
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

If you could rid yourself of just one FM symptom forever, which would you choose?

*Fatigue. Easily

*The Back & Hip Pain.

*Insomnia :) without that I'm convinced I wouldn't feel so sick and tired all the time

*Pain / fatigue. I know that is two but they both are equal.....


*the pain.

*im totally wiith tammy!!

*Tight diaphragm muscles :(

*pain, no contest for me, but wouldn't say no to the fatigue either, or is that just being greedy??

*Full body Pain!

*Fatigue definitely

*Oddly I could cope with the pain for the most part, if only I could sleep enough to rest :)

*The patches help with the pain a lot, but nothing takes away the insomnia, I don't think I'd feel so fatigued if I was managing some decent sleep



*Everything....one word

*poor sleep!

*The body pain as thats the hardest to cope with for me

*gaui and trigger point finally feel as if im slowly but surly getting my life back...

*Pain & fatigue both can go for good

*depends on the day...sometimes I vote pain, others the fatigue....going for pain today methinks

*BTW..patches...what patches???

*Back pain and fatigue

*I am using fentanyl patches at the moment.

*Chronic fatigue syndrome

*neck & spine pain & tiredness xx

*I know one of my friends uses butrans patches, i only use mine if things are bad tho

*I use Butrans patches, I was taking far too many pain meds than was good for my Ibs, the patches just mean one less thing to remember to take. I find they work better, doesn't take all pain away but it's less bothering since beginning on them.

*I hate being so tired because I'm always freezing cold and feeling very sickly with it.

*Wasn't there something about those patches on the news?

*The Pain and everything else should follow!!

*Everything!! However, at the moment, the fatigue!

*The pain

*It's difficult to pick out one thing, but at the moment it's the ribs and back pain.

*got to be tiredness think if i could get rid of that i could cope better with the pain

*I've no idea Kay, I don't really watch much tv to be honest. Can you find a link to it?

*thats too close a call, id want rid of the whole damn thing!

*Lack of sleep !!

*its my hubby whos got it he says it would be to get rid of the pain in his legs

*The Paiiiiiiiin

*IBS is my worst problem as it's so unpredictable and seems to be set off ast the slightest stress or shortly after eating certain foods I love!

*Fibroduck - Do you get any side effects with patches? I can only take ibuprofen and paracetamol because of the various side effects of everything else (wouldn't be able to study at all) and how long do they last? xx

*SLEEP!!!! Please, I need sleep!!!!

*Migraines and myofascial pain. (is that 2 symptoms...not for me, they overlap)

*brain fog

*What are Butrans patches? Is that a narcotic? I'm up to lortab 10/325 mg and barely getting any relief.

*Of course in an ideal world, they'll find a cure and all our symptoms will vanish :)

*At different times there's different symptoms more constant than others. Having had insomnia since childhood, I really would love a good sleep pattern lol

*Can I just get rid of the whole package???

*Never heard of these patches, but then never seen a Fibro Dr either. Are there any??

*Fatigue (in this moment) but likely to change to pain at any time.

*The constant aches & pain

*You know, I had insomnia as a child and I just now associated that with this fibro. Makes one wonder just how long you have really had it. I had interstitial cystitis as a child too. Hmm..


*Everything is so inextricblya entwined that it seems impossible to think of one without all the others!

*I want rid of exhaustion and pain, sorry that's two

*THE ACHES!!!!! Don't even have to think about that one

*all-over aches and pain for me.

*brain fog, it messes me up so much i cant cope with the other things, on days i have less brain fog i find i can deal with my other problems better

*Apart from the menopausal hot flushes, (lol always something) anyone else feel REALLY cold nearly ALL the time? Does the internal thermostat become affected as in chronic fatigue?


*fatigue is the one id get rid of, i just cannot function properly & i dread the night time coming now because it seems endless

*The pain.

*Tiredness and pain

*seveer bk and hip pain as i cant pic me 2 yr old son up with out doubling over

*I got quite sick on them to begin with, sickness kicked in after about 3 weeks, random vomiting session out of nowhere. the gp then gave me anti sick meds to use with them.

*Butrans last a week, I think Fentynl last 3 days, my other half has to use Fentynal because of an allergy to the Butrans ones.

*Oddly although I have an allergy to the glue on plasters, I don't react to the butrans patches.

*Depends where you live as to what services are on offer really. When we relocated north, we signed up with a large practice and picked the new younger partner. He knew nothing about FM when I met him 2 years ago, so we made a pact and learnt together, he has a quest to be educated.

*Also the pharmacy attached to our gp has a lovely lady working there who knows everything about FM cos she has it too. Between us and her the Gp is very up to date now.

*We were very lucky to find him and now the poor bugger is besieged by every FM patient around here lol

*I don't mind educating doctors at all, but I do mind when they object to learning.

*Maybe find a big practice in your area and go along for a chat? that's how we started out


*I was also an insomniac as a child and first started with symptoms of pain in my legs at age 11. GP couldn't find a reason so banned me from PE which caused me to get really fat (I'd just hit puberty) and ever since it's been blamed on my weight. Even the first consultant at hosiptal when I was in late teens wrote in my notes that I had fibro but just told me to excersise and loose weight and I'd be fine again!


*I was on fentynal for 2 yrs it was great to start with but a really bugger in the heat when they started to fail i was put on targinact

*fatigue 4 me if i ad energy i would run againest the pain x

*the mental health issues (including good ole' fibro fog) xx


*I want to sleep at night, Real deep useful sleep, and then be awake truely awake in the day! So no more fatigue!!

*I think the fatigue cos it makes everything else feel worse xx

*The pain. One doctor told me to swim more and exercise more then it would burn itself out, it excelerated it instead! Had it 21years now but hey there are people worse off than me.

*I can remember being awake night after night as a child. I'd pass the long hours recording tapes under headphones (shows how old I am lol)

*I've also had constant colds and flu all my life, leg pains, life has always felt such like wading through cement.

*It has to be tha fatigue. Everything else would be so much easier to handle if I wasn't constantly exhausted.

*Pain, fatigue and lack of concentration ! Sorry, that's 3 ;o)


*It would have to be Chronic fatigue ,,,, as u need energy to fight against the pain,, u can keep the pain within your control as best u can. But without being able to get a good nights sleep an always feeling sluggish and tired is the most frustrating and it effects everything else. xoxo

*If we can really only choose one then "PAIN"


*Fatigue and to have a normal restorative sleep again. Imajine waking up fresh x

*Definitely the fatigue as without that I'd cope with the pain etc better.


*I could cope with the pain if I wasn't so flaming tired all the time!

*neck/shoulder/upper back pa

*My hand and arm weakness ~ I cant write, wash my hair etc it leaves me helpless at times

*The chronic fatigue - without a shadow of a doubt!

*At the moment - the fatigue!

*The way the pain shifts from one thing to the next without warning. If I knew what was going to hurt I think I could handle it better.

*Does anyone else have high emotionality??? i seem to cry all the time and wonder if thats my fibro (always been like this and seem to have always had fibro)

*Yeah feel cold and emotional all the time along with the rest of it


*Brain fog/fatigue - it makes me just want to cry all the time when i am in pain. i can deal with pain fine if i feel more awake and happy. but yeh a general cure would be better.


*The pain, then some sleep please!


*Today it would be the pain, but yesterday I'd have said the fatigue. Every day is different. As I have CFS as well as FMS I get quite tired with physical stuff. I'm dreading the walk back to school this afternoon as I'm in pain already and C finishes late at 4pm which is when the fatigue really starts to hit me.

*Only one??
Despite how bad the pain and fatigue can be, I'm tempted to say the brain fog, as I find it so incredibly annoying when I'm trying to do things and my brain just blanks on things that I should just know.

*Pain, pain, pain lol


*I'm the same in that I have both FM and CfS, can't win can we lol

*Non restorative sleep!!!!!!!!!! :(


*The Pain

*Fatigue, i'm so tired, i really don't know how i'm still going, but only a month left till my Easter hols!

*ooo and linked to that a good nights sleep would be good!


*tiredness i think, can vaguely cope with the pain buut it would be nice to be awake properly once in a while xxxx

*The unending pain..

*At the moment the intense fatigue, although pain is a close 2nd!xx

*the overwhelming and ever-present fatigue, which cascades to so much more

*The pain gets bad but it has to be the tiredness it controls your whole being. love to everyone

*General duuuuuhhhhh of it all, but I would say headaches as they stop play totally. Got one creeping up now, but that's very much mixed with hormonal crap! So PAIN it is!!!! XXXXXXX pains the winner!!!! Achhhhh

*Yeah for me I can cope with pretty much anything except the tiredness. Like others have said it affects so much *slump*

*It's the pain. When I don't have the pain I am able to do more. But then when I do more I get the pain.

*The tiredness i think if i felt more refreshed i cld see with everything else more positively

*Chronic fatigue ,,,, as u need energy to fight against the pain,,

*Fibro fog

*Definitely the chronic fatigue. It's so difficult to think, manage pain, and just handle life when I'm so exhausted I'm almost non functional.

*The pain.,would love to wake up one day without it+wash my own hair+hold a normal cup!!x

*Non-restorative sleep.



*I seem to think the same as everyone else !! FATIGUE

*My vote would be to get rid of the EXHAUSTION!

*Without doubt... the chronic tiredness and exhaustion!


*I would choose FIBROFOG!



*PAIN. What else?

*Fatigue for me!!


*The chronic joint pain & stiffness...my once hyper-flexible fingers are hardly able to bend now due to the stiffness & pain. I can't even cross my fingers anymore.

*please can I get rid of two Pain Fatigue


*The bad morning stiffness.

*The pain

*Now I know why people had servants in the old days

*fatiigue! I can fight through the pain(most of the time) and laugh at the fog... but the fatigue takes over with out any way around it.