*viral meningitis. It took several docs 5 days to diagnose me after saying its a migraine, ear infection, and throat infection. I feel if it was caught earlier I would not have got Fibro 3 months later.
*A car accident.
*Childbirth or the use of the Depo Provera shot afterwards, not sure which one to pinpoint it one, I just know that was when it started. Right after my first child was born.
*A car accident. My symptoms started the day after
*A small motorcycle spill.
*I think my dairy intolerance hasn't helped, also have other immune problems that triggered my Fibro.
*Car accident
*I think my EBV was reactivated (probable mono at age 17) at age 38, my first semester of nursing school. I managed for about fifteen years before the effects forced me to retire with disability.
The day after I lost my last job (couldn't remember new-hire orientation from one day to the next, or make sound judgements), I had a major emotional and physical meltdown, and was diagnosed with fibro soon afterwards.
That was nearly a year ago, and I'm still picking up the pieces. Although, stopping work was the best thing that could happen to me-had I been still slogging along, I honestly think it would have killed me.
*Gas leak in my flat.
I had inhaled gas for months unknown to me as I do not have much sense of smell from the after effects of a nose operation.
I went to bed one day healthy and woke up badly disabled the next. Not only FM but also Menieres disease with bilateral hearing loss. Great!
*The thing that triggered my Fibro was when I was looking after a relative and was knelt down on the floor and went to stand up and broke my right foot very easily that is when it was picked up I'd got them.
*Having 3 jobs,going to college then uni full time,partying,not sleeping enough having a very hectic lifestyle and to top it off I had my belly button pierced,didn't heal &I had lots of infections (the piercing was the only thing at the time that could of made me ill)
The doctors told me I'd run my body into the ground.will not really ever know for sure.
*I had a really nasty fall in the snow, in Holland, fell and hit my face/head and that triggered of my Fibro
*Well, my Fibro symptoms started in childhood, after a couple of Philadelphia winters where I was almost continuously sick (measles, mumps, flu, colds).
The MCS kicked in after I was riding my bike and rode through a cloud of insecticide (the "professional" pest control company apparently ignored the warnings not to spray on windy days!)
I was too zonked after making it home to take a shower, so it was in my lungs and on my skin for several hours. The CFS symptoms came on gradually, and I can't really say what triggered them.
*Car accident, poor nutrition as a child, physical and emotional abuse as a child, major head trauma aged 8, having my kids in my 40's, not much hope for me really!
*My FMS was triggered by bad bouts of glandular fever when I was 19 and 27, the icing on the cake was when I was in a bad car smash at the age of 31.
Since then it's been downhill, with the FMS symptoms becoming worse as I'm getting older, I'm now 38.
*Abuse during childhood was first wave, then onset of RA.
*Childbirth 7 and a half years ago. I had an epidural go wrong & suffered a dural tap & haven't been right/well since.
*Mine stared back when I was bout 16 after 8 years of my brother abusing me n then bad relationships I had bad pain when I was pregnant had 3 kids but hated been pregnant. Then in 1999 my back went so from there on I was told I had chronic pain n now been told I've FM. Hope I haven't bored you all too much.
*Problems with childbirth and post op complications of C-Section.
*Take your pick! Emotional and sexual abuse from a child to adult years, dealing with parents and grandparent addictive abuse as a child, Scarlett Fever as a child, body surfing accident (severe whiplash and compounded fracture in back), two car accidents as a teen, continual nurturing of others (putting myself last.) I could go on, but will stop here.
*We all seem to have had events that have overrun our sympathetic nervous system, or our primary nervous system.
This is where current thinking is leaning, though with the causes so manifold it may be some time before they nail it down.
When we suffer trauma our body releases extra chemicals and these chemicals in too high a quantity trigger the processes behind fibromyalgia.
Sadly it is a chemical our bodies make because we need it to remain healthy and active, but like many things too much causes damage at cellular level and changes in our nervous systems and cellular misinformation signals that precipitate the worsening of symptoms over time.
*Had it for many years and don't know for sure the cause. I do know that when I developed colitis it sent me into a major tail spin. Fibro just went out of control and hasn't stopped for a breather!
My piece of advice is Know the side effects of your meds as they can cause some pretty bad things for your body (as mine caused the colitis.)
*Giving up smoking then after 10 mins on an exercise machine my auto immune system decided to go overboard and give me RA and FM - its been a tough year.
I could cope better with the pain if my brain was still intact but I can't remember or work out anything important any more. Still breathing though, lots of stuff still to do.
*Car accident #4 (and no, they were NOT all my fault)!
*I had a botched surgery and several to correct the screw up and all within a years time, then this hit. I'm sure that's what did it to me, maybe I should have that thrown in the malpractice suit too.
*Triggered? I don't think it was triggered. I believe it is a disease that I have/was born with that eventually developed later in my teens.
*Much like the others, abused child, bad relationships, full time college then Uni alongside my job and four kids, two of which were under one year old. I think I always had it but mild as a child.
It really started to kick off after I had the twins plus I was also wearing my body into the ground because I didn't know what was wrong with me and tried to carry on.
When I got diagnosed, I moved to Ireland a week or two later. Just packed up my things one morning and asked my sister to book me on the boat. Left my job, Uni and my house with all my possessions.
I still believe it was the right thing to do, even though I'm back in the UK now and going back to Uni, hopefully!
*Triggered means exactly that.
You have a genetic predisposition to a certain illness or biological problem from birth
Some event, major or innocuous will then trigger it and you develop full on Fibromyalgia.
For some reason there are up to 10% of the population that are potentially pre-disposed to FM and the trigger event can be something that you don't notice.
Even the onset of puberty has been put forward as a trigger as it is such a huge change for the body to handle and many new chemicals are being produced in the body at an alarming rate. This could well be true for you?
*Bad job experience did it for me, constant mental stress and too many high speed typing sessions with no breaks, head turned to another screen, 12 hours at a time, then more at home.
Had had a little pain and weakness before that with heavier than normal exercise. Result- Depression, anxiety, and surprise, the Fibromyalgia that my mother told me I had.
*I believe I was born with it but it was dormant until a slip and fall.I have always suffered migraines and back problems so pain was always there.It got worse after me and a sheet of ice had a disagreement on whether I should be walking or laying down.
*As a child I was sick a lot with asthma and allergies. Was told by one Dr. that I had CFS in my 30's(I'm 43). But the BIG incident that started FM was that I was on a drug called Meridia for 3 years.
My Dr. took me off it cold turkey! And what I found out later was what I was going through was like a protracted withdrawal. It has been one thing or another since then and that was 6 years ago.
My rheumatologist said I have FM but not CFS. I am extremely sensitive to any new medication (except asthma meds). I could go on and on!
*Mine started the day after my 18th Birthday, so I reckon it was just waiting to strike.
*I think it was pushing myself to work when I had mono and valley fever within the same 2 months. Taking OC meds to get me through (thinking it was just a bad cold) and having a miscarriage because of the meds I was taking the next month.
Then came the cooping problems from the miscarriage. I think it was an overload. Have learned allot and I do very well keeping the pain under control without a lot of medication.
*One other thing about my fibro, my mother is severely disabled with it and my sister has it but functions. My daughter has severe RA but her symptoms mirror fibro.
*I think I started experiencing some symptoms after being diagnosed with endometriosis 9 years ago, but suffered a serious relapse after major stomach surgery last year.
*Reading all this is making me wonder about my trigger now, I'm basically allergic to everything (severe dust allergy,year round hay fever, medicines, cemicals, fruit and veg, paint, animals, latex you name it I'm probably allegic to it)
I didn't know how allergic I was till last year, I also have poly cystic ovaries that has been a nightmare could these of done something?? I used to be so active.
*Depo seemed to aggravate my FM as well.
Not sure when it started, always remember it being there, from childhood. Childhood trauma maybe, whip lash as a teenager, childbirth. All these things seem to have intensified it, but I can't remember ever not feeling this way.
*Oh, and I forgot to mention that I lived an extremely stressful lifestyle (hated my job, abusive relationship, burning the candle at both ends, drinking and smoking loads, etc.) until my health finally failed. Like they say, eventually somethings got to give!
*I have absolutely no idea. I've read that infections can set it off. I had respiratory problems from birth and used to get 2 or 3 throat/chest infections a year.
They stopped around the same time that the Fibro symptoms became much more obvious (although that may be coincidental and more to do with my girlfriend forcing me to take better care of myself.)
I've had back pain since around 14 or 15 which my doctor insisted was just growing pain. This became much worse around 18 and the joint pain and IBS have settled in over the last 5 years or so (I'm 28 now).
I really wish I could point to one incident and confidently say that was the cause, but with all the various symptoms presenting at different times, it's impossible to say.
*Saying that my disease was triggered by an event just furthers the already enormous amount of stigma attached to this utterly disabling disease.
*Getting run over when I was 6 years old & having severe bruising around my spine that stopped me from walking for about 6 weeks, I was never right after that.
*Arthritis in hips and back created sleep problems - although I've always been a light sleeper- which probably triggered FM.
Although Looking at how my Nan was I think she had it too but undiagnosed as she died 24 years ago. I've had mysterious aches and pains from early childhood so maybe it was inherited? Who knows.
*I cracked my coxis when I was about 11 I fell of a small wall.
* Mono!
*Injury to arm while channelling a brick wall for wiring.
*Car accident when I was 20 and 7 months pregnant with my first- neck hurt from then on and was on painkillers but pain never went and slowly travelled over rest of body, and of course other symptoms crept in as the years went on.
*Not sure. Had rheumatic symptoms from age 11. Stress from losing 1st baby .
Then had two miscarriages.
Had threatened miscarriages with my eldest two, took 4year docs to diagnose gallstones. They overflowed into my bile duct. Diagnosed with Arthritis then ME. 7yr ago Fibro
*The death of my lovely dad, I think, triggered my Fibro, that was 8 years ago.
*Car accident Nov 08, from Dec 08 my life has never been the same.
*When I was 28 and had 3 emergency surgery's ectopic pregnancy,gallbladder,then total hysterectomy then divorce then wa-la they were looking for a pituitary tumour lupus etc but Fibro and chronic fatigue was my 1st diagnosis
*I have FMS due to genetics as I have family who also have FMS (on my Mum's side )
*I believe it does have something to do with genetics. But I was a premature and alcohol baby.
Arthritis as a young child, dairy intolerance, back injury from hard labour work 2000, of course bad relationships & a lot of abuse.
I was also on depo for many years & was diagnosed with Fibro after my 2nd child that was born in 2005. Was in car accident when pregnant with son 1995.
Still trying to find something that works for me. Arthritis has went from fingers to my knee's & hips now. Don't sleep because it is to painful to lay in any position for more than 20 minutes.
I remember always having some sort of pain, somewhere all threw-out my life.
Dr.s have gave up on me but I have not giving up since I have 2 kids to raise by myself.
*Birth - mine
*Car accident and being abused by EX! Also maybe the 10 epidural's I have had.
One in childbirth and 9 for steroid injections. Having five kids and 8 years of emotional abuse!
*Maybe genetics I have two Aunts who have Fibro and I think my father does!
*No idea.
I contracted Mono after hanging around a friend who had had it.
I was competitve skater. around age 22 I just realized I hurt all the time.
I was diagnosed in 1991 @ OSU med center.
Never heard of Fibro before that. developed full on CFS immediately after birth of first child. recovered thanks to alternative med, but still have flares
*Looking back I had it mildly as a child but got severe after an emergency c section at 33 weeks due to a placental abruption.
* think my started after the birth of my 2nd child, but didn't hit me 100% until my daughter was so ill she almost died, when she was 13, and then it was up to up me to find all out about her illness and learn so much to keep her well everyday of her life, I would spend days without sleep. I'd would be so worried about her all the time.
*My very long and messy divorce procedure ! Now that I'm happy with my lovely partner I have to deal with the result of above: FM. Life's not fair.
*I had a bad fall was in hospital for 10 days on my back, it was just after that I was diagnosed with FIBRO. I think shock can sometimes trigger Fibro, of course that is not the only way soft hugs everyone.
*Glandular fever 3 times as a teenager.
*A life full of lots of bad stress along with illness and a back injury a month prior too my first major severe flare up.
*I had a particularly unpleasant op that I just couldn't seem to bounce back from or heal. Then I started catching every lurgy under the sun. Then came the muscle lethargy and the pain.
*Back injury from gymnastics started it off, then car accident made it worse, then wisdom teeth surgery - the three really brought out the Fibro - by the wisdom teeth. I had TMJ, IBS, etc.
*Ah that's not to mention the 3 other ops before that, plus other mental factors. Reading all these comments makes me see I'm pretty textbook!
*I had no symptoms ~ zero. Until I had a complete hysterectomy. I developed restless leg syndrome, then FM. It's been 11 years, of pure hell.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone and there are times I just think it's too much. I want my old life back.
*When I think back I have always had some pain. I had meningitis at 5 months. But everything got much MUCH worse, to the point of diagnosis when I was thrown from a galloping horse about 2 years ago. I was thrown backwards, tucked & rolled, hitting first my sciatic nerve then rolling my neck.
*Interesting to read these as I'm going to a Fibro / CFS clinic next week & I'm sure I need to consider what triggered mine. Hmm, could've been a whiplash I had at 18 with years of neck pain, falling off a horse in my 20's, having a high fever after the birth of my 4th child, a concussion head injury (abuse) in my 30's? Lyme Disease in my 40's? Seems like I've been tired my whole life with poor endurance.
*OH! and at the same time worked a job where I was assaulted on a regular basis. I worked at a juvenile psych centre.
*Tonsillitis 3 times in 6 weeks the bronchitis straight after that. Within a couple weeks couldn't move my neck then pain went down spine and spread all over. That was 11yrs ago.
*Back surgery: removal of L-4 disc
*I suggested this question to Duck, as I am very interested in how this disease works. Reading all your answers, some very obvious trends jump out.
One is how many of you list a whole lot of factors you believe contributed to your getting FM/CFS/ME. This would suggest that cumulative stress (physical and/or mental) may play a part. It may be that cumulative stresses can create a predisposition to getting ill, or wear away resistance that would prevent getting ill.
Either is possible.
One is that many people say FM/CFS/ME hit them when they were already down, suggesting there is an opportunistic element to this disease - it gets its opportunity when resistance is low
One is how many of you can date the onset of symptoms to a particular event or other illness or injury, which would suggest that *for some people* there is a 'trigger'. It may be that the trigger takes advantage of something that is already there (eg if you were born with it or contracted it in childhood but it's been fully or partly dormant).
Personally I believe there is a viral or bacterial element involved. If it can be passed by close contact or through family lines, that would explain why so many people say they were born with it, or had flashes of it in childhood, while others had their first taste of it later in life.
Just my personal observations. But this thread is really valuable in terms of comparing trends and experiences, so thank you for all the contributions, so freely-given.
*I've only recently been diagnosed, but had anxiety as far back as I remember, then stomach aches, then terrible period pains always, headaches, panic attacks, agoraphobia etc etc. Real stressful job in my late 20s and 30s was one of those 'triggers'
I reckon as I also got a second period of really bad phase of agoraphobia/panics etc, Then got pleurisy, which left me with very bad back pain, stiffness, coccyx pain etc. Back still flares up, but pacing myself and not working definitely helps as I am more in control.
*Think the ME is probably caused by Ehlers Danlos, my Fibro definitely is.
*Lymes Disease did it for me.
*I inherited it, had severe 'growing pains' as a child, plus severe mumps and chicken pox but CFS began when I was 20 caused either by severe food poisoning or living in a damp mouldy home. Was sick for the 6 months I lived there!
Fibro was diagnosed approx 7 yrs ago after a virus caused my muscles to go into spasm, but had symptoms after traumatic birth of my 2nd child a year before that, was diagnosed with IBS during this time also, but my mum's death 10 years ago may have had an impact too.
Had an undiagnosed hereditary bone disease also which I only found out last year...so take your pick, could be anything!! At least I inherited a sense of humour along with the rest!
*I'm a bit confused, if FM is to be taken seriously as a disease, then how can an event trigger it? I've had a stressful, but good life. Everyone has stress. Some of us have problems with our brain chemistry or immune systems such that we don't process that stress in the same way.
I'm interested to hear what scientific evidence there is for life events causing a disease. I'm not being confrontational - I just really want to understand this rotten condition I have.
*I know mine sounds crazy but I think mine started around the time I started birth control pills and when I moved up to a higher elevation.
I didn't have but maybe one migraine a year and when I started those I had a constant headache/migraine. Im off them now, but I still It got worse when I went skiing for the first time a few years back and I had a crazy wreck and fell straight down on my back. Now I have pain there all the time.
*140 km car crash, no blood no broken bones, just ripped the soft tissue away from my bones & Maine nerve.
*I started depo shot when I was 13, got the mumps even though I was vaccinated when I was 15, and then Mono as well at 15. Things were never the same again. Diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis at 20, carpal tunnel at 22, food allergies and chronic candidiasis at 23, then Fibro, TMJ and PCOS at 25.
I am now looking into being treated for leaky gut syndrome because I believe it has a strong connection to my health issues. Anyone else have leaky gut or know much about it?
*When Galileo suggested that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe, he was convicted of being "vehemently suspect of heresy".
There is always scepticism whenever a new scientific theory is put forward, especially in medicine - think infection, vaccination, retroviruses (the existence of which for years could not be proved even though scientists knew if they *could* be proved they would provide a reasonable explanation for AIDs)
Just because something does not conform to a previously-understood pattern does not mean it automatically must be wrong or that we must fear its not being taken seriously.
Every day, people with FM are not being taken seriously because a disease that does not show on any tests doesn't make sense to infection-oriented doctors.
If you read back through the entries here, all I'm saying is, there are some interesting commonalities. For instance, everyone has stress, I agree. Not everyone has stress against the same kind of context as many of us are reporting. The entries here are saying something about our reactions to stress that is different to what non-FM/CFS/ME people experience.
I'm not a scientist, but it doesn't take a scientist to say: hey, there are some interesting patterns here.
*I would agree - the recurring theme is some sort of physical or emotional trauma or stress, and that is what I put my onset down to as well, the 20 anaesthetics, 9 of which were failed surgeries over the last few years.
*Virus laid me low for 6 weeks with fever and body pain but I had viral polio as a kid, so that the reason for me.
*I don't think there was any event. I was fine one day and then pain.
*A virus
*A car accident and whiplash.
*Trauma from abuse,the a very long labour!
*Massive blood clots in my leg from ankle to mid-thigh--turns out I have genetic mutation of genes controlling clotting.
*Stress combined with chemical overload.
*I was hit by lightning in 2002 - it took several years, a lot of tests and constant pain before they diagnosed me with Fibro and neuropathic pain... all I know is that I've been in pain every day since then - if it's not one thing, it's another!
*Being knocked about by my first husband, fell down a staircase once.
*Probably stress and probably all the 10 surgeries that I have before could be hereditary.
*Breast cancer
*Birth of my 2nd child. love him to death!
*I believe that mine started around the same time I fell pregnant with my first child through IVF. The year before this was awful with 2 failed attempts at IVF.
I have endometriosis and pcos, had my Gall bladder removed about a year after having my baby and then my 2nd pregnancy compared to first was awful ending up on crutches, then my 3rd pregnancy (thought I'd of learnt by know) ending up in wheelchair then from awful delivery got worse until now.
*Mine is probably genetic. Think my dad probably had it; then I fell down stairs, have had three major operations, and lost my mother. my son and daughter also have it. At least I have someone close to compare notes with.
*When I had stress from my son being arrested for assualt as a minor my whole system crashed. Adrenal exhaustion.
*Car accident - I was rear-ended at a red light. I was never the same since.
*Flu, without a doubt, and before that my entire life of stress brought down my immune system huge.
*I had a lot of stress and health problems in my childhood and a couple of car accidents, but I think the clincher was Encephalitis, high fever and fluid on the brain.
*I love having these questions. I learn a lot when reading of others and their situations re: fibro/cfs
*I think years of stress. And after losing my job in 2003 & having to move again, I think that was the last straw for my body & the fibro was set in motion.
*Stress can cause a lot of ailments in the body, not just fibro. You're right everybody has stress but too much of it keeps your body in a constant fight or flight state which is only supposed to happen when you're in danger & need to flee. When it happens constantly, it makes a person more susceptible to disease.
H posted some good points. I think there's a lot more contributory factors but stress just doesn't mix well with any of them.
* A car crash triggered my FM
*Looking after husband after operation seven years ago, I was working two jobs, desperately stressed and overworked, looking after five kids aged 5 to 14, had only just bought our first house so had mortgage to pay, and then I got a severe chest infection and never recovered.
*I'm not sure really was physically abused as a teenager for a number of years. I had 'flair ups' every year or so for a few months (everyone put it down to depression but I had nothing to be depressed about at the time as life had improved).
Always had pain so FM was always lurking but that was put down to flat feet.
I managed to keep going until about 7 years ago when I was so tired and sore I just wanted to curl up and die.
Saw the doc who said ME, then a specialist who said FM. was okish for another two years till I had an emotional trauma which knocked me off my feet. never physically recovered and am gradually getting worse.
*Working in a sick building and the exhaustion and stress from years of abuse as well as being in an abusive marriage
*I got pregnant with my son in '94. I threw-up EVERYDAY, more than once most days; I even puked during delivery. I had never been a person who was sick until then. I lost 20lbs during my pregnancy.
He was born full term, 7lb12oz, 21in; perfectly healthy. I however didn't remain that way. By the time he was 4mths old, I couldn't get out of the chair to take him to take him to his bed when I'd rocked him to sleep.
My legs just wouldn't work. It got worse and worse. It slowly started moving all over my body. The stress of not knowing what it was made it worse. After about 3yrs I went into remission and was doing really well. Then I got pregnant again, I thought no way would another pregnancy be the same as the first. I was wrong, just the same only a beautiful little girl this time. That was almost 10yrs ago and my body still hasn't recovered.
*An Ectopic pregnancy! Devastating I nearly died. It is something you never get over.
*Sounds so similar to my own experiences!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
What event do you think triggered your FM/CFS/ME?
Question from a member: HTP 5
I am considering taking HTP 5 as heard that it can be effective for Fibro. Wondered if anyone had tried it and whether it had helped?
*hmm, interesting, when I worked at a vitamin store, 5-HTP was recommended for all sorts of things; let us know!
*Wondering the same about low dose naltrexone.
*No and No. Helpful Eh.
*It cannot be taken with any antidepressants. Make sure you check for drug interactions before you take it.
*I've heard bad things about that product, something to do with side effects being worse than the symptoms in a lot of people but at the end of the day its the individuals choice isn't it.
*Tremaine can someone tell me what it is, and I would also be interested in what others are taking for Fibro pain.
*I have been taking Lyrica for the past couple of years, and it helped at first, but not so much for the past couple of months. I don't go back to the MD until August, so I am hoping that this will pass. So I am curios myself to see how others answer your question.
*I didn't notice any difference, but I didn't take it for very long.
*I tried Htp5 didn't see any difference.
*Cherry active, I heard Is good for Fibro. Been saying going to try it but keep forgetting to go to shop to get it!
*5-HTP doesn't react well with other drugs, you have to take it alone, and like antidepressants, you have to let it build up in your system before it works.
*I take prescription, high dose amino acids, that brought me back from the brink of disability, and helped me lose lots of weight.
*Exactly what amino acids and they are prescription? Please expand on that if you could. Thank you!
* Have you heard about Monavie? It has helped many people with Fibro.
*I have bu trans patches which work fab and co codamol, never heard of the others sorry.
*I'm interested in the high amino acids too.
*A good site with loads of info is the Fibro 360 Community/Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centres, they are here on fb, also just search Fibro and you will have tons of info.
*What is htp5? I have never heard of it.
*Tell us more I have not heard about this.
*Most people get something off their doctor for pain and I've been ill with M.E & fibro for 10yrs (+ so many other things) and never been offered any pain relief apart from the anti-depressants I'm on. I'm not even sure what I could be taking.any ideas?
*I take it and have been for about a year I also take calcium, evening primrose and magnesium with gentle exercise and yoga plus a good diet I cant say am pain free that's for sure but I am med's free now! Need to think positive gets you farther!
*I use 5htp - 100 mg and yes it helps a lot. I missed a couple of days (from being disorganised and running out) and by god I knew about it.
Had a mini flare and my mood bottomed out. I like the fact it helps my low mood *and* the fibro too win, win in my book. You mustn't take it when on anti depressants though and possibly a few other meds this site is really good if you want to find out more:
HTP5 Information site
*For me personally I get little side effects from 5htp whereas meds from doc make me very sick. So now only taking moderate pain relief as and when needed.
*5 HTP is 5-hydroxytrypophan an amino acid that helps form the bodies happy hormone serotonin. to quote the article I have read it says, 'because increased levels of serotonin are thought to help us combat depression, reduce appetite, ease chronic headaches, INCREASE PAIN TOLERANCE AND RELIEVE SLEEP PROBLEMS, 5 HTP may be helpful in treating these conditions although this has yet to be clinically proven.'
The article also says that it should not be taken if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on antidepressants. it is expensive £14.99 for 60 capsules at Holland and Barrett although it is currently half price until 28 or 29th April 2010 (cant remember the exact date).
I have bought some and am now guinea pigging myself with these tabs to see if they have any effect. will keep you all posted! if not its back on the lyrica and a quick couple of stone added to the body weight. what's better fatter and in less pain or thinner and in agony!
*I tried it, but you have to give up any anti depressants you're taking at least a week before starting the 5-HTP, as it doesn't interact well with them. I have to say I found it hard to tolerate as it gave me nightmares, but I started on 100mg and maybe the trick is to start on a lower dose and build up? I've been recommended trying Low Dose Naltrexone and am hoping to start that in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed.
*The only thing that really makes any difference is pacing, patience and eating well. I have tried all the drugs offered and just end up no better or even worse.
*I tried 5-HTP once for anxiety and it didn't work. Then I read something re few people it doesn't work for and they responded to something else - melotonin (?) I couldn't get the stuff anyway. I'm now on paroxetine low dose and that has helped a bit with anxiety though have put on weight.
*The sunshine helps.
*I am interested too, I need some relief and I have had gastric Bypass and medications are a issue for me. Needing something though I have my good days and my bad days and when I have a bad day it is really a bad day.
* What is it? How do I research it? Where do I find it/ What do the letters stand for? Never heard of it.
*I have heard this is helpful, although you should not take it if on antidepressants due to drug reaction.
*Yes I take it daily along with mellatonin,ldn,Q10,vit c,giniko biloba, siberian ginseng, natural glandulars [ nutri adrenals]
What do you do to make yourself feel alive on the days you feel you're only existing?
*Shower. It's incredibly effective.
*Me too, have a shower helps me distress too.
*Today is difficult day..trying to be honest and will have to say with honesty in mind, not think of dying as alternative, that's ME/CFIDS
*Sing, play music etc. I find that always makes me feel more alive.
*I play with the grand babies.
*Sing out loud to contemporary Jewish CDs, shower and shampoo, and get dressed in something other than sweats, play with my dog, call a friend to chat.
*Put on a happy face and a bit of make up.
*When I feel as if I'm only existing I tend to do a lot of applications etc on fb, as it seems to take my mind away from the pain and and other symptoms.
I have at the time unless I get the dreadful fatigue then it is a case of going back to sleep for a couple of hours then I'm sort of back to semi alive!
*Since I started low dose naltrexone Ii got my life back. I am alive and healing for the first time in decades.
*I come on Facebook and I don't feel as though I'm just existing and alone, as I am among Fibro friends who understand gentle hugs all.
*Buffy marathon! Or some other show that takes me away and makes me laugh. Or I read a fantasy or sci fi book.
Something that puts me out of my character and into one more exciting.
*Read, always makes me forget about the real world. Not a good idea when you're cooking though. Gentle hugs to all.
*I just try harder and push myself. My grandson helps me. Those eyes, that voice, that laughter, he helps me so much.
I keep him everyday and although I do need a break sometimes. He will say OK nanny OK? This 2-1/2 yr old has more compassion than anyone in my family. Then, I get on here or read about a friend that is having struggles and mine are small compared to theirs and I thank God.
This is a chronic condition that is NEVER going to go away only get worse but, I for one, refuse to give in, so I just push a little harder.
*Ring my friend up n have a chat n a laugh as she has FM too.
*Fighting for recognition and a cure of ME/CFS
*Take a 5 hour sleep, it's my new best friend.
*Doing something positive for my dogs or some one else.
*Focus on my children.
*Read, pref in the sunshine, or watch a DVD. A long time my psychiatrist told me that distraction is very helpful.
*Spend time with my cats, so happy to have Cookie home again.
*Hello Fibro friends. I invite you to share your stories on my new fibro support page on FB. We can never have enough friends who understand our life. Go to: ' Support a friend with Fibromyalgia"
Thank you for your friendship and support!
*Go to the zoo!
*Gin and tonic! its a great cure all but only if I'm not driving.
*I chat with my best friend and take my little hearing dog for walk!
*Come on FB!
*I come here and see I am not the only one, like my husband seems to believe. I try to get out of the house, enjoy my dogs, listen to music, all the while keeping to myself because too much stimulation leads to pain and migraine. I'm just looking for a little refreshment. Then when I'm stronger I go out with friends.
*Try to get a nap, maybe go to a movie, or snuggle up with my hubby, kids, pets, and my favourite cosy (blanket) and hunker down and deal with it.
Without getting down and negative of course, I save that for the 2nd or 3rd day of feeling poop! Hope everyone is having a good day today.
*Look at my kids, they love me for who I am!
*Listen to the body. If you can create energy by immersing yourself in something you love - fine. Otherwise, the (mind and) body may simply need to luxuriate in rest.
*I book a massage or visit here to remind me I'm not alone.
*I take a long shower and then make myself do something nice for someone else, it usually works for awhile and then leaves me shattered.
*Watch a good film and lie on the settee with a long cold lemonade and maybe a box of maltesers, if I'm lucky.
*I don't know about anybody else but like today, which has been a very bad pain day, there's nothing much I can do.
*I remind myself that there are people worse off than me and that I AM ALIVE!
*Wear something other than pyjamas, which is saying a lot since most days it seems I'm in PJ's!
*Watch something funny on tv, play with my guinea pig as she always cheers me up and put some make-up on.
*Make some cards for the hospice
What is your favourite saying/quote or phrase that keeps you going?
*If you come to a fork in the road, take it. ~ Yogi Berra
*Life's not a rehearsal, this is it!
*What was I doing?
*This too shall pass. A proverb thought to have humbled King Solomon.
*Its a up hill battle but down on roller skates is a hell of a ride
"I get knocked down, but I get up again."
*Story of my life really.
*All things are possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.
*Positive today, "what's for you wont go by you"
*God give me the strength to get through the day.
*No life is not fair but there is always someone worse off than you.
*Same as, only when its a bad day though.
*'No-one ever lay on their death bed and said I wish I'd gone into the office more'
*God can make a way where there seems to be no way.
*The house work will still be there tomorrow!
*Loving that, lol!
*I can choose to be happy regardless of my situation.
*listen to your body, not your head!
*Let it be not my will but yours, Father. It's a paraphrase from John. Also, "Stressed backwards spells Desserts" helps sometimes, too ;)
*Everything happens for a reason and God has plans to prosper you, not to harm you. He has plans for hope and a future.
*This too shall pass.
*Its.....bedtime! yay!
*Bugger it!
*Try to pass stuff off so I don't stress as bad.
*I'll get there, eventually!
*You either need to get busy living or get busy dying.
*What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
*"There's no other secret than to fight 'until the end" It's a quote from tennis player Rafa Nadal's website and I use it on my Facebook. Helps me keep going.
*However bad my day, someone, somewhere is much worse off than I am.
*Dust is a protective coating, why remove it.
*love it!
*Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen. -Conan O'Brien
*Teach only love, for that is what you are.
*It is what it is
*Do small things with great Love ~ Mother Teresa.
*Keep smiling!
*Housework will still be there when I am dead and gone why worry, people should like you for you not because you have tidy house!
*"Finding Nemo" - "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"
*Let it go, Let it go, Let it go - (sung to the music of "Let It Snow")
*Suck it up buttercup.
*Tomorrow is another day.
*When a door slams, God opens a window!! - just love the Sound of Music.
*God never gives us more than he thinks we can handle.
*Things could be much worse (although some days it doesn't feel like it!
*Live long, die oblong.
*Only lack of oxygen kills you in the end.
*Life is just too short.
*OK - so what have I learnt today that will help me start tomorrow?
*Painkillers !
*I use just keep swimming too! My boyfriend now uses it as encouragement when I'm flagging. Makes me smile.
*There are people who are worse than me.
*Shit happens.
*"It's all for a reason"
*God demands nothing less than complete self-surrender as the price for the only real freedom that is worth having. - Gandhi
*"Love is the greatest force of transformation." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
*If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. (REALLY BAD DAYS)
Put on your big girl panties and deal with it. (medium days)
*Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
*It's about learning to dance in the rain.
*God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.(both for so-so days)
*This too shall pass.
*See the good and keep it good.
*Make stronger that which is weak.
*I have several
"We will pay the price, but we will not count the cost"
"Just keep swimming!"
*Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Philippians 4:6
*This too shall pass'(I Corinthians 10:12)
*Tomorrow is another day.
What is the most positive thing that has happened as a result of being affected by illness?
*BF helps more around the house.
*The most positive thing that has happened as a result of having fibro is all the new wonderful friends I have met.
*Zilch, squat. sorry!
*My children never having to go to a babysitters and being able to be home with them.
*My sister and I (which weren't very close prior to) both have Fibro, now we are best friends!
*Being able to appreciate the small things (like kids do) whenever I am able to function normally.
*Learnt to appreciate the little things. Because even the smallest thing is a huge achievement on a bad day.
*Although it was sad at the time, losing my job. I now have a different outlook and lifestyle and can look at future new career paths.
*The wonderful and understanding friends I have met on facebook that are going through the same thing I am with Fibro. Now I know I am NOT alone :)
*I have learned how to say NO. it has also been one of the hardest.
*I get more time with my beautiful 6 yr old son.
*My job would never have given me the time to be such an integral part of his life.
Mum and I get on great even though we aren't together any more, so events have conspired to allow me time with my boy.
There is ALWAYS an upside, you just have to be open minded enough to see it.
*I agree Connie that is what I struggle with the most.
*My husband past away about 18 months ago, and as crazy as it sounds have FM for over 1/2 my life allowed me to not 'get hurt' when my address book cleared out. Having lost friends because of FM made me realize that people have a hard time dealing with 'issues' especially unseen issues like 'grief' or 'fibromyalgia'.
Hard to explain but FM has allowed me to know my body better than most and that has allowed me to survive this very traumatic loss.
*I have learned to start being good to me. I'm not perfect- I don't have to be, and I don't have to beat myself up for it.
*Made so many wonderful Friends.
*Hi Fibro friends! I invite you to join me at my new Christian Fibro support group. Go to: " support a friend with fibromyalgia" on Facebook. Thanks for your support!
*My inner strength, peace and love.
*I have to agree with everyone who said more time with family and appreciating the little things. There's so much you take for granted until you aren't able to do as much for yourself and/or are forced to slow down.
*I'm at home to look after my husband as best I can while he goes out to work 12hr night shifts! I look after all the bills, payments shopping etc.
Even though I cant lift very well cos he unloads when I get back plus I'm doing an OU course part time which I never had the time to do before and with any luck I will be able to find a new career at the end.
*Finding out who my friends really are.
*I became a stronger person,and don't take my health for granted. I actually started taking care of myself and my body!
*There have been many blessings along the way but some highlights are: learning to appreciate the little things, being home with my daughter, a more compassionate, easy-going outlook, finding out who your true friends are.
*I too am unable to work, so I have been lucky to start on line college courses and spend time with my daughter. I may even be cleared to have another child. This time without working it will be a much lower stress pregnancy.
*Not Fibro specifically but my daughters life limiting illness has made me a better person in many ways. It taught me what is important in life. Love, respect, kindness & acceptance and I take nothing for granted.
*My faith has strengthened!
*Gave me the time to spend with my grandson.
*Being ill has forced me to take a hard look at my priorities in life. I've realized that my family IS my life-nothing else comes close. Even though I'm not able to work, or consistently accomplish things, I still matter to my family. That alone is reason to hang on to life.
*I just read your comment. You are so right-we now know who we matter to, and who we don't. Love you, sweetie!
*Who real friends are, how to focus on the most important things.
*If I only pick one ultimate thing, it made my faith on God stronger.
*It has made realize who is my true family and friends are, which at first was hard to take in but then realized I can reach out and help others like me, to stay positive everyday, to get out of bed, that I have a loving, giving husband, friends and family. That there is so much hope in the world. that the most important thing in life is not how CLEAN how your house is but how much you are loved by your friends and family.
*Learning to connect with my kids on different levels.
*I couldn't think of anything at first, but as someone else said, losing my job was a good thing, even though I was devastated originally. I had a bad fog day at work, and I don't know if I missed my meds or if it's BECAUSE I took them, but I made a huge mistake and got fired for it.
But I'm glad now because I got to take some time off, I got out of a situation that was bad anyway (long story, but the environment was becoming hostile), and now just a month later I've got another job with much, much more room to move up the ranks.
*Its made me stronger.
*Being able to spend time with my 2 lovely sons and darling husband over the years, I know it has been positive for them too!
*The new friends I have met here on Facebook, but that has been said already, but I have to agree on that one, they have been a great deal of support.
*It's made me a stronger person overall.
*Becoming best friends with my man instead of two people living in the same space frozen into a rut.
*I learned what the 100 years from now it won't matter is all about! I have taken time to "smell the roses", appreciate the smallest things I use to sometimes overlook.
I have learned not to be so hard on myself and to stop expecting perfection from me.
I never expected it from anyone else, and my faith has grown stronger I know now more than ever nothing will happen to me today that God can't handle!
*I have learned to say "NO" when needed and I no longer do things out of obligation. Even if it has to do with my family. The only people that matter are my husband, kids, and a handful of close friends (like family.)
*I was a workaholic nurse before I had my back injury and developed fibro. I had a dream of going back to school and getting my degree, but I didn't think I had the time. Everything that has happened to me has enabled me to have the time and the resources to turn what could be my adversity into my dream. I'm now a full-time psychology student, taking it one day at a time until my degree is completed!
* Nothing!
*I've discovered I don't need to be so bloody minded strong willed! I can actually rely on other people. I learned weakness, but in a good way.
*I became an an artist and had my first showing of paintings last year. I have learned how to forgive and let it go. I have become more prayeful not just for my self but for the world.
I volunteer and teach GED classes because I haven't found a job yet I can work. I am thankful for the little things. The days, or minutes I am with out pain.
The people who call me because they know my energy is often to low to call them. Excepting that My very best is my very best after that there is nothing else I can offer.
*Accepting (sp) sorry
*It definitely has made me a much stronger and determined person. Having FM And being wheelchair bound due to an accident certainly has not changed my personality or positive outlook on life.
I'm just so grateful to be alive and wanting to make a difference positively in others peoples lives and be a great role model.
*Learning who are real friends & not taking them, or anyone, for granted.
*I've been able to stay at home with my children.
*Finally getting down to studying for a degree, and having the time to do it, even if the Fibro fog makes it hard I know it will be worth it.
*Being home with the kids and not having the added stress of work! Not missing anything they do.
*I have met many lovely people who are suffering too.
*I have to stop and smell the roses!
*Making new friends, making me even more compassionate
*Nothing, my life has been changed by this illness. I can't work any more, I can't dance any more. Nothing positive has happened at all.
*Not much.just more grateful.
*New friends and I've learned a lot about an illness I'd never heard of before.
I'm also raising funds for research. Feel free to pass the link along if you know anyone who might want to contribute - even a dollar helps. THANK YOU!
FM Aware.org
*My life was perfect before FM
*I genuinely appreciate hard work. When I am able to do it, it is a joy, no grumbling, it just feels good.
It made me more aware of myself, physically and emotionally, which in turn makes me more discerning of those around me.
*Learning to accept my limitations and work with them rather than fighting them.
*I lost my job & thought it was the end of the world, but the last year has been so positive! I took a short photography course, I did some voluntary work (photography) and now, with the help of my hubby, I have my own website and have photographed my 1st wedding!
I've learnt to make my own way in life, and make my own money, and I get to see my friends & family more. I may not have as much money as before, but I have more time, and that is the most important thing!
*My priorities are much more focused and simplistic.
*Realizing what is most important in life - and what really isn't. I like Barbara's comment - my needs are also more focused and simplistic!
*Having had symptoms for three decades plus and only recently diagnosed with fibro, I'd already accepted my limitations and learned to work within them and pace myself.
But having fibro diagnosis has helped - if just to give it a name. People don't take anxiety and its other debilitating associated symptoms as seriously I've found.
*More family time at home.
*Made me a more compassionate person. Also helped me to make more room for people to define themselves and not make so many assumptions.
*I agree with all of you..more time with those who truly matter. I especially empathise with Kate, after years of being called a hypochondriac it is nice to be able to say, hang on, I am FM!
*Helping others like me and making friends along the way.
*Thank you. Mind you, lots still don't know what FM is either!
*Met some amazing people - started a fibro support group in New Kent VA (USA) and am able to help others.
*The good friends I have made since being diagnosed.
*It has given me a lot more patience than I used to have perhaps that's because I have had to sit around in hospitals, and waiting rooms, so much but seeing people in there who are a lot worse of than you are, makes you think how lucky you are.
*I've found that my relationship is rock solid. We've been through two redundancies and me getting sick. I know that when we make our wedding vows, we'll already have proved the "for better or for worse", and the "in sickness and in health" part.
*In addition to everything mentioned above, my CFIDS and Fibro led me to cognitive therapy (as in Dr. Albert Ellis) and re-framing. I came to realize that things I thought were "unbearable" really weren't - because I was bearing them! And I came to realize the truth that happiness is a choice, and an inside job - I can be happy without regard to pain, limitations, or anyone else's attitudes or behaviour.
*It's helped me to get even closer to God than I was before. It's made my faith stronger. It helped me to start doing art again which is always a great form of therapy. It's made me more patient & more aware of when I'm complaining.
Fibro has also allowed me to help/encourage others who are going through it. For those of you who can't think of one thing positive from Fibro, I encourage you to think again. I know you can find something. Soft hugs to everybody.
Friday, 23 April 2010
If you could make a law what would it be?
*People had to have a license to have kids.
*To make it illegal to brush us under the rug!
*Common sense introduced into welfare evaluations rather than having silly "systems"
*That people realised how much there actions effect Fibro sufferers on top of the day to day symptoms of this illness.
*Get the government to recognise Fibro, CFS, ME.
*I would make smoking illegal!
*Stop the frightening interviews to get the benefits we need.
*Being a chav should be considered an act of terrorism!
*A law to ensure Fibromyalgia sufferers get the proper pain relieve we need.
*Lying should be punishable by death!
* I like that idea. No one said it had to be fibro related.
*A law against Prednisone causing weight gain, just kidding, sort of.
*That all people suffering with chronic long term pain should get some degree of DLA automatically and you should no longer have to jump through hoops to get any benefit. The pain causes us enough stress and fatigue without the stress of that on top of it.
*I agree automatic benefits for long term pain sufferers!
*That is a good one!
*I agree with above.
*Survivor TOTALLY agree with above.
*Agree with you.
*That the government would recognize the arts - even more disabled arts and value & remunerate the contribution to the arts accordingly.
*Criminals should not be able to plea bargain to lessor crimes. They should have to do the full time for their crimes.
*Make everyone equal.
*Can I be cheeky and ask people to vote up my election proposal? It's asking for a more common sense welfare medical process.
*Medical M, for all fibro, CFS patients free and in pill form.
Legal! We are on the list as Chronic Patients so we should be able to try natural remedies!
*That's communism hehe
*I would love to get D.L.A but cant get a thing, I've been living with Flbro for 24 years.
*Make DLA automatic for chronic pain and chronic illnesses including FMS,CFS,ME and kidney failure.
*Make it a law for doctors prescribing pain meds to experience withdrawl from every kind they prescribe.
*The death penalty 4 everyone who directly or indirectly intentionally causes harm 2 children as well as through neglect of care.
*I'm so sorry for those struggling for benefits, do keep trying.
*People who hurt or abusive n does anything sexual to children should have LIFE is prison!
*For doctors to be assessed on their communication and social skills, if they fail they are not allowed to have any patient contact.
*I agree with several of the above!
*Put any1 in jail that's nasty to us that has fibro. Maybe life would then be easier for us.
*please send positive thoughts to my cat. She is missing and I am so distraught. Walked for 5 miles today calling her. gonna pay with a flare up between the walking and the crying.
I am in so much emotional pain. She is my baby. She has been with me through so my hell in my life. My cats are the only unconditional constant I have, she never ever wanders! she is a real homebody.
*My heart and soul are with you. I lost my baby when he went walk-a-bout a year ago. I still cry.
*Nowt wrong with communism after all god made us equal!
*That we all respect and care about each other. (Hey, you didn't say it had to be realistic!
*I would outlaw all the ugly stuff on TV including commercials and especially the commercials that are not child friendly that air during child appropriate shows.
*That disability would not equal poverty!
*diagnosed by a physician with fibromyaliga and advanced degenerative disc disease should make one eligible for disability immediately, not years of lawyers fighting the system.
*Wake up Gov. officials every two or three hours with a jolt from a cattle prod. Make gang members pay the price of the terrorists they are. Cannot shoot me if they know I might shoot back and NOT miss! Guns don't kill people, people kill people. And all the above.
*Jane to be my friend.
*Make it law that biomedical research is done on all autoimmune diseases.
*It should be illegal for idiots to be in power, then again we're the idiots who vote them in!
*I would make it possible for people with FM to get sensible benefits, so that they don't have to live with the guilt of not helping with the family finances.
What would your number one wish be for?
*Not to hurt
*To have energy!
*Mine would be not to be so tired all the time. It doesn't matter how much I sleep, I never seem to catch up.
*My alopecia to go away, fibro and depression I know are part of me, but 20 years on the alopecia still hardest to deal with.
*A doctor who would never stop trying to figure out what all is going on with my health.
*Both of the above please.
*To be normal. To be out of pain all the time. To be able to move right. To be able to do things I used to be able to do. It all goes together.
*Find a cure...or a better treatment
*Happiness, covers most things anyone could wish for.
*No more pain and no more crutches, freedom.
*To not have to take any meds for pain or any other reasons as I feel like a walking chemist
*To get rid of this headache right now!
*To sleep and have energy
*For the doc's to find a cure so none of us have to put up with feeling so ill, stressed, depressed, low, no strength, as if your not worth a bean.
*World peace
*To do everything I used to be able too. and have no pain or tiredness.
*A cure,so I could feel 47 instead of 87
*Must be Fibro /M.E group.
*To have this syndrome be treated according to it's patients and not government guidelines. To have awareness spread throughout the world.
*A cure so I can do the things I wanted to with my life rather than be 20 living like a 70-80 year old, selfish I know but I wouldn't waste it!
*My old life back
*Get rid of this Fibro crap
*A cure for Fibro and Cancer, they've both robbed me of so much!
*To have some energy and no pain, oh that's two , but there are so many more, too bad it doesn't work that way !
*At this very moment, for the air travel crisis to ease so my son's business plans (and finances) are not shattered by a volcano and then for world peace. (Sorry, that's two things.)
*For the person who is supposed to love me "for better or worse,in sickness and in health" to STOP telling me I only have the "normal aches and pains everyone gets" and "you only THINK it's bad because you dwell on the pain which exaggerates it".
This from someone who goes on about every little twinge he gets,whereas I get on with it because I have to!
How can you spend 25 years with someone and know so little about them? Try living in my body for even one day, you'd soon change your tune!
*For a cure.
*To be well enough to take care of my husband who is going to need me to do just that soon.
*Amen to the cure!
*Health without a doubt!
*For additional wishes.
*A cure and if no cure available - death.
*Enough money to move my entire family to Southern California.
*I can handle Fibro. my wish is that my mum was healed of alzheimers.
*I hear that one. I would love more understanding for those who need it.
*Find a cure to fix the lot of us!
*No more fatigue. I would love to know what a normal energy level feels like.
*A cure for all of the illnesses that do not have a cure!
*A cure or at least a DR, Who is covered by my lousy HMO MEDiCAID Insurance to treat me so I could work and be normal and have my own place to live again
*I feel for you, and everyone else. I would wish all of us healthy.
*I just wish that I could help others who have fibro. I do little things here and there, but I don't feel like I'm doing enough.
So my wish is to figure out how to do more faster & really make a difference because if one more person has to go through this or go through it alone-then that's one too many.
*A big lottery winning or for the UK to have weather 24/7
*No more wars ever.
*No pain, lots of energy a healthy body. My old life back! My dream come true!
*I would just want to be the way I was before all this started 5yrs ago, feel like I'm cheating my family on all the fun,neat,and spur of the moment things we use to do. Soft hugs to all
*More energy, I've heard Estrogen may help with hair loss and my doctor recommends Spironolactone)
*To be able to hold my 23 month old twins in the morning. It takes me an hour before I can even try.
*To be able to go to work and earn my own money, so I can treat my 2 wonderful children.
*First a cure for all disease in the world.
*To be my old self again, gentle hugs everyone
*I agree with the I can handle fibro I would echo the world peace!
*Before Dh and I are too far gone to enjoy them.
*To feel like a 53 yr old woman is supposed to feel, a lot less pain.
*To be healthy, like I was before fibro.
*No pain
*World peace definitely!
*To have some money so I could buy a car to I can get about.
*To get the me back I used to know. I feel so boring these days.
*For the strength and right attitude to be able to cope with my FM
*To be medication free.
*To be rid of fibro and all other problems associated with it and have my family round me.
*To feel refreshed in stead of feeling constantly tired and looking haggard.
My number one wish would be for a cure for Fibromyalgia. would have more energy and be able to do the things that I only dream of.
*To quit being in pain all the pain, to be rid of Fibromyalgia all together.
*My health especially my legs back for walking.
*Do I need to say?
*To not have to put on my family with my Fibromyalgia and that I was the person I used to be once again!!
*That every DR and those who decide benefit entitlements to feel the symptoms of Fibro for a whole week, see if they could function in their jobs and home life! They might see those with Fibro in a different light then.
*Other than a cure for cancer and diabetes. A cure cure for this awful Fibromyalgia
What nice things do you do for you each week?
*Sit on the balcony and play a game or do a crossword puzzle. My alone time.
*Allow myself to have a sleep during the day when i need it ,and not keep pushing myself!
*On a stressful day. I take time out for me, make up a foot soak, sink those feet in until the water gets cool, then do a pedicure!
*Read a good book and listen to my wind chimes!
*I really don't have any me time. I babysit for my 3 year old grandson. When I go home I am exhausted. It really is too much for me. I should get help when school lets out and his 17 yr old sister takes part of the day for me. On Sat and Sun I allow myself to rest,and not feel guilty for resting.
*I just try my best to take one day at a time and pace myself each and everyday as much as I possibly can.
*I don't have much me time. I try to relax some but that's practically impossible.
*Nothing usually I try to put my hair in a ponytail every day and that hurts and exhausts me.
*Every other week, I have my nails done!
*Take a hot shower/bath or go swimming which is relaxing is relieves the pain.
*I have lots of me time as there is only me and hubby, have a sleep most afternoons, get my nails done, read. I don't know how you manage a 3yr old! now that is hard work esp if its regular.
*I go for reflexology once a month
*Exercise and try to eat right and put on some make-up. This exhausts me but I have to keep pushing on. Oh and the make-up while it makes me feel better it is actually so I don't look so scary to others.
*I don't get me time. I'm a single mom of a 2 year old.
*I don't have much energy to do what I would like to do as it all goes on looking after my son and keeping the house and garden in some kind of order. I occasionally have lunch out with a friend, which is very enjoyable. was able to do so today so I'm a happy bunny.
*I got my hair cut for me last week but now really broke!
*I try to do something good for me once a week - healthy restaurant, haircut, new piece of clothing, new book.
*Now that hubby is sick there will never be any more me time.
*I make time for me and my man as we only get to see each other at weekends at the moment due to the 179 miles between us.
*because I'm the only one.
*too busy looking after everyone else!
*I have hair done each week as cant do it myself any more. Once a month have aromatherapy if not to sore. Have friends over for brew.
*I allow myself to take a nap if I feel I need one.
*Today is my only day. I sat outside with the dogs and enjoyed the cool day. Very nice even if it was only an hour.
*I guess this was my "me" day, 6:30 pm and still in my pj's! Maybe tomorrow I'll do that foot soak again!
*Getting my nails done makes me feel better about my self and once in a while pedicure and every 3 months hair foiled that's about it!
*Don't have time for me.
*With work taking so much of my time and energy I don't really have time to do something for myself too often. When I can I try to rest up for the next work week.
*Take time out and make cards for someone else (the hospice near to me.) That makes me happy as I'm helping others much worse than myself with the money made from them.
*Ride my therapy horse!
*Try and have some relaxing 'me' time and treat myself to a tasty treat such as cake or chocolate.
*Speaking as someone who used to suffer from CFS/Fibromyalgia and now does treatments for people with the conditions, I'd urge everyone to do something every single day that makes YOU happy and fulfilled. Believe me, you'll get better much quicker.
Think now about the things that give you pleasure - they can be very inexpensive or free, like drawing a picture, reading a book, taking a tiny little walk, sitting in the sunshine, watching a good film, meditating, whatever you like doing.
Now set time aside every day to do them. I know that a lot of you have caring responsibilities, but by treating yourself nice, you can help other people better. Love to each and every one of you.
*Play some favourite 80's songs and crank it up and move a bit. It at times does help my brain and distracts from my fatigue.
Complete the sentence: I love....
*No pain! and my family and friends.
*Pain-free days (if there even could be any)
*The support of all my family and friends, and my two beautiful children.
*Low dose naltrexone, gave me my life back!
*My Fibro friends and my family, they both help get me through the tough days!
*My husband and my dogs - they get me through the day.
*My life, despite challenges I have to overcome daily!
*My baby.
*Perfect peace!
*I love my family. There are no days without pain, so you just accept it and keep going on.
*Spring and my camera.
*My kids, all of them. my own, my nieces and nephews and the creatively acquired ones.
*A great long shower. A few times a day if I'm not having a great day. It does wonders!
*My family.
*My new boyfriend who understands my bad day, and my two lush kids they make everything worth while.
*I love my husband who is there for me 24/7,he helps me continuously to cope with my pain even though he's in pain himself. I also love my son, daughter-in-law and my 3 step-grandchildren, they make everything worth-while.
*My soul mate simon, my beautiful kids and my close friends.
*When I have a full nights sleep.
*Me, my children and my husband Chris and of course GOD
*The unconditional love of my 5 fuzzy butted babies, they are always willing to take a nap with me!
*My kids and grandbabies.
*Homeopathy for making life worth living again.
*Living. the alternative isn't desirable right now since there's so much more I want to do!
*My children, my hubby and extended family. to garden and bird feeding/identifying.
*My family!
*God, My pain meds, my xanax, my Kapidex, etc. People who "get it", my kids and my grandbabies.
*My husband, my family, my 2 great kids+my friends especially tina and my gorgeous little hearing dog Shane who has made life so much more fun!
*My babies and my family, the days that I can smile through these bad times of getting my meds sorted. I also love to dream about what I will do in a few months time when they sort my meds out and I can get back on my feet. Have a lovely weekend in this beautiful sunshine and gentle healing.
*My hot tub!
*God, life, my family, friends, springtime, my camera,time with my gorgeous hubby!
*I love that I have learned to love myself.
*My daughter Macie and days when I don't say "I want my life back". But those are few and far between. My daughter gives me the strength and love to keep saying "tomorrow will be better". Gentle hugs to all out there.
*Sunshine :)
*My son (more than life itself) my man who don't do sloppy but does most everything else, my god-daughter who is 'me mate' and babysitter then the rest of my 'chosen kin'. And you lot of course.
*My family and boyfriend who pick me up when I'm down and make me laugh even when I don't have anything to laugh about!
*My children's smiles.
*My family
*My sleep number bed! And the family and friends who stuck by me, of course.
*I have wonderful tummy meds that make me burp instead of burning up with the reactions to my other pain meds
*Jesus, my little boy, and my whole family! I could use some of those meds that would make me burp instead of burn up too!
*My three wonderful Grandkids who a Blessing. Family and My wonderful Friends who are there for me, to feel better and a good book.
*My family and for been alive hopefully for many years to see my grand kids grow up.
*I love knowing others are getting a better quality of life.
I know you realize I was totally skeptical about the Limu. I have to say I am absolutely dumbfounded by what it has done for me.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year. I have been in constant pain in my hips, knees, neck, back and shoulders for years- at least five or six years straight, with no relief for any length of time no matter what I did.
I have been drinking the Limu for 3 weeks now and I have been pain free in my joints and muscles almost since the day I started drinking the Limu.
*My family; my supportive, understanding, wonderful husband.
* Good days. Days when I feel like a normal person again, and can do normal things, like weed a flower bed or grocery shop alone. Days when the aches and pains are background noise, not jack hammers bent on destroying my will to live.
Days when I love life, and life loves me back. Days when wishing I could go to bed, never to wake again, are forgotten. I love the good days.
*My family and friends.
*My hubby to pieces because I don't no what I'd d without him. He's my soul mate for sure.
*My family, friends, my guinea pig Tinks and days when the pain is easier and I don't feel exhausted!
*My sons, my friends, my cat (most of the time!), the sea.
*My children and also Nutritional shakes that help me deal with Fibromyalgia.
*My children, my puppy dog.
*My son ,daughter and my dogs.
But not in a stuck up way. I got to re know ME with FM and I'M my Best Friend now! It's my 10 Anniversary. This month!
*My little Boy Jamie , Its just me and him and that's exactly how I like it. He makes me want to get up out of bed and smile.
*My boyfriend, my cats, my family and life at the moment
*My husband!
*Walker quiet time.
*Spring and taking pics!
*Those rare milli-seconds where I forget.
*My family..most of them r very understanding and help out when I have a BAD DAY! Especially my husband and son.
*I love speaking my mind.
What alternative, interim or tentative diagnoses did you receive on the way to getting diagnosed with Fibro?
*Labrynthitis, vertigo, and a whole slew of other random diagnoses.
*Early onset alzeimhers was what my DR first thought I had.
*Since childhood,heart Arrhythmias
Asthma, Tinnitus, Migraine, Hyper mobile Joint disorder, Painful periods, “dysmenorrhoea” Fatigue, Arthritis in all joints, Anxiety and Pain related depression
Sleep disorder, Stomach and bowel eating disorder ( still under investigation)
Acute Fibromyalgia.
*Bone spurs, rotator cuff damage,carpal tunnel, stress, depression, I am the least depressed person I know, frustrated definitely, depressed definitely not!
*Thought it was psoriatic arthritis at one point but other than that I was told it was depression and all in my mind.
*Tennis elbow !
*Growing pains!
*One doctor told me I was washed out!
* umm, put like that, nothing really, each daft symptom was treated as it arose. However, neither has anything else other than thyroid been excluded (and that not fully) not absolutely sure that FMS is actually what I have, though it fits like a glove - but so do other things too. I'm hoping my hospital visit for something else may throw up a definitive answer, but not holding my breath!
*I didn't have any other names for my fibro was just told I have by the looks of your x-ray you might have a condition that is called Fibromyaligia. It also looks as if you have a second condition with it too called hypermobility syndrome, as they do both go together in some sufferers.
*I have hypothyroid, I get migraines, Had a lump in knee, have carpal tunnel, been told maybe celiac disease, GERD, I could keep going. Chiropractor thinks Adrenal fatigue might set in next.
*Bi polar here too.
*Arthritus, fiberitus and painful, frequent full periods when I was 14, 40yrs ago.
*If somebody told you that by the looks of an x-ray you have Fibro, they are nuts. Fibro does not show up, not one symptom of it, on a lab test. The only way to diagnose is through the diagnostic criteria approved by the American Rheumatological Association, the trigger point exam.
And I am so sorry some of you were told you bi-polar! If you guys don't see women doctors, I strongly encourage you to do so. Not all women doctors are sympathetic, but they will be more likely to not just throw a diagnosis at you.
If more men than women had Fibro, there would be more research being done.
*Bowel Cancer due to ibs and cancer of brain due to migraine! Now work that one out!
*Depression, a wonky sided body, a congenital spine problem, age, lack of fitness. Even my fibro diagnosis was done without any examination.
*You're depressed, you're a drug seeker, you're a hormonal psychotic female, it's all in your head, and by the way, screw the alternative holistic crap, it doesn't work.
We aren't depressed, WE ARE IN PAIN. Two separate things you moronic doctors!
Diagnosed with "Fibromyalgia" in 1979, officially diagnosed by a highly respected well known Neurologist in 1992.
*Depressed, work related back injury & elbow, overworked muscles, MS possible, Lupus possible & side effect from Chantix.
*I was diagnosed with Arthritis 30 years ago when I was 12, but when I got worse about 12 years ago. All kinds of testing was done to 'rule out' other diseases, all test negative. Was told to seek out psychiatric care, in 2007 saw a Rheumotologist and he diagnosed Fibro & CFS, what a long road.
*My favorite quite was "I don't know what is wrong with you and I can't help you". No one at Fort Hood figured out the problem. When we were stationed in San Antonio, they figured it out in the first visit.
*Bone idleness, depression, hypochondria, anxiety, arthritis, over active imagination, apathy, and then thankfully I switched GP'S, who made an immediate referral to rheumatology after telling me he was pretty sure it was FMS but wanted a specialist to confirm it.
*Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Mononucleosis. I think I really did have the CMV mono as the blood tests were positive. However, my symptoms were probably due to the initial onset of the fibro.
*Growing pains/rheumatism/rheumatoid arthritis/osteoarthritis/clicky hips/possible gallstones/possible thyroid dysfunction/tested for lupus and told that I had lupus antibodies but not lupus.
I don't understand that one either-thought you had to have a disease or have suffered from it in the past to have antibodies to it,but obviously not!/nothing wrong with me,"it's all in your head".
I also have endometriosis,IBS,Raynaud's/poor circulation,carpal tunnel,sciatica/lower back problems,depression,severe PMS,have suffered from chronic sinusitis since the first time my nose was broken,and had severe migraines all my life. Oh, and not to forget the hay fever and anxiety/panic attacks! Just shoot me now and be done with it! If I was an animal,they'd put me down!
*As a child I think is when the symptoms started and they were called growing pains and as a teen endometriosis
*Hormone imbalance,depression, over work, perimenopausal, arthritis, costco, gallstones,carpul tunnel, all the individual symptoms of fm one at at time, IBS, irritable bladder, degenerative disc disease,migraine, on and on and on.
*suppose it takes a while to build up a bigger picture.
*Checked SED rate multiple times (nothing), bursitis, tendonitis, migraine, fatigue, stress, depression, carpal tunnel (pregnancy induced), ibs, hypothyroid (Hashimoto's), anxiety - last time the dr. said it was life (nice?!) (she has cancer and inflammation herself so, not so incredibly sympathetic) oh, well, keep on moving.
*I just got told that I needed to go shopping to get my mind off myself. Needless to say I changed doctors.
*Fat and stressed. I also have changed doctors.
*I struggled for years so issues like muscle strains and overtired due to looking after children and a job came my away even arthritis unspecified and not tested for!
*Definitely a drug seeker, even when I turned down some of the things doctors have offered!
*"was in pain. I started in 1999. ( I did have to see about 12 Dr's) A lot of tests were run & we found several things wrong that were corrected. One was ovaries that I was not supposed to have that were class 3 cancer.
Caught so early, they were removed & that took care of that! I was quickly diagnosed with depression, of course, so med's were started , even though we had to change them around until we found the right one for me.
MRI's done so we found many spinal issues that were NOT in my head & I was NOT just being lazy. I was recommended to a Rheumetologist, which is the one that discovered the FM. All this took about 4 years.
It wasn't until about 2 years ago that my Dr set me up with the Cymbalta, which helped with the depression & FM pain. Just yesterday was told about more magnesium for the muscle cramping, I was getting shots in my back at the time.
Each year it seems I learn something new. I have not found anything to help with the chronic fatigue or take me completely out of pain. I still search & until a cure is found, I am grateful that we have other FM/CFS and chronic pain, friends for support.
I think it would be really great, if we, as a support group, found the cure or at least the best med's to deal with these things."
*Thanks to that doctor, I have lost all faith in western medicine. Had to seek holistic treatment to get REAL help.
*As I had palpitations, but then Rhumi Dr did tests and I actually have Mitral Valve, ME and Fibro - that's enough eh.
*I first went to the doc's at 14 now I'm 38 now, first they done test and said its not arthritis, so get on with it, and over the years, still in pain. So I go on with my life but kept going back and back etc, to the docs, then 8 years ago and YES it was fibro, I could of told them that how many years before.
*That depression was the cause of my pain, and that it was all in my head, I was making it up.
*"Looking back now I have a confirmed diagnosis they just seemed to write things off very quickly and when your young you do believe what the dr's tell you.
I had to have electric shock therapy on my ankles and knees as they said I had weak muscles and that would help.
I was told that the pain was down to being a busy mum and I was depressed due to having a busy life?
That I should go on a diet, put the kids into childcare to give myself some time alone. NO they are my children they are not causing me this pain I am feeling so please look further than the end of you pen and help me.
A change of dr's and within 3 months had seen rheumy, confirmed FM after MRI, blood tests etc ruled out anything else.
The pressure points thing was awful I was in floods of tears.
Now it is just a case of getting my med's sorted and I want to get off the morphine and have just started on lyrica to go with my other med's so really hoping this will help.
Sorry for the huge message and thank you if anyone actually got to the bottom of this letter."
*Depression! Yeah right! not me, only fed up with pain!
*Depression, attention seeking, the flu, stress related depression, sinus infection.
*I was sent to 2 Specialists before being sent to the Rheumatologist. They were looking for problems with my liver, pancreas, stomach and kidneys as I had widespread pain. Eventually got referred to Rheumatologist who diagnosed FM. I had a camera down into my stomach and a CT scan. All came back normal apart from finding I had a hiatus hernia.
*Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Ugh. And a vague "diagnosis" of "back problems."
*Inner ear infection, vertigo, osteohondrosis, depression, acute bronchitis, carpal tunnel syndrome. Everything was so wrong.It was Fibro for almost 15 years.
* I was misdiagnosed for years. Chronic pain, RSD, Arthritis, I was in a serious car accident hit by drunk driver inside a store. My injuries were severe. I suffered severe pain from that time. After numerous surgeries etc. Was finally diagnosed with fibro in Feb 2009.
*Was blood tested for everything imaginable and when they all came back normal, one doctor put it down to "anxiety" it appears to me that once they decide you are not dying of anything they just leave you to it (unless of course you get a lot worse)
*RSI from playing my violin. Over my whole body, doc? Really? I think not. I was told to take ibuprofen continuously and do some yoga. Lost all faith in the medical profession until I could take it now more and HAD to get it sorted. Only took 6 years to get diagnosed!
*Oh, forgot to mention carpul tunnel syndrome in both wrists, which is apparently connected to FM!
*Rheumatoid Arthritis, heart defect, liver problem and much more besides. However, ESR and CRP were raised and continue to be consistently raised.
A consultant at our local hospital told me my ESR/CRP are raised because I have Fibro. Err I don't think so! Anyway, as far as people can tell, I don't have RA, heart defect, liver problems etc. I have Fibro.
*Multiple Sclerosis.
*Menapause, after a five minutes visit with a male doctor, must have had hormonal psycho etched across my forehead and didn't know. Yes, found another doctor.
*"Multiple myalgias and arthralgias". Also migraines. I think I actually got FMLA for both. And if course, the ever -popular depression. I lost track of the number of times I tried to tell my doctor that it was miserable, sick exhaustion that kept me in bed, unable to do the things I badly wanted to do, NOT depression, which would have destroyed my will to do anything at all!
At least, not until the illness led to such depression. But, NOT the other way around. He's never, to this day, indicated he believes that.
*My diagnosis for fibro is actually still in a tentative stage. I specifically requested the trigger point test because my mom has fibro and all my symptoms were EXACTLY the same as hers. I had every single trigger point.
I haven't been able to afford blood tests to rule other things out, though, as I don't have insurance. That, and I need to find a new doctor. My doctor said "it LOOKS like you have Fibromyalgia, but I don't believe it even exists." I was like "okay this is the last time I'll see you, bye bye."
*My very first diagnosis was when I was 13, they said I had osteoporosis with severe wear in my hip. since then I've been told I'm an attention seeker, hypochondriac and depressed.
I was told in 2004 that I had FM by a specialist, and ME by a locum GP, then menopause. after moving house my new GP put it down to an ear infection and referred me to a psychologist! got to laugh at that one eh.
*First sent me to a shrink.
*Tension stress.
*For decades thought all symptoms down to anxiety/panic attacks/phobias - they are horrible anyway.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Even harsher new ESA medical approved
Tens of thousands of claimants facing losing their benefit on review, or on being transferred from incapacity benefit, as plans to make ...the employment and support allowance (ESA) medical much harder to pass are approved by the secretary of state for work and pensions, Yvette Cooper.
Report in full here
Report in full here
*Absolutely disgusting! Will not b voting that government!
*I agree with you, I'm having enough trouble at the moment with dla and the rest of the benefits that I should get!
*Reads like a joke doesn't it.
*A very sick joke.
*Sadly it's no joke.
*Unbelievable! These people in Government. just don't have a clue how difficult enough it is for a disabled person to live a 'normal' life.
We do not need people telling us what we are and not able to do. Talk about Victorian attitudes! Next they'll be shipping us all off to specially designed places where we will work alongside people with matching disabilities just to get us all into work.
*What a load of stupid ideas they have come up with, we maybe disabled and can't do most of the things that we could do before if we became disabled later on in life or for those that were born disabled can't do what an able bodied person can do, now we are going to be penalised for it where is our disabled rights in that?
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Do you get a lot of migraines?
*My sister does but not me I'm happy I don't.
*Every so often, yes, and when I get one, it knocks me off my feet.
*All the time.
*Oh my goodness yes! Migraines were my first symptoms.
*Yes, not as many now my GP put me on anti epilepsy medication.
*Too many.
*Almost every day.
*I used to, but haven't had a single one since I had a hysterectomy, and I only developed Fibromyalgia after the surgery. I absolutely believe it is related to hormone levels or something.
*Two to three times a week, so too many plus daily headaches.
*Yes everyday.
*Oh yes they last for day's.
*Yes. It's gotten a lot better since I went on 100mg of Topamax daily. However I get them if I get a sinus headache and don't take care of it quickly enough, if I let me blood sugar stay low for too long and if I have an asthma attack, I'm a mess!
*Once or twice a month for a few days at a time.
*Oh yes. At one point I had a migraine constantly for over a year, numbed by strong pain relief but never gone. I am convinced mine is linked in to a dural tap I suffered during labour in 2002, infact I am convinced the Fibro is caused by this too.
For me medication would work for so long then stop.
One in particular (anti epilepsy one, sorry Fibro fog can't recall name at the moment) worked well then stopped working after 6 months and after a years break GP thought they would try it again and I reacted so badly I thought I was going to die.
Migraines are what finish me off Fibro wise. the rest although bloody hard to do I can battle through. Migraines I can't as I throw up to the point of collapse.
*Heck Yes!
*No migraines but daily headaches which are really bothering me in the evenings when I try to relax.
*Luckily, haven't gotten any recently (I knocked wood!) But before I lost my job, when I pushed my body harder then I do now, I got them almost weekly.
*Yes! They are stress related according to my neurologist. Stress = Pain, go figure!
*Remember the name now topiramite.
*No I don't.
*Yes take zomig for it and they really help, been ill for 10 years but migraines have started in past 2yrs. Have to avoid the sun, heat, stress and alcohol.
*Used to, I'd literally collapse and black out with them, thankfully now after changing my diet I only get them rarely and that's if I over do it too many times in a row without proper resting and eating .
*Yes, a couple of times through out the month, more around I am due a period is the worst time.
*Bloody hell more than my fair share I think.
*Every day for last 24 years.
*Constant dull headache and, yeah, migraines about once a month. Especially with extreme weather changes (gotta love living in Wisconsin).
Topiramate helps keep me from having too many and, when I do get them, Relpax usually stops them from getting too bad. Before Lyrica and Savella were helping with the Fibro symptoms, the migraines were out of control even with the medication.
*Yes I do. Sometimes it is sinus, when my throat is sore and sometimes it is muscular, when the pain goes up the back of my neck into my head. If it is sinus I take diphenhydramine.
I also take it at night when I can't sleep. (Tip: diphenhydramine is the generic name for Benadryl, which is what is in Tylenol PM, but if you buy the generic you can buy it at the dollar store) If it is muscular I take butalbitol(not sure if I spelled that right), prescribed by my Dr.
*Used to have them constant but thankfully not so much now just get them every so often.
*No thank goodness.
*I did a lot until I was pregnant with my first child, then they seemed to go away. I now get one every once in a while. The only thing that works for me is Excedrin Migraine.
*I got two or three a week for years - then I found out I was chemically sensitive. I was fortunate enough to be able to move away from all the pollution to the coast and within two years they had stopped.
As long as I'm not exposed to fumes eg smoke, fuel, perfumes etc. I rarely get them any more. That was such a relief as they started when I was aged about 7 in 1950.
*Sometimes several a day and a day never goes by without one.
*He'll yes. Constant daily headaches in varying degrees and Migraines from Hell that knock off my feet for a day to a week usually with a flare up.
But have found being on LYRICA has made a difference. Daily headaches a bit more bearable.
*No, but I get lots of headaches and I get the visual disturbance from migraines without the headache.
*No I can honestly say that my head is the only place that doesn't usually hurt.
*Yes never used to headaches like this have to stay in bed all day makes me feel really ill.
*All the time. they get worse when I'm having to take a lot of painkillers too.
*I get headaches on a daily basis but they're not all migraines.
*Not really, ever now and then have a bad headache but, not often, the one thing I need is relaxation and knowing how to feel that and going to sleep and feeling rested. Never have those two things.
*No I have never had one, but I do suffer with tension headaches, for the lady who couldn't remember the anti epileptic medication could it be Gabapentin?
I was put on that and I had such an extreme reaction (took my Fibro symptoms and magnified them to a point I felt I would die) that I still haven't recovered from it completely and it's been almost a year!
*Loads although less since going on the amitriptyline.
*I had 1 everyday for a week every month until my doctor gave me the depo injection don't get them now which is great.
*Yes I do.
*Daily headaches are not migraines, but can be very bad and can be caused by medication. Sinus headaches are usually migraines.
Migraines usually come with the Fibro and many FM people, especially women have them. Hormones and menopause can make them worse.
*Oh yes.
*Yes I've even got anti- sickness tablets for them as well.
*Yes I do. I have been getting them since I was 7-8 years old.
*Yes and if I don't catch it quickly I end up really ill. gentle hugs everyone.
*Not as many since I started taking Topamax for them.
*Yes along with other headache types.
*Used to have them weekly and they lasted about four days. Since being on gaberpentin for the last three months, I have had one.
It was as bad as previous ones with the feeling that I had been hit with a cricket bat down the left side of my face and head but it only took one day of paracetamol and codeine to get it under control.
*Yes lot's of them.
*Only since my 1st Stroke which was 5 years after diagnosis.
*I sure do.
*UGH! I was diagnosed with chronic daily migraines, not fun at all! Anyone have a cure or solution?
*Thankfully no, but I do have chronic daily headaches due to my Fibro and am on Topamax, but when I get them, I get them like a typical migraine that can last me a couple of days.
*Yes. I think it has something to do with the medications I am on. They get really bad when I have any kind of change in medication.
*Loads! Usually brought on by exhaustion, stress or lights.
*Yes - have a big one now.
*Yes, I have anti sickness tablets too! Make me feel awful, get them about twice a month. Sometimes more often, have bad flare up at minute so taken meds to keep stable.
*I use to do when I was a teenager, but I do permanently have headaches, worse when I'm stressed, like all the time, with a ASD child, and Flbro (sorry about the spelling.)
*Used to, got a lot of tension headaches that went into a migraine as well, however, I don't get half as many now due to being put on propranolol (40mg 3 times daily) and fortnightly full body aromatherapy massages. Its worth a try!
*I used to get them only occasionally, but lately I've been getting them more and more often. I suspect they're actually tension headaches. My mum started getting tension headaches constantly just before her Fibro went full-blown.
*All the time! A lot of them seem to be hormone related.
*YES! I switched to no hormones added" milk, so not as many migraines as I used to. Massaging the head and scalp, along with Excedrine seems to be my only relief.
*Last year I lived with migraines almost constantly for about 7 months. I was horrible.
*Yep, right in middle of forehead.
*I go to a headache specialist who has been very helpful. They decreased when I was put on Topamx. I'm now off it after a year on it.
Hopefully they won't return as often as they did. I sometimes got them 3 or 4 times a week, and couldn't function at all.
*Too many.
*OMG Yes!
*Last weekend 72 hours. First one in about 8 months. I just sleep only thing that helps.
*Have one now.
*About 1 or 2 per week.
*But the funny thing is That was the beginning of my illness 3 and 4 a week, nothing would help except a pain shot. But now I can take 2 excedren migraine and it takes the pain away!
*Used to, but strangely, when menopause hit, the migraines decreased, and fatigue and other pains increased.
*Sure do.
*Yes. used to get so many that I would run out of medication.
*I HATE migraines, on relpax medication to get rid of them, but I get them bad enough that they trigger my asthma attacks. To the point I am totally helpless and thankful that I have never been alone when they happen (stopped breathing twice) and I almost always wake up with them if the house is too hot/stuffy.
I also found out that mozzarella cheese has a chemical in it that aggravates migraines and once I stopped eating it so much they decreased. and as long as I keep my house cool when I sleep I can be thankful when I don't wake up with one.
*Yes really bad ones.
*I do get some migraines, my biggest complaint are the tension headaches.
*Yes, my hearing has gone too, peace and love.
*Yes, Yes I do, severe ones last 3 days, and then the back to back ones. I feel like a pressure cooker, or a volcano, building up steam and there she blows!
Then I am all right for a while, then off we go again. does anyone else get nose bleeds after a bad migraine?
*No, used to before when I was younger but no problem now.
*Anyone else suffer with their hearing. I'm not sure whether it is my hearing or the fact that I can't take in what someone has said so have to ask them to repeat it time and time again?!
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