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Sunday, 28 March 2010

The funniest thing Fibro fog has ever made you do is?

*I would tell you but I'm in the fog at the moment.

*Losing my chihuahua, in my lap.

*poured coffee into the sugar bowl instead of my cup

*LOL. I am counting heads of my dogs all day long, to make sure I have not misplaced one or left them outside.

*Not being able to find my glasses and they are on top of my head or wondering where my contacts were and they were in my eyes the whole time

*Couldn't find the Y on the keyboard when typing thank you. That's just today's.

*oh dear, too many to mention. I pulled up my trousers the other day without pulling my knickers up 1st and couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong!

*I frequently get lost and go the totally opposite way to where I'm supposed to be going when I cant remember the way despite the fact I have been there hundreds of times.

*putting milk in the kettle and putting it in the fridge

*forgetting what day it is

*I put the coffee pot in the fridge

*Holding my car keys in my hand and not knowing where to put them to get the car started. A stressful moment. 19 years ago before I knew what fibromyalgia was.

*Leaving my bathtub water on for over an hour and a half and my neighbours calling me asking me why there was water coming out of our house, running down the road. It was a hot mess!!

*Made three wrong turns on my way home from work.

*putting salt and pepper in my coffee instead of in my cup of soup ooops

*Can't find keys until for some odd reason you go in the freezer?? still not worked that one out??

*Forgetting what I have left the house for, not to mention nearly forgetting my name.

*Not remembering if I took a bath last night or the night before. And putting something in fridge that didn't belong there. And what I had for the meal before in the same day.

*Getting up and going in to a room with a specific purpose to do something in that room, get there forget, go sit back down, remember, get up go again, forget. I have done this upwards of 10 times until I finally get it right. We really do have to have a sense of humour to make it through the day.

*I Can't remember

*Driving to my Mum's, a 10 minute drive along a straight road - and I got lost! Stopped at a light and couldn't figure out where I was.

*Scary to associate with so many of these. Teaching for years gave me lots of scope..I called bad days my "shit down and get your rabbits out " days because words sometimes just didn't come out right!

*Heading to the West part of town and ending up in the far East! If at first you don't succeed, try try again!

*I have loads but to name a few......poured glass of milk then went to put glass milk back up in cupboard where the glasses go. Running a bath and totally forgetting it's running until it's too late. Feel as if I'm going insane.

*I forgot my address once. And I also forgot my girlfriend's surname. That was embarrassing.

*We were woken by an awful noise one night outside. My other half got up for a look out the window. I sleepily said what was it, other half replied that it was cat's fighting....

Out comes the classic line I've never managed to live down yet..... must be the spare cats then zzzzzzzz

*Left church with out my son or my jacket and went back for the jacket luckily my son found before I left again

*I too have poured something to drink and put the glass back in the cupboard. UPSIDE down like they go then I have the drink to clean up.

*I prefer to call it "fibro fog". I'm a sucker for alliteration.

*Having a conversation with someone and in mid sentence totally forget what I was saying! sat there with daft look on my face and its gone cant remember it also putting kettle in fridge.

*Forgetting what side of the road to drive on !!

*The best without fail was being dropped off round the back of the post office in town to collect a parcel, after being at the hospital all day.

All I had to do was turn left and left again, which I did fine going to the post office. Upon leaving, I somehow took a wrong turn and got very lost and phoned my other half in a panic going, 'I can't find you, I'm lost'

New to the area I had no idea how to describe where I was, this led to a very long game of 'Can you see such and such?' ...

*I like when we mess up saying like I told my 6yr not to chew with food in his mouth and not to kick a dead horse in the mouth, I'm reading these my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy and I'm laughing so hard I'm crying lol I've done so many of these

*Was not so funny, but I stuck my finger in hot cooking oil to see if it was getting hot?

*I'm guilty of lots, forgetting days, names, what I went into a shop to buy, mind's gone blank now, & crying with laughter too!

*feeding washer dog food lmao x

*ummm heard the puppy barking couldnt figure out why, until I followed his barks and discovered he got shut in the refrigerator when I had shut door after pouring me a drink 5 minutes before!

*I've done that! but with caramel everyone know when sugar boils its hotter than oil lost half me finger lucky it wasn't me tongue.

*when I sew patchwork pieces together it is not unknown for me to pick it up and trim off the main part rather than the raw edges, therefore being left with a little scrap of fabric neatly sewn together and trimmed! duh! What's more I know that if I do it more than twice in an hour it is best to walk away and leave the sewing for the time being.

*calling some someone every one else's name in the family and then finely saying there's if I remember it.

*I have burned myself while cooking countless times, usually through putting my finger into something hot, like boiling water.

*Not long ago I did it with the tongue. I was cooking soup and it was boiling. I seasoned it got a huge spoon dipped it in and straight to the mouth I went could not taste a thing for months.

*NOW you understand why I count my dogs regularly all day!

*This is too hilarious, maybe we need to write a book on all the crazy things we can get ourselves into with our fog.

*Defo! xx

*I was badly fogged before Christmas 2 years ago and had to make a bus journey, returning after it was dark. Fibrofog + darkness + holiday lights = brief panic when I had no clue where I was, what bus I'd gotten on and where I was meant to get off. (Answers: Around the corner from my house, the right one, the next stop.)

I'm only 22 with all the silly things I've done you would never see the end off the book cos I would always putting something new in it

*Gosh, I would have to say losing my keys, while they were in my hand!

*I have forgotten how to make chocolate milk...with Hershey's Syrup & milk, considering that my 4 kids have a glass EVERY morning with breakfast and have for the last 5 years!

*I am 51 and have fibro and fog all my life. I could fill up a book, LOL So I know what you are saying!

*Its sad to say, I have fog all the time I have to ask what day it is, what the date is. I don't remember where I was going to stop or going to pick up at the store. I have even thought my contacts were in and weren't or visa versa and its not alzheimers or being elderly because I am still young! I hate fog!!

*put my toque in the fridge unpacking groceries

*ut fresh catnip in the low-heat oven, then turned off the oven for it to finish drying. Later, turned on the oven to cook supper-you guessed it, burned the 'nip. The cats were not happy-no 'nip, and a screaming smoke alarm.

*I have done the eye glasses on and not being able to find it. Telling my son to get a pot holder for something in the oven and then turning around and grabbing on to the pan with my bare hand. Go to the store and not get the item you went there for but buying $50 worth of "stuff" thank you all for reminding me that it is OK to laugh about this stuff. fog can get scary.

*I have done the not finding the eyeglasses when they were on my face the whole time thing, spelling something and even with dictionary it still looks wrong, getting into the shower with my clothes still on, and too many to mention!

*Asking my son why the bed was in the bat with him.. That was today.

*forgot my eldest sons name!

*I forget...

*I use to be having conversations with friends and midway forget what I was talking about, totally gone. I use to try to hide the fact that it happened, then I said oh well, It just went out the window sorry. Don't do that as much but, from time to time it happens.

*Haha.. Had to chuckle at these over the years I too have probably done all of the above . Am always reaching in the oven with my bare hands. Stopping mid conversation with someone n looking puzzled cos you can't remember what you was talking about.

I've always called them my blonde moments telling people wait till the OAP moments kick in too (it's just so frustrating sometimes that it's a good job we can laugh at ourselves.)

*But one of my classics ... Walking back to he car park n forget where the car is.

*Getting outta the car at petrol station and looking n feeling frustrated n stupid cis can't for the life of me remember how to fill the car with petrol. Then my son in disbelief telling me to just put the nozzle in the tank and pull the trigger on the handle. Before sinking down the seat n hiding. Hahaha but heyyy I'm me :)

*There have been so many.I recall trying to get out of my car with my seat belt still on and some guy came over and told me after watching me for nearly 5 minutes, 'bless' him. Standing in the petrol station with pump in the correct place and just wondering why it was taking so long to fill the car, then someone pointed out that I had not pulled the lever up on the nozzle to let the petrol flow doh!!

Trying to pay money in over the counter at my local pet food store thinking I was in the bank...shame!! and the most recent going into the local spar shop and asking for Hens, the girls thought I wanted a chicken, no I said, eggs then No!! after a while I found what I was looking for pointed to them as I could not get the right word out....have you guest it yet I wanted batteries!

Love them all in my little village they have got so used to me and my funny little fibro fog ways. But I think the best one of all is when (just picture the scene) I was having a real bad day it was raining really hard, I had to use one of my crutches that morning as well as trying to hold an umbrella and a bag of shopping. I was heading back to my car and this really sweet older guy (70's) came over to me, he was also walking with a stick and bent over, he took hold of my shopping bag and umbrella linked arms and walked (well more hobbled) me back to my car. 'Bless' that sweet little man.

To have seen it and the looks from passers by well we must have looked like some comedy act.....:0) Gentle hugs everyone.

*I forgot how to spell my name when signing off an email...actually quite scary!

*All sound so familiar, but our house is interesting as my hubby has short term memory loss and I have fibro fog. We both to try and keep separate calendars and one can usually find what the other lost......LOL

*I have put the iron in the fridge,milk in the dryer lol it does make you feel like your going nuts but it is funny at times but also frustrating.

*When I was poorly my brain fog led me to do some classic things. My all time favourite was when I filled the car with petrol, paid for the petrol and then walked home, leaving the car at the petrol station. Doh! Seems unreal now that I'm well and don't get brain fog no more.

*So many - but one I've done a few times is making a coffee, putting the mug in the fridge & walking into the living room with the bottle of milk. Cue some very odd looks from hubby!

But my favourite of all time was buying some daffodils, then putting them in the fridge thinking they were spring onions!

*I know when it's time to hand over the car keys is when I turn left and end up on the right hand side of the road!

*Does that mean my mum had brain fog when she left me in my pram outside the newsagents when I was a newborn, because she'd forgotten she had a baby?!

*Open the bathroom window, shouted at builders next door "Its 8am on a Sunday morning you have woken me up,what the hell" It was TUESDAY .

I'm sure when we go to court soon they will bring this up.

*I have this wonderful Knack of replacing words in a sentence that relate kinda to what I'm saying or even worse to what I'm thinking, it gets like tourettes with random words jumping out! I then get really cross trying to find the right word, my daughter by this time is usually in hysterics and has already figured out what I mean !!

*Laughing out Loud ..... : )

*When I am typing a post and words just disappear from my brain. I might sit here 10 minutes waiting for the word to reappear, this also happens when speaking to others, with my husband I just say "oh you know" even though he has no idea, but he is used to it.

*just the other day I went to make a cup of tea. I put a tea bag in my mug, poured in the water (without boiling it first) put in another tea bag thinking it was sugar then put my mug in the fridge, after which I went to sit down to enjoy the cup of cold, disgusting tea that was in the fridge!

I often forget my name, especially when I have to sign something. I forget my house number when asked where I live and I often forget what I'm trying to say half way through saying it, got to laugh though, as frustrating as it is!

*There are so many, but the most recent one was walking around the supermarket with the shopping list IN MY HAND and walking out having only bought HALF of the stuff on the list. I loaded the first lot into the car then went back in and did the other half of the shop, went through the same till and was greeted with a peculiar look from the checkout operator! I'm forever losing my keys, which have been found in my husband's coat pocket?? in the tumble drier, and in the kitchen bin!!

*I can relate, I forgot how to do my job momentarily, so many times, I ask a co worker how to do something, they look at you like your crazy cause you've been doing the same thing for tears.that is YEARS, oh boy.

*Volunteer to do public speaking which I normally hate to do.

*putting tea in the oven, forgetting Ileft a ring on the cooker, threw the oven glove on top of the cooker, and it set alight, the same day I had the safety officer from the local fire brigade how stupid is the thankfully I didn't have to ring them up to put the fire out

*I also forget words mid sentence , or the thread of the conversation, its so frustrating, and the amount of times I've been looking for my glasses and I have already had them on all the time.

*Just last night I put a stack of dirty dishes into the linen closet.

*Going to work in slippers! Forgetting I put pudding in microwave+getting something else out. Holding man's hand that I thought was hubby! He bit surprised and wasn't out with hubby at time!

*One of many!!!! is putting my keys in the fridge!

*I attempted to start the cash point with my keys last night :/

*I complained really loudly to the cashier that the pay at pump things never work and I'm fed up of it and even when they DO work you cant get a receipt etc. I gave her my card to pay and she said "I'm sorry madam we don't accept swalec cards here, maybe that's why pay at pump doesn't work for you?" (electricity account card) I was so ashamed !

I also had my cashpoint card taken off me in a shop cos I put the pin in wrong more than 3 times and then couldn't remember my name to prove who I was!

Also have phoned 1 of my daughters schools (actually its happened a lot) and remembered why I was ringing but forgotten who my daughter was. in my defence I do have a choice of 6 to remember.

*I don't know how many times I have had a phone call to hear "mum you`ve forgotten me haven't you" luckily they know me so they tend to write a note and text me and phone me at random intervals to remind me stuff :)

*Poured coffee on my cereal. So many other dumb stuff. One time when I was working I had shoes of the same style and wore one black and one brown pump. Had to go back home for sure. Everyone had a good laugh.

*so far this morning, having been awake since silly o clock,
poured hot water in to a mug, for some strange reason my brain told my fingers to check it was hot enough, it was, the kettle had just boiled, ouch,
stupid !

*Forgot my phone number-three times in a row. Never did get it right. And this was at the doc's office-they should be used to me by now.

*Driving without the lights on at night and only realizing it after 5 minutes . Going up a one way the wrong way (never saw the sign) needless to say I don't drive any more.

Wearing 2 different shoes to an appointment and not realising it for 2 hours.

Most embarrassing one: Putting some (unused) tampons in my in laws sugar cup while we looked after their house. Once back from the holidays my father in law offered some sugar to a priest for his coffee and could not believe what was in the sugar cup.