
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Monday, 12 April 2010

Rough Guide to Accessible Britain is an invaluable travel guide for anyone with accessibility needs.

Click here: free guide for blue badge holders

*Thank you - I have ordered one for my husband.

*I also ordered one, read martins email before I saw your post.

*Thanks I have ordered one as well, as I love to get out but always reliant on someone to go with me! Thanks too my friend and carer!

*Ooooo goodie. Just need my rheumi to get a wiggle on with actually posting me the letter to go with my badge application.

*Hey guys - I can tell somewhere that is definitely NOT accessible - Pizza Hut on Pavement (road) in York centre. We'd eaten our meal and I went to the toilet. I asked if there was a disabled loo and was told no - so I had no choice but to get myself up too flights of stairs! The manager came before we left and said she wanted to see why I was not happy.
I told her disgusted no accessible loo and don't think it's acceptable under discrimination act. She said if I'd been in a wheel chair or 'looked disabled' they would have told me when I entered and suggested I go to one of their restaurants a few mins walk away!
I asked if she thought I should wear a badge then so they know who's disabled and she said 'most disabled people ask about the toilet when the enter' and the building is listed so I should assume it won't have one!
I told her that their modern looking restaurant gives me no way of knowing it's listed and even listed buildings can have accessible loos. Anyway we left without any real apology so I will be making formal complaint to their head office today.

*Thanks for the link. I have a blue badge and it looks as though this guide will be really helpful.

*Thanks after the fight I had to get my blue badge I will use this guide a lot Thanks!