*even my teeth hurt.
*My legs and back kill me.
*Can't get out of bed the next day.
*It feel like even my blood is aching as it travels round my body.
*I sleep for 3 days straight.
*I feel like shit on a stick.
*If I don't go to sleep immediately, I will ACTUALLY throw up.
*I feel like a badly recharged battery and hurt all over.
*Even my hair on my arms hurt.
*I walk so slowly and am so stiff that I feel like an old lady...and feel as though I've been hit by an 18 wheeler.
*I get angry and frustrated, because the pain has beaten me ahhhhhhhhh
*I get depressed and sleep.
*I want to cry.
*All I want to do is sleep and cry
*When I sit down everything starts tingling and aching. I agree with ducky about feeling your blood aching as it moves around.
*I get very temperamental. When I realize I am being hard to deal with I look at my list and ask myself am I too angry, lonely, hungry, tired. Then I fix what I can and try to regroup.
*My body is frozen with pain and I get angry with the Fibro. and me for being so stupid in first place.
* can hardly stand up cos of weakness and aching all over.
*The days away, but when it comes.
*All I want is to cry and hopefully sleep, which seems to be elusive.
*I get tired and ratty.
*I cannot function any more
*I cant move, I need to lay down!
*Like I've been run over by a Mack truck and then backed over just for good measure, not. I wake up like this most mornings and need a couple of hours just to get moving.
*My body just tries to shut down on me it is like everything is almost in slow motion and I have to push just to finish things.
*I need to sleep for 2 days afterwards!
*You cant move , eat , sleep , touch, taste or hear , all you want to do is flop, and cry, but that will hurt like hell too.
*It's an effort to get through each hour never mind a day !
*I agree with Marcia. That's how I feel & more depressed.
*I crash and get very depressed.
*I get extremely tired and I get very ratty especially with myself for having over done it in the 1st place.
*If everything doesn't go to plan, as in kids to bed etc. I lose it completely then end up crying and apologising to everyone.
*I feel pain in every part of my body from the tips of my fingers to my toes.
*Everything hurts and aches and I feel like I could sleep for a week but can't. basically how feel like at the moment.
*Don't feel like anything but crying.
*Because, I start aching more and more, then it feels like my skin is on fire and I've got knives stabbing all over my body. Then I want to sleep, but I am too depressed because I have just beaten myself up so badly that my brain wont rest, so I lay and cry. Then forget about moving or being productive for the next 3 days.
*Everything hurts but, I keep going regardless of the pain.
*Back and neck hurts to the point I get a migraine and throw up, I just want to curl up in bed till it goes away.
*I agree with Julie, I may get up at a certain time but that isn't actually when I get moving.
*I end up curled on the couch crying.
*My legs shake, I feel sick and faint and just have to lay down and cover my eyes as my head pounds away.
*I keep falling asleep and my brain, body and mood just fails me in everything I do. And yeah, the blood in my body aches just trying to flow through my body. And it's even worse when no one really understands and anti depressants don't really stop the depression. Sometimes have to fight to just stay alive.
*Because it feels oh so good!
*I ache so much I cry.
*It's amazing how single walk on he beach can seem like a chore! After the walk my entire body was on fire! Had company so had to do what I had to do! But I agree with all of you, it's so hard to deal with FM daily, sometimes you just have to push yourself to get things done! God Bless everyone.
*My hair is burning my neck (Along with being unable to move of course)
*I need guy ropes to haul me up the stairs.
*I get a problem with spacial awareness, I loose my language and the pain magnifies.
*Brain farts.
*I'm in bed for a day or two!
*I can't move my legs!
*Every part of my body aches.
*Everything hurts except the tip of my nose and it may start any minute. I overdid it yesterday and now am paying. Wish I could sleep as a lot of people say they are or can do. No such luck here. ugh.
*I'm awake ..
*Even my eyebrows hurt!
*When I ache all over!
*I in agony more than even wipe out if all energy.
*I know when HE'S overdone it (HE has FM but no Facebook account) when he starts to rub the back of his neck
*I cant move for the next week
*Oh,I've just read all your comments, you are so used to coping with it that you probably don't realise you've overdone it until far too late. I can tell when HE has overdone it long before he feels as bad as you all seem to when your body tells you to stop.
I bet you all have little personal signals that you aren't aware of, like the neck rubbing, that your family might be able to spot. maybe if you ask them to look out for it and get them involved it will make them feel more able to help. It is very frustrating being on the outside and seeing somebody you love suffer and not be able to help them.
*When I have run smack into the proverbial brick wall.
*I can hardly move, I hurt all over and I'm exhausted and irritable.
*I *crash* afterwards. Takes several days to recover.
*I personally know I've overdone it when I hurt and ache and have spasms to the point that my muscles have locked up and it's hard to breathe. I get my aches and spasms particularly bad over my ribcage.
I then end up in the ER getting med's to help my muscles unlock so I can breathe, or I medicate myself and try to go to bed if able. Doesn't help hubby works midnight shift and I have a 3 year old.
*When I put the kettle in the fridge.
*I hurt all over and have a horrible fatigue.
*Agony in every part that has a nerve!
*I've just collapsed in a heap, in agony all over and wondering why I did too much .
*out of service, brain fog, chronic fatigue....sigh.
*Then I feel like I've been run over by a truck and I am extremely exhausted. This happens a lot, sometimes are worse than others.
*I feel like I do today. Having a horrible relapse.
*Feel like my plug has been pulled from the socket. End up in a very painful, aching heap for a couple of days.
*My muscles start hurt and burn, or my body feels like it has deflated and all my energy runs out of it.
*I agree, that's how I will be tom cos had first good day in five years! Went mad really and will pay tomorrow and day after etc.
*I'm always in constant pain and am always fatigued!
*I can't take another step.
*I have to ask my husband to carry my handbag!
*I cant get out of bed and when up all I do is fall asleep, tried bit of decorating because house getting me down, now at a standstill till next burst of feeling good, few and far between these days.
*Because I am exhausted and hurt like hell.
*When the carving knifes come to bed with me.
*I feel the burning.
*I'm too tired to remember what it was I just overdid.
*The fog strikes,my brain won't work,my body won't work,I get weepy (I never normally cry,I'm known for not displaying any emotions) and I just want to crawl off somewhere and die, except of course my muscles won't let me!
*I fall flat on my face, and the kids put ME to bed.
*Because I feel like hell!
*I can't stand on my feet any more.
*I hurt all over and mentally drained.
*I moved...
*Hurt all over ..And crash!
*I hurt like hell
*Once I sit down to rest it is extremely difficult to get out of my chair & then come the muscle spasms and knots of muscle spasms.
*My neck starts hurting, then my shoulders, then I lose my voice from hurting so
*Many times, I don't know I've overdone it until 72 hours later, when I crash and sleep 15 hours straight! I'm getting a little better at recognizing the bone-numbing fatigue and aches starting up, and going seriously horizontal for three days.
*My head and neck start to feel weak then I start getting a head ache. My arms get really weak too along with my legs. I already have to pull myself up if I bend down towards the ground. My legs also feel like they aren't there and I have no coordination.
*When I start to ache all over to the point of tears.
*I feel exhausted and breathing seems a chore. My balance is off and I feel like I can't do anything because not only balance but focus. Only thing I can think about is stopping the pain and laying down.
*My brain shuts down and I am so tired I can't even sit up.
*I just can't seem to get enough sleep or enough rest, and every inch of my body hurts!
*My body temp hits 98.8 that's a fever for me, low body temp.
*I can not sleep, stand, oh who give a rats butt!
*I seem to not be able to recognize it until it is too late, then I wind up in bed really sick for a couple of days! I miss work when I get this way, I try to do too much it seems, but then again I don't ever get enough done! My poor hubby has to do way too much for me.
*When I can't focus on one single thought or even try and make a coherent sentence and all I can do is lay there while my body is screaming and the chills won't go away, and the tears come from nowhere, while I fall in and out of sleep.
*All of the above.
*I will sleep for almost 2 days straight and have pain flare ups that no pain med's can break the cycle of.
*When every muscle in my body hurts when I even think about moving and I am so tired even being fatigued exhausts me!
*I have no strength to sit up any more, I'm breathless with any exertion and my psoriasis goes crazy.
*Pretty much all of the above, plus the feeling that I want to pass out and my legs are gonna give way any minute.
*I'm the same as everyone here, I feel like the plugs been pulled and I've no energy left, then the pain starts, even after the most stupid things like shopping etc. gentle hugs everyone.
*I know I've over done before I even begin. 16 years later, one knows they're going to pay for doing most anything, or in my case, not doing anything. I'm always prepared for the hellish payback, yet it's almost more miserable and intense then one anticipates.
*Oh! how reading these brought back some really dark days. I never got much done, was pretty much living on my couch. Any movement took what little I had. 3 kids, divorced mom; got them up, fed out the door was back to couch till they came home.
By the time I made snack, supper, times I had no energy to eat. Fog, fatigue, pain were around always. I tried many things to change the control on me, but many years past. '96 my granddaughter, Alexis came, she would be laid beside me diapers close, water in bottles for formula;
She gave me the will to keep trying for something to help! I found that with Limu. I have a life off the couch. I get up & go wake up family for school. I now get to go see the kids activities.
I never got to do that for my kids. We missed holidays, even. I just had the best Easter ever watching Dylan & Ryan ride the bikes. I Thank God, Betty learned about LIMU. It has changed many peoples lives with Fibromyalgia.
*I would never have the energy to think of, let alone write, that last post.
*The muscle spasms start on right after the other then comes the burning in my Knees.
If the burning starts days to months in recovery . The pain will be off the charts .
So I have to decide before hand is what I'm going to do before the flare worth the flare.
*I hurt like hell and feel total crap & end up in bed.
*I wake up feeling like I was hit by a truck!
*I posted my answer yesterday, BUT - I would like to say that I LOVE these add to question/sentences you have been doing. I think It is great! It gives me a way to think about whatever topic/question you ask, and also lets me see others in the same boat...reminds me that I am not alone. Please Keep Them Coming! I wish you a great day with no pain my friend!
*I slept until 1:30 in the afternoon today. Still tired and have a horrible headache.