
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

Would you take a magic pill?

Say a doctor came up to you and said, I have this magic pill, It has the power to erase all your symptoms overnight, but the side affect is a much shortened life span. would you take the pill or carry on as you are?

*Carry on as I am.

*I would take the pill. Quality of life and all that.

*Take the pill. Sometimes the pain is so bad that it would be worth it.

*How much shortened?

*I would take the pill, because then the life I had would be filled with life and not just me sitting watching TV and playing computer games all day long. I could pack 4 lifetimes into what time I had left!


*Absolutely take the pill without hesitation

*I would carry on as well. I want to see my kids grow up, married, grandchildren! I'd rather grow old sick.

*Take the pill at last least then have some quality of life

*Me too, why throw away years you can have with your family.


*I'd go for the pill as well, without a seconds doubt. I'd rather only live ten years and have fun than live another fifty like this.

*Go for the pill

*I think it would depend on how much life was shortened.

*If I'd only live till I was 65, but I'd have the next 30+ years pain free without fatigue and brain fog. I'd take the pill.

*The pill, for sure! who wants a longer life if this is what you have to look forward to everyday?

*Take the pill too, quality not quantity please!

*Carry on as I am its all part of my life's rich pattern

*I would rather have more years with my family+friends than be pain free + shorter life.
life is precious even with pain

*I also have multiple sclerosis and the treatments were making me a vegetable, lying in bed all the time. I stopped everything against Doctors advice, but I'm back to my old self. I risk more relapses being off the meds. but at least I feel human again. in pain, but human.

*The pill would win every time.

*It would be a tough one as I would want to see how my children's lives went & be there for them. BUT I think that having a happy Mum, who could do things with them & have fun & create real, solid, SPECIAL memories would be better. so, assuming I could just see them through to reach adulthood, I would take the pill.

*Take the pill - recover the real ME

*Depends how much pain I was in, rather have a short life and be happy and not a long life and be miserable with pain

*Depends on how much shorter...

*I couldn't hurt my son by shortening my life. We lost his dad when Nathan was only 20 and I cant hurt him like that again.

*Definitely take the pill at least could live some of my life pain free and therefore enjoy and make the most of the time left even if it is less than without the pill .

*Definitely not take the pill, and have more time to spend with my family and future grandchildren and hopefully great grandchildren, my parents died too young to know my children, and I wouldn't want that for my grandchildren, or my kids even.

*I'd ask more questions.

*Take the pill so I can have quality time with my children, id rather that than have quantity living with this disability.

*I would stay as I am. Although the idea of having all of my symptoms magically disappear is incredibly appealing, I also can't imagine intentionally shortening my lifespan. I have three children ages 16, 7, and 5 and could not bring myself to leave them too soon intentionally. I want to see them grow, graduate, get married, have babies of their own. My life now may not be the one I would have chosen for myself, but it's the one I've been given and I wouldn't want to miss anything. Besides, who knows what's in store? Life is a journey, and filled with lessons to learn, and who knows what I have left to do yet.

*Carry on even though I know days like today I would think maybe I should have taken it to get quality time with grandchildren, but I know they would rather have me here like this even though they are only young.

*Definitely take the pill! I could have a better life which is preferable to a longer pointless one!

*wow. That is a really tough question. There are days I say to myself, I'm only 38 I have the rest of my life to wake up every single day feeling like this, so from that aspect heck yes I'd take it, but then my family, I just don't know. I would have to know how much shorter my life would be I suppose. What a thought to ponder though.
Take the pill! Live life to the fullest.

*I would carry on without it, mainly cause I don't know how long I have left and what I have left is precious to me, I want to spend as much time with my kids and family.

*The pain is worth it for more time with my family

*I think it would have to be the pill. I was diagnosed with terminal chronic myeloed leukaemia & although in remission still have it & it could mutate to acute any day so from that point of view it would at least guarantee a certain period of life without all the different conditions I have. Then again would depend on how long was offered - contrary I know!

*Not take a pill, there could be a cure or a lot more help coming our way sooner than we think, and if you have already given in and taken the pill. What then? I have a disabled son who will never live independently and worry about the "what ifs" enough as it is, so would never consider shortening my life. He has no quality of life so it would be selfish of me to want to cheat! but everyone has their own reasons for yea's and nae's.

*Carry on. I have a lot of living left to do with my kids.

*At 20 yrs old I would take the pill. I'd take any pill I possibly cud! Plus if it could stop me taking the 20 odd tablets I take a day now I'm game!!

*Take the pill and enjoy the life pain free

*Carry on. If you let Fibromyalgia shorten your life span it's taking something from you and winning.

*Tried to answer. Can't. Tough question. Sometimes little things happen that brighten a bad time. Other times every day is tough.

*Give me the pill, gimme the pill, gimme the pill! I've already cheated death twice and have lived 19 years more than death's first try, and 5 years since it's second - I figure I'm already living on bonus time.

*This is a tough one! If I took the pill I would miss my family, but would I want them to see me get worst?????

*Take the pill. I am single without children, and it is really hard trying to take care of an apt. and myself. Maybe with the pill I could have a life.

*Pill definitely, pain and all, I never would want to shorten my life..I feel blessed

*Carry on. I want to be here to watch my Grandchildren grow up, they are still babies.

*Carry on as i am

*Take the pill

*Oh yea I would take the pill in a heartbeat, I could care less if I ever see my family again. I don't get along with my brother,my nephew and niece don't give a hoot about me, and my dad is hard to get along with also. So I am ready to go as I am. So yes I would for sure take the pill.

*For me, it would depend on whether the pill got rid of ALL my symptoms (including the CFS/CFIDS, MCS, IBS, messed up sleep cycle, weight gain and migraines) which tag along with the Fibromyalgia. I'm 55 and childless, so length of life is not that much of an issue - I'd go for quality years. But if it only got rid of pain and stiffness, I wouldn't take it.

*How much shorter?

*Nope, no pill for me.

*Wow. That's a loaded question. I think I'd say no and just carry on. My quality of life isn't so bad that I'd be willing to cut my lifespan down. Graduate school, here I come!

*A really tough one but I'd have to go for the pill, as I have no life and so much illness It's so unfair on my husband, family and friends. I know we must take everyday as a blessing and try to make the most of it, but as you all know with this disease it's so hard. Gentle hugs to everyone and here's to a better future for us all x
carry on definitely.

*Carry on...as sucky as my quality of life is now...I want to live to see my Grandchildren.

*nope would not !

*My kids are 31, 29, 23 and 10 want to see Grandchildren could be around the corner but on crappy days like today, pill would be an extremely close second. Gentle hugs to all here and around the world dealing with this illness that so many folk don't even know about!

*I would take the pill of course, but NOT if the side effect was a much shorter life span...... Being there for my little boy means the world to me

*Take the pill. If their smart enough to come up with the pill, they likely will be smart enough to figure out how to restore life span.

*I would rather stay as I am. Yes this Fibro is crap but the good times with my children and grandchildren etc. far out weighs the bad with the Fibro. Life is precious and too short as it is so no I wouldn't take the pill.

*It would depend on a lot of other information, but I know I have said before that I almost wish I could just amputate my legs sometimes so they wouldn't hurt any more. I would love to not have this illness. Then again, any pills we take for this may be shortening our lives, and not really even making all the symptoms go away.

*No-I want to live as long as possible.

*I'd take the pill. A long life of pain has no quality of life for me.

*Have to think about that one hugs

*Its a tough one, I guess it would have to depend on how much shorter your life span would be. I'd want to see my daughter grow up see my grand kids but at the same time I wouldn't want to be a burden on my partner and family.

*I would take the pill!

*Now I have my son, it would be life with him, but the offer would be very tempting.

*Carry on

*Take the pill.

*I love life! No pill for me!

*To be honest Im not sure what I would do and I would have to talk to my daddy and my girlfriend.

*Definitely not take the pill, the pain sucks but my family mean much more.

*No NO No NO!! I love living and will not let FM take it away from me, I have a lot to live with an perhaps can be an example of what is possible despite having such a limiting illness fact you are much longer dead than alive and its permanent.

*I would definitely NOT take it - from this disease/syndrome, I have learned more about myself and other people than I ever would have. It also gives me an opportunity to help those in pain. A friend and I (that I met through Fibro) began a support group and now have gone non profit - to educate others on fibro and being their own health advocates.

*Without fibro and its MANY problems, I would have never had this chance :)

*Not take the pill!!! my 2 boys are only 13 n 6 n I'm 32! I have my good days and have my bad ones but to shorten my life span noway!!! no matter how much pain I am in I couldn't imagine the pain my boys would be in to lose their mum at a young age.

*Take the pill I could be knocked over by a bus tomorrow. Imagine even one normal day!

*Stay as I am! I love my life and family too much. So I'm in pain 24/7, it doesn't mean I can't have a life. And like others, I wouldn't have learnt so much about who I really am without Fibro.

*I would want to carry on. I want to be here to see my grandchildren as they grow into adulthood. I want to see them become teenagers, young adults, marry, and having their own children. My mom is 83 and has 17 grandchildren and 171/2 great grandchildren. I want to have a life like hers. I also want to be here for my children as my mum is for all of her seven children.

*Carry on. My kids are only 15, 9 and 7. Couldn't do that to them. It is a very good question though.

*I don't think I would take the pill I lost my mum last year and I don't want my kids feeling the pain I went through so no but only for my kids.