*Most definitely
*Yes- BUT I have managed to improve a bit too.
*Yes they have.
*Only just diagnosed, but looking back yes, what hope is there?
*oh yes definitely
*Yes they have for me too.
*Yes they have!
definite yes !!
*Absolutely, in both severity and longevity of episodes.
*yes and trying to get diagnosed is a nightmare, I have been on at the doctor for years now and took me forever to get them to diagnose me with M.E, now they blame everything on the M.E
*Hard to say as I was born with mine and am now I'm not on meds, so it is worse because of this.
*Yes defo x
*Yes for sure!
*yup definitely have for me too :-(
*Oh yes they do.
*Yes mine started with lower back pain and then the rest came on slowly and just got worse! :(
*Definitely - so much so DR sent me to neurologist again and tonight have another MRI scan to see if anything else shows up on brain in case its maybe MS, as am getting so bad.
*I got sent for an MRI for ms to all the neurologist keeps putting in the letters is the patient with issues that have no medical explanation! that annoys me more than anything makes me think they reckon I'm making it up!
*Yes, definitely.
*Snap! Had 2 MRI'S now both show nothing. MS was considered for me too, however they decided it was just severe migraine. Haven't been officially diagnosed with fibro either as GP wants to wait until I've seen rheumatologist again in June!
*I've been getting worse, I'm worse now five years on.
*Yes I have but try and ask why? to your consultant they can not answer you.
*Yes definitely. I'm optimistic that things will improve but the realist in me is seeing deterioration in my physical inabilities, and it's not de conditioning, and cognitive dysfunction. I too was considered as possible M.S because of my neuro signs by one doc I saw a while ago. It's very concerning.
*Sadly yes especially as my activity level takes a hit and the med's keep adding on the weight...every winter seems to get more and more torturous, summers I do well, swimming is my saving grace!
*Seemed to move down through body over last decade. Started with neck injury and fogging and then hearing, smell, then arms, type 1 diabetes in 2nd pregnancy, followed by ladies issues etc. etc.
finally got down to feet! For years I was saying to doctors that whatever is going on it's moving through me. They just sent me to Mental health! Took . See more mental health enough time to realise that I was right that a neuro thing was going on and that the only reason I was bonkers was because I wasn't being listened to! Okay, to be fair, I have PTSD also but that is because the neuro messaging is stuffed too and I can't process info. Life could be much worse though!
*For sure, I thought it was because I was getting older and "real pains" were setting in. Then I read recently that although FMS isn't progressive, it is cumulative. It seems that because our brains think we have pain from injury etc our muscles try to compensate (by pulling joints back into socket etc.), causing damage from over use and no rest, (toxins) and irreparable damage to tendons. Not sure if that is really so, but it does make sense.
I know that I crash easier and harder than ever before, but I also have been pushing myself harder these last few years.I'm stubborn and don't want to give in. I try to keep my brain as active as possible, I wouldn't be able to handle losing abilities in that area, fog is one thing, its laughable, but permanent fog, no way!
*Definitely lately it has been progressing weekly. today I woke up with excruciating pain, numbness and tingling from right shoulder down to fingers. I can't use my right arm or hand today.
*Absolutely. The question, for me, is, is Fibro progressive? (despite what some professionals think), or does the stress that comes with having to make SO many concessions for Fibro increase the symptoms?
*Oh thank you so much for this question! I was told 21 years ago that it wouldn't get worse! now that I am 36 it is definitely worse but I thought I was being silly because they told me it wouldn't!!
*Most definitely, and the past few years the speed of my deterioration has picked up. I haven't been able to use my left arm for months now (except for non strenuous things but it's still agony)
*Yes. They say this "waxes and wanes", I'm still waiting for it to "wane". It's been 14 years.
*Yes they are getting so much worse, I have never been in so much pain as I am now and for so long too. This flare up is a big one. I have had it for about 10 years now.
*Yes I have each day seems to be worse then one before .
*Yep it's definitely getting worse, it's been 6 1/2 years & I'm very sure I've had it since I was a kid. I'm nearly 39 years old, the Dr properly diagnosed me when I got Rheumatoid Arthritis!
*Yes,absolutely! I've just had a shocker of a year, which ended in me finding out my then wife was committing adultery with my neighbour and I divorced her.Also, trying to find somewhere to live, sorting out my Benefits, money etc. So very stressful and my FM is much worse!
*Yes, definitely! You know what I was like when we attended the FM Course last Sept/Oct. At that time I had no problems with my legs, it was more my back, neck and head.
Since Christmas I have deteriorated very fast, I can't walk very far now, if I do walk, I am stiff and exhausted afterwards, I am falling all the time (fell this morning going... See more up the stairs), struggle getting out of the bath and sometimes my arms feel that weak I drop things because they just go on me. Doctor doesn't know if this is as bad as I am going to get, or whether there is more deterioration to come! Hubby is talking about mobility scooters etc and I am only 41!
*yes, as time goes by, things hurt more, or more things, something like that, worrying about the future, when I will not be able to do much,
*Yes they have
*Yes definitely
*I've been having lower back pains since 1979,legs 1984ish,car accident 2000,damaged neck,r hip, r knee & r foot. 14yr relationship ended 2001, Dad diagnosed terminal cancer 2001, I left my job of 17yrs to be with Dad in 2001, hands,arms,neck,back,hips,heels,knees,feet,memory,severe migraines,sharp stabbing pains in head,temple areas,chronic fatigue,depression 2002,diagnosed FM 2002,got new job 2002.
Dad, Uncle & Aunt died of cancer 2002, left job to physical 2003,new job 2003,2nd specialists opinion confirmed FM 2004,left job 2004. pains & fatigue have been chronic since. Met wife 2004, married 2006, she adulteress, divorced 2009. New home,new life 2010.
That's the first time I've put all that down in order before, hmm, seems like a pattern don't you think?
*YES! New joint pains start popping up. I get tired much quicker then before. A lot less motivation.
*Yes. Flares seem worse and when I am not flaring still in lots of pain!
*Yes and more mobility problems also more problems with the old eyesight as well.
*Yes definitely
*Yes, I am acquiring new aches and pains which don't even let up at night-time! I wake up with pain in the night. Being tired also means that you cannot cope so well with the day-time pain!
*Although I know it is increasing greatly, I find I am more desensitized as well, so the less I think about it the less I feel it, except when I over do it of course. I am getting good at blocking it from my mind in order to do what I want.
I also know my limits and pay close attention to them, mostly. I just "suck it up buttercup" or choose to give up life, and that'll never happen.
*I have developed vertigo and it has continued to worsen along with the pain. the pain lasts longer. stomach cramps are now considered my fibro pain because nothing in there should be causing me to have pain like I do. It's enough to make me want to cut it out and my limbs off at times. kinda like today and yesterday.
*Sure have, and diagnosed today as having under active thyroid.
*Yesssss! It's taken a few years complaining of the same kinda symptoms, and more, then referrals just to get a diagnosis..
Just had it written in Black n White on my File at the Doctors. Fibromyaliga,
got my first meds, but been told its trial and error. arhhh
*The migraines yes, but have gotten more control with the Fibro.
*Yes, and I've noticed the same in other fibromites as well. I'm not looking forward to more character-building pain.
*Yes, I have had pain in my back and neck for many years. Last year they moved to my legs and arms. Then the pain worsened and became unbearable.
*My intractable pain, with no known cause, has continued to worsen over the past 15yrs following a car accident. Seems like many with these various chronic pain conditions get worse over the years.
I wonder if that's because they aren't treating the cause or if it's because of all the surgeries & procedures so many of us have been through?
*Yes very much so.
*Sorry to say but they have with me hugs xx
*Oh yes!
*Yes very much so, I was told by the specialist that it is defiantly not a progressive disease but then he couldn't explain how come I'm getting new pains.
*Unfortunately, yes. I went from working 60 hours a week to 40, then 30. Now I can't work at all, walk with a stick, have a P.A. & often can't leave my flat.
I too was suspected MS but the MRI cleared me - I think the suspicion of MS is quite common as many of the symptoms match up.
*Yes, mine have. I thought it was just old age, but I'm finding out that most of my problems are with inflammation and pain everywhere. My own mother and father get around better than I do.
I have read many books about Fibromyalgia and it seems I get more of the symptoms and side effects every year.
*Mine do every winter, my body just doesn't like UK winters any more. I also get SAD so I'm like a bear with a sore head.
*They change all the time and sometimes it`s because of the tablets I take.
*Mine got MUCH better, had to do with learning about and embracing bioidentical hormones to replace what was going awry.