
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Saturday, 17 April 2010

Do you let yourself sleep during the day?

*I need to quite often

*Of course! Sometimes it's not a choice.

*yes I have to.

*I only can on the weekends. Usually Sunday.

*If I can and feel I need to I do.

*I find it hard to sleep during the day but I get exhausted by about 2/3pm so I am wondering if a nap would be in order, or if this would make things worse.

*If I need to and can then yes. I try not to sleep after 4pm or it affects me settling.

*Yes, I do on most days.

*I try not to because if I nap I seem to wake up feeling really ill and in more pain.

*Only if I'm home for the day. But during the work week, no.

*Oh, that I could nap! I just can't do it.

*Only if I don't have to get up early the next morning, otherwise I might not be able to go to sleep at night.

*Sometimes, if I really feel I need it. I have to put my energy savings into my reserve for the days when I work.

*Not as if I get a choice! Lay on the sofa, next thing, it's 2 hours later!

*I used to every day. I HAD to every day. My doc back then weaned me off of it, telling me it would only make me dependent on the nap. Now, if I feel like I have to, I do it because I know it's necessary, I just don't schedule it into my daily plans.

*Not usually but if I don't have to be anywhere and the boys (10 and 7) are watching a film or something and I feel particularly bad I may doze on the sofa. I end up feeling worse usually though.

*Hubby quite often goes back to bed during the day as he can only manage being awake and downstairs for a couple of hours at a time. He's there now, and has been since 3pm.

*Yes don't sleep well at night, I have no energy so have to.

*I try not to as it makes me more foggy believe it or not.

*I sleep most of the morning, but try NOT to take naps once I am up.

*Sometimes but try not to sleep for more than an hour during the day.


*Yes, but only when I am desperate, like now, I have been at M.I.L's for two nights with little sleep, so I know tomorrow will be bad and I will need to sleep.

*If I need to yes, but wake up a bit hungover.

*If I am really tired I do.


*Yes, sometimes its the only thing that takes the pain away.

*I most certainly do.

*If my eyes are closing and I have absolutely no energy, yes

*oh yes!

*I'm OK if I don't sit down, if I do then I'm gone but that makes me feel worse when I wake up, I'm better off trying to keep going.

*I have no choice I fall asleep at any time sometimes in mid conversation.

*I do if I can fit it in! But it helps with the energy but sometimes I feel ill when I wake up and it seems to effect me falling asleep at night!

*I try not to, but I recently lost my job and since then the urge to sleep more has taken over. When I start work again, naps are going to be a big no-no. If I nap during the day I can't sleep at night.

*nappies, yes.

*Yes, can't help it, I get so exhausted, I fall asleep on the sofa, I've no energy to keep going.

*Only if I've not slept the night before due to insomnia. Otherwise, I try to stay awake for the whole day, even when I really don't want to.

*Yes, I work 3rd shift 3 nights a week so I sleep whenever I get a chance.


*Sometimes a nap is the only thing that can salvage a bad day. I can attempt to stay up, and be uselessly miserable the whole time, or I can to to bed (maybe an hour, maybe an afternoon-depending on how bad I'm flaring) and hope to stop the crash in its tracks.
Heaven help me if I don't listen to my bodies need for rest - I'm inviting a days-long in-bed crash.

*Only if I really need too.

*Of course, I sleep at least 11 hours a night, then lay back down after I eat for the rest of the day and evening till bed on the heating pad. The pain is so intense I can't do anything else now.

*Not all the time but if lot of pain I do plus sometimes I have to fight to keep eyes open, just defeats the object. If your body needs the rest then you got to listen to it, same as pacing yourself.

*Not if I can help it.

*I so wish I could but work does not allow me too. I am off on Fridays and I pretty much sleep all day.

*I try not to, but sometimes if I'm really tired, I can't help having a nap. I'm lucky in the fact that with my amitriptyline I sleep well, although I can sleep for 12 hours or more and still feel tired when I wake up.

*I try to get in bed at a reasonable hour even if it takes me a while to fall asleep. I usually get up around 7:30 - 8:00 and feel extremely tired. If I nap, upon doctor's advice, I keep it to 20 to 30 minutes. More than that, I feel terrible. But if your body is screaming at you to stop, STOP!

*yes all the time especially when I have flare ups like say today.

*Yes if I really need it. I was advised on a pain management course to sleep when I am tired as your body needs it.
Then when in bed at night if you wake up and can't get back to sleep is to get up and just do something that is not stimulating to the brain and only go back to bed when your feeling really tired again.

*My doc has put me back on my medication and plus I have a baby to look after, so sleep during the day is very hard at the moment. If I can, I will.
If on the other hand I have taken my meds, I have to fight the tiredness until someone else is in the house.

*No. I don't sleep during the day.

*I do sometimes. If I have had a really bad night then I go for an afternoon snooze.

*Yes, if I am able. I think it helps my body repair since nights are so bad. Plus it helps me get through the worst afternoon/evening hours.
I sometimes nap with the toddler, if I didn't have kids at home I would nap more often.

*Yes I have to or I cant function properly for the rest of the day, some times I lie down and an hour becomes all day depending on pain, fatigue etc.

*I just seem to fall asleep. Sometimes I can't be woken up, then I will go days without sleep because I can't. It seems I go from sleeping all the time to no sleep at all.

*Yes sometimes I have no choice.

*Most days, but feel horrible when I wake up.

*Yes I do because that is half of he sleep I do manage.

*Not unless I can help it, night sleep goes a bit troublesome other wise.

*Yes, and sometimes it's not a choice, my body will make it will happen whether "I" want it or not.

*Trying to avoid nodding off right now.

*Yes some days I just can't stop myself.

*I need to so much, but always feel guilty when I do.

*If I need to yes!Learning to listen to our bodies is key! Granted sometimes we can't and we battle on but otherwise listen! Cant beat a sleep day or night.

*Naps are only about 20-30 minutes, otherwise it's too deep a sleep to be considered a nap. Once I respected that and limited my "naps" to the shorter time, I felt much better and will definitely take them if I need them and am able. They do help me get through the day better.

*Yes I have to, or I am crabby when family gets home.

*Yes I sleep during the day usually will take 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap....I exhaust easy if I'm doing a lot of running around town, in addition to babysitting my 15 month old grandson plus pick my 7 yr old old grandson up from school and keep both boys until mum gets off work and picks the boys up around 6:30pm Mon through Fri

*Cant help it sometimes, don't realise until I wake up!

*I take a nap during the day, if I need it. My hours are already off-kilter from the "normal" household; I'm a night owl, staying up until 3am some nights. I compensate by sleeping until 10am or noon. Thanks to my C-PAP machine, I don't need the afternoon naps as much.

*If I need to, I won't fight it. The problem is I don't need to most of the time.

*Most days,, nearly always wake up confused.

*Yes I'm the same, most times I just know that I need to lie down,its like someone has zapped all my energy like in an instant , but I don't always sleep just rest depending how bad the pain is.

I try to keep going. I can never fall asleep, wish I could!

*I need to lie down most afternoons when I come over all sleepy and more often than not I will fall asleep, and then wake up at teatime, feeling disoriented. I don't fight it now but just go with it.

*Yes, I can't help it! I am now on disability, but I do work from home telecommuting. I keep a little alarm clock in the living room, because I can't sit in a chair for too long, so I have to lay down, and most likely fall asleep once a day, between shifts.
I do feel awful sometimes when I do wake up but I just don't ever feel like I am rested.

*Can't with 2 children and also work.

*If I don't schedule a nap, my body will schedule it for me. Sleeping during the day is unavoidable for me. Right now I'm in a flare with CFS.
I got up to take hubby to work at 7am, then went back to sleep until 1pm. I will still be able to sleep tonight with n issues.

*Yes I have no choice.

*They wont let me sleep at work.

*Sometimes I have to cant function otherwise!


*Yes. I sleep when I'm tired, though I try to limit my naps to no more than 2 hours.

*Yes every lunchtime - have my lunch then half to 1 hour sleep - luckily I work for myself so I can have a nap. If I didn't have that nap I would find it very difficult to carry on for the rest of the day. I only have a few hours sleep every nite so my nap is essential.

*I have to. I've tried not to, even if I've only had a couple of hours sleep the night before. I still have problems sleeping at night.
I have such poor quality sleep that I have actually fallen asleep standing up! So I've learnt to listen to my body, some days I can go without sleeping but most of the time I have to sleep either for half an hour or on a bad day for hours!
Some days, like today, no matter how much I need to sleep (only had 2 hours last night). I just can't get my body to relax enough to sleep.
Having two children to look after too can make it doubly difficult. I've learnt that we are all different and that we must do what we feel is best for ourselves. I try to be a martyr some days (the guilt of not being able to function normally as a parent gets to me a lot and I push myself too much) but all that does is set off a big flare which can put me in bed for a whole day or even two on a really bad one!

*Just a warning about amitriptyline my friend who was prescribed it, took it for 1 week and had to be admitted to hospital because he was fitting and since that he has lost the use of the right hand side of his body and speech.
You would think he had a stroke but it was the amitriptyline - please be careful.

*Oh yes.

*Seriously?? I wish! I would like to just sleep at night. Although, occasionally, after long bouts of not sleeping well, I will go back to bed after getting up and getting everyone out the door, just for about 2 hours, but it's good sleep.

*Guess I forgot to add the part where, if I sit down at any point, I WILL sleep sitting up whether I want to or not, so I guess then the answer is yes, if I sit down (and sometimes the pain is too much to where I have to, and use the heating pad because I have a charley horse pain in my bum and down my leg) uugh

*I wouldn't survive otherwise! I'm usually confined to bed, and I sleep in 2-3 hour spurts, on and off all day.

*Yes I do.

*I may be the only one but when I need to lay down most times I don't have a lot of choice as I need that nap. If I didn't go to sleep I would fall asleep wherever sitting.
Last week I had a sleep day where I just need to sleep I made myself go to the doctors and My husband and friend had to carry me in and I was immediately asleep for two days!

*I wrote this before I read any opinions and am glad I am not alone. Pretty much when my body says sleep I gotta sleep!

*Sometimes it just happens.

*I do if I can sleep. I usually get really sleepy at around 4 pm until around 8 pm, then I'm wide awake until 1 am. I can only go to sleep at 1 if I take a sleep aide or a Xanax at 10 pm

*If I need to yes, if I don't then my kids hear how stressed I get

*When I'm home but not at work though I'd like to.

*Don't get a choice, I black out anyway, so foe me it's best to get 0.5 or 1 hour in per day if I get the chance.

*Yes all the time,and need them more now my allergies are starting to worsen.

*I sometimes just need to as completely exhausted, but have found last week that if I do I can't sleep at night.

*Can't help it so shattered.

*Yes, I do have a sleep/rest in the afternoon.

*Are you my twin!! It's just you seem to be exactly the same as me. I fall asleep sitting up. Usually when I want to watch a really good programme on the TV!
I also find going back to bed during the day I get better quality sleep, but I sleep the day away and never get anything done.
So sometimes (a lot of the time) I have to settle for the poor quality naps on the sofa to get me through the day! I also have the same pain in my bottom and down my leg! I thought it was due to my Schuermann's disease more than my Fibro, but maybe? I don't know!

*To the lady who warned about Amiltryptiline. I just want to add on the other side. I've been on Amiltryptiline for several years now and apart from a few small side effects, have found it a god send.
I used to suffer with restless legs and severe leg pain at night before going onto it, so I would say your friend was one of the unlucky ones, like all medication it doesn't suit everyone.
I am carefully monitored by my doctor with ALL my meds and have great support from him with the emotional aspects of this illness too, so I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, although it's taken me over 10 years to find him!

*I really do try to but life is too busy sometimes. I figure any sleep is good!



*I try not to. Sometimes I can't help it.

*Not on purpose! But if I sit in our recliner very long this hammer comes up from behind and konks me on the head! Seriously though I try not to sleep during the day unless I feel really bad.

*I usually don't realize it until I wake up

*Do a lot of driving with my job so trying to stay awake that is rough. I can feel the exhaustion coming on so I make sure I am home when it hits. If I'm out I'm screwed.

*YES only way I survive

*I LOVE sleeping during the day. I obviously can't always do it (you know, since most of the rest of the world operates during the day). I actually feel as though I sleep better, if I am allowed to sleep during the day. I have no idea if that is true, but I can tell you I have had '9-5' jobs and I don't handle those as well as jobs where the hours are more varied.

*Not unless I'm really sleep deprived. Sometimes reading will make me nod off for 5 minutes or so.

*I try not to, but if my body is telling me that I MUST than I will.

*not very often! makes the insomnia worse but sometimes I get so run down even an hour helps, but with Dakota being four I don't get to sometimes when I really could use it!

*yes! I feel so much better if I have a nap during the day. It actually helps me sleep at night as well. I'm not too tired to fall asleep.

*on a rare occasion. Have been on the computer and fell asleep and scared my girls once.

*I try not to, but I take a cat nap of a few minutes once in a while.

*no-would sleep all day and not sleep at all the next few nights.

*yes, could not cope without it.


*Can't help it some days , but its never more than 20 mins. I cant sleep for longer than that!

*Short naps only, they rejuvenate a little. If I go to long I feel more tired and head achy.

*I sure do! I have no choice.

*When I am seriously sleep deprived I do, on doctor's orders.


*Yes. If I don't I am very sick.

*Sure do can't last the day otherwise!