
The Fibroduck Foundation is a registered charity committed to funding bio medical research for Fibromyalgia

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Monday, 12 April 2010

Question from a member: Can you give blood if you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

*depends what medication your on I would think!

*I was told no when I tried due to immune system being weakened.

*I don't know, think it depends on whether you take regular medication or not.

*ummm...that's a good question. I would have thought so as we aren't contagious, plus it doesn't show up in our blood, then there is talk of the vetro virus which could be passed by blood...so who knows!

*I was turned down several years ago (in UK)

*I just recently registered as an organ donor, but to be honest, I doubt they'll want anything I have to give them.

*I was turned down.

*It also depends if you have had a transfusion or not! I used to give blood till they changed the rules and said if you have had a transfusion you can no longer donate blood, having received blood transfusions made me want to donate blood in the first place, having been on the receiving end I wanted to give some back !

*As they don't really know what's wrong with us, I believe they shouldn't risk giving our blood to anyone... (despite how incredibly brilliant we are!)

*Not if you are anaemic.

*Last time I gave blood, I got strep throat within a week.

*They'll only take mine for the endless blood tests, not as a donor.

*In Belgium you can, but it's advised not because of our chronic deficiency in certain minerals and vitamins. Not good for us, that's all.

*I've just looked it up and if you are on long term meds then you can't give blood.
See if you can donate here

*Give blood?

*Well I'm sure someone in need of blood would prefer blood with painkillers in than not have blood at all surely in today's age the blood could be filtered! To much red tape you ask me!

*No I was told I wasn't allowed any longer.

*I don't know about giving blood, but my diagnosis got me kicked off the marrow donor registry.

*It wasn't because of the med's I take they said it was because it was a neurological condition.

*We are not freaks! Blood is ok!

*I am a licensed phlebotomist, and I used to work in the blood donor centre. At least in California, the only med that stops you from being able to donate is Accutane (for acne), because it can cause birth defects. YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN DONATE IF YOU'RE A FIBRO PATIENT! I do it regularly. Fibro definitely isn't a blood borne illness.
I'd recommend calling your local blood bank/donor centre/ Red Cross, because I've seen some things on those links provided above that were not true! Hope I helped.

*Not allowed which really annoyed me, but then the rules in the UK about giving blood are very draconian.

*Well I am not allowed to because I had a blood transfusion nearly 13 years ago.

*By the way, let me add: obviously the rules in the UK may be different that the rules in the US; when I said there was false info on that site, I meant as far as it pertains to US donors. I'm sure it's accurate in the UK.

*Yes you can providing you aren't on certain meds they usually have a questionnaire to fill out before you donate so you'll know if any meds your on will affect it.
I have donated in the past and not had any problems and am planning to donate again next month there are so many days in between times donating that you have to wait but they should tell you all that when you register to donate

*I'm in uk and used to be a blood donor but after my diagnosis im not allowed to donate. Its stupid, we are not contagious.

*I was told (in Canada) that if you're on any medication regardless of what it is - because of Fibro that you can't donate.

*I have been told that I cannot donate blood due to the many NSAIDS that I have taken due to my Fibro. I even have a hard time storing my own blood for any surgery I have, But I also have a low clotting factor so I couldn't donate anyway.

*The only reason I can't donate blood is because of some of the medications I am on. When I was on less meds, I could donate without any problems.

* No.Low white blood count,low clotting factor.meds. & other illness as well. Some of the problem is probably Fibro related but with all of the other going on who knows.Interesting question though.

*I was told no in Australia.

*That's right, I had blood transfusions as well. If you have had any type of cancer you can not donate.

*I was turned down because I had gotten a tattoo too recently, but I don't think I would be approved to donate blood anyway because I have fairly severe anaemia. I have no idea if anything directly related to my fibro would prevent me from donating.

*Yes, it is absolutely fine to.

*I have fibro, and I donate regularly. it's down to medication, blood transfusions etc. btw I'm on gabapentin, tramadol, dihyrocodine, amtrip + others and I donated 3 weeks ago!

*I can't donate, but that's because of my low white blood count, issues with my blood clotting, and such. Plus I'm anaemic.

*I haven't in a long time, but I did after each baby was born, so it could go to the little ones.

*I think the answer is yes, its not detectable and not contagious. The question is 'why would you want to?

*I can't because I don't bleed! It takes 20 mins to get enough for a blood test! But I have had transfusions now anyway plus I have regular b12 injections and I think that is a reason not to donate too

*I have often, but you have to tell them all your medication. Because I take Ibuprofen they can only use some of my blood, not all of it, but they still want me to go. Unfortunately, if you're waiting to visit a consultant they won't take your blood in case you might need surgery.

*'why would you want to?' ??? To save the lives of other people. Imagine if your loved one was in a severe accident and lost 6 pints of blood. I'm pretty sure you would want someone to have donated some blood for them, adults have 10-12 pints of blood in their body. a donation takes one pint, which is regenerated in 2 days' time. most people, even with fibro, don't feel any different after donating except for possible slight sleepiness if you haven't had enough protein.

*My immune system is too compromised. I have RSD (now call regional complex system), plus fibro. Both ended my office mgt. career. went from $35,000 to less than $900 in a few seconds.