
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Monday, 12 April 2010

Question from a member: Does anyone else have trouble with their teeth?

*Very sensitive, don't know if it is related or not though.

*Yep feels like tooth ache when I get cold.

*I get at least two root abscesses a year, grow under my gum not on outside, a bit sensitive, but other than that my teeth are good.

*yes, I do, it's like sensitivity in my teeth without eating or drinking anything, and I get pains throughout my jawbone and face area.

*I often have jaw pain as well as swollen gums.

*Same here - very sensitive teeth (though not all the time) and get sudden pain through jaw and cheeks sometimes when I start eating.
When I was a teenager (and before diagnosed) I used to get this really scary thing where my jaw actually locked in place for several seconds - it scared the hell out me!

*Mine are sensitive. Have a lot of pain when I have them cleaned at the dentist! and now and again I get pain along the jawbone.

*I've have had to have teeth out as had bad abscesses,got a denture now.

*Yeah, I've had it where my jaw locked on a few occasions, so I sympathise with you.

*Yes lots of trouble Abscesses, had to have most of my teeth taken out, also have a denture but I get pain where I have no teeth!

*Yes - several teeth out and jaw/tooth pain. My dentist just accuses me of being lazy in my personal dental hygiene and of eating all the wrong foods. Incorrect for the first and, on the whole, for the second too.

*Very sensitive teeth, lots of jaw problems, and loads of mouth ulcers. Oh, and not forgetting that horrible 'metallic' taste in the mouth.

*Yes, in fact have a sore gum right now - hadn't connected the dots to fibro before now though!

*Same as above and that metallic taste is urgh.

Yes, I have a lot of pain with my teeth and jaw, and I also get that nasty taste in my mouth. Right now my jaw is swollen and my teeth are sensitive. I just thought it was me!

*Jaw pain, ulcers, sore gums, and at times sensitive teeth, using Sensodyne as an ointment really helps with that. Never really connected this before, but I had several abscess' years ago,had teeth out, I got a bridge done, but after 15 years it broke, and now got a denture. But this began about the time I now think fibro started.

*A big YES to this question - fibro has wrecked my teeth. I've eroded the enamel from being sick with migraines, had continuous problems with grinding and clenching my teeth (until the bottom front tooth cracked) and have constant toothache.
my dentist is lovely and has really looked for the cause of the toothache but cant find anything, seems its just fibro pain. Also my jaw pops out of place too!

*Yes, very sensitive, bad taste also.

*Painful jaw, toothache in cold weather, sensitivity comes and goes.

*I am the same with wrecked teeth too - I had an awful period of 2 years of almost continuous migraine and threw up a lot in that time - dentist treated me like I had poor hygiene, yet I am sure the being sick so much hasn't helped.

*Very sensitive, sometime it's hurt my ears too.

*Look up TMJ its connected with fibro. My teeth are crumbling away and are very sensitive. Just been given a mouth guard as I clench my jaw at night apparently its due to the stress of the fibro.
Because of the Sjogrens I have to go every 3 months because of the dry mouth and problems it can cause.

*Yep they are sensitive, I get a lot of pain in my jaw and ears from it too plus pains in my face from it too.

*TMJ pain, yes

*I also have TMJ. My teeth are sensitive off and on, so much that I keep Orajel on hand.

*TMJ and my teeth are rotting no matter how well I care for them. Rotting isn't really the word, more like disintegrating.

*Yes I suffer with a lot of pain around my gums and teeth is this all related to fibro? thanks

*I have TMJ and it seems my teeth and gums are extremely sensitive - looking at five crowns at the moment.

*Um, yes. A link never, ever occurred to me.

*What is TMJ?

*I'm glad it's not just me, my teeth are a right mess, I suffer with abscesses too and also get a really yuck taste in my mouth & it takes ages to get rid of it.
My biggest problem though is having a fear of dentists, if I could be knocked out & have all teeth removed in one go & dentures fitted I would, but I only get to the door of the dentist & shake like a leaf & cry, I can never seem to be able to get through the door.
Thank you for bringing this horrible thing to light because now I know it's not just me.

*In the last few weeks, my gums have been bleeding badly when I clean my teeth, when I spit its full of blood every time, anyone else have this?

*I have to wear a mouth guard at night because I clench and grind my teeth so much it makes my jaw hurt and my jaw goes out of place and locks, I also have very sensitive teeth and that metallic taste.
A bit of advice to those who vomit even if its not much but more so if its happening a lot, don't brush your teeth after you vomit as it will rub the stomach acid into you teeth and this will start to eat away at them, instead just rinse your mouth with water or a mouth wash.

*Yes I have the bleeding too, my dentists keep going on at me about not taking care of them properly but I always look after my teeth.

*Yes lots, am currently trying to get the ones I have left removed but the dentist keeps saying NO !

*Sensitive teeth with receding gums, for no reason all of a sudden and they seem to chip so easily too.

*I don't have trouble with my teeth, but I had started to. I started taking supplements, especially D, and the problem seem to stop.

*Yes, I have TMJ, jaw and teeth problems for ever, my teeth are crumbling and falling out, I get botox every 3 months for the jaw pain, it helps a bit.

*My teeth also chip easily and I have the metallic taste in my mouth and my ears hurt like mad, I have sjogrens too.

*Yes, sensitive to cold and broken teeth. Metallic taste is awful. Noting taste right any more because of the bad taste. I've always taken care of my teeth., brushing 2-3 times a day and still have gum and teeth trouble.
Had nice teeth as a child then when I was in my late 30's they start to chip and brake, never put it to the fibro.


*Ditto, all of the above! And I take very good care of them. The abscesses are the worst!

*I also have had terrible tooth problems since fibro came along-lots of abscesses and extractions. If I keep up at this rate, I'll have no teeth left by the time I'm 40 (I'm 37 now). My dentist told me that the problem could be the incredibly dry mouth I have along with the fibro is destroying the enamel and encouraging bacteria.

*Nope! Had to have them all taken out because of Fibro!

*Someone asked what was TMJ. Temproromandidular joint pain (jaw pain.)

*Yeah, I have TMJ, jaw pain, very sensitive teeth, lots of grinding at night, I have periodontal disease and the enamel is disintegrating. I have RA too so thought it was from that.
Dentist says it's from bad hygiene but I think its from the fibro and RA.

*YES, I have lost over 10 teeth. They fall apart sometimes in my sleep. The Dr says it's the meds but I have found out that it is part of Fibro

*wow I just had something that I was thinking confirmed. I went to dentist on Tuesday thinking originally a filling had broken - when in fact the filling was intact and the tooth had broken away around it.
Dentist told me I also had another filling needing at the other side of my mouth, and one of my wisdom teeth so badly decayed it needed to be removed.
He had major problems removing my tooth because roots had started fusing to the bone, then crown broke in two, leaving half of tooth & roots in mouth. I ended up in specialist clinic getting dental surgery to finish the job.
My jaw is still very sore a week later, and I also think I have some nerve damage - so expecting to have a lot more problems in future.
I have had no problems with my teeth for about 20 years, but in the last year or so have needed work every time i go for a check up.
I had been wondering whether fibro affected your teeth, but hadn't been on line to ask on any of my boards.

*yep, I have TMJ. Sometimes my gums over my back bottom teeth will swell up and be very painful. I also have Sjogren's, so the saliva glands around the jaw become very sensitive too.

*Lots of sensitivity and from grinding teeth at night, many medications and related dry mouth many teeth are now crumbling or broken and falling out. Also undiagnosed trigeminal neuralgia for years and now finally have an explanation for the facial pain I thought was a bad tooth they just couldn't find.

*I ended up having all my teeth removed and getting full dentures because I would grind my teeth to powder at night.

*I had trouble with my gums; they bled a lot; after drinking Limu; the Fucoidan has helped my gums & even reduces inflammation in sinus that makes teeth hurt sometimes! I am able to move without severe pain after drinking, too!

*My teeth are crumbling away lost 6 to extraction so far, and due at least 4 more very soon makes me sick!

*OMG I never though my teeth problems could be from the fibro. I had TMJ and had surgery in 86. Haven't had any problems since with the tmj but my teeth deal me a fit everyday!

*Loads of toothache and teeth becoming loose.

*No not at all. Just dry mouth and dry eye.

*Very sensitive teeth, and loads of mouth ulcers...my tongue swells and gets sores on the edges.

*Yes I have worn a gum shield for 12 years, if not I would have no teeth left, also helps with my painful jaws.

*I have TMJ which causes lots of jaw problems & I also have a nightmare with my teeth. Especially this last year. Teeth are very sensitive & have had a have root treatment on one & just the other week I snapped one on a peanut.
Have read about some people having lots of dental problems due to taking Gabapentin (I do) but there is no proof of it. What a lot of crocs we are, if it is not one thing it is another, no wonder peeps think were mad!

*Well done on managing to wear the gum shield, I tried for months but spent more time searching the bed for it than actually wearing it.

*Do any of you have a problems with your jaw where if you open it too wide it can dislocate. This has a name but I have forgotten it. I can pop mine in & out

*My gums always bleed and if I get stressed I get abscesses.

*I have terrible TMJ and clench and grind my teeth also. But since I have been diagnosed with Fibro I have had so many root canals and and cavities and bridges in two years it was impossible.

*I have been seeing my hygienist every 3 months and she freezes half my face (that can take up to 14 wee injections!) and then cleans up under the gums. (She wouldn't even get close without numbing them first).
She then does the other half a week later. My gums are so bad I think she is the only reason I have teeth left!! Now at least I know why the gums are so bad. Sometimes they feel like they are on fire.
I also get the metallic taste and can 'pop' my jaw. I see her again on Thursday and can give her the joyous news that it's fibro :(

*I have trouble with my dentist. Her philosophy is "drill, baby, drill," then calmly suggests that root canals increase when the weather changes. Hmm..replace filling- root canal. "Fixes bite," replaces crown- pain, sensitivity, then root canal?

*Yes got to have all mine taken out because of fibro

*My daughter was told she has fibro she is 17yrs old. She suffers with jaw pain and sometimes suffers with her teeth, but I don't thank god as I have seen how much pain she is in.
Other than that we both suffer with hips lower back and knees, I have seventeen I the pressure points my daughter has eleven, is there anyone else that has a family member with fibro?

*My dentist told me any chronic condition has an effect on the teeth. mine by the way are a mess, bleeding gums and crumbling teeth.

*Just want to say how much I'm feeling for everyone at the moment, it's so horrible, sending out healing.
And yes I have been told I have trygeminal neuralgia which lingers constantly and when it peaks is the worst pain I've ever had and that alone can leave me flat out for days, I've wished I wasn't here and would rather have all of my other malfunctioning than the neuralgia!
Also have the shield to help with the teeth clenching, am in middle of root treatment at the moment and just now my gums are swollen in places. Ear constantly ringing on right side too, the whole right side of me has gone wrong!

*I clench my teeth at night, apparently. I also have TMJ pain, probably from all the clenching. If I wear the night guard my dentist gave me, my teeth move and hurt when I take it off. If I wear the cheaper night guard I moulded myself at home, I dream that I have gum or goo in my mouth and can't get it all out.
All the clenching also causes the
inside of my cheeks to get squeezed into these horizontal lines, between my teeth. Finally, my tongue is scalloped on the edges to match the indentations of my teeth, probably because I clench or something during the day, even though I don't notice.
I'm also getting my second crown next week. I've had plenty of fillings since I was a kid, too, but as an adult, I brush and floss often and get good reviews at the dentist for it.

*I have tons of trouble with my teeth crumbling away, sensitive, breaking. I have had to have all but two of my molars pulled and no insurance to fix the rest or to just get dentures.
So I guess I am going to have to let them slowly rot out of my head. Oregon state does not give insurance to the needy or the poor unless you are pregnant or dying, not even prescription coverage that I can find.

*Major TMJ. I wear a mouth guard (500.00) but worth it. I cracked 4 teeth down to the root. Could not be saved. Need bridges and root canal. About 5000.00 worth of work needed. No dental. My feeling is medication we are on that causes dry mouth and that contributes to teeth problems.

*HORRIBLE TMJ - I use the NTI (small mouth guard that fits only on a small pt of the teeth instead of the whole mouth.) I get lots of popping and headaches whenever I don't use it

*Yes, TMJ. Many people with fibro also have TMJ. So if you have pain in your jaw, teeth, ears, and awful headaches you mostly have TMJ.
Find a really good chiropractor who does manual work on TMJ. I mean, they go inside your mouth and stretch out the muscles in your jaw. There are chiropractors out there, you just have to find them!

*Wow, I never even thought that the fibro is the reason for tooth problems.

*Bleeding Gums - I have had the bleeding gums on and off, find that anything sweet really triggers it off.. have recently been gargling with licorice tea and also flossing.
I also have TMJ and for the last month or so the grinding of teeth has been shocking, having headaches, pressure in head, sinus etc. BP has been up again.

*No - I don't have any problems bar I have bad teeth that crack very easily since I came off HRT, but its not because of the fibro.

*I asked this question so thanks Fibroduck!
I've just had 7 teeth removed. Had four abscesses in my mouth for four years and no amount of antibiotics would get rid. I personally don't think it is the meds that cause it though I can see how they wouldn't help.
One of my teeth just fell out one day, before I found out I had fibro. The abscesses came before I was on any medication.
I just thought it was too much of a coincidence for it to be anything else and friends I have made with fibro tell me the same but I couldn't find any reference to it in the symptoms/related conditions so thought I would ask others.
I do feel a sense of guilt that I get pleasure from finding it's not just me suffering.

*Not particularly teeth but I have pain in my jaw joints.

*I have TMJ and had an open-bite. I had 6 hour jaw surgery about 5 years ago and what a mistake! My jaw lines up but now I have as much/if not more jaw, facial, sinus pain as I did before the surgery.

*Yes, tmj, sensitive teeth, reseeding, trays at night, chipping and grinding. Same as others I have read about here! I get adjustments at my upper cervical chiropractor to help with pain.

*I've been fighting TMJ for years, very frustrating! Constant pain and headaches has become the story of my life. I've got braces on right now, hoping that will help. My orthodontist had bad TMJ too and I trust her, so I'm hoping it works. I guess all I can do is keep trying to find ways to get through this and the fibro. keep fighting the fight, although some days it's all uphill.

*Sadly, yes...mine chip and crack a lot.

*yep all of the above sadly can say.