*Family and friends.
*Appreciate the beauty in everything else, people, starry skies, trees, landscapes, nature etc.
*Family and knowing that yes it hurts but there are people worse off than me.
*Running my small antique business, it's my passion and keeps me busy, yet if I'm having a flare up I can take some time off.
*My spirituality,friends family and my fiancée.
*My husband & daughters keep me battling & when I start to slip they pull me through
my husband, who is an angel, without him I don't know if I could make it.
*My faith in Christ, spending time with my family and friends, and my dog, he always makes me smile.
*My 3 gorgeous nieces that understand that although sometimes I can't pick them up their love is unconditional.
*I wouldn't say much makes me feel good but I keep going for my partner and my family, a lot of the time I don't want to live this miserable life of pain and fatigue day in day out, but know there is no other option so just deal with it day by day
concentrating on the things I CAN do,not what I CAN'T, there are so many other people who are so much worse off than me. I'm a very lucky woman with a wonderful man and 3 amazing sons that keep me smiling, also lots of gentle hugs.
*My partner,my daughters,son and grandchildren give me so much joy and when i dip they make me laugh. I also enjoy sewing and knitting.
*The power of positive thinking is an amazing thing. There are times I can't keep the positive thing going and that's when my husband and son step in and help me out but usually, my dears, it's all up to me and how I choose to think.
*My inner strength makes me feel good about myself cos without it i wouldn't push myself to do things when it hurts or i'm tired.It also stops me giving in to this damn illness!
*There are several things that I do: read, watch classic films, pray, spend time with my grandchildren, send a card or make a phone call to someone who is going through a trying time.
*My kids, so thankful they are happy and healthy, my Fibro friends and my art. When someone sees my work and likes it, that gives me a great boost and helps me to de-stress. I know I'm lucky, there are so many who suffer much worse pain than me and I can walk, even though it's tiring!
*For me it's music, I think having upbeat music in the background helps me somewhat. The support of family and mates has been vital too.
please don't laugh, but my cats ♥ they have unconditionally stood by me for 6 years (can't say the same for my ex husband or certain friends) and now I am lucky to have an amazing boyfriend.
*Vast amounts of prozac and sheer stubbornness
*My wonderful family and friends,Fibromyalgia will NOT get the better of me!
*My wonderful husband, kids and sister, oh and I read lots.
*I will not become a "victim"!!!!!!
*My GSD Rex, fibro friends & friends on fb & beyond have been a gr8 support, and a bit of help from the dude upstairs. There are peeps who've got it worse than me so that also helps keep things in perspective too even when I feel like giving up!
*Listening to the birds chirping away outside my kitchen window. Watching the birds eat from the bird feeders. My dog,kittens. And sometimes being a goof.
*I never accept it when people say "You can't do this or that" being stubborn really helps.
*Wow, so many of you have supportive family and friends! That is awesome! I try to be creative when I can; I can't really expect anyone else to give me support. Music does help, but I have a strong spirit and faith.
*I have been disappointed in most people, family, docs, friends who don't understand why you don't call etc. due to pain and lack of energy. Makes me feel very alone. I try to feel a peace through nature, water, listening to the birds etc. I also enjoy music that helps take me away and makes me feel passion about something. I believe in prayer and try to keep the faith.
*God, my grandson and my stubborn attitude that Fibro will not win. There are people worse than me. I know my family helps but, I do everything and that's my fault, so I feel sometimes they don't see my pain or acknowledge. I just keep going and going like the energizer bunny without the energy.
*My dog keeps me sane when my girlfriend is at college!
*When I was single and living on my own my dog was the only reason I had to get up in the morning!
*Keeping my mind busy. It can be little things like playing games on my computer. Solitaire is easier to play on the computer since my hands hurt too much to play with real cards.
*I'm doing an Open Uni degree to keep my brain moving.
*I really understand about your dog. Mine are one of the only reason I'm still alive. I'm the only person that can care for them, so they keep me alive.
Unfortunately I have FM,CFS and Bipola so for me the only way is Serolquel XL, it saved my life..... I have been told Bipola and Borderline Personality Disorder are common with FM has anyone else got any of these?
*I try to keep as busy as possible be it reading or playing games on the net or doing find a word puzzles.
*My Dog makes me smile, she keeps me going. My husband is supportive in some ways as well, and my cats, even though the one is very demanding. My internet family and friends help by sending me cute things and chatting with me.
*The support of others near & far & the satisfaction of raising money for leukaemia research - £165,000.00 so far!
*I depend a lot on different crafts to keep me busy and keep my mind off other things like pain and depression. Usually it works fairly well. And, you know what ? Even if I am having a very bad day there is always someone else having it worse. Not that I glory in their pain but it helps put mine into a different perspective.
*I'm not depressed now, thankfully. So the way I've done that is with bioidentical hormones (hormones are off with FMS typically and estrogen for example is a building block for neurotransmitter serotonin, so instead of an SSRI, I replaced my oestrogen.
*My 2 dogs and my cat.
*My six year old son who is willing to help me every time I flare.
*My son, my partner/carer, my God-daughter and her toddler son, me mates and my fb pals. Without my support network, either me helping them or them me so that if I have a bad day, week, month, they are always there.
*Nothing, I do not feel good about myself. I can't seem to keep depression at bay.
Knowing that I'm the toughest person I know. I do a job that is hard for your average man, and I do it well as a woman with fms so I have the right to say to my co workers "suck it up buttercup" . That almost always brings a smile to my face.
*The touch of one of my cats fur, a purring cat, music (if I can bring myself to turn it on, on those days) a really fun choir practice, just knowing my family is safe and where they are supposed to be
*Keeping myself busy, and seeing my grandson's beautiful smile, as when he gives me that big smile i can't help smiling myself.