
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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These are designed to help show people what it's like to live with Fibromyalgia. The questions (and replies generated) became so well received that we have started a dedicated blog to archive them.

If you are newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you may find this blog very helpful. By reading our archives, we hope you'll also feel less isolated and alone.

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

Dual Diagnosis

Many of us have 'dual diagnosis' - ie we've been told we have Fibromyalgia and something else too. If you have a dual diagnosis, what other conditions do you have in addition to Fibromyalgia?

*fibro and MS !!

*I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome hypermobility type and also ME. That's not so much a duel diagnosis as a triple diagnosis, lol.

*I have Myalgic Encepahlopathy and also under investigation for my bladder and I'm also coeliac

*I have spinal stenosis and other joint issues, like a torn rotator cuff.

*MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

*Does arthritis count? or is that considered something that just exacerbates the Fibro?

*CFS, Osteoarthritis, and IBS. I think I quit going so they could quit diagnosing me with different illnesses!

*Hi all ive got ME Fibro and I'm diabetic.

*Can someone tell me what Myalgic Encepahlopathy is?

*Fibro and Chronic Fatigue

*Fibro, CFS, IBS, Interstitial Cystitis

*Borderline personality disorder, bipola I think that's enough now xx

*Fibro and ME

*I have arthritis, sciatica and just been diagnosed with chronic migraine, but hey, it could be worse! :)

*I have Fibro, Raynauds Syndrome and Endometriosis. Triple Decker lol.

*Fibro and M.E.

*Fibro, Asperger's Syndrome, Bi-polar, and IBS

*IBS and CHRONIC Migraine. Oh and costochondritis.

*I was first diagnosed with Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (there is some debate in the medical world as to whether that is the same as Ehler-Danlos type 3) and I'm still under investigation due to high inflammatory markers & slight auto-immune markers showing in my last few blood tests. Oh and had the IBS diagnosis a few years before that.

*ostio arthritis


*Osteoarthritis, hypothyroid, Sleep Apnea, depression & anxiety.

*I 'ONLY' have Fibro. I have not met anyone else who 'ONLY' has Fibro! Everyone seems to have some injury, arthritis or something.

*IBS, osteoarthritis, Reynaud's syndrome, generalized anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, I think that's enough for now, don't you?

*arthritis, hyper mobility, hip displasia and now have tinitus, think that's it for now

*hypermobility, ibs, fibro, generalised anxiety disorder, tennis elbow, tietz's syndrome, lateral chest wall pain, irritable bladder syndrome, chronic allergic rhinitis OK ill stop now

*arthritis, lupus, mixed tissue dis-connective disorder (may have said that completely wrong) migraines with risk of stroke, severe spinal issues including disc degenerative disease and cervical degenerative disease, SVT-heart condition, mytral valve prolapse, chronic anaemia, IBS and I think that is all of them but because I forget things so easily who knows.

*Sleep Apnea, GERD, Bulging discs in neck and back, IBS, CFS, anxiety,depression..... I think that is all, that is enough!!!

*Hashimoto's disease and Sjogren's Syndrome
*I have fibro and vitaligo

*Diabetes, recto-vaginal fistula, ileostomy, large parastomal hernia, sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis, pernicious anaemia, GORD, depression, plus something else going on in background, undiagnosed as yet but I ain't right!

*Myofascial pain syndrome,major depression, restless leg, chronic fatigue and a few others such as chronic bronchitis, chronic sinus infections. GERD, high cholesterol, I didn't have any of these prior to FMS

*I have Fibro, IBS, Schuermann's Disease and Depression. Only got diagnosed with Schumann's in last 6 months! Fibro and Schumann's I inherited from my father.

*Well probably osteo arthritis, but nothing ever shows in blood tests, but I've had four arthritis related operations. Chronic sinus infections, tinnitus. Oh but the worst of all, as it's the cause of all my problems, I'm overweight!!

*I've had IBS for over 30 years, Fibro for 5 years and (borderline) Sjogren's sydrome for last 2 years.

*I have fibro, CRPS, IBS, GERD, sleep apnea, hyper-mobility, depression, hypertension, Arthrofibrosis and a host of other issues!

*HMS and CFS

*Anyone else got pcos?! Dunno what else is going on still under destruction I mean investigation!!! I'm stuffed today. I have raised flam Markers and autoimmune stuff going on, getting fed up now. Bone scans uncovered White patches hands and feet, went for soft tissue scan ultra sound. yesterday and guy said nope, no inflammation, no inflammation my arse!!!

I got spasmodic legs and a decked knee, and my lumber is crackingly painful. I love Fibroduck! Oh and OCD and vitamin stuff, and v v bad tum, lost 6 stone in about 6 -8 months.

*Fibro,IBS,chronic fatigue,migraine

*Was diagnosed w Fibro and Epstein Barr Virus at the same time.

*I have crohns disease, bile salt malabsortion, pernicious anaemia, serro negative arthritis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, asthma and a frozen shoulder, and I'm only 39!

*panic attacks,depression and in process of having tests on my knees and hands

*Fibro, gout and cfs

*I have Bi-polar disorder, Tremporal mandibular joint disorder, IBS and Trigeminal neuralgia - keep the chemist in business.

*I have fibro, arthritis+bone degeneration and I am profoundly deaf, but hey I'm still here and functioning!! I have fab husband and supportive friends and family x

*Chronic myeloed leukaemia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, M.E., IBS, polymyalgia, TJD, etc.

*FMS, joint hypermobility syndrome, raynaud's disease

*fm, ibs, costocondritus,irritable bladder,and something else but can't remember and other things to be investigated but don't want to get sjogens syndrome as my mum had that and died

*In addition to fibro I have Myofascial pain syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, peripheral edema, peripheral neuropathy, IBS, chronic sinus/allergy problems, the beginning of Sjogrens, depression, OA and two doctors that can't agree on RA. One says yes and the other says no.

*I have Adhesion Related Disorder, Antiphospolipid Syndrome, Fibro, Lupus, Degenerative Disk Disease and Osteoarthritis.

*I forgot my huge ventral hernia from breast bone to pubic bone, IBS and IC! Oh and mitral valve prolapse....sheesh!

*Fibro,hyperjoint mobility ibs migraine n depression

*sjogrens, raynauds, tmj, arthritis, hbp, psoriasis. allergy to sun, Ibs, probably forgot something :/ but think the list is big enough, wish I could return as "no longer needed" most of list.

*I was originally diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis and a torn disc in my lower back. Fibromyalgia was diagnosed around 2000 after about 3 years of having the other two conditions. I also developed Asthma after having my daughter 18 years ago.

*chronic fatigue ,pernicious anaemia, plantar fascia, IBS to name a few

*Fibro, RA, chrones disease, chronic migraines (had a stroke 9 years ago from migraine) & now due to all the meds I take, chronic pancreatitis!

*ME iBS arthritis TMJ & lymes desease.

*carpal tunnel and pernicious aneamia.

*Severe depression and just diagnosed with panic disorder. I get bad headaches that I never had before the Fibro. OH YEA and a constant bad mood. oh and depression, anxiety disorder, mirgraines, restless leg syndrome and IBS!!!! the list goes on.

*Migraines, Restless Leg, Arthritis, irritable Bladder, IBS, Defect in Neural Arches. . Depression.

*Fibro and Sjogens Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, scoliosis, cysts on every organ, Heart murmur, spot on lung, IBS, tangle, something in my brain stem, Factor V Lieden, carpel and ulnar problems in both arms.

Forgot about migraines, GERD, hiatal hernia, restless leg, tinitus, also can hear my heartbeat in my ears from the tanglestia whatever.

*Fibro and Raynauds oh and hay fever which is just a pain on top of the other two! Seems I'm doing well compared with some! But only 20 I'm sure the best (or should I say rest!) is yet to come!

*I have a very low vitamin d3 does anyone else has ?

*Benign hypermobility syndrome, osteoarthritis with possible gout or RA. restless legs, IBS, tension migraine, TMJ, Scoliosis, tinnitus(which you get from over use of pain meds.)Asthma, allergic rhinitis,hiatus hernia (due to steroid asthma meds.) Anxiety and depression, stress, Irritable bladder due to prolapses, Birsistus in hips knees and elbow possible carpel tunnel, as my hands go numb and tingle when I raise them.

I am really scared of stroke, although my blood pressure is on the low side, the migraines are horrific, I would just like relief from one or two of these conditions, or a new body and now I have to have a colonoscopy. Does it never end?? Without the ultimate step that is!

*Spoon Lupus, Fibro,Sjorgrens,Arth,Hernia,IBS,Carpal Tunnel,Burisitis,Sleep Apnea,Degen. Disc, Bone Spurs on Spine and Feet,Diabetic and,Gerd, God help me!!!

*ME, CFS, osteo arthritis, hyper mobility syndrome, IBS, haitus hernia, chronic tennis elbow, tendonitis. currently undergoing kidney, galbladder and liver tests

*Anxiety, panic attacks, headaches/migraines, fatigue, irritable bladder, back pain, tendonitis, IBS and yes been told I have vit D deficiency. But the tablets made me constipated so have stopped them. Oh and terrible period pain.

*Ibs,hypertension,restless legs,insomnia,migraine,plus many more.

*Hi Fibroduck. I have diabetes, fibro, osteoarthritis and I have just been told I may have Menieres Disease as well.

*About the Vitamin D deficiency. It can have the same symptoms as Fibro, and can be cured! If you haven't had a blood test to check your vitamin D level, ask for one!

*In addition to Fibro, I have been diagnosed with Lyme, Adrenal Insufficiency, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, Hypothalamic/Pituitary dysfunction, Epstein Barr Virus, Immune deficiency, Low vitamin D3 and B12 levels, as well as low serotonin, cortisol, hypothyroid, migraines of unknown origin, low oestrogen/progesterone. Most of these were diagnosed by blood test, and are being treated with bioidentical hormones, supplements and nutraceuticals.

*Damaged nervous system, Chronic Myofascial Pain, Epstein Barr virus chronically active, M.E., degenerative disc disease, orthostatic intolerance, TMJ, tinnitus, mitral valve prolapse, costochondritis, migraines, excessive prostaglandins (which accounts for much of the pain)

*Hypermobility Syndrome and Endometriosis

*I was diagnosed with endometriosis 8 years ago and still suffer some of the symptoms. From what I can gather, around 45% of endo sufferers go on to develop fibromyalgia and/or CFS, as well as a larger percentage going on to develop rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid problems and lupus.

*One 'specialist' I saw said he thinks they are all under the umbrella of immune disorders and one day the medical community will figure it out! heres hoping!

*Hi all as well as the fibro I have had endometriosis for years, pcos, IBS, have a problem with my shoulder joints but cant remember name. I also have restless legs, depression, pania attacks, can't leave the house without support, severe headaches although can't get dr to agree they are not simply from my meds as I had them before I started meds. Currently awaiting a 2nd opinion on things but i don't suppose he'll be able to do much but if he comes up with anything really helpful I'll let you all know x

*FMS, PCOS, eczema, used to have gallstones and a seriously angry gallblader but now have a dodgy liver, depression and sleep problems. And I'm developing allergy after allergy.

*I also have discoid lupus.I has a back fusion a year ago.And during surgery my dura ripped leaving me with nerve damage and brutal back pain.

*I am not too sure where the Fibro ends and another disease starts to be honest. I have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, my knees and elbows are in pain 99% of the time. My knees are always cold even when it is warm out! My eyes have been drying out, I need to put drops 2 to 4 times a day, in the morning I have to place a hot towel to my eyes. IBS. rashs, my skin is ultra sensitive now. I use the patch for pain, that is surely hard on my skin (the adhesive).

*reehl fatigue syndrome, ibs, migraines,degenerative disc disease

*I forgot about Gerd, and depression and possibly ptsd according to my psychiatries!

*Arthritis, high bp.

*Bipolar..... :)
Is there some sort of pattern emerging here??