*Very! I don't have a problem with it at all!
*Better but still lousy!
*I wish I were good at saying no, still haven't learn how I suppose.
*I think no isn't in my vocabulary.
*Rubbish but getting better.
*It's very hard as I feel I'm letting people down.
*Really bad. Having fought on for so many years, I still see saying no as a win for the ME/CFS and FM. Still on my L plates for the NO stuff.
*This is where my brain and mouth fail to communicate, I say yes but mean no :)
*I never know when to say no.
*I am learning, but only after years of being unable to use *that* word.
*"no"? I have never heard of the word.
*I'm learning !
*Rubbish! My hubby tells me off for not saying it enough!
*I'm great at saying NO to the kids, but when it to comes to other matters I fold.
*Hard to do without others making me feel guilty, very few people really understand. When I need to say no, I just don't answer the phone, that way I don't have to say the word.
*Me too, absolutely rubbish.
*Difficult with none Fibro people they don't understand if we do say no they think we selfish hugs to all x.
*I have learned too :) I will do 3 things in a week, if I'm at my three then No it is!
So my tip is carry a diary and check when asked ~ it looks like you have a lot on and have reason to say no!
*No no no no no no
*I am again rubbish at this much like the pacing I want to be normal I think this may well be my down fall!
*Not very good at that one at all !
*Better all the time. I had to learn-not knowing how to say no helped get me in this sorry shape.
*I go to CBT all the time and get told I have to learn to say no hasn't quite sunk in yet though.
*It's a new skill I've been trying to practice. Not easy all the time, especially when people won't take no for an answer the first time. However, when people won't accept 'no' it makes me more determined to stick to my guns.
Ironically if they accept 'no' straight away and are cool about it, then I feel I have to explain myself!
*Who is control of my life? me, I CAN say no! (without guilt)
*Absolutely rubbish at it. Feel guilty bout leaving people down. But then I suffer 4 it. The worst part though is that most of them don't care bout letting me down.
*Better recently because I have to. Still find it hard and feel guilty as I don't want to let people down, but as people are now understanding me more, it has become easier.
*I am not good at saying no. I always put everyone else before myself, regardless of how I feel. I am trying to work on that.
*I don't I am always ill.
*I can't say NO to working too much and causing myself more pain. Do not want to put those I care about in a bind.
*No good at saying No, but must try harder.
*Very bad it's difficult to say no to family.
*I'm still learning. I have a hard time saying no at work, especially since I work with real estate agents and they could really use the help. Plus I could really use the money!
*Not good enough!! I hold my ground but its hard with my kids because I feel bad that I can't always do what they want or am to tired, I'm good with saying no but I am a nurture by chance so it can be hard!
*Not good at it at all
*Useless at saying 'no' but decided earlier this week that I have to learn. trying to take a leaf from many others books, they seem to be very good at it when I ask for help (something I don't do any more)
*Use to say yes to nearly everything. I learned my lesson when the Fibro got a lot worse. Now I can quite happily say no.
*I am totally useless at saying no as I am always made to feel guilty for it.
*Terrible! but getting better.
*Not very good at all!
*Very poor even though I should know better.
*I'm getting better, but not good enough.
*Saying no may very well be the worse part of Fibro. It is so hard to say no to friends and family.
*Hopeless at it!
*Not good a few years ago (I didn't even know the word existed.) now because I know I can't predict how I will be on any given day I let the NO flow freely
*Getting better at it, though my husband still steps and and says no for me when he knows I really want or should say no.
*Great question! More people in chronic pain need to learn when to say no rather than suffer from not speaking up. I often have a difficult time saying no but that's what compassion does to you.
* Awful!
*What's that??
*Very bad indeed.
*I am learning but it is so hard still. Loving Hugs x
*How many of us put ourselves in more pain becuase we can't say no - ME
*Not very good at all, in fact good do with some advice on how to say NO
*I'm very good at saying "no" now. I had to put myself first in order to get well. It's not selfish - just self preserving. Have a go at it and DON'T feel guilty. It's what none fibro/CFS people take for granted.
*I wish I was more like you Karen but I'm afraid that I'm not good at saying no.
*It's not in my vocabulary any more for some reason. guess I don't want an argument so I just let it go, or don't want to hurt anyone's feelings I guess.