
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 17 April 2010

Anyone else got constant flu symptoms? but temperature always remains normal?

*I get the flu-like ache. For the longest time, I didn't know WHAT I had, since I never got "sick" or feverish. I'd never heard of Fibromyalgia before.

*The aches and pains of flu - yes.

*Yes! Sometimes a run a low grade temp, but most of the time my temp is normal. That is how I explain Fibro to people who don't know what it is. I tell them it feels like I have the flu ALL the time.

*My temperature is sub-normal most of the time - especially when I have the flu-like symptoms.

*yes and have a constant raised ESR

*Yes yes yes

*I always feel like I'm running a fever. When dr's office check it's close too normal. I think because of the Percoset my temp shows up lower than it should read. Aches and pains yes always.

*Yep I also liken it to severe flu when trying to explain it.

*Yes yes yes but mine aren't constant as such, I get blocks of days or weeks and then none for a while then off we go again!

* get flu symptoms if I get too tired.

*Oh yes, most of the time.

*Yes, I get temperature for a short time and sometimes get very cold and shivery, almost like going into shock. Also phlegm on chest that comes and goes without having other cold symptoms. Not nice.

*I do, too if I don't get enough sleep. Like a hangover sort of, chills and aches but no fever, some think you are faking or crazy. sigh

*Yes all the time, blahh

*My temperature seems to be lower than normal when I feel like it's raised, normally happens in the evening-in fact right now, sore throat almost all the time, gentle hugs to all.

*I look/sound/feel like I've got the most awful flu, have done all week. Tomorrow I've got to go for pre op tests. I have a feeling they won't go ahead, once they see the state of me tomorrow.
Shame was looking forward to a general anaesthetic so I could get some sleep!

*I get a short bout of high temp and a stuffed up nose, and then it be gone. But the constant sick feeling I've had over the last few weeks is putting me off my food, which is good in a way, as I'm gaining weight loads, can say its flu like cause of aches but I say cold as aches always there.

*The aches and pain a feeling tired yes all the time.

*Yes, feels like the thermostat in your Over head is broken. I sit shivering when everyone else is really warm.

*I also get the flu ache,sometimes with a low grade fever,and weakness. And I run a normal temp at 97.5. So normal for them is a fever for me.

*Always. My body temp stays at 96.5 but I swear I have a fever!

*"'normally happens in the evening-in fact right now" sounds like when I had mono, wonder if two are related?

*Yes. I have them now. Blocked ears n nose sore throat extremely tired achy!

*Always. Sore throat occasionally, runny nose and always going hot and cold and like you, I am right now to. Gentle hugs to everyone.

*Oh yes definitely - and usually comes on worst day before a bad painful flare starts. So I spend one day wondering is it flu or is it another flare, usually always is flare.

*Yes , when I am really tired. Also my body just seems so heavy! Does anyone else have that?

*Yep, it's usually just before a flare.

*Oh yes low temp as well when I feel I have a fever, even these days if I do actually have an infection my temp goes down rather than up - normal temp for me is usually about 36 but had it down to 34 before and boy did I feel ill.

*Most folks with Fibro run a low grade fever, from time to time, as well as have flu-like symptoms. For the most part, my temperature is 97.6. So when I run a "normal" temp, I'm running a fever for me.
Would like to mention something to everyone, have your doctors check your adrenal glands. I've researched Fibro for about 20 years and came across an article a few years back from a specialist up in either Wisconsin or Michigan who was doing a study about it.
I have a tumour in my left adrenal gland, the medulla. I've always thought there was some connection.

*Yep! I just had that last night. I had posted that I don't vomit with it, but last night, I did.

*Trouble I find with telling people it feels like flu, they just think I am moaning about a common cold!
For 2 months now I have less pain but struggle to control my temp. Even though I don't have a temp!! I'm clammy but shivery and vice versa!

*Yes. Before flare ups and if I am really tired.

*Yes during a flare up but with low grade temp as I have R.A plus S.L.E, Lupus alongside Fibromyalgia.

*Suffering with just that at the moment.

*Can someone describe a flare up?
This is exactly what I described to my MD right before I was diagnosed, and he said, Yes Mam, yet another factor that tells me that you have Fibromyalgia.


*Yep, did some clearing up in garden today, had a bath, now sat with sore throat and burning limbs etc.

*I have one now, everything hurts, even my nails! Feel tired and fed up of feeling sore. Go hospital Thursday so we see! Gentle hugs.

*Always, but always feel hot,

*Yes, I do. This last week terribly!

*When I do too much I think I'm going down with flu, get the same aches and pains in limbs, feels like flu. My body temperature often feels abnormal. If I'm not too cold I'm too hot.

*Have a lot of aches and pains now. Can't get to chiropractor until next Monday. Feeling weak and tired. Sometimes the anxiety kicks in too. This bites!

*Constantly stuffy nose and blocked ears temperature swings and a stuffy headache and I seem to catch every sniffle that's on the go! I also have a constantly raised ESR.

*Yes I get flu like symptoms. Temp of 99. low grade. If I am out in rainy weather I will get "sick" later. Sucks

*yes, I certainly do, only, my temp is ALWAYS below normal. Last surgery I had, in pre-op, they took it three times even AFTER I told them I run below normal!

*We have a natural lower temp than non Fibro peeps. A lot of our body levels are naturally lower. This is often put down to our pain medication but its the way we are made.

*I often feel like I'm coming down with flu! feel weak, achy, sore throat, inflamed sinus, fuggy headache, raging fever and cold sweats. no idea what my temp is as I don't have a thermometer. it comes on suddenly and goes just as quick although it can last for up to a few days.

*I go through that occasionally but I usually run a low grade fever and it can last for days.


*Yes for sure. Feel sick all the time worst in mornings.

*Weird thing, all the women in my Yahoo support group on line don't have the feeling of sick or flu feeling. Strange. I am the only one.

*Yep constantly feel as if I have the flu, soft hugs everyone.

Yes I get flu like symptoms, feels like I have a fever but it is always normal, I do also get low grade fevers sometimes.

*yes, I always feel that way but when I check my temp it never seems to match how hot I am feeling!

*How strange, I thought it was just me being odd, I always have a lower than normal temperature. So when I am ill, it raises to a "normal" reading and the DR'S think I'm not ill, nice to know there's others like me too, do you think it's part of Fibromyalgia?

*Yes, I hate when i go to the doc and they think nothing is wrong, sigh.

*Yes. The symptom that annoys me the most is a stuffy nose. Years ago my doctor told me is was just allergies, but I don't think that's the case any more.

*When I'm "crashing", I feel totally flu-ish. Not sure my temp actually reads normal-DH says I'm hot to touch when I'm flashing (uhm, that could be misinterpreted!)
I can go from huddled under the covers cold to throwing off covers steaming in seconds, but feet and hands will stay cold. One seriously screwed up internal thermostat here!

*When I'm about to go into a flare (I call it a crash, as I feel like I'm crashing into a brick wall), I feel like gravity has increased 200%. (sorry for the double post-bad Fibrofog at the moment.)

*All the time! I am another one who has a lower than normal (98.6 degrees) temp and when it reads that, it's actually higher than my 'normal.' Doctors and nurses look at you like you're nuts.

*Is low normal body temp pretty common in people with Fibromyalgia? And does anyone else go through horrible charlie horses in their calves?

*Almost every night I get the feeling I have the flu. My temp is low normally, so when I reach "normal" and above, it's a fever for me. Often I don't have a fever, but I feel like I do.
Sometimes I am so cold, I feel like I can't take it. I get a sore throat, stuffy nose, achy joints. For the longest time I didn't realize that was part of my fibro.
I was amazed at the responses from others here, at how similar my experiences are.

*Without a doubt, yes! love and hugs.


*With the main nerve being damaged with FM, that happens, the thermostat is all messed up. Keep your eyes open for HEAT/SUN STROKE in the SUMMER PEOPLE!

*AND weather change is the nasty for Us, Joint pain , nose drip, makes for sore Throats and Stuffy noses. Cool weather Change Makes the Muscles tighten up and we get HORRIBLE CHARLIE HORSES.

*Try kids, allergies, medications, tank tops until 3pm. After 3pm, Warm showers/baths, or a jogging jacket, keep your socks/slippers on. Leg warmers, and 1/2 can salmon or salmon pill each day. Works for me!
PS, Fibro Sucks, But we can make it! have been for 10 years now.

*Isn't that how CFS feels? Always has for me, began with "flu" that never went away. Usually no temperature unless it's a full blown flare, then it's low grade.

*Three years ago my GP sent me to the hospital, she suspected I had TB. Soaked in sweat, yet shaking so much my teeth were banging.
The hospital suspected the same and I was ordered to stay in a side room and not come out, I had to wear a mask at all times and nursing staff had to as well. No one was allowed in the room.
After running tests they found my temp normal and chest clear. Seems it was just another flare up, a few months later I was officially diagnosed.
That's how bad my flu symptoms get, so I was curious to see if it's just me. Doctors are constantly amazed I can be so drenched, yet so cold and have a normal temp.
I've not met anyone else with FM (in person) who has the flu symptoms as badly as me. I went on a course with 9 others with FM and none of them got it either.

*I have flu symptoms, my temperature goes up with the sweats but I also get the shivers as well. It's horrible, does anyone else have their hands shake?

*CFS seems to be the sweating, chills, nausea culprit to me. Most Fibro folks don't suffer the CFS 'flu' unless they also have CFS.
FM is a monster in itself, add that dog CFS and boy, life's challenging. I've been ill since '93, the first several years were the worst as far as the CFS acute flares, although it rears its ugly head occasionally, still.

*Everyone who has ME or fibro!

*Yup all the time.. They get worse right before a flare.

*Yes I do! really achy, bunged up, no energy, cannot get out of bed! like that most days now!

*Yup! I get the "flu-like" symptoms when I'm tired, when the weather changes from good to bad (rain, cold, etc.) when I physically work too much and then other times for seemingly no reason at all.
It really sucks! I also have a lower than "normal" body temp (97.5). I think it has a lot to do with me being sensitive to hot or cold. For Christ's sake, I live in south central Texas and am wearing a hoodie in mid-April cause I can't stop shivering!
People always look at me strange when I wear "winter" clothes in the spring and summer, they have no clue!

*I am feeling really bad at moment, bad sweating and feeling clammy, yet I'm shivering from feeling so cold. I am just so run down at the minute I think.

*All the bloody time!

*I find that I often get really hot and am sweaty, but everyone says I am really cold to the touch and sometimes I can get goose pimples whilst sweating! FMS!


*My temperature is always below normal. Yes, I always have that flu feeling. Hate it!

*Quite often.

*Yes! my ex husband always whipped out the thermometer but I would be feeling like I was burning up - and he'd berate me for faking it. Constantly congested and achy.