*oh yeah, its horrible
*double the sweats, fm and menopause. I'm dreading the summer especially the nights!!
*oh yeah :(
*Yep I do its not nice :(
*Yeah even though most of the time I'm freezing. During the night the sweats come.
*all day but worse at night! It is very bad and yuk feeling
*Worse at nites. Also I'm constantly hot, where as I used to feel the cold. Sweating is so not attractive.
*Having not slept at all again last night, the sweats are severe today. It's awful, the minute I shower, I'm drenched before I'm even half way through. It's impossible to feel clean. :(
*Have just started to get the sweats for the first time since I first got ME/CFS. FM has been added to the mix in past 2 years. I was hoping the sweats were just a low grade virus hanging on for ages.
*Yes not pleasant
*In the summer is the worst. I can't leave the a/c
*all the time!!
*mostly in the first few years I had fibro, now it's only once in a while during the night.
*most of the chances are the you suffer from hypoglyemia as well. I used to never sweat and all of a sudden started hating going out when its even a little worm and although my gp still claims that I don't have any sugar problem about two weeks after I've started my new diet.
I've felt a huge difference and after a little while longer so many other side effects have either faded away or became less annoying (like fast heart beats, nightmares, feeling tired and even the pain levels decreased.)
*I have been told to try botox injections, not sure how I'm meant to pay for it though, pity the DR's don't think of that when they suggest these things.
*now that I'm on the diet for a while I've gone back to feeling the weather as it really is, cause before I went from being cold all the time to being attached to an ac all day long and walking with a t shirt in situation where I would before being sick would wear a coat.
*google fibroglycemia.
*Oh yes.
*I'm having one now :(
between that and the menopause flushes it's pretty grim. I overheat all night too and wake up soaking, even inside my ears! it's horrid
*yes really bad some nights bed clothes soaking!
*at night, yes.
*OMG! I have suffered with a sweat problem for years and never seen it listed as a fibro symptom so thought it was just me!
I sweat like crazy all over my head - my hair looks greasy and damp so I have to keep it really short. It's so embarrassing as I have to keep washing my face and neck and tell people it's 'a hormone thing' as it's so embarrassing when they see me do it.
I also have trouble with coats - waterproof coats (I get really ill if I get wet and can't hold an umbrella so have to wear really good waterproof coats) make me sweat all down my arms and when I take off the coat the arms inside are drenched.
It's disgusting but at least now I now I am not alone!
*I do but my Dr has put it down to the change because I only started having it after chemo. But I still get them big time.
*I've had the sweating episodes my entire life, just that since learning I have FM I know now what causes it.
Just put on my third clean t shirt in two hours, getting me down today.
*Yes, having one now - hair is sticking to my head and will shortly be looking as though I have showered, ugh. on HRT so it ain't that!
*I do, my GP put it down to the menopause and put me on hrt, still get facial sweats? what's that all about ?
*Crazy I was just complaining to my husband again this morning. I have them so so awful mostley nights. I have to change so many times. I have a bunch of other health problems so I am never sure what goes with what.
Just had brain surgery on the 2nd and have been having them during the day as well now. Which was a bit scary but I just keep checking for fever. I am curious though is there any articles on the link between the fibro and sweats?
*Omg I thought it was just my thermostat that was broken,
I have continuous 'hotties' where even my eyeballs feel like they are boiling! And I'm not even at the menopause stage, I hope that passes in my sleep.
*540 mg/day helps with mine.
*I get really hot at night, during the day my head gets hot.
*I used to until I got my thyroid and cortisol levels in check. Also helped with the feeling cold all the time. Now it's not as bad.
*When I was 15/16 my mother was very cruel about me sweating, telling me I stank in front of others and that I need to wash myself! I do hate the sweats.
*That's a FM thing? Thought it was menopause.
*I am not sure if it is FM related or not for me. I thought I sweat so badly due to my weight?? Definitely not as bad as some of these ladies. Hugs to you all! I'll check out that fibroglycemia to.
*Every night. Wake up soaked through sometimes. My partner says that I'm very warm to the touch sometimes although I don't always feel it.
*omg yes!! I'm always hot and sweaty. Drives my co workers bonkers because I sneak to turn the air on. I live with a desk fan on me at all times.
*I do but I jump from hot and cold - broken thermostat I call it, waking up thinking I weed the bed never good!!
*I have suffered from them in the last few years. I feel the cold terribly so wrap up warm, but then end up dripping with sweat! I thought it was a side effect of taking Amiltryptiline (increased sweating is a known side effect).
I have put on weight too but never considered that it could be another Fibro symptom. I've actually sweated less in the warmer weather, perhaps cos I wear less. My doc put it down to stress. Will have to speak to him about it now. Thanks for the info.
*Yes it's horrid
* Oh yeah, it's so unpleasant, really gets you down.
*OMG I thought it was just menopause or Lyme Disease which I have also! Wakes me out of a sound sleep and I am in a panic mode because I can't get my clothes off fast enough and feels like I am going to spontaneous combust, flames or something!
Daytime is not so bad because I am awake and can feel it coming on and get a grip and stop the panic before it starts.
I know the panicky stuff only aggravates it more. And the best part is about 6 months ago my doctor decided not to refill my prescription for natural hormones any more and I had a complete hysterectomy 10 years ago. I think he should come and do the added laundry this has caused me!
I never really leave my air conditioned home during the summer months. I hate hate hate this hot sweats/ flash stuff!
*oh yeah, glad you mentioned it, I never related it to FM
*As soon as I wake up in the mornings, the sweat starts. I put it down to the duvet being too warm, as hubby won't let me put the lighter one on just yet!
*All the damn time. I also have PCOS so my doctor attributes my sweat issue to the hormone imbalance.
*YES!! I hate the sweats, I seem to sweat everywhere my hair looks awful because it gets so wet it just looks unwashed, Changes of clothes through the day and night. The night is slightly worse I've tried just sleeping in a sheet and being freezing cold but still sweating?
It's so not nice to feel all sticky and yuk I'm dreading the summer that's for sure.
*Yes regularly, but until today didn't know what was causing it but I would not have put it down to fm, like many women here I thought it was part of the menopause thing, but it still makes me feel dirty all the time, which I hate, now I can start to sort something out with my gp about this and soon.
*yep, hate it, every time I try to do anything the sweats come on. :(
*Every night, bloody awful isn't it. Don't know how to stop it though.
*definitely! I thought I was the only one!
*Yeah and it sucks, bad enough I don't sleep well but add the sweating and it's even worse, this is one crusade I didn't sign up for.
*the weight gain you mention could be down to the amitryptilene, it is a known side-effect.
I get sweats even when I feel freezing cold.I also get this thing where my face burns like it's on fire and goes bright red,for no apparent reason.It's not the change because I haven't started that,yet. I joke that I'm getting a power surge!
*I was really annoyed my doc didn't tell me about the amiltryptilene weight gain stuff. I put on three stone and as soon as I found out about it I came off it. Made no difference to me except I wasn't starving in the middle of the night any more.
I do sweat in the night. The heating is switched off constantly in my bedroom and the window always open. My hubby says it is like a freezer in there. I think it's hot!
*It is awful, I wish I had a ceiling fan following me around all the time!
*So badly that I worry people will think I'm on drugs! It pours down my face, soaks my t-shirt collars & leaves wet spots under my breasts. Talk about embarrassing!
*wow I thought it was the menopause too. I'm learning everyday, thank you fibro friends, gentle hugs everyone.
*Can't say I sweat that bad, I'm always cold !
*I am cold usually, but do get a hot feeling and sweats in the summer.
*Always one minute boiling hot 10 minutes later cold again , anyone have a answer why we do.
*I am constantly wet. I go out rarely now because I have noticed people staring. Sometimes I put make-up on and within15mins I am sweating so badly I have to wipe my face, my hair is limp and wet and my cloths are stuck to me. It's really shitty I hate it.
*Mainly at night but and when I get active but I feel the cold a lot and get pain if there's the slightest draft!
*For those that wanted to know more, here's a link about the sweating :)
Fibromyalgia and the sweats
*yes, yes and yes, thoug they have slowed down since I quit Lexapro and found out I have Hoshi, which is being treated. Now that I said that, I'll have a big attack tonight.
*Here's a tip we learnt quite by accident some time ago to cope with the sweats. Please note it may not work for all so consult your GP before doing anything
I saw my partners gp a while back when the sweating was chronic as it is now. She was amazed I was dripping in sweat yet freezing cold, My temperature remained perfectly normal when read.
This led her to ask me to try and trick the body, she asked me to try, high doses of Paracetamol and Nurofen interspersed.
It does actually work, it isn't a cure but somehow my body reacts and the thermostat re sets itself, it takes a few days but it does help control it.
But as with anything, speak to your GP first :)
*Hot..cold..hot..dithering..warm..cold..Hot! Night sweats been getting me down recently too! And, a bit random I know but I've had hiccups SIX times today, it happens quite often, hurts too, never known what its about.
*Yes and I sleep right next to an open window. Granted, I'm in California and the weather is mild, but it can get very chilly at night. In addition to the open window, I have a window fan and a ceiling fan going and I try to always wear cotton tees and shorts to bed. Awful.
*Yes but I hadn't thought it was anything to do with fm, it's worse at night
*Thought it was a new mattress and that time of my life... maybe not!
*I sweat but I'm cold, then I'm hot, showers are often sweaty for me. kinda strange really. and at night when I'm sleeping, if I'm sleeping, I get hot really bad, I have to throw the blankets off fast to cool down or I feel like I can't breathe!. It sucks!
*what are Paracetamol and Nurofen? Are they prescribed or OTC?
*does anyone else get migraine like headaches after being in the sun all day?
*No I don't get that.
*I thought it was menopause!
*yes all the time.
*Not very often - I got them at perimenopause, and they stopped about a year after my last period. I used to be cold all the time until my thyroid meds were adjusted properly.
Now, the only time I get inappropriate sweats are when I can't get to the right temp in bed - sometimes I am throwing off covers when sweating, and 5-10 minutes later piling them all back on.
Doesn't happen at all if I get night clothes + bedding + heated mattress pad in the right weights and settings! If anything, I'd say I UNDER sweat, especially when I get a little exercise at physical therapy.
*When I was prescribed morphine based drugs for the pain I used to get massive sweats, day and night, now I don't take those any more I don't get them as bad but at night I am cold without a cover and too hot with one. Drives me nutty, especially my feet, they feel like they're burning hugs to all.
*Yep and am menopausal on top of my FM too, so .....
*double the joy !
*Oh, yeah. Seems I no sooner dry from one sweat, and another hits. I especially hate the ones that hit just as I'm drying off from a shower.
*YES! For the first time in my life, I am sweating when everyone else is comfortable. MY finance is trying not to use the AC yet so we've had the windows open and ceiling fans on, that's fine as long as I'm not moving around.
The minute I take on the simplest task, the sweat comes pouring and eventually makes me feel so irritable!
*all the time.