*Vitalaxin-20, moist heat, lots of sleep!
*movies that have at least some comedy in them.
*Turn on my heated blanket.
*sleep,water, more sleep. Today I slept for like 18 hours. Now I feel "somewhat normal" again.
*Meditation! even a simple body scan can help! and good med's.
*Soak in a warm tub and tons of water,walking and sleep.
*Omg last night I got no sleep and today it was cold here and I am in a total flare up!
Lots of rest, hot baths, fluids, And pain med's is the answer for me.
*I just came out of one. The things I did was rest, not necessary sleep, because I could not sleep, but bed rest anyway. Hot epsom salts baths in my whirlpool tub helped relax the tight muscles and ease the pain.
*Rest,shut the phone off and pain meds.
*Keep trucking. No choice but to push through it. I can't afford to let a flare keep me down.
*Do only what absolutely has to be done and then pain meds and rest..repeat as necessary
Yesterday at 04:32 · · Report.Kay Evans I agree with Heather. I never knew I had flare ups until yrs ago when my girls were still in school. Now I stay in one constantly, never goes away, so I just keep on going through the discomfort and pain, no other choice.
*Go you! Good going!
*I agree, only do what I have to, and sleep my way back out of it again.
*I take an extra Guaifenisen tablet in the am & pm (if needed). Stops the flare within hours.
*Lately, I've discovered that it helps to watch old movies, especially old westerns. Wierd, but true! It appears that reminding myself to be grateful that I live in a more modern era helps!
*What does it feel like to not be in a total flare?
*I pushed through and ignored everything most of my life. My family wasn't really the type to go to the Dr. so I didn't even know I had fibro (and a host of other medical issues) until last year - one day I could not even move. It's very sobering to suddenly find yourself unable to get out of bed.
*I'm with the above, my daughter has autism I'm a single parent, so have to keep going no choice, which is really annoying when I cant sleep, like now ! But if she is at school then I try to rest more. Have to say its getting bad and seems to be getting constantly worse,constant flare.
*I try to get as much sleep as possible, which is never much anyway, and I just take a day to rest up and not do much. I always feel like if I don't do anything, then I have wasted a day.
*Know that feeling, I might sleep at night but, it is not a peaceful, restful sleep. I haven't had one of those in over 22 years since I go fibro. I wish I could have that rested feeling after going to bed, just one day like when I was in HS, but, you know what? I can't live in what use to be.
I have to live in what is and the fact is, I have fibromyalgia and it is great to know that each of you know what that means.
Sometimes lately, the pain is so much I think I can't do this anymore and then God puts people in my path that is worse off than me.
Stress is the big factor in my fibro but, such is life, Thanks, for so long I went to support group meetings, I didn't learn anything that I didn't already know.
Can you get those tablets anywhere? What does it do for you? I saw something about that or heard someone say it helped. I know that Slo-Mag helps.
*Hot bath with herbal epsom salts. Lavender is the best to relax the muscles. And as much sleep as possible. Also I'm currently trying to learn self hypnosis. It can help relax you and "trick" your mind to ease the pain.
*I haven't taken sleeping pills in a long time but this last sleep mode has my body so confused as to night and day. So I am taking a sleeping pills for the last couple of days until I get back on schedule.
*Whats with the extra Guaifenisen tablet? Guaifenisen like in cough syrup?I have never heard this before! is this a proven fact it helps with flare ups?if so I am on it.
*Lots of movies, my heating pad, pain medication, zaniflex, melatonin tabs and aromatherapy on the pillowcase.
*It's a tablet sold as Mucinex in the US. In a pinch, I guess cough syrup would work, but I react badly to the sugar. Dr Armand did a Fibro study about Guaifenisen. I don't follow his theories, except to take my Guai regularly.
*Stress & sugar set off my flares. Having a *great* energy day does too. I really pay for it afterwards.
*Be advised--EASY on the Gauifenisen ! Too much of that and I simply dry up all over. It simply doesn't agree with everyone.
*That's true Skye. Normally I just take the one tablet in the am & one at bedtime. Not exactly 12 hours apart, you know?
*I take magnesium supplement in moderation, heat packs, rest, meditation, whatever it takes really. a body scan does wonders too. just acknowledging where the pain is somehow lessens it.
*Hi from Keene, New Hampshire, USA its now 3:36 a.m and i am on day 4 of no sleep, so i hear ya fibroduck! from another fibroducky.
My plan is to drink lots of water for my bladder, gentle stretching, reduce the stress and play scrabble.
*Sleep and a big blanket, followed by a brandy.
*I'm with other mums, I am a single mum to three, two of which are teenagers and other one not far off, so like them I have to just keep going and then just collapse at night and try to get a good night's sleep but as we all know with fibro that doesn't happen a lot either so on top of the meds out comes the pain killers.
*bed, deep heat, wine, tv to zone out to, extra meds
*I still don't have a plan really.
*Sleep, pain meds, hot baths, and more sleep sleep sleep
*I haven't found anything that really works that well! I would love to soak in the bath but am not able to manage a bath most of the time as I have arthritis. I mostly try and rest but hate it when so sore cant do anything.
*Smoke a big fat joint, drink lots of hot water and go to bed till it passes
*Soak in warm bath. . Hot water bottles heat pads med's and sleep .
*Take each day as it comes. Listen to my body and try not to tax it and deal with any stresses I have because not doing these things in the first place is one of the reasons I get into this state!
*Extra vicodin.
*I just take each day as it comes,and on a bad flare up day i just rest or have a nap.
*rest, heating pad and gochi juice! I swear its my miracle, I've just started drinking it and I haven't been this energetic and pain free in many years! I'm loving it!
*finding my infra red heat lamp useful, oh and food unfortunately
*DRUGS. and heating pad.
*I'm so new to fibro has anybody ever found away to relieve the burning pain feels like an iron on the skin I get it over both shoulders now (it started so small like a insect bite & got bigger)
*Try to rest as much as 3 kids under 8 allow. Sleep as often as I can quite often going to bed as soon as kids are in bed. Heat packs, hot baths, and anything else that I find helps me.
*I have fentanyl patches on for pain, used to be on most tablets and morphine liquid but was haven to take a lot of morphine to try and help with my pain. the fentanyl patch is very good for normal day pain, once you have got over the side affects.
Hot baths every day also have hydro every week heat is very helpful.
When I have big flair ups my whole body gets cramp from head to foot and sometimes I have to go to hospital and have gas and air this helps to relax my body I get a morphine injection and get sent home, but these are very rare.