*I still go to watch footie :)
*Reading, writing, photography.
*Dress making,knitting
*Reading, keeps me sane xx
*I can still enjoy most of them. On my good days! I have learned over the years to listen to my own body. If it says " no bike riding today". I listen!
*Making candles, baking, taking photographs
*Bit of light gardening
*Writing, singing and baking
*My dogs and taking my children plus dogs away in my camper van.
*Art class, piano and crochet when I am able :o)
*Wood model trains, kites
*Watching football, although it reminds me that I can't play any more.
*Tarot, running my websites, Open Uni study
*Open Uni study and a little photography, plus I volunteer tutor for the NHS for people with long term conditions, which I really wouldn't have had the opportunity to do if it wasn't for FM
*Photography and photo editing but cant get out and about as much as I would like.
*Painting and drawing.
*Walking, reading (when I can hold the book, its an awkward position to hold my hand in for extended periods), cooking, kite flying, picnicking (I can incorporate all my favourites into that.) watching films and cuddling.
*When better, I'm still able to enjoy photography and cinema. Photography is more demanding overall; watching films is easier for me, especially when noise sensitivity and brain fog have eased some. xx
*Photography as Long as I don't have to crouch down lol
*Reading, watching my daughter do everything, watching films when I can stay awake long enough & it isn't too loud also I have been trying to do some gardening I cant do a lot so I pick out what I want to plant & my husband does it for me.
*Well I can still do my degree and learn languages (when I can concentrate!) I read (when I have the concentration and can hold the book,) nothing else really lol
*Playing with my laptop.
*Reading occasionally when I can hold a book and not fall asleep. no more swimming or cycling as it hurts too much. I do lebed exercises though,
*camping reading and very little cross stitch.
*Well cant parachute any more or bungy jump but I do still enjoy the odd wind up xx
*I do low impact aerobic exercise when I feel OK, take the dog for short walks, study for my correspondence course, eat & drink & be merry!
*With large gauge needles. I make squares and sew them into cubes! :) Mines called 'Tarquin' and the one I made my friend is called Bob.
*I crochet all the time. It helps keep my mind off of pain so much!
*I'm trying to teach myself to speak Greek but only on days when I can concentrate. My partner is Greek and it would be lovely to know what he is saying. I don't like being kept out of the loop! He usually speaks Greek when he is romantic or talking to our granddaughter but also when he doesn't want me to know something! I still need lots of practice!
*Reading, swimming, and walking my dog!! :) Simple pleasures.
*A new hobby since I'm unable to do what I used too. Playing games on Facebook.
*Reading and on good days going to the cinema or out for lunch, don't even get to walk my dogs any more.
*For those with trouble reading because of holding books, many disability supply companies offer book holders. They are a great help.
*Reading, writing, doing an OU course (when I can concentrate), crosswords, su-doku, and drinking tea with friends :)
*Drawing and reading x
*Card making, scrap booking, cake decorating and love reading sometimes struggle to hold hardbacks and really large paperbacks.
*Scrapbooking, reading.
*Reading a good book and going to garage sales.
*Paper-crafting on a budget, makes you inventive. Books, sometimes reading, sometimes listening. Movies, thank heaven for Lovefilm as I can no longer go 2 cinema.
*I read but don't retain it all, computer, many things I wish i could do but can't afford it. My hobbies are expensive.
*Used to make dollhouses , do DIY and many other hobbies but can't always play with drills now, so started card making keeps me busy and is relaxing.
*Reading keeps me sane. Watching football is sociable and the most exercise I can do is palates but I remain hopeful that I will ski again!
*I customise walking sticks and crutches.
*Reading, computer, genealogy, sewing and quilting, that's about it.
*Photography, going to the zoo.
*Reading, knitting and watching movies at home.
*Knitting, crocheting, reading,computer now that I have friends on FaceBook
*A lot of crochet when my hands aren't stiff!