
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 1 May 2010

Question from a member: I was wondering how general anesthesia affected FM/CFS?

*Was the best sleep I ever got - no seriously, I didn't have a bad reaction or any complications after, if that's what you mean; it didn't seem to affect it at all.

*I almost wish I had some means of getting some procedure or test done where they have to put you out for a bit. I had an endoscopy and they gave me the drug that Michael Jackson allegedly OD'ed on. Starts with a P. I know why he was taking it now! Deep sleep and wake up with no hangover, feeling totally rested!

*I never had any issues with the anaesthesia either.

*Same as above best pain free sleep ever except the missing tooth part! no reaction what so ever.

*Best sleeps I ever had are after a general, Although I do take an awful long time to wake up afterwards. I had one last week and woke up with an oxygen mask on, they must have given up trying to wake me up!

*No problems either.

*I am glad to hear all these responses. I have a couple of procedures coming up and have wondered what to expect. Thanks bunches.

*I had one the other week, I was only out for a few minutes but I felt OK afterwards.
It was the pain killers they gave me to come home with that caused the problems for me, I told them I had them in the past but was taken off them so I couldn't have them but they wouldn't listen and I was rushed back in 2 days later after putting on a stone of fluid and some of it pressing on my windpipe because of a bad reaction to them.
Just take it easy after the anaesthetic, it does seem to take a bit longer to get over than normal

*Its taken me ages each time to get right after anaesthetic, so I tend to shy away now from ops unless highly necessary.

*anaesthesia has always been tough for me, I'm guessing that because of the pain killers I have been on in the past I have built up a tolerance.
I often wake up in surgery so I have to tell the anesthesiologist before surgery that I am likely to wake up.
I did use prophenol (not sure if it is spelled right) on my last surgery and didn't wake up during the procedure. Although you may feel rested and refreshed after surgery with prophenol, you don't actually go to sleep, you just can't remember anything, so you think you went to sleep.
With many sleep meds and anaesthesias' your unable to get into REM sleep when you use them. REM sleep is where your body refreshes and heals itself, so in the long run it will leave you feeling worse.

*I always have trouble waking up so I let them know that ahead of time. also, always wake up freezing cold and tell them to make sure they have LOTS of warm blankets on me. Only other problems I have are from the breathing tube bothering my asthma.

*Spinal anaesthesia does not work on me. During one surgery, they gave up on trying to use it and had to use a general anaesthesia gas. When I later woke up, they tried to give me pain meds through the tube in my back, it did not work at all!

*Anyone have fibro and multiple chemical sensitivity and have problems with a general?

*Also any hints to get through a hospital stay with minimal reactions, thanks!

*Always have a problem, I now have all my dentist work done without.

*I've never had a problem with it.

*Anaesthetics never bother me, in fact my body is so relaxed afterwards is great! Only time I'm FM pain free.

*I take very sore heads after anaesthetic.

*No way not me, dam near killed me, and I have needed a Knee replacement for 9 years now. Can't get it done and can't do a spinal because of the FM.

*I love it! I usually wake up enough to go home. Then back to sleep I go! No pain, no stiffness, no head or shoulder pain.

*It's funny I thought about that quite a bit after MJ died, he supposedly had lupus and fibromyalgia, among other things, and I thought it must get addictive.
If you cant sleep or have non restorative sleep and suddenly you have a drug that does it, without making you slugginsh or yucky in the morning.
I wonder how addictive that can become to someone, and I kinda understand why he was probably driven to it.
Have never had a general, just a spinal, but my mate has said it is the best sleep ever. I am by no means encouraging self anaesthesia.

*I wake up really quickly and don't go back to sleep again.

*I was meant to be a day case but the anaesthetic made me so ill they had to keep me in, just felt so sick and shaky and yuk, and took me about a month to recover after it. I did like the morphine they gave me though, a few days of that a month so I can be pain free just every now and again would be nice, if only!

*I had no problem, but pain relief made me very sick and felt yuk for days. Had good sleep though!

*I am harder to sedate and need more anaesthesia!

*My mother was very very hard to sedate (she had FM) and got very sick coming out of it.

*Well that makes me very scared every time I needed I all most went to the other place then is very scary and doc don't really want to do any more.

*It does take more to sedate me, especially at the dentist, but no sides affects.

*I'm same, it takes more to sedate me but I'm absolutely fine. Have my dental work done under GA as I'm now phobic and the numbing injections don't work on me, even the maximum so I must just have a high tolerance to all meds!

*The first time I had an anaesthetic, before I knew I had FM, it took me two days to come round properly, after that they always took special care when giving me anaesthetic.

*just ask Michael Jackson! that is one hell of a reaction! no , seriously, I love the prophenol. it makes the dentist so much nicer. I will be having shoulder surgery soon and hope they use it .

*Fine I think.

*Good questionm my doctor worries about that as I have had 8 surgeries and I may have to have more!

*Trauma I guess!

*I too felt so refreshed after surgery and it lasted a couple days! Hmm anyone has laughing gas to share. wink wink!

*I had that out of body experience as well! Strange huh?

*Nausea,migraines & lack of energy for weeks sometimes.

*I have had numerous surgeries and they all went well. Sometimes they have a hard time waking me up, but apart from that, it's the only time I get some peace and pain relief,

*anaesthesia makes me sick as a dog. No thanks! I hate it. But with me, it probably has something to do with having orthostatic intolerance, as you do get nausea with that and I was warned that being "put under" could make it worse. It was the sickest I've ever been in my life, and that's with them giving me EXTRA anti-nausea meds during the operation!

*I tend to wake up during operations, so maybe they end up giving me extra anaesthesia?

*I've had over 8 now and they have always been fine drop off really quickly and am fine when wake up, well now they sorted the sickness drug's out anyway. having another in July and not expecting anything different.

*It takes much more anaesthesia than for someone who doesn't have the problem.

*I usually find it takes twice as long to recover from it.

*I have had 3 surgery's. Always coming out of surgery in the room. I always had a racing heart. BUT I also have al ot of anxiety.
I have had it 28 years just like FM/CFS. I had to take Inderal when I was pregnant to regulate my heart rate! Also tried it for migraines (preventive) but it never worked for me. So Yes I have had that problem with being sedated!