*People had to have a license to have kids.
*To make it illegal to brush us under the rug!
*Common sense introduced into welfare evaluations rather than having silly "systems"
*That people realised how much there actions effect Fibro sufferers on top of the day to day symptoms of this illness.
*Get the government to recognise Fibro, CFS, ME.
*I would make smoking illegal!
*Stop the frightening interviews to get the benefits we need.
*Being a chav should be considered an act of terrorism!
*A law to ensure Fibromyalgia sufferers get the proper pain relieve we need.
*Lying should be punishable by death!
* I like that idea. No one said it had to be fibro related.
*A law against Prednisone causing weight gain, just kidding, sort of.
*That all people suffering with chronic long term pain should get some degree of DLA automatically and you should no longer have to jump through hoops to get any benefit. The pain causes us enough stress and fatigue without the stress of that on top of it.
*I agree automatic benefits for long term pain sufferers!
*That is a good one!
*I agree with above.
*Survivor TOTALLY agree with above.
*Agree with you.
*That the government would recognize the arts - even more disabled arts and value & remunerate the contribution to the arts accordingly.
*Criminals should not be able to plea bargain to lessor crimes. They should have to do the full time for their crimes.
*Make everyone equal.
*Can I be cheeky and ask people to vote up my election proposal? It's asking for a more common sense welfare medical process.
*Medical M, for all fibro, CFS patients free and in pill form.
Legal! We are on the list as Chronic Patients so we should be able to try natural remedies!
*That's communism hehe
*I would love to get D.L.A but cant get a thing, I've been living with Flbro for 24 years.
*Make DLA automatic for chronic pain and chronic illnesses including FMS,CFS,ME and kidney failure.
*Make it a law for doctors prescribing pain meds to experience withdrawl from every kind they prescribe.
*The death penalty 4 everyone who directly or indirectly intentionally causes harm 2 children as well as through neglect of care.
*I'm so sorry for those struggling for benefits, do keep trying.
*People who hurt or abusive n does anything sexual to children should have LIFE is prison!
*For doctors to be assessed on their communication and social skills, if they fail they are not allowed to have any patient contact.
*I agree with several of the above!
*Put any1 in jail that's nasty to us that has fibro. Maybe life would then be easier for us.
*please send positive thoughts to my cat. She is missing and I am so distraught. Walked for 5 miles today calling her. gonna pay with a flare up between the walking and the crying.
I am in so much emotional pain. She is my baby. She has been with me through so my hell in my life. My cats are the only unconditional constant I have, she never ever wanders! she is a real homebody.
*My heart and soul are with you. I lost my baby when he went walk-a-bout a year ago. I still cry.
*Nowt wrong with communism after all god made us equal!
*That we all respect and care about each other. (Hey, you didn't say it had to be realistic!
*I would outlaw all the ugly stuff on TV including commercials and especially the commercials that are not child friendly that air during child appropriate shows.
*That disability would not equal poverty!
*diagnosed by a physician with fibromyaliga and advanced degenerative disc disease should make one eligible for disability immediately, not years of lawyers fighting the system.
*Wake up Gov. officials every two or three hours with a jolt from a cattle prod. Make gang members pay the price of the terrorists they are. Cannot shoot me if they know I might shoot back and NOT miss! Guns don't kill people, people kill people. And all the above.
*Jane to be my friend.
*Make it law that biomedical research is done on all autoimmune diseases.
*It should be illegal for idiots to be in power, then again we're the idiots who vote them in!
*I would make it possible for people with FM to get sensible benefits, so that they don't have to live with the guilt of not helping with the family finances.