we can run, skip or jump. its about the people we love and have in our lives.
FM will not dictate weather or not my life was worth living when I pass, I will.
*Yes I would
*This question is a very disturbing. Unlike the majority of sufferers, I have had the condition as long as I can remember, it is thought to have been triggered by a streptococcal infection I contracted at age 11 months.
I have had periods in my life where I have been house bound by the condition but feel my quality of life has been far greater than some people I know of who are free from any medical condition.
Life is what you make it you can choose to face the obstacles it presents or you can sit down and admit defeat.
*I am appalled by this question!! Should we terminate all pregnancies 'just in case they get ill?' I have rheumatoid arthritis and also fms and I refuse to let it determine my happiness.
Yes it's very hard at times not being able to do what most other young mums of toddlers take for granted but my life is so worth living.
I live for seeing the two little lives I have created grow into caring and loving individuals who don't see disabilities when they meet people, and if they develop RA or fms I will help them deal and control their conditions so that the conditions don't control them!.
*I realise that some of the questions may make people uneasy, but I make no apologies for asking this or any other question. What we read may not be pretty or nice some times, but it's always worth calmly discussing.
The idea behind the questions is not only to educate but also to explore. Some questions and their responses have had me in tearsbut it doesn't mean the subjects shouldn't be explored. It just means some days I prefer to skip certain questions.
I don't feel this question is harmful, I do feel it helps those not dealing with this illness, to understand how it can make us feel at times.
* most certainly would have the child. I have been asked a similar question by people, because I am deaf and both my now grown up children are.
They also have had other health issues in their lives. However I helped them to deal with these, and whilst they were young I enjoyed them so much.
I am so proud of who they are+where they are now. Life is so precious, yes the pain is awful, but not as awful as terminating a life!
*That's a very difficult question, but I think I would continue as I couldn't ever see myself aborting a baby for fibro.
*Yes, and that is all I will say on that topic.
*Yes, even though Fibro is extremely painful and brings along with it its own daily challenges we can all be thankful it’s not life threatening, and at the end of the day we all manage to cope with fibro in our own way.
I do this by telling myself daily there are a lot more people out there worse off than me! (without fibro)
*I have just met a 15 yr old that just got diagnosed..she has been suffering for little while thought. She is the youngest person suffering that I know, So using her life as a comparison.
How could you deny a life. She will learn to be strong, she will learn her limits, she will cry and ache and want to give up at times, but she will also find joy in simple things, she will find love from people that care for her and she will find us.
The people that want to reach out and hold her (gently) in our arms and Support her.
This is a life, this is a person, although hurting still worthy of breath.
Ok not another word from me on this topic!
*I wouldn't do the test so wouldn't have to make the decision! the only reason I would have a termination is if the doctors could prove beyond doubt that my child would have absolutely no quality of life
*I don't know. My son might already be in line for FM as he is hyper mobile and suffers pain for no reason, he's only 12. I just hope he'll be OK
*If I had known I had this horrible condition and that it can be passed on to my children I wouldn't have had any,4 of mine have it. To knowingly bring a child in to the world with this is cruel and selfish.
*My first instinct is to say HELL YES! I would terminate it. I would never knowingly put this illness on another person, nor live with the guilt if I did. This illness has taken almost everything from me: my job, my volunteer work, my confidence, my independence, most of my drive. I have gained things, but it doesn't weigh out with what I have lost.
Then I think more. If I was pregnant and discovered through an amnio that my child may have Downs Syndrome, I would still keep it. I would just be prepared for the challenge. I think that I MIGHT still keep a baby who will get fibro because I could prepare that child as it grows up.
For me, personally, all discussion is moot. I have made the life choice not to have children. There are many reasons why, but my health issues are one of those reason.
*No I would not inflict this on anyone, I cant manage how you expected a baby to.
*Life is precious, absolutely go a head hugs to all.
*I don't know. I have 2 healthy children but at the same life, I believe my positivity gets me through and to be honest everyone's fibro and outlook to it is very different to each other so it's hard to say.
*Wow, what a loaded question! I think if I knew I had FM/ME/CFS, I'd adopt, rather than have children. But, if I were already pregnant, and found that the baby would develop, I don't think I could abort. Rather, I'd move heaven and earth to help find a cure. (I'm pro-choice, BTW.) Of course, when I had my three children, I'd never heard of these diseases, and now I worry that it might develop in one of them. Please, please, let a cure be found!
*I have had fibro since I was a very young child - as early as I can remember. I have in some ways had a miserable life, in others it has been outstandingly happy and beautiful. I would not change anything about my self, my life or the fact that I have FMS and the fact my daughter also has FMS.
This is who we are, this is what has made us special and this has given us a different purpose in our life. Make the most of it - turn your life into something meaningful and positive.
Life is a precious gift and as someone else has already said this is not life threatening, when you compare FM to so many other cruel diseases out in this world, count your blessings - it could be worse. And don`t say it couldn`t because oh yes, it can always be worse. There are always people better off than us but there will always be people worse off too.
I am not against abortion but I don`t personally feel that FMS is a good enough reason to take your own baby away and not give it a chance in life. some cope better than others, your child may be one who copes. If you feel so against passing this on to the next generation then DON`T get pregnant in the first place, your child has a very high chance of having the gene. Food for thought!
*First it's hard to say I "like" this question BUT this is an issue many women (& men) younger than I will have to deal with. My heart goes out to you.
There are many conditions that MAY be passed from parent to child, not the least of which is severe clinical depression. Who would want to know that their child will suffer that? People with high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes have children and somehow deal with it.
If the parent(s) have learned to live in balance and manage their symptoms (yes it IS possible!) then as one commenter said - who better to raise a child who may eventually develope FMS/CFS, etc. BUT a parent who is informed and active with a healthy, toxin free lifestyle - despite their physical challenges is probably less likely to have achild who will suffer to the same degree many of us have.
Don't expect "medical science" to provide a solution! Would you give a child a drug like Lyrica knowing the side effects! Become informed, be educated, have courage, don't fall into the victim mentality and take steps to take be in control of your own health and well being.
What better GIFT can we bestow upon any child?
*I wouldn't take the test and therefore wouldn't need to bother with the question at hand.
*Well I've asked for this questions to be asked and I think that even if it bothers some people the fact that other find it helpful or interesting means that it should have been posted.
For all of you who said hell yeah I would keep the baby because I've had good years well not all get to have as many good years as you did.
I started developing symptoms around the age of 13 and it became worse with time. it is true that most of us like our lives even though we have to deal with little things as if they were huge tasks but knowingly putting someone else and not only someone but your child in that position.
Well I don't know if id be able to look in their eyes when they couldn't get out of bed.
it is easier when you "get" it after having a family and education but many people I know, and I included, were not lucky enough and have had to sit aside (on the good days most even sitting is too much to ask) while people my age travel, get educated, meet and have fun.
And instead of being supported was being treated like a psycho.
I'm not saying that its an easy choice but making things seem so black and white or just being mad for asking is not the answer.
*Most importantly THANK YOU ALL so so much for sharing as I know how hard it is to face these kids of decisions even when they are only hypothetical.
*Of course I would still continue a pregnancy because it is a life that is not mine to take - BUT I would like to know ahead of time, just like I wanted to know ahead of time when I had my AFP test (screening for various birth defects) and amnio.
In some cases, there are surgical procedures that can be done prior to or immediately after birth. Most importantly it helps you prepare for how to care for your child. Then again preparing for caring for any child is kind of a daunting task at first.
*Who ever feels like having sex in the first place? NOT ME. But if I was that crazy, NO I would not have a baby that would have to go through the pain of FM. I am in so much pain I want to die, there is no way I could even care for a baby for one thing or even love another deeply with this much pain.
*There are so many health conditions and other problems a child can end up getting anyway. FM is not the worst illness. I am sure there are degrees of it and you would not know 100% your child would get it although shows up on a test.
Or the degree of severity they could get. Besides who are we to play with life? Its not ours to take. its kinda of sad to succeed in conceiving, start a life,then consider not allowing the life to continue - due to our worry for them not to have FM.
A child is a blessing period. Also, you don't know what medical advancements will be made or if any alternative treatments will reduce FM symptoms or put into remission for a child born today.
I am the only one in my family to have mcs and some level of FM. So environment may be more of the trigger. So although they have a genetic predisposition- they could possibly prevent it with a careful life. Avoiding toxins and chemicals.
*It really depends on what causes the Fibromyalgia. If it is from contact with a specific virus then it is a hit and miss situation.
*I have had a child while I have had this condition, and have been able to manage. I am extremely pig headed maybe that helps.
*I love my life and have a disabled son who also loves life so I would not even take the test.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Question about Pregnancy
If one day there was a test that could be carried out during pregnancy, that would determine beyond all doubt, whether your child would go on to develop FM. Would you continue with the pregnancy if it proved positive?