
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

how did your family react to your diagnosis? has their reaction changed to you over time?

*My family thought I was lazy some of them still do and don't understand as I don't look ill.

*My mother still thinks I'm able to do the same things that I used to do but obviously I cant, she doesn't really believe I have the condition, not even now 3yrs after it all started!! Does anyone have advice on how I can cope with the chronic pain I have please?

*My hubbies brilliant, but the kid's seem to understand sometimes, like you say they only see the outside not the pain within.

*Mine are the same, they think I enjoy being like this, not being able to do the things I used to enjoy never mind the things I have to do.

*As they can't really see it they had a hard time accepting, fortunately my Dad was with me when I got my diagnosis and read some leaflets but mum doesn't really understand and thinks I just have a few aches and pains. I am lucky to have a very understanding bunch of friends, some are sufferers themselves and help me by listening and understand in a way only someone who has this can. I am so sick of people thinking its all make believe or that I am lazy or lying.

*I am fortunate because my mum has Fibro as well so everyone in my family understood what FM is and how it can affect my life. Also because my mum has it I was diagnosed much quicker than a lot of people are it only took about 10 months. And I was able to get my FM under control in about 2 months after being diagnosed, since I knew so much about it from my mum.

*I broke up with my partner as he thought I was lazy and if I didn't sleep all the time I would be OK, also they don't understand how you can be OK one day but not the next is what I hear, my kids try to understand but I don't think they do,how can you be so ill when you look OK is what most people think, I wish I didn't have to live like this, I cant even take care of my own house these days, and with not being active the weight piles on which doesn't help.

*My family was just happy that we finally know what was wrong with me. Then my mom and dad started look up very thing that they could so they would know what I had and how to help where they could. so of my family was not as supportive and just did not get it. tell they started show stuff abut Fibro on television, then they final woke up and quiet think that is was all in my head.

*I have a very supportive family and friends. I have meet a lot of great people on Facebook and other sites that have Fibro and understand.

*I agree, some believe it's just a load of crap. That Dr.'s diagnose you with Fibro when they don't know what is wrong with you. Only you, and other sufferer's of FM truly understand.

*Exactly ! mind you I get fed up with myself . Does anybody else ?

*If you find an answer for your question, will you please let me know. Without the pain I could do a hell of a lot more.

*My hubby was a fiance at the time and through all the changes he is still with me and even married me. He does a LOT of things around the house and takes great care of me when I'm having a bad day. Even when I'm not having a bad day as he knows if I do certain things, that I will hurt later.

*My parents fought so hard to get me diagnosed with whatever it was I had and my doctor was just as great. When I was diagnosed my parents and my doctor then researched into more and my mum still does to this day! She has got me an appointment with a specialist at guys hospital as the doctors here just say that I'm on enough pills to knock out an elephant and that they cant do anything else for me!

*My husband's upset simply because there's no cure, he wants me to get better. He's been really frustrated trying to deal with my symptoms. Overall, everyone's been really understanding. I think it helps that I prepared a lot of them for it. I told them about the problems I was having, and told most of them that I thought FMS was the cause.

*Most of them had already gotten a brief explanation of the condition, so all I had to do was tell them that the doctor confirmed my suspicion. Now, there are just a few people here and there I have to explain to and haven't had many problems. I'm so thankful. My mom has FM and my dad has chronic pain, so I think that also helps.

*My husband and children have been more supportive than I could ever ask for. The grand kids are wonderful. The oldest were 4 and 6 when I was diagnosed. They understand that MiMi can't always do things I want to because my muscles don't work right and I get tired easily. Last summer I had to use a cane for a while and they always made sure that it was handy if I needed to do a lot of walking.

My MIL doesn't understand it but says that she can look at my face and tell that something is wrong. When I get down, she tells me I'm doing the best I can and to keep my chin up. That's much more than I ever expected from her.

*Yes I feel like everyone thinks I am just lazy. And sometimes it gets to me and I think "maybe I should just suck it up and try harder". But I feel the pain they don't. My husband says "I understand" but I don't think he does because he gets angry when I can't do things. Or when I just have to rest.

I have been a stay at home wife and mom since 2004. And I get a lot of "you just need to get out and get a job and you will feel better". But some days just getting up, showering and taking care of my daughter and the house is overwhelming. Thank you all for being here and sharing your experiences. It makes me feel not so alone.

*My fiancée is the best, he has been by my side since my diagnosis almost 4yrs ago!! the rest of my family haven't got a clue what I go through on a daily basis, they don't understand & don't think they can because I still have all my arm & legs & look normal... Aaarrrgggghhhh

*I feel the majority of my family don't believe anything is wrong. the only time I see them is when I'm well, which isn't too often. I get most support from my eldest niece. she's great, don't know what I'd do without her.

*I certainly will my friend. I use Transtech Patches at the moment but they barely touch the surface(its morphine delivered through the skin on a sort of sticking plaster!) They help a little and when its bad I can have liquid Morphine but not keen on having that! I do know that some pain clinics are trialling a drug called Pregabbalin (I think thats how you spell it!)

Anyway they are having quite a lot of success in the treatment of FM so you could ask to try that. Its unsuitable for me which is why I'd like to know if there is anything else out there that might help. Can I add you to my friend list Lynn, it would be excellent to have someone in the same boat as me to talk to?

*My partner is fantastic as is my son, I would be lost without them thanks guys.

*Don't feel like writing about my family for everyone to see but I would like to share that since I've began taking Guaifinizin and going to trigger point therapy, went to few sessions ans have been doing it myself since.

my life as really changed. I still can never know how ill feel tomorrow but I can say that slowly but surly I'm gaining some control over my life (after over 10 years 3 of which I've spent mostly in bed.

*My hubby and good friends are really helpful but my dad regularly refers to me as lazy

*My family blanked me and they still do even though I now use a wheelchair. They don't care.

*Yes I have a hubby exactly like yours and I'm like you, do too much and I can be laid up for days! I'm going to struggle tomorrow as I did a little pruning today and by the time I stopped I was shaking from the strain.

*My family refuses to educate themselves on FB.I had it for 11 years now.There are days that I can barely move,walk,anything.They think I'm lazy and just don't want to go places.They don't understand that sometimes I am in too much pain to travel.I can't just sleep anywhere due to the pain.It has to be a pillow-top bed and 6 pillows propping up my arms and between my legs lying on my side.

They really don't care.I get made fun of because I moan too much..I do happen to have the best husband in the world,he gets it,he cares,he doesn't make fun of me and he knows I'm sick not lazy.I have stopped talking to my family about my FB. I am considering not talking to them at all any more.They make me feel horrible about myself..I don't need their help for that I do a good enough job of that myself.I have no support from my family at all.

*I found a good way to explain it to people. It's called the spoons theory. If you Google that you should get to a story that might help.

*Sometimes you get a better response if you liken it to similar conditions that most people understand like arthritis. I think back to the time when I was on holiday with my parents-in-law who are in their 70s and I couldn't keep up with them! Young on the outside and old on the inside.

*I have to say my hubby, children & family were very supportive & still are :) as I'm not the only one in my family that has this, so we support each other & do what we can to help each other through our tough times.

*My mum works as a physiotherapist for a chronic fatigue clinic, so she's great, totally supportive and has really helped me cope. My dad was pretty hard to deal with and pretty much just thought I was putting it on or depressed for a long time (with Fibro ,who wouldn't be at first??) the rest of my family don't know much about it but don't really need to

We see them occasionally but I only go if I'm feeling pretty good. someone mentioned pregabalin. Its already being used where I am and although its hard to get, it will be pushing for it, its totally changed my life. had Fibro for 4 years and was barely able to function until I started on it:)

*Yes, I get fed up with myself because I feel so useless, impatient, depressed, sad, you name it, my list could fill a page!

*Yes definitely. My Husband and Daughter didn't really understand until they watched me go downhill so rapidly since Christmas. They have accepted it better than me really!

*I know exactly what you mean I get fed up with myself I feel useless and even sometimes question whether it's cos I'm being lazy, although I know it isn't even though I was diagnosed over a year ago I'm still finding it hard when my brain tells me I can still do thing's but my pain and tiredness say different.

*My biggest problem has been my brother, we were really close before I was ill because I was the one always running around after him, that stopped and he didn't like it, it culminated in a huge row a few months ago and we haven't spoken since.

*Yea, and now I am treated like a crazy person. Fibromyaliga has taken my life away from me. They don't understand it. And could care less. That is my extended family, they think GOD almighty is going to Heal ME LOL!

*It was odd for us as my family didn't see me at my worst. We had moved away 3 months before, the move had given me my first major flare. Since that happened almost 4 years ago both my family and my in-laws have tried to be supportive. Sometimes they get it wrong, and can be a bit trying, but I know they mean well.

*They all were like "hmm so you weren't just doing it for attention," and no it hasn't really changed, they still think I am "over reacting"...sigh...

*I also did some pruning today, and then sewing, ugh, so my hands are pretty painful tonight.

*My husband was great at first but seemed to get tired of my being sick and tired. Completely checked out, spending as much time out of the house as possible, leaving our daughter to fend for herself much of the time. I'm doing much better now, thanks to detoxing and the marriage is over.

*Mum suffers with FM too, kids are young and found, still find it very difficult. Are coping with changes slowly but surely though

*As soon as I was given my diagnosis my sister in law and brother went from regular contact to almost no contact...my husband says I'm probably paranoid but my brother has never been good round illnesses and it is a bit of a coincidence!

They are emigrating in the summer so goodness only knows when i will see them or my nieces and nephew again, at least my mum is honest and says she tries to understand, although she has ME and I do wonder how she doesn't understand but there you go I guess!

*My family don't really understand it even though I've given them information. My dad sees I struggle and does what he can to help me when I'm at his house, has even given me my mum's old walking stick, but I don't think he really understands why I find it so hard to get around. My sister I'm not sure understands either.

I don't see the rest of them but I can guarantee you if they were to give me an opinion they'd just say I was just being lazy, what's wrong with me is no more than what a normal person would endure.

I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm just lazy. Fibro has taken away my ability to work, and being a workaholic, I feel totally utterly useless.

*Most forget that since I look OK I am OK

*Not surprised at all, it is just part of my 'hypochondria' to most of them just another thing for me to complain about. Only my girls 20/19/17 truly understand as they live with me 24/7 and see how I struggle each and every day. Even though I have handed them leaflets and articles, they still do not comprehend.

*My husband has been very supportive, although he gets angry that my GP is so unhelpful. My parents read the leaflets I gave them, but, I suspect they think I'm making it up as an excuse to stay in bed!!

*My immediate family felt relief as did I, but it came too late to save my marriage and my career.