Mine do every time, I get these huge painful bruises.
*I have, when I was younger I had no problems, but now its a marathon job just to try & get a little bit. Last time they had to take it from a vein on the side of my hand it bruised like hell, & it was the 3rd time they tried the other 2 times they gave up.
*I bruise a lot afterwards but my veins seem to be easily found when needed, except when I'm really physically weak.
I think the bruises are mainly down to the skill of the person putting the needle in. some times the nurses are so spot on, I barely bruise.
Other nurses are so bad at getting it right first time, my arms been black for weeks.
*Funny you should ask that ,last time I went for a blood test the nurse had problems finding a vein,it took her 5times,its never happened before ever,so it could be something to do with FM, I'm not sure though.
*I always have done so not sure it's to do with FM
*Always! I have had my blood taken from some seriously painful places! Something that can help a bit is keeping very warm and only taking your arm out at the moment the nurse/plabotomist is ready to go.
I go to hospital now, its much quicker and if I am lucky the head of department who does all the tricky tests on very poorly patients will come and do it.
I am lead to believe most hospitals you can just turn up for blood tests so its worth finding out.
*yep, most times they cant find a vein.
*Every time!
*I find using a heated wheat bag before I go usually helps bring the veins up a bit, my blood nurse was really pleased when I started doing this.
*Every single time its like they withdraw at will.
*Mine collapse, and they also "roll around" and "puff"! Had never heard the term "puff" before! But it is very difficult to draw blood from me now.
*Mine do only time managed to get first time was after id had my first. During that pregnancy they even heated up my feet as hat was going to be he next point if arms and hands didn work.
Used to go in height of summer all wrapped up just to get arms warm still didn't work.
*I haven't got Fibro but my veins collapse all the time. I had to have a blood test a few weeks ago, they could only get a tiny drop, my sister as Fibro.
*My arm veins are shot. I have to have blood drawn out of the veins in my hand, and since I only have one good hand, well, you all know the rest of the story.
*I've had a lot of problems too and it's so painful. It's been much better since I was taught to hydrate first. So drink, drink, drink before you have the blood taken and see if that makes a difference.
*I have not had any problems with that, but I do believe that I always have had a great nurse.
*They have to usually go for my hands cause the veins in my arms are rubbish they either cant find one or they collapse.
*The veins in my hands always blow! There is a large vein that runs "sideways" in the inner fold of the elbow that works every time. It only bruises IF I bend my arm after getting stuck. Just hold with cotton & possibly ice a few minutes when you get home.
*Hands always blow, I only have one vein they can use in one arm. I have had to have them put in the tops of my feet also.
*I get very weak and dizzy when my blood is taken, even if it's just a small amount. I feel sick in my stomach and ache the rest of the day.
Is that Fibro? The doctor doesn't know since I'm not anaemic enough to cause that.
Its agony with just the needle going in, but the collapse is more than that.
*Mine do, they have the hardest time and they start fishing around with the needle in me. I hate that!
*Good hydration is essential, so DRINK. Plus, no caffeine or nicotine before having blood drawn or an IV started-these constrict the vessels.
If you take anything for anxiety, be sure you've had it (anxiety over the blood stick itself will cause the veins to constrict, and "run like a rabbit down a hole.")
Warm is good, but don't overdo it-use it immediately before the stick, but not for more than 10-15 minutes at most.
Tell them you're a hard stick, and ask for the IV Team if they have one, or at least their best, most experienced tech/nurse.
If you ordinarily take anything that can cause bruising, hold off until after the stick-meds that cause bruising can also cause veins to be extra fragile, and "blow out."
And don't be embarrassed if, after one unsuccessful stick, you insist someone else try it. (I was a hospital RN, and a LOUSY IV nurse! I called the IV team whenever possible. I got these tips from them, but never did get good at sticks.)
*Not sure if you would call them collapsed but after my recent stay in the hospital I have very hard to find veins and always get bruises.
Even the I.V. fell out one night and it looked like someone bled to death in my bed. Just from the I.V. being on top of my hand. It hurt and bruises all over. Not sure if is a Fibro thing or not.
*Funnily enough, prior to FM diagnosis, never had any problems bleeding for a blood test, but had a terrible episode a few weeks ago where the nurse had to try 5 different sites.
My arms were black from just above my wrist to halfway above the elbow with bruising. Was having a really bad FM flare up at that time, so wonder now if it had something to do with it?
*Had that problem for a while , now I know why. Of course Fibro. It does have a lot to answer to.
*That is happening to me too. Also after you have been poked some many times in an area, you develop scar tissue which makes it hard to get the needle in your skin.
*I've been struggling with that for years now.
*Is that what it's called? My last bout of testing was ridiculous. They kept dropping my blood or needing to retest me and I ended up getting blood taken like seven times in a week. My arm was bruised after the first one, and after that, every nurse seemed to have trouble drawing blood.
*Always, the doctors and nurses hate to see me coming to get bloods done. They have to go in to every vein they can find. It's not very pleasant.
*Being hydrated is very important,also keeping your body warm and try taking an empty bottle (like a hydrogen peroxide bottle) with you, fill with warm water and warm your best spot.
Also insist they use a butterfly. It was explained to me, by an experienced nurse, that when you have Fibro, when they poke your vein, it can spasm and go hard so then when they move the needle trying to get the blood flowing they lose it, if they can wait a second the vein may relax.
*Count me in on that,every time I see the doctor or the nurse they always want some, I hate the vampires/blood suckers. I hate the horrible bruising that comes with it.
*I do too. I have also had bleeding into the muscle, which is really painful!
*I don't think its related to my Fibro because I had had vein issues since I was a baby. I have *1* good vein! If they have to do several draws over time, like a GTT, they have to use a butterfly that keeps the vein open.
*Mine are really bad, they have to use my hand to take blood. My Dr. has an amazing nurse, wish I could take her with me when I go to other Doctors for blood work.
*I've had problems giving blood for years before I had Fibro. What is worse is an arterial blood gas! I would rather have a few more kids than another one of those
*yes, mine are hard to find too.
*Oh yes, Apparently I have to lay down when I have blood taken. Have huge bruises and very sore.
*Same here. They roll and hide too, so sometimes I get stabbed around 6 or 7 times.
four in one arm, three in the other. I just tell them now to take it out of my hand.
Even then they still pop my veins, I come out looking like I have track marks and bruises.It's always a lovely day when I have to do blood work!
*I have not had any collapsed veins. I do get huge painful bruises on my skin from the tape. My skin is so very sensitive now. From the Fibro. never had that problem before. I am so sorry and I wish you didn't have that problem, Fibro. causes enough pain without adding more! gentle hugs to you my friend!
*I have always had veins from hell. When I was expecting my second son they even thought about taking blood from my foot!
I politely declined that one, but for a recent radio isotope bone scan they ended up putting the stuff in through a very fine needle into a vein in my forearm, the resulting bruise was impressive!
*Mine collapse as well, having a good lab technician to draw does help. If she tries once to get a vein and can't she doesn't keep on and on, she will go to the other arm. Mary is excellent at her job.
*Yes I agree with that I use to have good veins until I got FIbromyalgia. Now when I go for blood test. it hurts, very painful and get bruises, god knows what will happen if my good arm gives up.
*Never had that happen. Usually they simply can't find my veins, I learned a long time ago to tell them which to take it from. They don't always listen though and I'll get stuck in four places before they take my advice.
*Mine collapse a lot too (and apparently they're small) - I end up having to get blood from the side of my wrist or the top of the hand. Also dehydration can cause that collapse.
*I do every time! Had blood work done last week and 3 collapsed, bruises are finally starting to go away!
*It doesn't help that I am also needle phobic.
*Never had a problem until a couple of years ago when my Fibromyalgia flared up bad again. Only the experienced nurses manage to get a vein in my arms, usually it is taken from the top of my hand now but they don't like doing it.
Last MRI I had, the technician couldn't find my vein and was going for the side of my arm, I told him to put the dye in my hand and he wouldn't do it.
A more experienced technician managed to find a vein in my arm. I never use to bruise but now I get whoppers when they try. I reckon it's FM.
*It sounds like you had an autonomic response that dropped your blood pressure. I forget what that particular one is called, but it's not uncommon.
That's why they always have you seated or reclining when being tapped, at the lab or blood bank.
When I got really, really fat, the veins inside my elbows could no longer be found, but there are several veins on the top (hairy side) of the forearm that are still working well.
The veins in the hand are the most painful ones to tap, and I always encourage them to find anywhere else that works! And I ALWAYS ask for a butterfly (although most of the time they get one out automatically when they see me coming.)
The senior phlebotomist usually gets my vein on the first or second try, so I usually don't get bruising; one time, I got a more junior gal who took 6 or 7 sticks to get a vein that gave more than a drop, and I looked like I'd been beaten up for weeks after!
*I get that! I never knew it was related! I have tiny veins too.
*They have a problem with my veins, I now get it taken out of the inside vein next to my elbow. This last time it bruised really bad. It looks ugly!
*I'm the same, I never had a problem before, my veins would stick out like crazy now the nurses struggle to find one, they've suggested increasing my fluid intake the night before if possible.
*Happens to me all the time!
*Yeah I get that too. Didn't think it had anything to do with the condition though. you learn something new every day.
*How's your fluid intake, esp Water? It's crucial, and certainly helps the blood lettings. But some folks just have difficult veins for which a butterfly usually works best.
*I dread any time I have to have blood taken as I am poked and prodded and it becomes a painful experience. I end up with shocking bruises. This was never the case before I had Fibromyalgia.