
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

On our FaceBook Fans Page we ask our members daily questions.

These are designed to help show people what it's like to live with Fibromyalgia. The questions (and replies generated) became so well received that we have started a dedicated blog to archive them.

If you are newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, you may find this blog very helpful. By reading our archives, we hope you'll also feel less isolated and alone.

Please visit our website's and join the 'One million ducks campaign' Fibroduck.com and The Fibroduck Foundation

Fibroduck has recently launched its new free message boards
Membership is free and requires nothing more than a working email address.

Each new reply begins with an *

Friday, 23 April 2010

What would your number one wish be for?

*Not to hurt

*To have energy!

*Mine would be not to be so tired all the time. It doesn't matter how much I sleep, I never seem to catch up.

*My alopecia to go away, fibro and depression I know are part of me, but 20 years on the alopecia still hardest to deal with.

*A doctor who would never stop trying to figure out what all is going on with my health.

*Both of the above please.

*To be normal. To be out of pain all the time. To be able to move right. To be able to do things I used to be able to do. It all goes together.

*Find a cure...or a better treatment

*Happiness, covers most things anyone could wish for.

*No more pain and no more crutches, freedom.

*To not have to take any meds for pain or any other reasons as I feel like a walking chemist

*To get rid of this headache right now!

*To sleep and have energy

*For the doc's to find a cure so none of us have to put up with feeling so ill, stressed, depressed, low, no strength, as if your not worth a bean.

*World peace

*To do everything I used to be able too. and have no pain or tiredness.

*A cure,so I could feel 47 instead of 87

*Must be Fibro /M.E group.

*To have this syndrome be treated according to it's patients and not government guidelines. To have awareness spread throughout the world.

*A cure so I can do the things I wanted to with my life rather than be 20 living like a 70-80 year old, selfish I know but I wouldn't waste it!

*My old life back

*Get rid of this Fibro crap

*A cure for Fibro and Cancer, they've both robbed me of so much!

*To have some energy and no pain, oh that's two , but there are so many more, too bad it doesn't work that way !

*At this very moment, for the air travel crisis to ease so my son's business plans (and finances) are not shattered by a volcano and then for world peace. (Sorry, that's two things.)

*For the person who is supposed to love me "for better or worse,in sickness and in health" to STOP telling me I only have the "normal aches and pains everyone gets" and "you only THINK it's bad because you dwell on the pain which exaggerates it".
This from someone who goes on about every little twinge he gets,whereas I get on with it because I have to!
How can you spend 25 years with someone and know so little about them? Try living in my body for even one day, you'd soon change your tune!

*For a cure.

*To be well enough to take care of my husband who is going to need me to do just that soon.

*Amen to the cure!

*Health without a doubt!

*For additional wishes.

*A cure and if no cure available - death.

*Enough money to move my entire family to Southern California.

*I can handle Fibro. my wish is that my mum was healed of alzheimers.

*I hear that one. I would love more understanding for those who need it.

*Find a cure to fix the lot of us!

*No more fatigue. I would love to know what a normal energy level feels like.

*A cure for all of the illnesses that do not have a cure!

*A cure or at least a DR, Who is covered by my lousy HMO MEDiCAID Insurance to treat me so I could work and be normal and have my own place to live again

*I feel for you, and everyone else. I would wish all of us healthy.

*I just wish that I could help others who have fibro. I do little things here and there, but I don't feel like I'm doing enough.
So my wish is to figure out how to do more faster & really make a difference because if one more person has to go through this or go through it alone-then that's one too many.

*A big lottery winning or for the UK to have weather 24/7

*No more wars ever.

*No pain, lots of energy a healthy body. My old life back! My dream come true!

*I would just want to be the way I was before all this started 5yrs ago, feel like I'm cheating my family on all the fun,neat,and spur of the moment things we use to do. Soft hugs to all

*More energy, I've heard Estrogen may help with hair loss and my doctor recommends Spironolactone)

*To be able to hold my 23 month old twins in the morning. It takes me an hour before I can even try.

*To be able to go to work and earn my own money, so I can treat my 2 wonderful children.


*First a cure for all disease in the world.

*To be my old self again, gentle hugs everyone

*I agree with the I can handle fibro I would echo the world peace!

*Before Dh and I are too far gone to enjoy them.

*To feel like a 53 yr old woman is supposed to feel, a lot less pain.

*To be healthy, like I was before fibro.

*No pain

*World peace definitely!

*To have some money so I could buy a car to I can get about.

*To get the me back I used to know. I feel so boring these days.

*For the strength and right attitude to be able to cope with my FM

*To be medication free.

*To be rid of fibro and all other problems associated with it and have my family round me.

*To feel refreshed in stead of feeling constantly tired and looking haggard.
My number one wish would be for a cure for Fibromyalgia. would have more energy and be able to do the things that I only dream of.

*To quit being in pain all the pain, to be rid of Fibromyalgia all together.

*My health especially my legs back for walking.

*Do I need to say?

*To not have to put on my family with my Fibromyalgia and that I was the person I used to be once again!!


*That every DR and those who decide benefit entitlements to feel the symptoms of Fibro for a whole week, see if they could function in their jobs and home life! They might see those with Fibro in a different light then.

*Other than a cure for cancer and diabetes. A cure cure for this awful Fibromyalgia