*Mine started about 4/5 years ago and was diagnosed about 8 months ago with HMS then again 4 months ago with Fibro!!!. Make any sense?!
*Looking back I have suffered since a teenager with bits of it then was diagnosed with something else but have now been told that was probably Fibromyalgia as well so if you count from that would be 14 years if take it from when a lot more symptoms kicked in would of been 2 years
*Could take mine back till I was 18, was always palmed off with things like pmt, being overweight etc. Having been in a bad car accident was always told its because you had a car accident! then was diagnosed when was 37,luckily had got a job working with someone who had it and pushed me to go to doc as she recognised my symptoms.
*I can trace back the symptoms of Fibro to 1993-94 when I was in the last 2 years at secondary school and was always getting hurt in games (PE) by spraining my ankle a lot or my knees would give way a lot too but I wasn't diagnosed till 2004 after having an x-ray done on my right foot and the DR picked it up then that I had both fibro/ hyper mobility syndrome
*Mine started when I was between 29 and 32. I was so tired all the time and achy.For years I was told by various people and DR it was all in my head, I was just lazy, I was depressed, I was trying to get attention and so on and so on. Finally in the late 90's a Dr told me I had Fibro and further down the road two kinds of arthritis and a thyroid
condition. She finally had me feeling better and at least able to cope. Then she retired and the DR I have now says it's all my weight, took me off my thyroid meds, refuses any kind of pain meds etc and basically said there is nothing wrong with me except high blood pressure.It is very frustrating and I've gone from an active life to watching it go by out my window. Trying to find a dr now that my insurance will cover.
*Most of my 32 years, I was finally diagnosed at 13. Some say not possible, but I've lived with the pain all my life, I think I know.
*I had growing pains as a child but they went away as I got into my later teens. Then the pain started for real when I was married the first time to an abuser. I think that is what triggered it all. That was in the mid to late 1970s. Got divorced in 1980 and have been gradually getting worse year after year.
*I was 11 when I first had pain. I was an insomniac as a child so never slept much but wasn't tired like I am now. Nothing found on all sorts of tests at 11 years but later when in late teens a consultant told me I was fat and lazy even though he apparently wrote Fibro on my notes! Was actually told in early 20's when I went back again. But no treatment of any kind till I was in early 30's. I'm now 36.
*Teenager definitely, was diagnosed with various things like Anaemia, depression, thyroid issues etc. I got to the point where I got sick of my own complaining and just decided that it was all in my head and was embarrassed to complain any more. I was diagnosed two years ago at 43.
*July 2003 after birth of last kiddy, kept putting it down to post natal depression knew it wasn't as had that after my first born Then in 2006 got pneumonia defiantly c.f.s. from then got both dx in 2007. Didn't do to bad compared to many out there!
*Mine go back to at least 15 years. Started with low back pain, then upper back and neck pain. Last yr it moved to my legs. I was just diagnosed this year in February.Been to 14 doc's and none of the other ones had a clue.
*I Have lacked in energy compared to my siblings since I was about 11, don't think I can remember what it felt like to be normal but my full on symptoms 13 years since having my son, got diagnosis last November!
*Teenager. but worse after each birth (3 kids, one miscarriage) Diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, so think thyroid and Fibro go hand in hand - hard to know what came first like the chicken and egg!
*Symptoms around 5 years old diagnosed at 16
*Started 15yrs ago, left leg got weak and I fell, then came the redness across my cheeks, then muscle burning, 4yrs later came the pain etc.
*My Fibro kicked in 11 years ago after a period of major stress and was very lucky (from the sound of it) to be diagnosed within 6 months after a friend with Fibro recognised the symptoms ad suggested I go private to see a Rheumatologist. It was originally put down as depression. I gradually got worse over a period of time before having to stop work. Another Rheumatologist daignosed CFS only recently. And I have regular contact with a great occupational health specialist at Derby hospital who has been of immense help to me.
*Finally got diagnosed this afternoon after suffering since 2003 but only being taken seriously by a doctor in February 2009. I really cant begin to tell you the relief that I feel at this very moment. I thought I was going to burst into tears in the consultants room. I have spent the last 7 years worrying that I was going crazy, had a sinister disease, was imagining the symptoms etc. Although I know that Fibromyalgia is a serious illness I can at least deal with it, try and find suitable medication for the pain and not be accused of being lazy or "washed out." I was going to get a photo of him with my Fibroduck but I was a little overcome.
That's the way I felt when I was told it was Fibro after so many years of being told I was lazy and should loose weight etc! You can learn to live with it hun - you have been so far so be proud of yourself. Diagnoses is a good thing if you can find out more and learn what suits you best in terms of pain management etc.
*Isn't it funny - most info I have read says it affects most people from 30's on - but how many above say teens or younger like me?
*As teenager was tired, was told lack of Iron. I was diagnosed after the birth of my last daughter in 1987, she is 22 now, she use to think it was her fault. I had been the doc so many times it was ridiculous. Internal medicine/infectious disease doc. he had no telling how many files on me. Would try me on every medicine and I would have some
type of reaction. Went to rheumatologist and he actually sat down and talked with me.
He diagnosed me. I am one that doesn't give into it and I never will. Just sometimes my body tells me you need to rest a bit. I use to go to support group meetings but, didn't learn anything that I didn't already research myself. Have had docs that say it will never go away, it will only get worse and I just said and I am suppose to pay for this visit. I have a great rheumatologist that understands and believes in Fibro, almost 23 yrs now, It helps to know that someone else knows the pain and understands how you push yourself everyday.
There are people so much worse than me but, I have to tell myself doesn't make me any different. It helps to have people here that put their stories. Sometimes, you keep doing things so therefore, your family doesn't see your pain.
*I've probably had it 5-6 years without knowing but was diagnosed just over a year ago, after to-ing and fro-ing to the doctor with aches and pains that just could not be diagnosed , the exhaustion was an easy one it was just chronic pain all over my body 24vhours a day , also the on going depression with feeling totally fatigued first thing
morning and so many other symptoms,
*it was a relief to finally have a diagnosis and be believed, when I looked on the internet and discovered the many sites out there it filled me with hope that (a) I wasn't going mad (b ) I wasn't on my own and very importantly (C) there was hope and others to talk to about it, I would be lost with out you guys . To all other sufferers I send gentle hugs.
*I've had symptoms of anxiety and irritable bladder all my life, panic attacks, headaches, terrible periods since puberty, pleurisy in mid 30s, aches and pains for years, fatigue for last 10 years, diagnosed in January aged 50 (at my instigation!) after seeing link on tendinitis otherwise may never have realized. I was very relieved with the diagnosis.
*As a child I was told I had growing pains that was over 40 years ago all the pain hedaches only found out what is was 3 years ago for years I was beginning to except the doc explanation it was all in my head. the only difference now is I know it is not all in my head just cant do nothing for the pain.
*When I was 12 I got glandular fever. I got it again at 16 and 18 but my mum said I was always a child who was tired. When I was 15 my back problems started and over the years I've had sore knees and muscles. I had a baby in 2000 and she slept 12 hours a night yet I was permanently exhausted. In 2009 I finally got a diagnosis after a really bad flare up when I couldn't get out of bed. At least I now know what's wrong and can work round it.
*In a way it is all in our heads. We just don't imagine it is all :)
*14 years ago took 12 months to diagnose
*In 2000 I flipped my jeep and started having things come up would go to get a pill for this and that. I also have Arthrogryposis, well during the year I went for my yearly check up and that doctor starting putting all together and asked if anyone ever told me about Fibro. Our gp at the time didn't believe in it but he would give the meds they said I needed. Today I have a pretty good medical team that works with me.
*17 years was diagnosed 8 years ago !! finally.
*I was in a car accident in 2004 and that is when it all started
*Had the symptoms about 17 years ago, was diagnosed 12 years ago.
*Started 12 years ago. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, had a lumpectomy and it developed while I was having chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I was only diagnosed 2 years ago.
*I have had CFS for about 20 years but only diagnosed about 5 years ago.
*Started with back pain the day after my 18th birthday...took 1 and half years to get diagnosed, April 2009.
*My symptoms go back around 25 Yeats but sought help 4 yrs ago when pain became to irritating. Was diagnosed on first visit.
*I think mine started slowly about 5 years ago with aches and pains awful pregnancy's and periods. Constant backache and same as everyone lots of trips to the DR'S and lots of fob off's slowly got worse during my last pregnancy 2008 and by the time I had her I was in a wheel chair unable to walk due to the pain. It has gradually got worse since
then was diagnosed very quickly by march 2009 but am still really struggling.
The rhuemy I saw was awful and just wrote me off and said learn to live with it. Have a second opinion appointment next week in terms of care and a plan to help cope with the pain,depression etc, and looking forward to being a more hands on mum instead of the kids looking after me and helping me.
*For about 15 years before diagnosis I would randomly show signs of FMS - unexplained joint or muscle pain, bouts of unshakable fatigue or insomnia, IBS, headaches/migraines, but no way would I have thought they could be connected.
My first major flare up hit in 2000, but I have a distinct recollection before that of feeling like I'd forgotten how to do the most basic of things because everything - walking, eating, brushing my teeth, sleeping, talking - had suddenly started to feel 'weird'.
I couldn't identify the sensation - it was sort of like trying to do things with your non-dominant hand, but wasn't limited just to hands. I couldn't get comfortable and everything felt like I was doing it wrong or had never done it before. I've never lost that feeling since. Then I had my first 'proper' flare up covering nearly every symptom connected to Fibromyalgia and it took 2 years and a new doctor to even get a referral to a rheumatologist.
*Fibro about 18 years ago was diagnosed 4 years later was told i had m.e.,glandular fever twice then sum time down that long road was told I had chronic Fibro and years ago was told I had bad winter pains by my doctor!
*If I don't count the myriad stomach problems as a child, due to a stressful childhood or a bad post-partum depression in my early 20s, I'd say my first symptoms began in about 1996.
I went through a number of tests for stomach and intestinal issues...all they ever found was GERD. They wrote it off as "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" and I was stuck there until 2005 when I found a really good doctor who actually *listened* and eventually gave me the diagnosis.
*I can trace mine back to the age of 8 I'm 46 in two weeks and got worse 21 years ago after having my children but was diagnosed 10 years ago after seeing a specialist. Kept being told I was unfit and to exercise more when I found the stairs and walking increasingly difficult!
*I go back to puberty. Diagnosis took about 5 years once I realised what I had, and then had to convince the GP. BUT didn't do me any good. Diagnosis and nothing since.
*For me I think I have been having symptoms for about 40 years beginning with joint and muscle pain and IBS. Got diagnosed approx 3 years ago. I am grateful I have a supportive GP.
*Insomnia and constant viruses as a child, always felt ill. Not diagnosed until I hit 40 though, most people have a mid life crisis around that age, I had a diagnosis instead :)
*About 10 years ago. Diagnosis 2 years ago. Good medical team here in East Sussex. But been told by GP nothing more they can do for me but treat the symptoms.
*At the age of 3 in 1959 my mum was told I have growing pains. I'm only 4'11" now. I was diagnosed with fiberitus at 14
*I can track mine to when I was 15 years old. When I had a c section at 24 the symptoms seemed to gradually get worse and worse. I got diagnosed by accident, which is fortunate. However, I spend years of my life not feeling good and having doctors(and myself) not believing the severity of it.
*20 years diagnosed 4yr ago, still trying to 'pace' myself the stubborn b***ch I am!
*When I was 12. That's when I remember things starting to the point it was detrimental to my daily living, such as being able to participate in PE. I used to be the fittest kid in my class, could even do hurdles with relative ease, then one day I just couldn't, and the pain started and I got worse and worse. Kept getting passed off as lazy. Finally got my diagnosis last April, aged 25.
*Really felt it about 9 months ago after a viral illness that knocked me for six. Have had other symptoms for a few years though. A great GP meant that I was diagnosed after only 4 months, but I know I am the exception.
*Why is it taking so lon it seems fairly common for the symptoms to be missed over and over again and not tied together, how much training do GP'S have on the condition??