*If you're nuts, you have company. I have the same thing going on.
*I think that everything hurts on some days even your hair! so you are not nuts
*more my toe nails than fingers!
*I have to make sure my toenails don't rub on my shoes, or they ache terribly.
*Toenails hurt like crazy some days. And I'm glad Annette said even hair because my head and hair hurt quite often and it's kind of nice to know it is not just me.
*I get it to.my feet are always sore,drives me crazy!
*Yes my fingers really hurt and so do my feet, so you are not nuts
* it isn't you at all there are days that I try to tell my hubby that and he thinks I am crazy I get really bad headaches at times too which makes it worse.
*I don't have that ~ but I seem to always have swollen hands and feet - my fingers get so bad, it hurts to make a fist - anyone else?
*Yes my nails from my hands specially hurts like hell, and the fingers. Sometimes the pain is so irresistible. From all of the sudden comes the big pain.
*I have that problem. My hands and feet are always swollen. It doesn't help that I have arthritis that is getting worse by the day.
*I get the pain in my finger nails too. Not fun!
*my husband constantly wants to play with my fingernails, I keep them long when they will grow. He likes to push on & rub the tips. It is AGONIZING!! I have to asking him to stop, or take my hands back, more then once a day.
Its mostly my fingernails, but I noticed my toes are starting to bug me more. I walked around DC all day last Tuesday which I am paying for today, Thank You Fibro!!. The only thing that really hurt was the nails on my big toes. It felt like my toenails were too big for my toes.
*I get pain in hands & feet...gee I didn't know about the nails though, thought it was just me, swelling too, headaches & migraines, OH JOY, NOT!
*until you mentioned it, I didn't associate my puffy fingers with fibro. As you say, it's painful to make a fist. Today I can hide my fingernails in my palm, but two days ago they wouldn't even meet! Also, finger nail ridges seem to come and go. Anyone else got that?
*It is possible and you are not going nuts! Places you would never dream of being painful - are!
*I'm so glad I'm not the only 1, I'll feel as though they've been crushed in a vice and as for the tremors; when I wake up I'm sure that I've been doing the river dance with Michael Flattley, oh happy days umm!!
*Ohhhh I ache in my fingers so bad it is like they have spazzed out! Totally lock up!
*yes, this is fairly common for me, especially after clipping the nails.
*I have problems with my toe nails curving under and my finger nails growing in funny and splitting. My toes hurt and are curling under and my fingers lock up.
*my toe nail have to be cut a specific way other wise they hurt 24 hours a day! weird huh?
*I get tremors. Drives me crazy.
*even my hair hurts
*not weird at all. my nails break sometimes close to the skin and if I'm not careful I cut too close to the skin (without cutting the skin at all). when that happens, the tips of my fingers feel like they're going to bleed! my fingers and toes also swell and my feet especially feel like I'm walking on sausages but it hurts really bad to walk!
*Nope, your not nuts!
*I get tremors in my right hand/wrist if I am too tired.
*omg my toe nails hurt so much!! and now that you mention it my fingernails do to!
*yes & I'm wondering if anyone else has faceted nails in that there are lines down mine so they look like long narrow panels?
I'm sure I read about it being to do with fibro - maybe some sort of deficiency? Anyone else have that or am I going mad?!
*I can't believe you keep coming up with all my symptoms, it's murder when nail polish needs taken off.
*I am so glad to hear I am not going nuts after all! Thank you for asking this question for me, I also have days when hair and scalp hurt,my hands and feet also swell and walking is agony when I get out of bed I must look like a demented budgie!
Thank you all for showing me I am NOT alone in this, very gentle hugs to you all.
*It was only last week I was diagnosed, though I'd suspected for some time. Reading all your comments and ailments, I now realise I've had the condition for most of my life, and I'm now nearing 65! It makes it easier to bear, knowing that I'm not imagining all the pain, tingling, numbness, fatigue, forgetfulness, butterfingers etc. that previously had no explanation!
*Yes, happens to me,my big toe nails keep falling off, they go black, then the whole nail comes off, attending podiatry clinic for it.
*I don't have issues with any of my nails, but like a few people have mentioned, sometimes my hair does hurt. I'm not sure if it's just sensitive spots on the scalp or if its actually the hair. All I know is that it's not pleasant.
*no your not going nuts, but until now I thought I was going round the bend as I didn't think anybody else suffered from finger/toe nails pain,at the moment mine are agony I've got to use a pen to type this and even this hurts.
*have that problem too.
*Oh, I remember the days ,when didn't want to walk or use hands for fear of making them hurt worse. But the Fucoidan in the LIMU has changed all that.
I had planters fisciatis in the right heal, not any more the inflammation is gone. Along with the inflammation in my hands & fingers. Also have Chrons besides Fibromyalgia, Limu has reduced my gut so I am off meds & ate cucumbers & onions last summer; can't wait for this one!
*For me the nails themselves don't hurt (so far) but I get the ridges and panels in my nails and the swelling of my hands and feet, as well as constantly waking up with terrible pins and needles in my hands and forearms
*my fingers hurt so much especially when on pc work as brought me a keyboard to help it's got a much softer keyboard
*your not going nuts mine hurt as well
*My hands hurt when I cry or if if I have a sharp pain somewhere else like cramp or cystitis. They just hurt while I have the sharp pain. Does anyone have cystitis a lot? I seem to get a few secondary conditions like cold sores, cystitis etc. When I am run down.
*No you are not going nuts, mine do too
*Sometimes everything hurts or so it seems. No you aren't nuts. The nuts are the doctors that used to tell us that they didn't believe in Fibro & try to make us think it was all in our heads!